Diets for weight loss for gastritis with high and low acidity. How to lose weight with gastritis?

  • September 20, 2018
  • Gastroenterology
  • Valeria Adams

According to statistics, today about half of the world's inhabitants suffer from gastritis. Eating junk food, many of them, along with the disease, become overweight, and only a diet for weight loss for gastritis helps to reduce body weight and alleviate symptoms. An incorrect regimen and diet, including overeating, alcohol abuse, excessive infatuation with fried, spicy and smoked foods, leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and therefore must be changed. In addition, other factors play a big role in losing weight and recovering from illness: optimal physical activity, drinking regimen and proper rest.

Briefly about gastritis, abdominal pain and timely diagnosis

By the term “gastritis,” doctors mean a whole group of different diseases, the symptoms of which are very similar, but arise for a variety of reasons. That is why, if any pain appears in the stomach, right or left hypochondrium, or peritoneum, you need to visit a gastroenterologist. Self-diagnosis and taking appropriate medications from the medicine cabinet can cause a worsening of the condition in a variety of diseases with similar symptoms: gynecological disorders in women, when they feel discomfort in the stomach area; for heart ailments, when the nervous system signals them with abdominal pain; as well as problems with other internal organs that only a doctor can identify. If you visit the clinic in a timely manner, a diet for weight loss for gastritis prescribed by a specialist will help not only reduce weight, but also restore the health of the stomach, its mucous membrane, which protects the walls of the organ.

What causes gastritis? Symptoms of acute and chronic forms of the disease

The cause of painful discomfort can be: poisoning with toxins from eating foods contaminated with microorganisms, a burn from an unusually spicy or sour dish, from eating fast food for a long time, eating dry food, smoking, alcohol or stress, as well as from self-abuse of various medications. Acute gastritis is characterized by pronounced symptoms: severe pain, nausea, bloating, weakness and other unpleasant sensations. These signs appear due to mechanical or chemical damage to the inner lining of the stomach, when the caustic secretion injures the tissue, which causes an inflammatory process. This disease of the mucous membrane, with proper treatment and proper nutrition - a gentle diet menu for weight loss for gastritis, agreed with the doctor - is healed quite quickly and safely. The disease, which has taken a chronic form, is dangerous due to recurrent inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which a person experiences infrequent, tolerable pain, mild nausea, and other mild signs of digestive disorders. At the same time, the stomach generally copes with its function, but a person often gains weight, compensating for the discomfort with various “goodies.” The chronic form of gastritis takes longer to treat than the acute form; it requires long-term self-control when choosing suitable foods, as well as adherence to a diet.

What is the difference between high and low stomach acidity?

When choosing a way to lose weight with gastritis, you need to take into account the type of disease, which depends on the concentration of hydrochloric acid produced by the glands of the stomach. Normally, its pH corresponds to values ​​between 1.5 and 2.0 units. With increased or decreased levels of hydrochloric acid, a person experiences various discomforts. Increased acidity can be indicated by frequent heartburn that occurs after meals, paroxysmal aching pain between them and other signs. People with low acidity of gastric juice complain of flatulence, bloating, unpleasant belching with the smell of rotten eggs, a metallic taste in the mouth and heaviness in the stomach even after eating a minimal amount of food.

The importance of dietary nutrition for gastritis and general rules

The described gastrointestinal disease cannot be cured only with medications, ignoring the doctor’s instructions for a gentle diet. A diet for losing weight for gastritis is an essential component of complex treatment, which will require changes in eating habits and a significant restructuring of the rhythm of life. If you continue to eat the same way as before the onset of the disease, the effect of treatment may be reduced to zero. The diet is chosen depending on the type of disease, but there are also universal rules: fractional meals are encouraged (you need to eat every 3 hours in small portions, which are no more than 250-350 g); you should not feel hungry by taking long gaps between meals; It is better not to combine the first and second courses in one meal; you need to eat them separately. Food should have a comfortable temperature (20-50°), so excessively hot dishes (above 60°) should be cooled, and excessively cold ones (below 15°) should be heated. Regular consumption of food at the same time removes excess stress from the stomach and does not lead to overeating in the future, which helps to significantly adjust body weight. The drinking regime for any form of gastritis is no more than one liter per day, so as not to affect the stomach tissue, stretching it. For drinking, pure still water, herbal teas and semi-sweet compotes are recommended.

