Is it possible to use turmeric for gastritis with high acidity?

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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A disease such as inflammation of the stomach walls is one of the most common. There are many ways to take turmeric for gastritis. After all, this spice is one of the effective methods of treatment at home.

Spices for the stomach

Spices are a special regulator of the intensity of taste and consistency of a dish.
They do not create multifaceted flavors, do not affect the smell in any way, and can be of absolutely any origin. The most famous are potato starch, baking soda, vinegar, and salt. Spices are added to food during the cooking process in order to enhance the taste, make it sweet, salty or spicy. Salt, sugar, soda, vinegar, citric acid, yeast and alcohol - these are the real spices! For chronic gastritis with normal or increased secretion, the following are recommended: lemon balm, peppermint, sage, fennel. Excluded: mustard, onions (limitedly green), peppers, radishes, horseradish, garlic, hot sauces. For chronic gastritis with secretory deficiency, anise, asafoetida, cardamom, coriander, lemon balm, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, cumin, horseradish, sage, tarragon are recommended. For constipation and a tendency to it, anise, star anise, basil, coriander, sesame, onions, olives, celery, caraway seeds, dill, and garlic are recommended.

For loss of appetite and digestive disorders, anise, asafoetida, star anise, basil, cloves, mustard, ginger, onion, peppermint, oregano, parsley, black pepper, radish, rosemary, celery, thyme, cumin, dill, horseradish, garlic, sage are recommended , tarragon. For gastric and duodenal ulcers, the following are recommended: turmeric, peppermint, cumin, fennel, thyme, sage. Limited: dill, parsley, salt. Excluded: mustard, pepper, horseradish, spicy snacks.

There are nuances to using salt as a spice

It should be used with caution by people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, gall bladder and its ducts, genitourinary tract, acute infectious diseases, tuberculosis, oncology, obesity, intoxication (especially salts) and nervous system disorders. Replace salt with dried kelp: you will improve the taste of the dish and your sex drive will skyrocket

For stomach diseases, it is not recommended to use vinegar as a spice for food. Vinegar greatly increases the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended for use for ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Are spices allowed for gastritis?

Modern specialist nutritionists and gastroenterologists recommend giving up almost all spices for gastritis. First of all, the ban applies to nutmeg, chili pepper, cloves and black pepper. One way or another, hot and spicy seasonings will only aggravate the course of the disease. After all, they activate gastric secretion, which negatively affects the condition of the gastric mucosa.

Gastroenterologists strongly recommend finding replacements for seasonings and spices. An alternative can be fresh herbs and dried vegetables. If you have a dacha or country house, you can grow your own food. Dill keeps well frozen, and can be dried to make it more like a seasoning.

Dill decoction is an amazing healing remedy that relieves abdominal pain and bloating; it is even given to newborns with colic. Fresh green onions and parsley will perfectly complement the taste of your dish and can be chopped into a salad. Dried tomatoes are an ideal addition to soup and meat; you will be surprised how tasty they are.

The nuances of using yellow spice for the stomach

“Sunny” seasoning has a whole range of valuable characteristics that allow it to be used for the gastrointestinal tract. These are antiseptic, detoxifying, healing, immunostimulating and many other properties, the entire detailed list of which is presented for you in the article “Turmeric: what beneficial properties does it have?”

In some cases, turmeric is used to combat the disease. But here two important points must be taken into account:

  • Firstly, “sunny” seasoning cannot be used during the period of exacerbation of this disease and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in acute form.
  • Secondly, please note that the yellow spice itself is practically not absorbed by the body (even 12 g of seasoning per day will only slightly increase the level of curcumin, the most valuable substance in the spice).

That is, with the help of turmeric you can add a special taste to the dish, but the seasoning will not bring any healing benefits. Black pepper will help significantly increase the digestibility of the spice and “turn on” the strongest healing effect. It contains a substance that promotes the absorption of curcumin . But pepper is on the list of products prohibited for certain types of gastritis and should be used with extreme caution, without violating the dosage and only during a certain period of illness.

