“LBB lacto- and bifidobacteria”: instructions, reviews, features of the drug

Terms of use

This document “User Agreement” represents an offer by Formula-FR LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Administration”) to enter into an agreement on the terms of the Agreement set out below:

1. Terms and definitions

1.1. In this document the following definitions and concepts are applied and used:

1.1.1. Website – Internet sites located in the domain www.laclobb.ru and its subdomains.

1.1.2. Site user is any legally capable individual acting on his own behalf or acting on behalf and in the interests of the legal entity he represents.

1.1.3. Service – a set of services and a license provided to the User in order to gain access to the Site.

1.1.4. Agreement – ​​this agreement, including all additions and changes to the specified document.

1.1.5. User Rights - a set of rights granted to the User of the Site, including viewing materials posted on the Site, registration and (or) authorization of the User on the site, posting any materials on the site, including texts, hypertext links, images, photos, audio and video files, information about the user, as well as any other information posted by the User during the period of use of the Site. The User's use of the Site in any way and in any form, within the limits of the rights granted to him, creates an agreement on the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of Article 437 and Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. General conditions

2.1. The use of materials and other Services of the Site is governed by the norms of current federal legislation.

2.2. This agreement is a public offer. Using the site means the User adheres to the terms of this Agreement.

2.3. The login and password specified by the User (if the appropriate form is available) are necessary and sufficient information necessary for the User to access the information posted on the Site. The user has no right to disclose his login and password to third parties. If information and materials prohibited by the terms of this agreement are posted on behalf of the User by third parties, the Site Administration has the right to block the User and refuse to provide the latter with access to materials and information posted on the Site.

2.4. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally change the terms of this Agreement at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (three) days from the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website. If the user disagrees with the terms set out in this agreement, he is obliged to refuse access to the site and stop using the materials and information posted on the Site.

2.5. The User, by registering (logging in) on the Site, confirms that he has read the terms of this Agreement, accepts all the terms of this Agreement in full without any exceptions or restrictions, undertakes the obligation to comply with the terms of this Agreement in full, if he disagrees with the terms of the Agreement stop any use of the Site, delete your account from the Site.

3. License to use the Site

3.1. Under this Agreement and subject to the User's compliance with its relevant conditions and the rules for using the Site enshrined therein, the Administration grants the User, under the terms of a simple non-exclusive license, the right to use the Site as software and a database, including access to the main functions of the Site and hosted on it information, within the limits specified in this Agreement.

3.2. The right to use the Site is provided to the Licensee free of charge.

3.3. The Administration has the right to set limits on the volume and composition of information materials posted by the User, as well as to introduce technical restrictions on the use of the Site, which are necessarily brought to the attention of Site Users in the form and manner established by the Site Administration.

3.3. As part of the use of materials posted on the Site, the Administration permits the use of materials posted on the Site as follows: gain access to the information posted on the site, familiarize yourself with the information posted on the site.

3.4. Use of the Site in ways different from those set out in this agreement is not permitted.

4. Rights and obligations of the User

4.1. The User guarantees that his age is more than 14 (Fourteen) full years.

4.2. The User has the right to use the Site in accordance with this Agreement.

4.3. The user has the right to familiarize himself with any information posted on the Site. The User acknowledges that access to certain types of information may be limited due to the need to complete additional organizational, technical or legal procedures determined by the Administration and/or the Terms of Use of the Site.

4.4. The User, after Registration on the Site, has the right to post on the Site Messages and Materials, the content of which fully complies with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also: - are not obscene, offensive, vulgar, harmful, threatening, slanderous, knowingly false or pornographic in nature; - do not have the purpose and ability to damage the honor, dignity or reputation of other persons (including do not contain unfounded judgments addressed to third parties, unverified facts, such references to third parties that may negatively affect the demand for their services, works, services); - do not contribute to inciting religious, racial, ethnic or ethnic hatred; - do not contain elements of violence; - do not contain unauthorized borrowings, plagiarism, violation of the right to a name, or otherwise violate the statutory rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization of the Administration and third parties (copyright, related, patent, rights to know-how, trademark, etc.); d.), including, do not copy other materials posted on the Site by someone other than the User; — do not violate the rights of minors; - do not contain information constituting commercial, official, medical, banking or other secrets, as well as other information, access to which is limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation; — do not contain software viruses or other computer codes, programs, files aimed at disrupting the functionality of any technical device (computer, telecommunications equipment, etc.); - do not contain advertising unless this is agreed with the Administration; — do not contain Spam and Flood; - do not contain Messages and Materials of competing parties or containing information about such persons and their products/services.