Diet for functional dyspepsia and other gastrointestinal diseases

Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is mandatory!

With functional dyspepsia, a properly selected diet can minimize all the unpleasant symptoms of this disease.

The main thing is to take into account the nature of the manifestations of the disease in each specific case. However, the basic principles of nutrition for various forms of FD will not differ from each other:

  • the patient’s diet should be as balanced as possible both in terms of energy value and the amount of various types of nutrients in the foods consumed;
  • the patient should eat strictly according to the regimen; preferably – fractionally, that is, often and in small portions, avoiding overeating;
  • The patient is advised to drink all food he eats with plain water; Dry food is not allowed;
  • As for the choice of specific dishes, it will be specific for each type of FD; Among the general recommendations, we can only name the refusal of excessively fatty and other difficult-to-digest foods.

What about bad habits? Is abstinence from alcohol a prerequisite for successful treatment of functional dyspepsia? In fact, doctors have not yet established whether there is any connection between the development of the mentioned disease and regular drinking.

However, practicing gastroenterologists have repeatedly noted that complete abstinence from alcohol helps to smooth out most symptoms of FD. The situation is similar with the consumption of caffeinated drinks.

For other, more serious digestive disorders (for example, attacks of acute gastritis), the patient is prescribed a strict diet, and more specifically, therapeutic fasting. So, the patient is recommended to spend a day and a half on water alone.

What is prohibited for gastritis

Of the foods that absolutely cannot be consumed if you have a disease of the gastric mucosa, nutritionists note: fried and fatty foods, meat broths, aspic and jellied meats; semi-finished products, as they contain many artificial components that stimulate appetite and irritate the gastric mucosa; any canned food, including baby food, pickles, smoked meats and marinades; coffee and chocolate; fast food and dry snacks; low-calorie foods high in fiber (skin of fruits and berries, bran, legumes, mushrooms and others), as they require increased digestion, which is unacceptable for an affected stomach; carbonated drinks (including sparkling mineral water) and alcohol; baked goods; salt, hot sauces, herbs, hot seasonings and spices; products that activate fermentation processes. These include fermented milk drinks (for people with high levels of acidity in the stomach), figs and grapes, rye bread, sweet fruits and others. For hyperacid gastritis, it is undesirable to eat salads made from fresh white cabbage and radishes. In case of any inflammation of the gastric mucosa, sorrel, onions and garlic should not be added to the diet. In addition, dietary dishes are not allowed to be flavored with lemon juice. If you have gastritis, doctors advise not to snack on the run, not to use chewing gum, not to overeat, and not to eat in front of a TV or monitor. When telling how to quickly lose weight with gastritis, the doctor usually recommends avoiding strict mono-diets, fasting days, and strictly limited nutrition plans that promise quick results, but provoke a relapse of the disease. It is very important to follow medical recommendations and not prescribe one or another therapeutic diet on your own, since it must correspond to the type of acidity disorder and restore its balance.

Diet for gastritis in the acute stage

The diet for gastritis in the acute stage deserves special attention. The requirements for products are the same as for all types of this pathology, but more stringent.

In acute forms of the disease, it is recommended:

  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • yesterday's white bread and no pastries or baked goods;
  • only lean meat, boiled and pureed or finely chopped;
  • soups made exclusively with vegetable broths;
  • non-acidic compotes and jelly;
  • soft-boiled eggs or in the form of a steam omelet;
  • vegetable purees from the baby food range; it’s also a good idea to borrow fish and meat purees from a jar from your kids;
  • teas or infusions without sugar.

During the period of immediate exacerbation, the following are completely excluded from the menu:

  • products with preservatives, flavor enhancers, artificial colors;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • milk and any dairy dishes;
  • all types of baked goods, except day-old bread;
  • margarine, cooking oil and butter;
  • pearl barley;
  • all types of beans and beans.

All general restrictions on the products themselves and methods of their preparation also remain in force. Usually, the crisis passes in 3-4 days, then the diet becomes more varied, in accordance with the general recommendations for patients with gastritis.

