What category of people needs monitoring bowel cleansing?

The result of normal functioning of the intestines is the processing of food and the formation of feces. Harmful substances accumulate in the intestines, which, if the body is healthy, are eliminated in a timely manner. With constipation, this process is disrupted: toxic components enter the body, poisoning it. Monitor colon cleansing is the most effective way to remove excess waste to improve your well-being. The medical name of the procedure is colon hydrotherapy.

Why does the intestine not work properly?

There are several reasons why the intestines stop fully performing their functions and become “lazy”:

  • unbalanced diet - the diet contains little fiber, a lot of flour and sweets, and drinks little water;
  • violation of the diet - large time intervals between meals;
  • bad habits;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • Constant use of laxatives - the intestines get used to them.

One of the unpleasant complications - weak intestinal motility - is the formation of fecal stones.

Interesting fact! Problems with the intestines contribute to the manifestation of symptoms not only related to its functioning, but also to other organs. For example, periodic headaches, weakness, dull complexion, obesity can be a consequence of clogged intestines.

Possibility of developing addiction

Habituation is a fairly common side effect after monitoring bowel cleansing. The body quickly becomes dependent on therapy, especially when using the method for losing weight and improving the metabolism of the digestive tract.

After treatment, lazy bowel syndrome is observed, which requires constant stimulation to improve her motility and move feces naturally. This condition implies significant weakness of intestinal motility and weakness of its walls. The feces stagnate, the patient suffers from constant constipation. Stimulation is carried out in this case using enemas and laxatives.

Chronic use of laxatives can also cause and worsen lazy bowel syndrome. In some cases, IOCs and laxatives can lead to a complete loss of normal gastrointestinal motility, which is not always possible to return and only with long-term drug treatment and diet.

Indications for the procedure

  • chronic diseases of the large intestine of an inflammatory nature during remission;
  • lengthening of the sigmoid colon;
  • systematic constipation;
  • taking drugs, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • long-term use of medications, drug poisoning;
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora;
  • after chemotherapy;
  • preparation for surgery on various parts of the large intestine;
  • helminthiasis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • slagging of the body, manifested by increased fatigue, the appearance of acne, frequent illnesses;
  • allergic skin diseases, psoriasis, urticaria, atopic dermatitis.

Colon hydrotherapy for preventive purposes is indicated for patients who do not have problems with intestinal health.


Vika, Yekaterinburg So-so feeling, stomach is bursting, strangely seething - horror. But I had to do a cleaning before the colonoscopy. There were no special problems, and then I felt normal, but I didn’t like the sensations.

Irina, Novorossiysk But I regularly cleanse my intestines. About once every couple of months it helps me both cleanse my skin and lose a couple of kilos. And over time, the procedure began to be easy for me, the discomfort was minimal.

Valeria, Chelyabinsk I myself am not a supporter of this method. I believe that such cleaning causes more problems than benefits. But my friend just runs to the clinic. She likes everything and praises the advantages. So to each his own, apparently.

Milana, Kharkov I did colon hydrotherapy on the doctor’s advice - I had terrible constipation, I didn’t take laxatives, I didn’t go to the toilet for weeks. The procedure helped improve bowel movements for a couple of months, but then constipation returned. Now I go sometimes to clean it.

How to prepare for a monitored colon cleanse

The preparatory period lasts for several days. To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • exclude from the diet foods that provoke flatulence. These include: legumes, apples, grapes, corn, carbonated drinks;
  • limit the consumption of foods containing protein, since it takes a long time to digest;
  • The day before the procedure, you should take one of the drugs that has a mild laxative effect. Thanks to the action of laxatives, water will remove toxic substances from the intestines faster and more;
  • An hour before the procedure, it is recommended to drink the dose of an antispasmodic drug recommended by the doctor in order to reduce discomfort.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

During the procedure, water under pressure cleanses the intestines. As a result, the following effects are observed:

  • appetite improves;
  • constipation is eliminated;
  • the rash decreases or disappears altogether, the condition of the skin, hair, and nails improves;
  • intestinal motility is normalized;
  • immune defense is strengthened;
  • the risk of pelvic organ diseases is reduced.