4.5. The User bears full personal responsibility for the content of Messages and Materials, for their compliance with Russian and international law.

4.6. The User has no right to copy or borrow Messages and Materials from other Internet resources, media or other sources of information in bad faith (without the permission of the copyright holder).

4.7. The User guarantees that he is the author and sole legal owner of the exclusive right to use Messages and Materials posted by the User on the Site, and no other persons will make claims (demands) to the Administration regarding the use of Messages and Materials on the Site. The use of works of other persons as quotations is permitted only in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in strictly limited cases and volume, with mandatory indication of the author and source of citation, or only in agreement with the Administration.

4.8. The User undertakes to ensure the confidentiality and safety of his Account and not to transfer the login and password to enter the Site to others. The User is personally responsible for all actions performed using his Account.

4.9. The User has the right to contact the Administration with wishes, suggestions, questions and claims regarding the operation of the Site and the Service, as well as in other cases when prompt communication with an Administration specialist or the Site Software developer is necessary.

4.10. The User undertakes to immediately inform the Administration in the event of: - if the actions of another registered user indicate violations of the terms of this Agreement; — detection of copying and use of the information content of the Site, including individual Messages and Materials, on other Internet sites; — detecting errors in the operation of the site, obtaining someone else’s personal data, incorrect display of information.

4.11. The User has the right to make proposals for the implementation of the Materials created by him and the rights to them, regulating this possibility through the Service, while the User guarantees that the use of the Materials will not entail any negative consequences for the Administration and/or any expenses of the Administration. Information about such a possibility of implementation is not an offer or an offer, but only informs a circle of persons identified by the User.

4.12. The user agrees not to take actions that may be considered as violating Russian legislation or international law, including provisions governing relations between parties in the field of intellectual property, copyright and (or) related rights, as well as other actions that lead or may lead to disruption of the normal operation of the Site.

4.13. The User is warned that the Site Administration is not responsible for the User’s visit and use of external resources, links to which the Site may contain.

4.14. The User agrees that the Site Administration is not liable to the User in connection with possible or occurred losses or damages associated with any content of the Site, copyright registration and information about such registration, goods or services available on the site or obtained by accessing external sites and other resources accessed by the User.

4.15. The User accepts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising. The User agrees that the Site Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in connection with such advertising.

4.16. For using the Site in ways not provided for in this Agreement, which violate the rights of the Administration or third parties, the User, in accordance with federal law, may be subject to administrative, civil and criminal liability.

5. Rights and obligations of the Site Administration

5.1. The administration has the right to improve the Site and expand its capabilities.

5.2. The Administration has the right, without the consent of the User, to modify the Site in any way at its discretion, including changing the design of the Site, the conditions for providing access to the site, adding new Services, stopping the provision of Services, and also interrupting access to the Site during the process of technical and other regulatory work carried out by the Administration . If access to the Site and/or Service is disabled for a significant period of time (more than 24 hours), the Administration will make every effort to notify the User about this if possible.

5.3. The Administration has the right to promote the Site; has the right to place advertising materials on any page of the Site, including, but not limited to, contextual advertising, banners, as well as videos and interactive commercials posted on the Site.

5.4. The Administration has the right to refuse the User Registration, temporarily suspend the User Account or delete the User Account without warning or explanation.

5.5. The Administration reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to Users change the terms of this Agreement by posting the updated text of the Agreement on the Website’s website at www.laclobb.ru.