So is it possible to take turmeric for gastritis? Yes, but it’s worth understanding in detail when and how you can use turmeric with pepper to treat the stomach, depending on the type of gastritis.

The harm of turmeric

Turmeric for the most part brings only benefits to the body, but there are cases in which its use is contraindicated. It should not be consumed a lot or constantly by people who have liver problems, and it is also not allowed for patients suffering from poor bile duct obstruction. In addition, it will harm those who have stones in the gallbladder or have worsened stomach ulcers.

With some medications, the effect of the properties of turmeric increases, and with some it intensifies; only the attending doctor can determine the optimal balance when taking this spice and medications in parallel. It will be difficult to install it yourself.

Considering that turmeric is an affordable and healthy seasoning, it is present in almost every home, but few people think about its invaluable help in various gastrointestinal diseases. But you don’t need to immediately prescribe treatment for yourself with it, as you may not calculate the dosage or choose the wrong course of treatment. All these nuances can be clarified by a doctor in order to recover faster and not worsen the symptoms of gastritis.


Use for gastrointestinal diseases

Turmeric is often found in the kitchen as a culinary additive. The therapeutic properties of the spice are no less important than the taste. However, using the powder yourself without the dosage prescribed by a doctor can cause harm to yourself.

Consultation with a specialist for gastrointestinal diseases is simply necessary!

Increased acidity

Natural orange antibiotic suppresses inflammation of the digestive system. The spice is especially effective for gastritis with high levels of hydrochloric acid. As a preventive measure, turmeric is indicated in diet No. 1.

The therapeutic dose is 1 g per 10 kg of weight. It is not recommended to exceed it, as the symptoms of gastritis will worsen. And reducing the amount of turmeric will not bring the desired therapeutic effect.

Low acidity

In conditions of reduced production of hydrochloric acid, turmeric is not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, is recommended in small doses. It has the property of balancing the amount of enzymes and increasing appetite. A distinctive quality of the spice is its ability to suppress the growth of cancer cells.

The antibacterial property of turmeric is aimed at inhibiting pathogenic microflora, which is a source of inflammation. In this regard, there is an improvement in well-being and an increase in the overall tone of the body.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers

Turmeric for stomach ulcers should only be taken by a doctor. Gastroenterology specialists advise refraining from consuming the spice during the acute stage. But as a follow-up therapy, this plant will only bring benefits, as it promotes the formation of new capillaries and also stimulates the production of collagen, necessary for atrophic gastritis.

The spice suppresses the growth of Helicobacter pylori, which is a provoking factor for gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Pancreatitis and cholecystitis

In folk medicine, recipes for normalizing the functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder have long been known. The bright spice does a good job of this if the patient is experiencing congestion in the ducts. However, in the acute stage, the use of turmeric for pancreatitis is contraindicated. It is forbidden to use it if stones appear.

The beneficial effect of the yellow root on the liver has been noted. The powder gently stimulates bile secretion, while cleansing the main filter in the body. The same healing effect of turmeric is noticeable for the gallbladder. The spice prevents the thickening of secretions and stimulates the formation of new ones. It is curcumin that promotes the emptying of the gallbladder, and the medicinal oils in the plant prevent the development of pathogenic microflora.

Gastritis with low acidity

Turmeric is very beneficial for the stomach in case of hypoacid gastritis, when the production of gastric juice is reduced. However, during the acute period of the disease, the use of seasoning is prohibited. During the remission stage, it is necessary to use “juice” products in the diet. These include turmeric, which stimulates the production of gastric juice and improves digestion . Let's look at various ways to use it for hypoacid gastritis.

Yellow spice paste

For the pasta you will need:

  • honey – 2 tbsp;
  • turmeric – 1 tsp;
  • pepper - on the tip of a knife or spoon.

Mix all the ingredients, eat a teaspoon of the mixture 15 minutes before meals. The finished pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month.

