How to take bee pollen and bee bread for pancreatitis and how they are useful


A truly shocking fact will now be published. Nature gives a person everything to be healthy. And if you believe the legends, then all the useful elements can be found in beekeeping products, because the creator sent the bee to earth precisely in order to give a person a healthy and painless life. One of the beekeeping products is bee bread, which contains all the necessary components to restore the activity of the pancreas. It sounds a little unrealistic, because even children know what problems happen if there is a malfunction in this gland. However, this is precisely why it is necessary to carefully discuss questions about how bee bread works for pancreatitis.

Healing properties of beekeeping products

Flower pollen is a real treasure of useful elements. Its composition is enriched:

  • fructose, glucose, sucrose;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acids;
  • vitamins A, B, C, D, E, P, K;
  • mineral salts;
  • carotenoids;
  • phytohormones;
  • magnesium and potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc, iodine.

Bee bread is one of the ten leading products in terms of protein and amino acid content. At the same time, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is relatively small and is only about 230 kcal.

Due to this composition, pollen has a wide range of medicinal effects on the body:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antibacterial.
  3. Antispasmodic.
  4. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  5. Helps increase muscle mass.
  6. Tones, gives strength and energy.
  7. Strengthens the heart muscle and activates its functionality.
  8. Lowers cholesterol levels.
  9. Increases the number of red blood cells in the blood.
  10. Helps normalize blood pressure.
  11. Prevents the development of anemia.
  12. Increases libido in women and men.
  13. Increases sperm motility and quality.
  14. Normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  15. Helps with toxicosis.
  16. Activates brain performance.
  17. Improves memory, increases concentration.
  18. Increases appetite.
  19. Activates metabolism.
  20. Normalizes intestinal microflora.
  21. Helps with bloating, intestinal colic and constipation.
  22. Promotes the restoration of damaged cells in the body, including the digestive organs.
  23. Activates the removal of toxins from the body.
  24. Promotes better absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
  25. Maintains visual acuity and helps improve it.

Thus, pollen supports vital processes in the body, enriches it with essential elements and promotes the restoration of damaged cells.

Will speed up recovery, water infusion of propolis

“...For pancreatitis, I recommend a simple remedy made from propolis, which will not only help you quickly return to normal after exacerbations, but also improve the condition of the pancreas and digestive organs. We will talk about a water infusion.

Propolis must first be prepared by placing it in the freezer. After this, grind to a few millimeters. You can simply chop it with a knife or grate it.

When frozen, propolis can be easily crushed. Pour hot water into a small saucepan (no more than 90-95 °C, do not bring to a boil!), add propolis in a ratio of 1:10 (50 g of propolis per 0.5 liter of water), cover the saucepan with a lid and place in a water bath for hour (the water should be just on the verge of boiling, but not boiling!). When the infusion has cooled, drain it through the filter. You can store an aqueous solution of propolis in a dark glass container, preferably in a cool and dark place. Shelf life - no more than a week.

If you don’t have time to bother with a water bath, you can prepare the infusion in a thermos: pour 10 g of crushed propolis into 90 ml of hot boiled water. Leave for a day and filter. Take 1 dess. before meals. spoon 2 times a day. The course is 2 weeks.”

The composition of propolis has not been fully studied; to date, more than 20 compounds have been identified in it (and in total there are more than 800 different groups): organic acids, tannins, phenols, flavonoids. alcohols, a mixture of resins and balms, wax, essential oil, pollen, vitamins and minerals.

All of them make an important contribution to the health of the body: they make propolis an effective pain reliever, provide anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects, neutralize salts of heavy metals, break down carcinogenic resin that enters the body through smoking and from the environment, prevent the proliferation of viruses, etc. .d.

Who is prohibited from using bee bread?

Despite all the usefulness of the product, there are contraindications to consuming pollen. One of the main ones is an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance. Bee bread and honey are considered quite allergenic substances, so before starting a course of treatment you must check the body's reaction. To do this, you should consume a small amount of the product in the first half of the day and wait a day. If during this time a skin rash, redness, itching and burning, sore throat, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or headache appear, pollen should be removed from the diet.

In cases where, against the background of one or more of the above symptoms, a rapid heartbeat or dizziness is felt, you should urgently seek medical help, as these may be signs of anaphylactic shock.

Pollen is also not recommended for consumption for the following conditions and diseases:

  • Poor blood clotting.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Oncology.
  • Exacerbation of an infectious disease.
  • Exacerbation of somatic ailments.
  • Acute form of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis.
  • Increased excitability.
  • Insomnia.

Bee bread can be consumed with great caution and in small doses if you have diabetes, however, only after consulting a doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation, pollen is very useful, but even here you need to be prudent. You should not eat the product if there is increased tone of the uterus or a threat of miscarriage, since vitamin C contained in pollen can provoke premature birth.