5.6. The Administration has the right to apply to the User who violates the terms of this Agreement the measures provided for in the Agreement, and also to demand the application of liability sanctions to the User provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.7. The Administration takes measures within its control to ensure the confidentiality of the User’s personal data specified during Registration, in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the Site. The Administration has the right to record, store, process and otherwise use the User’s personal data, and undertakes not to provide it to third parties without an appropriate order from a government agency, a court decision or other legal basis.

5.8. The Administration has the right to control the content of Messages and Materials, including changing or editing Messages and Materials at its own discretion (including deleting swear words, correcting grammatical errors, which is marked accordingly), without the consent of the User, as well as deleting Messages and Materials without warning at any time. The User agrees that the Administration is not obliged to identify the User, incl. by posting his name, contact details and/or photographs.

5.9. The parties agree that the Site and Service are complex intellectual products, and the posted Messages and Materials become an integral part of these products.

5.10. The Administration shall use the Materials provided (downloaded by the User) in accordance with the rights granted by the User (Section 4 of this Agreement).

6. Limitations

By agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, the User acknowledges and understands that:

6.1. The provisions of the legislation on the protection of consumer rights are not subject to the relationship of the parties to provide access to the Site free of charge.

6.2. The Site is provided on an “as is” basis, and therefore the User is not provided with any guarantees that the Site materials will meet the User’s requirements; the results that may be obtained from the use of the Site will be accurate and reliable; the quality of any product, service, information and user materials obtained using the Site will meet the User's expectations; all errors in the Site software will be corrected.

6.3. The person who created these materials and/or added them to the Administration Website bears all responsibility for the content of materials and their compliance with the requirements of applicable law.

6.4. The Administration is in no way connected with the materials provided and/or posted (including broadcast) by Users on the Site, and does not verify the content, authenticity and safety of these materials or their components, as well as their compliance with the requirements of applicable law, and whether Users have the necessary the scope of rights to use it.

6.5. In particular, the User is prohibited from using the Site for: - posting and/or distributing counterfeit materials; - placement and/or distribution of pornographic materials, as well as propaganda of pornography and child erotica, and advertising of intimate services; — posting and/or dissemination of any other prohibited information, including materials of an extremist nature, as well as those aimed at infringing human rights and freedoms on the basis of race and nationality, religion, language, and gender, inciting to commit violent acts against a person, or to inhumane treatment of animals, calling for the commission of other illegal actions, including explaining the procedure for the manufacture and use of weapons, drugs and their precursors, etc.; — preferential or exclusive placement of links to other sites; — distribution of advertising materials in personal messages to other Users without obtaining their prior consent to receive them (SPAM); — restrictions using a password or other means of access to files posted on the Administration Website or broadcast to it.

6.6. Despite the established prohibition, when using the Service, the User may receive materials that may be considered to contain information of an offensive or obscene nature, or otherwise violate applicable law, the rights and/or interests of third parties.

6.7. If a violation of the rights and/or interests of the User is detected in connection with the provision of access to the Site, including illegal posting of materials by another User, the User is obliged to inform the Site Administration about this. To do this, the User must send a written notice to the Administration detailing the circumstances of the violation and a hypertext link to the Site page containing materials that violate his rights and/or interests.

6.8. In the event of any claims by third parties regarding violation of any property and/or personal non-property rights of third parties, as well as prohibitions or restrictions established by law, you are obliged, at the request of the Administration, to undergo official identification, providing the Administration with a notarized obligation to resolve the claims on its own and at your own expense, indicating your passport details.

6.9. The administration reserves the right to remove any materials from the Site or temporarily restrict access to them unilaterally without explanation.

6.10. In case of repeated or gross violation of the terms of this Agreement and/or legal requirements, the Administration reserves the right to block the entire User account, delete it, or otherwise suspend access to the Site.

6.11. In the event that the Administration is held liable or a penalty is imposed on it in connection with violations of the rights and/or interests of third parties committed by you, as well as prohibitions or restrictions established by law, the User is obliged to fully compensate the Administration for losses.