Carrot lemon drink with turmeric

This drink is a tasty immune “cocktail” that contains a lot of vitamins, stimulates the production of gastric juice and significantly improves overall condition . To create it you need to take:

  • carrots – 200g;
  • lemon – 20g;
  • yellow spice – 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of pepper;
  • honey – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 800 ml.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Peel and wash the carrots, chop them (in a blender or on a fine grater), and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Lemons need to be washed, zested and juiced.
  3. Grind the lemon zest and mix with the grated carrots that remain after the juice has been squeezed out of them. Fill with water and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Then we filter, put it on the stove again, bring to a boil, pour in carrot and lemon juice.
  5. Then leave the mixture to cool. Add honey and seasonings to the warm drink and stir.

It is recommended to drink the product 10 minutes before meals.

Remedy with plantain and turmeric

For gastritis with low acidity, you can use one of the following recipes:

  1. Infusion. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of dried plantain leaf with a cup of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Dissolve tsp in a warm drink. honey and add half tsp. turmeric and a pinch of pepper. Take a tablespoon 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. It is recommended to drink the drink within a month.
  2. Decoction. Pour a tablespoon of dried crushed plantain leaves into a mug of cooled boiled water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for up to five minutes. Then filter and leave to cool . Add tsp to warm drink. honey, half a tsp. yellow spice and a pinch of pepper . We divide the resulting product into three doses. Take 15 minutes before meals.

Tea with rosehip and yellow spice

Required components:

  • rose hips - tbsp;
  • turmeric - half a tsp;
  • pepper - at the end of the knife;
  • honey – 0.5-1 tsp;
  • a glass of boiled water.


  1. Grind the rose hips.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over them.
  3. When the drink becomes warm, add honey and spices.
  4. Stir and drink half an hour before breakfast or lunch.

Beneficial features

Turmeric has a huge list of beneficial properties, which is why it is so popular in the East. Let's look at some of the medicinal properties of Oriental turmeric:

  • It has a strong antiseptic effect, making it one of the natural antiseptics;
  • Used to treat symptoms of cancer;
  • Has antibiotic properties, but has no side effects;
  • Improves the regenerative properties of the body, helps heal any damage;
  • Helps reduce itching;
  • Has the ability to suppress inflammatory processes in the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • Has a slight sedative and antidepressant effect;
  • Has a mild analgesic effect, which helps reduce pain sensitivity, such as stomach pain;
  • Has the ability to inhibit the expansion and growth of tumor formations;
  • Helps reduce the negative consequences of using chemotherapy;
  • Retains the growth of blood vessels in tumor tumors;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Reduces the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • It is a natural choleretic agent and also improves intestinal microflora;
  • The spice will help suppress cough reflexes;
  • Has a pronounced antioxidant effect;
  • Promotes weight loss and also improves metabolism.

Based on the natural properties and qualities of this spice, we can clearly conclude that the use of turmeric for the treatment of gastritis is not only desirable, but also necessary.

Types of turmeric

Gastritis occurs in people of all ages, especially among the younger generation, which does not attach due importance to the food they eat and often neglects healthy foods, choosing more tasty junk food. In addition, frequent snacking and eating on the go soon lead to gastrointestinal problems, and the question immediately arises of maintaining nutrition and choosing healthy foods.

Turmeric has a bright yellow color, which when added to various dishes gives them a piquant color.

There are several varieties of it, but not all of them are eaten:

  • Spicy (fragrant) is the most common type of seasoning for preparing seasonings; it is used in almost all cuisines of the world;
  • Starchy ginger round - most often used for making starch;
  • Citvar medicinal root - has a pronounced bitter taste, so it is not used for food, but it is useful for medicinal purposes;
  • Homemade ginger is a common variety in the east and is widely used in cooking.

All these varieties of turmeric are available in our country and are widely used.

Recipes for gastritis with turmeric

Medicine has studied the therapeutic properties of the spice to help cope with gastritis. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective recipes.