In the first five months of lactation, it is advisable to stop consuming the product, since it is still difficult for a small body to process adult food. Then you can add bee bread to the diet in small portions and be sure to monitor whether the baby has any allergies (rash, redness of the skin, intestinal colic).

Possible side effects of pollen

One of the most common side effects of bee bread is allergies. It may appear as:

  • skin rashes, redness, itching, burning, swelling;
  • headaches;
  • cough;
  • runny nose;
  • difficulty breathing.

If the product is used during an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system, the patient's condition may worsen. This often manifests itself in stool disturbances, nausea, vomiting, intestinal or stomach pain.

The product contains a large amount of vitamins, so consuming it in significant quantities for a long time without breaks can lead to the development of hypervitaminosis. This condition is no less dangerous than a lack of vitamins. It can provoke hormonal disruptions, disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, nervous system, disruptions in metabolic and digestive processes.

Eating pollen in the last months of pregnancy can provoke uterine hypertonicity and, as a result, miscarriage and premature birth.

It is not advisable to eat the product three to four hours before bedtime, as it tones, invigorates and can cause problems falling asleep.

The effect of bee bread on the pancreas

Bee pollen for pancreatitis is used only to treat the chronic form of the disease. In case of acute inflammation of the pancreas, as well as during periods of exacerbation of a chronic disease, the product is not recommended for use. You can eat it no earlier than a week after the end of the painful sensations associated with acute pancreatitis.

Bee bread for pancreatitis relieves inflammation and swelling of the affected organ and promotes its speedy recovery. During the inflammatory process, spasms often occur in the pancreatic ducts, which significantly impede the release of pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum, where they should be activated. As a result, enzymes begin to work in the gland itself and digest the organ tissue.

Bee pollen helps relieve spasms from the smooth muscles of the pancreas, intestines and stomach. This improves the outflow of digestive enzymes, activates metabolism and digestion processes.

Bee bread restores the microflora of the intestines, stomach and pancreas, since the disease deals a great blow to the microflora of these organs: as a result of digestive disorders, some food begins to rot right in the intestines or stomach. In addition, many beneficial microorganisms are killed by antibiotics during the treatment of the disease.

Bee bread for pancreatitis is also very useful because it helps restore damaged pancreatic cells. During the active course of the disease, organ tissues succumb to the aggressive influence of digestive secretions, wounds and necrotic areas appear on the mucous membrane. If no action is taken to treat them in time, over time such lesions can develop into an ulcer or cancer. Pollen takes an active part in the regeneration of damaged tissues.

The product improves carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the body. This helps to restore the activity of digestive enzymes, the production of which may be disrupted during illness.

Treatment of pancreatitis is accompanied by a strict diet that limits many foods. At the same time, the body needs to receive vital elements. Bee bread will just replenish the reserves of all necessary substances and vitamins - it is very nutritious, and the calorie content of the product is relatively small. Pollen improves appetite, tones, strengthens the immune system, which leads to a general improvement in the condition of a person suffering from pancreatitis.

Honey will prolong remission


“...I advise everyone who has suffered pancreatitis to pay attention to honey. With our illness, it is not prohibited, but, of course, it can only be eaten in moderation. It is impossible to cure pancreatitis with honey, but it is possible to achieve long-term remission, as I was convinced of myself. To get the desired effect, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations. It is advisable to consume honey half an hour before breakfast, dissolving it in water or washing it down. You should start with 0.5 teaspoon. If pain or diarrhea occurs, you should stop taking it (this condition may indicate that the honey was chosen incorrectly). The amount of honey eaten per day should not exceed 2 tbsp. spoons."

Any type of natural honey contains many useful components that are important for the pancreas and the whole body.

And the most useful for pancreatic problems is considered to be zabrus with honey. This bee product is useful because it contains not only honey (necessarily ripened), but also wax, propolis and other components that prevent the development of harmful microorganisms. Wax from zabrus helps restore intestinal motility, and propolis helps restore microflora in the digestive tract and relieve inflammatory processes.

Therefore, it is ideally suited for normalizing the functioning of the pancreas: inflammation is reduced, accumulated enzymes and microorganisms are removed from the ducts of the pancreas and the small intestine.

Such a product cannot always be found on store shelves, so instead of it, you can use the more affordable May honey for treatment.

In case of acute pancreatitis, honey can be consumed only in the 4th month after recovery, and in case of exacerbation of a chronic disease - in the 2nd month.

Pollen application course and recommended dosage

It is very important to know how to take pollen for pancreatitis, since an overdose of the product can cause significant harm to the body. The general recommended dosage for chronic pancreatitis is no more than a tablespoon of bee bread powder per day or 30-35 grams.

One course of treatment should not exceed thirty days. After its completion, it is better to take a break for 7-14 days, then the course can be repeated. You should not carry out more than 3-5 courses of treatment in one year; the recommended periods are November, January and April.