What foods help you lose weight with gastritis? Methods for their preparation

In order to regain a slim figure and at the same time get rid of stomach problems, you need to pay attention to protein foods - lean meat, fish, poultry and tender rabbit meat. Lamb, pork, fatty varieties of sea fish and tough waterfowl meat should be excluded from the diet. Meat dishes on a gentle diet for weight loss are prepared from minced meat: these are meatballs, meatballs, chopped steamed cutlets. Seafood lovers are allowed to feast on mussels, shrimp and squid. Low-calorie whole milk products are suitable for people with hyperacid gastritis, and with a low concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, fermented milk products can also be included in the diet. In any case, to lose weight you should avoid consuming oils and creams. Porridges with well-cooked cereals are great for breakfast and lunch. Vegetables (except for sugary and starchy varieties) are boiled or steamed, and also pureed in a blender. Lenten soups with the addition of cereals and vegetables are welcome in the diet for weight loss for gastritis. They are served with pureed ingredients, in a thick form. Fruits (except for those containing a lot of acid, bananas and grapes) are baked without peeling; they can also be served in the form of compote or jelly. In the diet of a person with a sick stomach, the gifts of nature are used only after heat treatment of each fruit to facilitate the digestion of food.

In conditions of hyperacid gastritis

If a doctor has prescribed a diet for weight loss for gastritis with high acidity, then it is worth including rabbit meat in the diet - the most preferred type of dietary meat; chicken fillet (without skin), lean veal or beef of the first category. From fish - lean types: tuna, cod, from river - pike perch or pike. Milk should be chosen with no more than 2.5% fat content, hard cheese (fat content 30-45%), without additives: “Russian”, “Kostromskoy”, “Gollandsky” (daily portion should not exceed 50 g). Eggs can only be consumed as dietary eggs (with a shelf life of less than a week), boiled. For cereals you can use rice, semolina, oatmeal. Buckwheat - only during remission. A small piece of bread should be slightly stale; You can afford dry cookies or biscuits only occasionally. Vegetables - cabbage, peeled tomatoes, zucchini, beets, carrots and pumpkin - are suitable for food only after heat treatment (except for frying). It is better to bake fruits (apples and pears without peel). The seeds are a forbidden product, but in small quantities they relieve heartburn. The fats used are cold-pressed sunflower oil or unsalted butter.

Gastritis: how to lose weight correctly with a disease such as gastritis

How to lose weight if you have stomach problems. We are losing weight slowly. It is better not to count on rapid weight loss with gastritis. The faster the kilograms melt, the more stress the body experiences. And any stress increases the likelihood of not only gastritis, but also stomach ulcers. Therefore, we are setting ourselves up for a long diet.

How to lose weight if you have stomach problems, lose weight slowly, it’s better not to count on rapid weight loss with gastritis

Dairy products - yes. All dairy products protect the gastric mucosa from damage. Therefore, we drink tea with milk, cocoa with milk or cream, whole milk, non-acidic kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. We choose low-fat dairy products - up to 1.5-2% fat content.

We eat slowly and chew thoroughly. It is very important to eat slowly and chew food for a long time. Thus we kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, the saturation center in the brain has time to work. Secondly, well-chewed food is maximally saturated with gastric juice and is well absorbed. The stomach does not have to produce additional hydrochloric acid, which is very important for gastritis.

We limit alcohol and spices. Alcoholic drinks are high in calories. In addition, both alcohol and various seasonings greatly stimulate appetite and the production of gastric juice. Spices such as pepper, curry and garlic are especially harmful.

How to ensure protein intake when losing weight with gastritis

Protein is a necessary building material for all cells of the body. It is also indispensable for stomach cells. Therefore, our task is to provide the daily protein requirement against the background of a reduced volume and calorie content of food.

This is almost impossible to do without daily consumption of dietary protein products. These include fresh non-acidic low-fat cottage cheese, lean beef, rabbit, chicken breasts and boiled fish.

For gastritis, vitamin E protects stomach cells from the effects of hydrochloric acid; its source is vegetable oil.