6.12. The Administration is not responsible for the use of publicly available personal data of Users by anyone.

6.13. The content of the Site is for informational purposes only. The Site Administration is not responsible for inaccuracy of data. The administration is not responsible for possible losses that may result from the use of information from the Site.

7. Intellectual property

7.1. This Agreement grants the User the right to use the Site and Software under the terms of this Agreement during its validity period.

7.2. The User confirms that he will use the Software integrated into the Site only in accordance with this User Agreement, and will not attempt to “break the code”, copy, emulate, create new versions, rent or lease, sell, modify, decompile , disassemble, or otherwise use the source text and object code of the Software without the written permission of the Administration.

7.3. The Administration declares that it is not the creator or owner of exclusive rights to the Materials that are downloaded by the User and the User’s actions to use the Materials or exercise the rights to them are solely the responsibility of the User.

8. Notifications

8.1. The User agrees to receive information messages (hereinafter referred to as notifiers) from the Site Administration at the email address specified during registration on the site about events taking place on the site.

8.2. The Site Administration has the right to use notifiers to inform the User about the capabilities of the Site and (or) about changes in information and materials posted on the site.

9. Other conditions

9.1. This Agreement is concluded for the period from the moment of its acceptance by the User until the validity date of the User Account.

9.2. The User's acceptance of the provisions of the new version of the Agreement adopted by the Administration is mandatory for the continuation of the User's Account.

9.3. The User has the right to refuse to accept the new version of this Agreement, and he is obliged to delete his Account within three days at www.laclobb.ru. If the account has not been deleted, the User, by actual use of the Service and the Site, is deemed to have accepted the terms of this edition of the Agreement. When deleting the User Account, the Administration reserves the right to store data about the User in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

9.4. The User has the right to familiarize himself with the current version of the Agreement by going to the Internet page of the Site www.laclobb.ru.

9.5. Applicable right. This Agreement, the procedure for its conclusion and execution, as well as issues not regulated by this Agreement, are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.6. Arbitration. All disputes under the Agreement or in connection with it are subject to consideration in court at the location of the Administration in accordance with the current procedural law of the Russian Federation.

9.7. Changes. This Agreement may be changed or terminated by the Administration unilaterally without prior notice to the User and without payment of any compensation in connection with this.

9.8. Version of the Agreement. The current version of this Agreement is posted on the Website at the address: www.laclobb.ru.

What are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli needed for?

There is no creation more perfect than the human body. Nature has thought through everything in microscopic detail, leaving no flaws or anything superfluous. Everything in the body is interconnected and problems in one system will certainly affect the state of the body as a whole, disabling the well-functioning functioning of other organs. For example, the intestines are responsible for the functioning of digestion and the immune system, being a vital organ. Disturbances in its work lead to the occurrence of various diseases: from atopic dermatitis to the formation of malignant tumors.

Advantages over other similar means

There are now many drugs on sale for the treatment of dysbiosis. Some of them are more popular, for example, "Linex". But the drug “LBB lacto- and bifidobacteria” has many advantages. Therefore, lately it has become more and more often chosen. The only problem is that not all pharmacies have it.

What are the advantages of LBB over other similar drugs:

  • affordable price - a pack of 10 capsules costs about 300 rubles;
  • complex action due to the special composition;
  • effective treatment and prevention of dysbacteriosis;
  • convenient release form, capsules can be stored at room temperature and taken with you;
  • You only need to drink it once a day.

general characteristics

This product belongs to dietary supplements. Although it is sold in pharmacies, which guarantees its quality and safety. Its peculiarity is its complex composition. The drug contains lacto- and bifidobacteria. The instructions for “LBB” recommend its use in all cases where intestinal function is impaired.

The drug is available in capsule form. They are small in size, so they are easy to swallow. A homogeneous milky powder is visible inside. It contains beneficial microorganisms to colonize the intestines. The drug is available in a package of 10 capsules and costs about 300 rubles.

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