It should be borne in mind that the dose for children under 12 years of age should be reduced. Children from one to three years old should not be given more than half a teaspoon per day, children from three to five years old can be given this amount twice a day, and children from six to twelve years old are usually given a teaspoon no more than three times a day.

It should be noted that the course of treatment should begin with the resorption of three or four bee bread granules - it is necessary to check the body’s reaction to pollen. Gradually, over several days, the dose is increased to one teaspoon of peas per day. After a week of taking the medicine, you can take a teaspoon in two or three approaches per day, excluding the use of the drug before bedtime.

Chemical composition of bee pollen

The chemical composition of pollen is determined by the plant inflorescence itself, geographic origin, climatic conditions, soil type, race and activity of bees.

Pollen consists of 24% protein, 3-5% fat (including essential fatty acids), 18.5% sugary substances, 2.55% minerals and 0.56% lactic acid. Bee bread contains 20–24% proteins, 0.6–1.5% fats, 24–34% sugary substances, 2.4–2.6% minerals and 3% lactic acid.

The vitamins and minerals in different varieties of bee bread are the same, but their content differs depending on the plant from which it was collected. The composition includes the following chemical components:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Plant enzymes, protein compounds and amino acids.
  • Mineral components: phosphorus, calcium, potassium and sodium salts, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc.
  • Flavonoids.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids and vegetable fats.
  • Phenolic substances.
  • B vitamins, ascorbic, nicotinic acids, retinol, alpha-tocopherol.
  • Growth stimulants.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Steroids.
  • Phytoestrogens.

Methods of using bee bread for medicinal purposes

The product is best consumed in its natural form:

  • Granules or pollutants.
  • Powder.

When using pharmaceutical capsules, it is recommended to open the gelatin shell and use only its contents. Tinctures and alcohol solutions for inflammation of the pancreas are undesirable.

In its purest form

Treatment of pancreatitis with beebread does not require much effort. Pollen can be added to slightly cooled food or chewed 15 minutes before eating. There is no need to drink the product with water.

  • In order to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is enough to take one teaspoon of the product per day.
  • For medicinal purposes, usually take a teaspoon of the product two or three times a day. In the absence of gastritis or ulcers, it is advisable to take the first dose in the morning on an empty stomach.

With honey

It is useful to eat pollen with honey. A teaspoon of bee bread is mixed with a tablespoon of honey, but other proportions can be used - 1:1 and 1:2. The drug should be divided into three equal doses. Consume half an hour before meals.

With royal jelly

For 300 grams of honey, take about 50 grams of pollen and 2 grams of royal jelly. The components are thoroughly mixed, transferred to glass containers and stored in a cool place away from sunlight. This tonic is taken 1 tsp. up to 3 times a day before meals.

Combined with herbs

Pollen can be combined with the following decoctions:

Means Preparation
From black currant3-4 leaves are poured into 250 ml. boiling water and leave for about 15 minutes
From rosehipa small handful of berries is crushed and poured into 400 ml. hot water, leave overnight in a thermos
From the color of hawthorn and lemon balmtake 1 tsp. each component and pour 450 ml. boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes
From mint2-3 leaves are poured into 200 ml. boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes
From yarrow1 tbsp. 500 ml of raw materials are steamed. hot water and leave for at least 40 minutes

Approximately 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon of a mixture of bee bread and honey (1:1) is taken three times a day, washed down with a small amount of herbal decoction. The course of treatment is about 15 days. Thanks to the combination of different components, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of treatment.


A mixture of beebread and honey (1:1) is taken 3-4 times a day, diluting 1 des.l. in 50 ml. boiled water. Moreover, it is advisable to pre-infuse the liquid for 1-2 hours and take it only warm. The course of treatment is no more than a month with a mandatory subsequent break of 2 weeks.



“...When my neighbor in the hospital ward advised me to chew a piece of fresh propolis for pain in my pancreas (I have pancreatitis), to be honest, I didn’t take it seriously. But soon, when everything started to hurt again, I tried it - and was surprised by the effectiveness of the remedy: the discomfort went away almost immediately after chewing.

Then I periodically began to conduct 3-week courses: 2-3 g (the size of a small pea) of fresh propolis was placed in the mouth and held until completely absorbed or chewed for a long time. Took 1 hour before meals twice a day. He noted that he recovered faster, and now the condition of the pancreas has stabilized (this was confirmed by the doctor), and there have been no more attacks. I hope for a long time."

The simple process of chewing bee glue (as propolis is called) brings maximum benefits to the entire body. Under the influence of heat and moisture in the mouth, the action of the substances contained in propolis is activated. They envelop the stomach, protect its affected areas, relieve inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day, but use no more than 5 g (!) of propolis per day. You should continue chewing the bee glue until it is completely dissolved; the remainder can be swallowed in the end - this will only benefit the stomach.

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