How to provide the body with vitamins when losing weight with gastritis

Vitamin E protects stomach cells from the effects of hydrochloric acid. Its source is vegetable oil. But be careful, it is very high in calories. To meet the daily requirement for vitamin E, 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil is enough.

We get B vitamins from cereals. Cereals need to be boiled and added to first courses. It is not advisable to cook first courses in meat or fish broth, which stimulates the production of digestive juices.

Mashed porridge has a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa. You can take any cereal except pearl barley, barley and millet. The maximum vitamins are in buckwheat and oatmeal, the minimum in semolina. We get vitamin C from berries and sweet fruits.

Be sure to clean them of grains and skins. It is better to bake apples. However, most likely, vitamin C from fruits will not be enough. Therefore, you need to either drink rosehip decoction daily or take a multivitamin. It is better to choose vitamin complexes in capsules. They should be taken during or after meals.

Menu options for every day for weight loss for people with hyperacid gastritis

For breakfast, doctors advise patients with high stomach acidity to eat well-cooked porridge, boiled or steamed vegetables. You can include a little low-fat cheese in salads made from such vegetables. For lunch, you can eat 150-200 g of fresh cottage cheese (no more than 1-2 days after production) and drink a glass of milk (up to 2.5% fat content). At lunch, the diet menu for weight loss for gastritis suggests eating milk or vegetable cream soup with cereal (150 ml), a second dish of minced meat made from dietary meat, fish or chicken, which can be boiled or steamed until cooked, and also baked in the oven. It could be a small cutlet or a couple of meatballs. For drinks, you can choose weak tea or uzvar (dried fruit compote). In the afternoon it is better to drink jelly - milk, oatmeal or fruit. For dinner, a dish of lean fish and a salad of boiled vegetables or mashed potatoes is suitable. Before going to bed, nutritionists advise drinking 100-150 ml of warm milk (with a fat content of no more than 1.5-2.5%).

Nutrition for high acidity

For this form of gastritis, it is recommended to use a diet aimed at thermal and mechanical sparing of the stomach, as well as at reducing gastric secretion.

Authorized products:

  • casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings, oven-baked cheesecakes;
  • milk, especially with tea, all types of fermented milk products, including yogurt and curdled milk, fresh pureed cottage cheese;
  • fish, meat or chicken soups cooked with cereal broth;
  • white dry crackers, vegetable and butter, milk soups with cereals or pasta;
  • steamed omelettes, eggs in a bag, vegetable dishes in the form of purees, puddings, souffles, weak tea, sweet fruits and berries in jelly, creams and compotes;
  • veal, lean beef, chicken in the form of meatballs, puddings, zraz, steam cutlets (it is allowed to eat lean boiled meat in pieces 1-2 times a week).

Prohibited products:

  • fatty mushroom and meat broths;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • smoked meats with spices;
  • raw vegetables, pickles, marinades, spicy vegetable snacks, lemon juice;
  • black bread.

The purpose of the diet for exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity is to normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach, limiting thermal, chemical and mechanical irritants.

For gastritis with low acidity

Insufficient secretion of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes in patients with hypoacid gastritis leads to difficulty in digesting food. A diet for weight loss for gastritis with low acidity helps to activate the production of gastric secretions, which normalizes the digestive process and leads to noticeable weight loss. The menu for hypoacid gastritis includes: stewed and baked vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, beets or potatoes); lean meat, fish and broths; cottage cheese and fermented milk drinks; fresh juices, fruit drinks or compotes from strawberries, plums, blueberries, apples, carrots or raspberries; porridge (except wheat and pearl barley); fresh cucumbers and herbs (excluding onions and garlic); fruits and berries in reasonable quantities - raspberries, apricots, gooseberries, black currants and citrus fruits. In contrast to the diet for “acid” gastritis, the diet for losing belly fat for gastritis with reduced secretory function has some concessions to stimulate digestion: you can eat white cabbage salad, tea with sugar, honey, lingonberries, citrus fruits, raspberries and gooseberries.

Rules for losing weight for people with stomach problems

There are general patterns of behavior in which losing weight during gastritis will give a positive result.