However, be careful, since the dosage of spice in each diagnosis is selected individually. In some cases, self-medication is dangerous!

Decoction with coal

A mixture of turmeric and crushed activated carbon is used in the treatment of the stomach and bile secretion organs.

  • turmeric - 15 g;
  • coal - 3 tablets;
  • milk - 60 g.
  1. Mix the ingredients until smooth and bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Drink 1 tablespoon of the decoction 3 times a day after meals.

With honey

Components for home remedies for gastritis are available to everyone. Patients with gastrointestinal pathologies combine doctor's prescriptions and folk recipes, for example, turmeric with honey and charcoal.

To make the product, take:

  • turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • coal - 1 tablet;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Scheme of preparation and administration:

  1. Dissolve the powder and tableted charcoal in honey.
  2. Take the resulting mass at night for 10 days, 1 tbsp. l.

With butter

A bright, beautiful drink, made according to oriental recipes, consists of simple ingredients:

  • turmeric oil extract - 3 drops;
  • water - 500 ml.
  1. Dilute the yellow extract in a container of water.
  2. Drink 30 minutes before meals several times a day.

Medicinal use

There are many different methods for fighting the disease, so in one of our articles we wrote about taking ASD 2 for gastritis of the stomach, and now we want to tell you how you can treat the disease with the help of yellow spice. Recipes that have been collected for centuries are still relevant today.

Among them are the following:

Simple ways to treat complex diseases:

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  • Medicinal solution. Take 100 ml. warm water and 0.5 tsp. spices. Mix everything and drink half an hour before meals.
  • Mixed with honey. You need to take 5 g of spice powder, one tablet of activated carbon and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly and take once before meals. The course of treatment ranges from seven to ten days.
  • Decoction. Crush 6 tablets of activated carbon, 25 spices, 120 g of milk and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. It should be consumed three or four times a day, after meals.

Treatment with seasoning is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. All dosages must be followed strictly according to the prescription.

INTERESTING fact: Recipe for badger fat with honey and aloe

Turmeric also helps with erosive gastritis. It promotes healing and restoration of damaged cells, and also normalizes secretory function.

Spices – what role do they play in the food chain?

Why are spices needed? Few people can specifically answer this question. We often underestimate the role of seasonings in food. They:

  • They give the dish a rich, amazing and unique taste.
  • They can significantly reduce the calorie content of the finished dish.
  • They have a healing effect on the body.
  • Can be used for external use, for example, in cosmetology.

The concepts of “condiments” and “spices” are not much different; the former can be added to food in small quantities, while the latter have no permissible limits.

What are spices? These are fruits or plant elements that have a special aroma and taste. They may be dried, left fresh, or otherwise processed. When using spices, you must take into account the characteristics of your body, especially if you suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers.

When can you take the spice?

The culinary spice serves as an excellent addition to many dishes. Its woody aroma will enrich the taste and improve your well-being. As a seasoning, the spice is added to all dishes (first, second and desserts). As a medicine, turmeric is taken as prescribed by a doctor before or after meals, combined with other spices.

Decoctions are consumed during the day, honey mixtures - in the morning or at night. However, the maximum daily dose of powder is 7 grams. According to the doctor's recommendations, the spice in excess amounts leads to flatulence and diarrhea.

When reception is prohibited

The healing powder brings great benefits to the body. But even this spice has contraindications for use:

  • for diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • with calculous cholecystitis;
  • with exacerbation of a stomach ulcer;
  • with hepatitis;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • at low pressure;
  • for allergies;
  • during pregnancy;
  • small children.

Treatment of gastritis combines traditional methods of conservative therapy, diet and the use of folk remedies

Any spice, including turmeric, should be treated with great caution

It is especially important to adhere to the recommended dosage of the powder. Oriental spice will improve your stomach and other digestive organs

Use it for your health!


