Identifying the causes of vaginal discomfort in women

Unpleasant sensations in the genital area that a woman feels are subjective and can have various manifestations. Discomfort in the vagina can be understood as itching, burning, unusual discharge from the genital tract, rashes, and unpleasant odor. To determine the causes of such symptoms, a gynecological examination, laboratory and instrumental studies are necessary.

Etiology of vaginal discomfort

The relevance of the problem of vitamin B9 deficiency is due to its extreme importance for normal human life. The functions of folic acid include the following:

Gynecological diseases can cause discomfort:

  • vaginal candidiasis (thrush);
  • bacterial infections (vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, colpitis);
  • STIs (herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, condylomas); involutional changes associated with menopause (kraurosis of the vulva, atrophy of the vaginal lining, etc.).

Discomfort in the vagina can be caused by diseases not related to the reproductive system, including:

  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • cystitis;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland;
  • allergy;
  • infection with helminths and protozoa, etc.

Physiological factors that can cause discomfort in the vagina include physical and emotional stress, hypothermia/overheating, taking certain medications, weak immunity, pregnancy, and poor nutrition. As well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, individual intolerance to the composition of intimate hygiene products, allergies to latex and intimate lubricants, wearing low-quality underwear.

Self-awareness, being inextricably linked with the intensity of stimulation of both intero- and exteroceptors, forms an idea of ​​the physical state, which is accompanied by a peculiar emotional background. The idea of ​​one’s somatic state, accompanied by certain experiences, finds its expression in various forms of a person’s attitude towards his health. In some cases it is neglect, in others it is increased attention, in others it is an adequate attitude towards it. The content of a person’s attitude towards his health depends on many reasons: personal characteristics, age, previous diseases, lifestyle and work, physical fitness.

It seems to us that from a psychological point of view, three stages can be distinguished in the disease process, which reflect the formation and dynamics of the patient’s personal reactions to his suffering. These stages are the following: sensorological, evaluative and the stage of attitude towards the disease. Let's consider them in the specified sequence.

The sensorological stage reflects the patient’s reactions to the developed phenomena of discomfort, pain of varying intensity and the associated feeling of one or another personal insufficiency.

When disharmony occurs, the coordinated activity of various organs and systems is disrupted, the interconnection of individual levels becomes difficult, and signs of morphofunctional disorders appear, subjective states develop with sensations of an unusual, uncertain nature. Awareness of the processes occurring inside the body is limited to unclear, unpleasant sensations of varying degrees of severity, with uncertain localization [Kempinsky, 1975]. These sensations, being harbingers of somatic illness, cause a condition designated as discomfort. This concept arose as an antithesis to the state of comfort. Comfort is usually understood as the optimal level of personal well-being, well-being and work activity.

It is generally accepted that as a result of excessive exposure to physical and chemical environmental factors, physiological discomfort can occur, which, in turn, causes strong psychological experiences [Naenko N. I., 1976]. In space medicine, for example, discomfort is considered as a state of mismatch between physiological and psychological functions, especially often arising under unusual conditions of existence for humans: weightlessness, overload, sensory “hunger” [Suvorova V.V., 1975]. Violations of psychophysiological tone, mood changes in some cases can be an early symptom of certain forms of somatic diseases [Portnov A. A., Fedotov D. D., 1971]. With a well-known reason, discomfort can be attributed to the phenomena of the so-called koinestopathy [Astvatsaturov M.I., 1936] - the experience of feelings of anxiety and fear. These emotional changes in some cases can serve as psychological manifestations of incipient somatic suffering.

Along with vague diffuse subjective sensations of discomfort, local discomfort is possible (in the area of ​​the heart, stomach, intestines, etc.).

Thus, discomfort as a subjective feeling of disharmony, inconsistency of physical and mental activity, and a decrease in the optimality of personal well-being and functioning acquires a certain diagnostic value. It acts as an early psychological sign of morpho-functional changes. The latter reflect the latent, compensated, undeveloped stage of the disease.

Further development of the disease may be accompanied by the development of discomfort into pain. But pain, as is known, while indicating the presence of pathology, is not always an obligatory subjective component of the disease.

According to modern concepts, pain is a unique psychophysiological state of a person that arises as a result of exposure to super-strong stimuli that cause organic or functional disorders in the body. Based on a systems approach, it is more appropriate to consider pain as an integrative function of the body, which mobilizes a wide variety of functional systems to protect it from a harmful factor and includes such components as consciousness, sensations, emotions, memory, motivation, vegetative and behavioral reactions [Anokhin P.K. ., Orlov I.V., Erokhina L.G., 1976]. However, being subjective, pain at the same time reflects objective reality, processes occurring in the central nervous system [Dionisov S. M., 1963]. Pain, being a sensation of the whole organism, at the same time has a local manifestation [Gurvich S.S., Petlenko V.P., Tsaregorodtsev G.I., 1977]. Being a signal of trouble in the body, it causes various individual reactions. Therefore, it is incorrect to equate pain with the suffering it causes [Simpson, 1961]. The subjectivity of the concept of “pain” lies in the coloring, the description of pain that the patient gives it. In the sensation of pain, the subjective and objective, psychological and physiological are merged [Sheputo L.L., 1963]. The range of pain is very wide: from weak sensations to unbearable suffering. However, the reaction to pain and its subjective assessment vary depending on external conditions, individual characteristics of the individual, and his attitude to pain. Thus, anticipation and fear of pain, fatigue and insomnia increase sensitivity to it. In people who are exhausted and have a weak nervous system, even mild pain reduces activity and causes lethargy; In excitable individuals, the external reaction to pain can be excessively violent, but at the same time, when excited, immunity to pain sometimes occurs.

health concept – previous | the next one is the sensory stage

Kvasenko A.V., Zubarev Yu.G. Psychology of the patient. Content

How does vaginal discomfort manifest?