In rare cases, if the procedure is not carried out correctly, hydrocolonoscopy may be accompanied by the following disadvantages:

  • irritation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • removal of beneficial bacteria from the intestinal surface;
  • organ damage at the folds;
  • During the procedure, nausea and vomiting may occur;
  • Often the patient experiences bloating and minor pain.

Contraindications to the procedure

Monitor cleansing is not for everyone. It is possible to avoid undesirable consequences if you perform colon hydrotherapy for people who do not have the following conditions:

  • “acute” abdomen with severe inflammation;
  • bleeding from the abdominal organs;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • diarrhea;
  • inguinal or umbilical hernia;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • myocardial infarction, stroke;
  • hyperthermia;
  • intestinal prolapse;
  • psychical deviations.

Possible violations after IOC

In most cases, due to massive cleansing of the intestinal tract and a significant volume of water, the patient experiences nausea and vomiting right during the session. Due to incorrectly selected pressure or the presence of inflammation in the anal area, pain may be felt, bloating and abdominal cramps may appear.

The described symptoms disappear quite quickly, while some experts consider spasms and pain during cleaning to be a normal condition. In severe cases, the patient may develop the following dangerous complications:

  • prolonged uncontrolled diarrhea;
  • severe dehydration due to increased motor skills;
  • constant fatigue and allergic reaction to rinsing solutions;
  • disruption of the metabolic process in tissues;
  • failure of the kidneys and liver, which can develop into acute conditions;
  • perforation of the intestinal wall and release of feces into the peritoneum.

Hardware lavage affects most of the digestive tract, so it is important to carry out treatment only by competent specialists. It is imperative to check the serviceability of the mechanism and avoid injury when inserting a probe and water, which can also cause serious infectious inflammation.

How is the manipulation carried out?

Before the procedure, you should empty your bladder. Several hours before the procedure you should not eat food. The doctor assesses the patient’s functional state: measures blood pressure and pulse. All work of a specialist is carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis.

The patient is placed on the couch. The treated tip of the probe is carefully inserted through the rectal sphincter. Water is pumped into the intestinal lumen under pressure. In this case, the patient experiences a feeling of slight bloating, which quickly passes. As soon as the required volume of liquid is introduced, the device begins to pump it out along with the intestinal contents. The procedure is repeated in a similar way several times.

Definition of colon therapy

The procedure, which can be carried out for a long time, is aimed at cleansing the patient’s intestines using special devices and methods that help eliminate all parasites, old feces, waste, and toxins - intestinal colon therapy . The modern procedure provides the opportunity to perform hardware cleansing of the intestines, which is very helpful if surgical treatment is necessary.

The body of a completely healthy person is built in such a way that it is able to independently remove all harmful substances and unnecessary components that have a negative impact on the body. But with poor nutrition, consumption of harmful foods, alcohol or smoking, the intestines do not have enough strength to fight the breakdown products of such products, which leads to their accumulation in the body and the development of a toxic effect.

Monitoring intestinal cleansing (hydrotherapy) helps to remove all harmful components in a shorter period of time, as a result of which a natural metabolic process is established in the body, the patient begins to feel much better, and the functioning of his digestive system is normalized.

Cleaning is carried out using a special device. So, a special tube with a “double-barreled shotgun” type tip is inserted into the patient’s anus: through one compartment, washing liquid enters the body, and through the second, all used washing water is sucked in.

During the thirty-minute procedure, about twenty liters of liquid pass through the intestines. The device must accurately dose the amount of fluid entering the intestines and slowly dose its supply. To avoid loops or injuries in the human mucosa, such a procedure should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician using a special monitor.

Monitor bowel cleansing

The diagnostic and treatment center offers everyone who has problems with intestinal health or for preventive purposes to undergo a monitored intestinal cleansing.

There are various ways to restore colon motility. An experienced specialist, Ekaterina Andreevna Ivanova, understands this issue best. The healing procedure, taking into account various factors, is carried out under her supervision.

An individual approach to each client, excellent results - all this awaits you within the walls of our center. Contact us to regain your health, improve your quality of life, and maintain youth!

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