Inflammation of the gastric mucosa with high acidity (hyperacid gastritis)

Turmeric should not be used not only during the period of exacerbation, but also in the first year of diagnosis of “chronic hyperacid gastritis” in order to avoid relapses. However, there is a way to use yellow seasoning to combat the disease.

When treating gastritis, the doctor prescribes special nutrition (certain foods, meal plan). A year after diagnosis (if there have been no exacerbations), following a diet plan, you can start using turmeric. Scheme:

  • Add 1/8 teaspoon of yellow spice and black pepper (a microscopic dose - only the very tip of a knife) to a glass of warm tea with milk or compote.
  • Stir and drink a third or half of the drink before breakfast. The rest is 40 minutes after eating.
  • We use turmeric daily for ten days. Then a break of 2 weeks, after which the seasoning can be repeated.

Important! Pay special attention to the amount of black pepper - which should be literally microscopic and not be felt when drinking the drink. Do not increase the dose under any circumstances, so as not to provoke irritation of the stomach walls. Pepper is necessary only for the digestibility of turmeric, so its amount for this disease should be minimal, literally “symbolic.”

In the future, with stable remission, you can use a simple and effective recipe:

  • In a glass of warm low-fat milk, stir 2 teaspoons of honey, add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric and pepper at the end of a knife. Mix thoroughly and drink 10 minutes before meals.
  • Mix a quarter tsp. cinnamon and yellow spice, add pepper on the tip of a spoon. Dissolve in a glass of warm water. Take 2 times a day before meals.

Is it possible to use turmeric for gastritis?

Gastritis is an extremely complex and unpleasant disease that often occurs in the younger generation. People who are faced with this disease should first decide on their diet. Dieting is difficult, especially when you don’t know what you can and cannot do. However, the fact remains unchanged: turmeric does not cause harm for gastritis, but is characterized by a positive effect.

The oriental spice will enhance the preparation of dietary dishes, and will also help cope with the disease and alleviate the symptoms of the disease. In today’s article we will look at the beneficial properties of turmeric, recipes, whether turmeric can be eaten for gastritis, and also find out whether gastritis can really be treated with turmeric.

Causes and symptoms of gastritis

The leading causes of the disease are the consumption of alcoholic beverages and poor-quality food. A number of products lead to the development of inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa. It was previously believed that gastritis was a hereditary disease. But now scientists have come to the conclusion that the bacteria that causes the disease is transmitted in many ways.

Causes of the disease:

  • presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pilori,
  • metabolic disease,
  • food poisoning,
  • reflux,
  • stress and depression,
  • smoking.

The disease manifests itself in the form of painful symptoms. The feeling is accompanied by aching or pressing pain. Unpleasant sensations occur after eating.

The main signs of gastritis include:

  • pain in the stomach area,
  • heartburn,
  • coating on the tongue,
  • upset and bloating
  • belching sour,
  • pale skin,
  • dizziness,
  • general malaise.

At the first such symptoms, you can begin treating gastritis with turmeric at home. This spicy spice has a number of beneficial properties. It can be eaten as a seasoning or used for a number of diseases.

Before starting treatment, it is worth noting that the disease is distinguished by the degree of acidity: high, low and normal. It is especially recommended to use turmeric for gastritis with low acidity.

INTERESTING fact: The use of St. John's wort for the liver and gallbladder

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases with folk remedies

Turmeric is not only not a forbidden product, but is also actively used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

It is important to understand that in order to obtain beneficial properties, it is necessary to use the spice correctly, as well as observe the required dosages.

Another spice that has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and can treat gastritis is cinnamon. Let's find out more about its beneficial properties:

  • Has a pronounced antibacterial effect;
  • Long-term consumption of food reduces pain;
  • Facilitates digestion, helps cope with colic, bloating, and constipation.

The conclusion is simple: cinnamon is a wonderful remedy for fighting gastritis. This ingredient is also present in almost every folk recipe for gastritis.

Turmeric for stomach ulcers

Several recipes with turmeric can be used not only to combat ulcerations in the stomach, they can also restore health with duodenal ulcers - a frequent “companion” of gastric pathology. Products with yellow seasoning are excellent for relieving pain.