Signs of diseases are:

  • itching in the labia minora and labia majora;
  • discharge with an unusual color and odor;
  • rashes on the labia;
  • feeling of dryness in the vagina;
  • feeling of a foreign object;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • painful intercourse;
  • swelling and redness of the external genitalia.

Will drops help with eye redness and foreign body sensation?

Moisturizing eye drops are first-line drugs that are prescribed for redness of the sclera, swelling of the eyelids, dryness, and burning sensation. They can eliminate unpleasant sensations, but do not get rid of the causes of their occurrence.

Delfanto® capsules contain at least 35% polyphenolic anthocyanins, which is an absolute record for such products. They help restore damaged cells of the tear glands, improve the composition and normalize tear production. As a result, the eyes receive sufficient hydration naturally.

Eye drops with moisturizing components are only suitable for relieving the symptoms of computer syndrome, dry eye syndrome. They are not able to influence the true cause of discomfort (disruption of the lacrimal glands), so they cannot completely get rid of the unpleasant sensations in the corners of the eyes.

All processes in the body are interconnected and some eye drops can aggravate the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. We are talking about drugs with benzalkonium chloride, which kills goblet cells responsible for the production of an important component of tears - mucin.

The use of such drugs, especially for a long time, can lead to negative consequences (from allergies to the progression of dry eye syndrome), and then when turning the eyes to the side, unpleasant sensations can persist for a long time. If you combine taking Delfanto® capsules and drops, you can stop taking the latter after 2 weeks, since the production of your own tears can return to normal.

Diagnosis for vaginal discomfort

With similar symptoms, women turn to a gynecologist. The doctor collects anamnesis and clarifies the nature of the discomfort. Next, he conducts a gynecological examination, takes smears for analysis of microflora, bacteriological culture, cytology (the cellular composition of the epithelium of the vagina and cervix is ​​studied).

To clarify the causes of discomfort in the vagina, clinical and biochemical blood tests may be prescribed (to identify signs of an inflammatory process), colposcopy (visual examination of the inner surface of the genital tract using a colposcope), biopsy (sampling of material from a pathological lesion for histological and cytological analysis). During the diagnosis, attention is also paid to changes in the acidity and composition of the vaginal microflora.

How to relieve discomfort before visiting a doctor?

To relieve the feeling of discomfort and burning before visiting a doctor, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Carry out intimate hygiene without using detergents that contain preservatives and fragrances.
  • Use only underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for a while.
  • Review your diet, eliminating allergenic foods from it.

By following all these treatment recommendations and visiting an experienced specialist, a woman will be able to forget about burning and itching in an intimate place in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of diseases causing discomfort in the vagina

The procedure for eliminating unpleasant symptoms depends on the type of disease that was identified during diagnosis. If discomfort in the vagina is associated with physiological reasons, then the influence of the provoking factor must be eliminated. If discomfort accompanies menstruation or pregnancy, you must wait until it is over.

  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal;
  • anti-inflammatory, etc.

In most cases, conservative treatment methods are sufficient to eliminate the problem.

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What can cause discomfort when wearing contact lenses?

Unpleasant symptoms in the form of dryness, burning sensation, itching, sand in the eyes of lens wearers appear for various reasons:

  • violation of the service life of lenses (replacement mode);
  • allergy to disinfectant solution;
  • prolonged work at the computer (a decrease in the frequency of blinking leads to rapid evaporation of tears);
  • prolonged stay in a room where air conditioning or heating devices are operating;
  • windy, frosty weather.

But most often the cause of discomfort when blinking is a violation of tear production. It takes a lot of liquid to flow around the contour of the lens and wet its surface. Therefore, if tears are not produced in sufficient quantities, discomfort in the eyes occurs.

Delfanto® capsules have a powerful antioxidant effect. They help normalize the functioning of the lacrimal apparatus, ensuring that the eyes are moistened with natural tears, and not with its synthetic substitutes (drops for dryness).

Impaired tear production when wearing lenses, as in other cases, can be caused by taking medications, systemic or ophthalmological pathologies, constant lack of sleep, and visual fatigue. Especially often, tear production disorders are diagnosed in patients after 40-50 years of age. In this case, the pathology is associated with age-related changes that occur in the structures of the eye and the entire body.

Preventing vaginal discomfort

In order to maintain women's health, you should follow the recommendations:

  • eat right;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • carefully choose personal hygiene products;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • try to avoid emotional and physical overload;
  • wear underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • avoid unprotected sex;
  • undergo regular medical examinations and promptly treat gynecological diseases.

In medical genetics, you can perform an examination of the female reproductive system.

What can hurt your stomach?

The abdomen is a place where a large number of internal organs are located. These are organs such as:

  • Stomach.
  • Liver.
  • Pancreas.
  • Spleen.
  • Gallbladder.
  • Intestines.
  • The organs of the reproductive system in men and women are the uterus and its appendages, the prostate gland.
  • Bladder and others.

In addition, complaints of abdominal pain can arise from circulatory disorders in the abdominal cavity, pathologies of the spine and nervous system, and even from diseases in the organs adjacent to the abdominal cavity. Such radiating pain can be caused by cardiac and pulmonary pathologies. This is explained by the connection of the abdominal organs with the central nervous system. Because of this, it is difficult to accurately diagnose only from the patient’s words and after an external examination with palpation of the abdomen. It is advisable to remember and tell the doctor in detail your feelings - where the pain began, how other features in your well-being and condition changed.

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