But you can use the “sunny” seasoning for diseases no earlier than 1.5 years after treatment of acute pathology and subject to stable remission.

Let's see how to prepare and take turmeric remedies.

Flax infusion with yellow seasoning

Flax is one of the most effective remedies for fighting stomach ulcers. In a “duet” with turmeric, the product helps restore damaged tissue, normalize digestion, and prevent relapse.

Ingredients for infusion:

  • flax seeds (5g);
  • water (0.5l).

Seasonings (dose for a single dose):

  • turmeric – 1 tsp;
  • pepper - on the tip of the knife.

Prepare a healing drink:

  1. First you need to prepare flaxseed infusion. It is necessary to boil water and pour boiling water over the seeds. Close the container with the liquid with a lid and put it in a warm place overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion.
  2. Pour half a glass of flaxseed drink and heat until it is warm.
  3. Add seasonings and drink on an empty stomach (10 minutes before meals).

The duration of daily use is 10 days. Then you need to stop for a week, after which you can resume drinking the drink. The total duration of the course is 30 days.

Turmeric properties description

Turmeric is a herbaceous plant of the ginger family, the rhizomes of which are dried and ground into a powder known by the same name as a spice. There are several names for the spice: turmeric, haldi, haridra, Indian saffron. In Russia, the most common name for this root is turmeric.

The sunny, bright color of the spice is provided by the substance curcumin. It is used to produce a food additive (turmeric), used to make mayonnaise, margarine, and cheeses. But there is another property of turmeric that makes the spice a valuable medicine: curcumin promotes the death of cancer cells. Therefore, doctors recommend adding this seasoning to food for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Turmeric contains microelements: iron, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and vitamins: B1, B2, K, B3. But you shouldn’t seriously think that using seasoning for homemade dishes will provide the norm of nutrients in the body: vitamins are contained in minimal doses.

As for essential oil and its components, even a small amount of them has a beneficial effect on humans. Therefore, the use of aromatic spice is recommended to maintain tone, cleanse and heal the body.

Turmeric for gastrointestinal diseases

Thanks to its vitamin composition, the spice helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Turmeric prevents: inflammation and pain; the occurrence of a bacterial infection, including Helicobacter pylori - a gastritis bacterium; mucosal atrophy; development of pathogenic microflora.

The spice has a wound-healing effect; it perfectly reduces acidity in the stomach during gastritis, relieves bloating and heaviness. To prevent stomach diseases, it is enough to add spice to food, but in case of exacerbation of gastritis, you need to know how much raw material is needed to prepare an effective remedy.

The Indian formula for calculating the required dose of powder for exacerbation of gastritis is as follows:

  • find out your exact weight;
  • grind the roots into powder;
  • to create a healing composition you need 100 mg per kilogram of body weight.

With a weight of 60 kg, 6 grams of raw materials will be required. With high acidity, gastritis cannot be treated with turmeric, because it increases the acidity of gastric juice.

How does seasoning affect the stomach during illness?

The spice contains a huge amount of useful microelements and vitamins that have a positive effect not only on the stomach, but also on the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The positive properties in the treatment of this disease include the following:

  • Suppresses the inflammatory process and reduces pain.
  • Soothes the walls of the stomach and also has an antibacterial effect.
  • Promotes rapid regeneration of tissue cells.
  • Destroys pathogenic microflora.

It is not advisable to take turmeric for gastritis with high acidity during an exacerbation. This remedy is best used for prevention during remission. The spice helps restore and heal the walls of the stomach, and also significantly reduces the production of gastric juice. It also improves metabolism and removes toxins from the body. Eliminates negative symptoms and clinical picture of the disease, helps with bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

Decoctions and infusions for high acidity:

  • Take half a glass of warm milk, add 0.5 teaspoon of spice, mix everything. Drink before or after meals.
  • Powder in its pure form. That is, take 7 g of spice, dilute with a small amount of water. Use once a day.
  • Tea with cinnamon and turmeric. Add a few pinches to hot tea.

INTERESTING fact: How to take turmeric to lower cholesterol

The beneficial properties of the spice were discovered a long time ago, but even now they are no less relevant. It is recommended to add seasoning to food. Because it helps reduce cravings for sweets and fatty foods, which means digestion will improve.

Having studied the properties of this product, we can conclude that the use of turmeric for gastritis of the stomach is one of the effective methods. Its use can bring more benefits than various medications.

Health to you!

Spicy composition

The orange seasoning that came to us from India is widely known throughout the world. Due to its rich composition, bright yellow turmeric powder is used in both cooking and cosmetology.

The healing root has a lot of useful components:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as E, C, K;
  • micro- and macroelements (Na, Mg, K, I, F, Fe, Se, Cu, Z, Mn);
  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • curcumin;
  • tumerone;
  • turmeric;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • cellulose;
  • essential oils.

Useful qualities of turmeric

Curcumin has a wide spectrum of effects on the human body:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • antipruritic;
  • wound healing;
  • antidepressant;
  • sedative;
  • pain reliever;
  • antioxidant.

In case of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, yellow spice restores the epithelium and reduces pain in the stomach. The beneficial effect of the spice also extends to other digestive organs, for example, the gall bladder, the contents of which are released more rhythmically.

Varieties of bright root

There are several types of medicinal plants with massive rhizomes:

  • long (homemade) turmeric, or turmeric, is used in cooking;
  • cedoaria (citvar root) has a bitter taste, so it is used in medicine or to create alcoholic drinks (liqueurs);
  • aromatic, or Indian saffron, is included in some desserts;
  • Javanese turmeric is valued in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • altifolia (Siamese tulip);
  • heart-shaped;
  • orange.

Using turmeric for gastritis with normal acidity

Recipes can be used during remission. Turmeric will be especially beneficial for the stomach if this type of disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori.

The easiest way to use yellow seasoning is to pour half a tsp. spices and a pinch of pepper 200 ml of warm boiled water. The drink is drunk on an empty stomach (20 minutes before meals) 2 times a day.

However, there are other recipes with turmeric.

Herbal infusion

For the first stage of preparation, it is necessary to collect together medicinal herbs that have bactericidal, healing, and anti-inflammatory properties. For herbal collection you will need:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • calendula inflorescences;
  • marshmallow root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • yarrow.

Preparing the herbal infusion:

  1. It is necessary to mix the components in equal parts.
  2. 2 tbsp. Pour two cups of boiling water over the herbal raw materials, pour into a thermos and leave to infuse overnight.

The next morning, add 1 tsp to a warm drink. turmeric and a pinch of pepper. You can slightly sweeten the herbal infusion with honey (add to taste). It is recommended to drink half a glass daily, 15 minutes before meals.

Olive oil with turmeric

To create a healing product you will need (dosage is designed for 2 doses):

  • yellow spice - a quarter tsp;
  • pepper - at the end of the knife;
  • olive oil (extra virgin) – 2 tsp.

You need to add oil to the spices and mix the mixture thoroughly. It is recommended to take half a teaspoon on an empty stomach (15 minutes before meals).

Important! The product has a peculiar bitter-tart taste, so the mixture can be eaten with a piece of bread.

Special properties of turmeric

Turmeric has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalizes acidity and restores microflora;
  • heals ulcers;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • removes toxins;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • prevents the spread of cancer cells;
  • normalizes digestion.

Other special properties of oriental spices:

  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • reduces itching;
  • has a mild sedative effect;
  • helps with depression;
  • relieves pain;
  • alleviates the condition during chemotherapy;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves coughing attacks;
  • eliminates pain and sore throat;
  • strengthens general immunity.

Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory effect. This allows it to be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, pancreas, liver and other organs involved in processing food and eliminating waste. Turmeric can help with poisoning and diarrhea.

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