  1. You cannot begin weight correction if chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcer, or other gastrointestinal diseases are in the process of exacerbation. Only after treatment and the onset of stable remission can you begin to fight extra pounds.
  2. First of all, it is necessary to remove all the factors that provoked both gastritis and obesity:
  • solve the problem of chronic stress;
  • eliminate the negative effects of medications on the mucous membrane;
  • reduce alcohol intake and smoking to a minimum.
  1. It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle: physical exercise not only burns calories, but also stimulates digestion and speeds up metabolism. For gastritis, it is useful to do aerobics, swimming, gymnastics, and yoga. Strength sports are contraindicated - excessive muscle tension will injure the walls of the stomach.
  2. The most important thing is to strictly adhere to the rules of safe weight loss when eating:
  • do not starve or overeat: eat small portions 5-6 times a day. The amount of food at one time should fit into a 250-gram glass;
  • don’t overeat at night, but don’t go hungry in the evening; before going to bed, be sure to fortify yourself with a glass of kefir;
  • refuse hot and cold dishes, eat only warm food, boiled, stewed or baked in the oven, chew it thoroughly;
  • drink up to 1.5-2 liters of water daily to dilute aggressive gastric juice between meals;
  • Only allowed foods should be included in the diet; forbidden foods and spicy dishes should be resolutely abandoned;
  • You should not eat liquid and solid foods at the same time. Eat protein foods with carbohydrates, meat with flour products and potatoes in one meal.
  1. A diet for gastritis for weight loss is not designed for a short time, the duration of therapeutic nutrition with weight correction is 5-6 months, during which time it is possible to lose 7-10 kg without harming your health. Rapid weight loss increases the risk of exacerbation of the disease with a complication in the form of erosive gastritis.

  2. Calculation of caloric intake:
  • We determine our normal weight (subtract 100 from the height expressed in cm), subtract its value from the actual weight. The resulting difference is extra pounds that need to be gotten rid of;
  • We calculate the calorie content of the diet to maintain the existing weight: 30/32 kcal for each kg of normal weight for women / men + 9 kcal for each excess kg of weight + 500 kcal for hard physical work + 200 kcal for training;
  • from the resulting calorie content we subtract 400 kcal - this is the amount of food that you need to give up daily in order to lose weight. The remaining calories are the daily intake, which must be constantly counted at first.

Note. Tested techniques for healthy people who have successfully lost weight (fasting days, mono-diets, abstaining from food after 6 pm) for chronic gastritis are absolutely unacceptable and lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Weekly menu for weight loss with hypoacid gastritis

A diet plan for weight loss for people suffering from chronic gastritis with low acidity is as follows:

  • On the first (and fifth) day for breakfast you can eat 2 meatballs from lean meat or fish, an omelet from two chicken proteins and drink tea; for lunch - yogurt or jelly; for lunch - puree soup and meat casserole; in the afternoon - a couple of coconut gingerbreads (based on yeast-free dough) with tea; for dinner – buckwheat porridge with milk and jelly; late evening - cottage cheese and kefir.
  • You can start the second (and sixth) day with cottage cheese casserole, semolina and tea; for lunch, eat a baked apple with kefir; for lunch, treat your stomach with slimy soup, meatballs and jelly; in the afternoon, have a snack with natural crackers and tea; for dinner, prepare a vegetable smoothie, jelly and a slice of low-fat, unsalted cheese; late in the evening drink yogurt with honey.
  • On the third (and seventh) day: for breakfast, eat buckwheat porridge with a meat cutlet and drink tea; for lunch, prepare a couple of yeast-free gingerbread cookies with milk; for lunch there is vegetable puree soup and curd pudding; in the afternoon - boiled egg and jelly; for dinner - rolled oats porridge with milk and compote; It’s better to drink fermented baked milk at night.
  • Day four: for breakfast – milk semolina porridge and jelly; for lunch - a glass of milk; for lunch - warm rice water, a couple of meatballs and apple casserole; in the afternoon - two biscuits with fermented baked milk; for dinner - cottage cheese casserole and milk; late evening - crackers and jelly. In the future, the diet can be varied to diversify your diet during a diet for weight loss for gastritis. The menu for the week should be made up of permitted foods and dishes, depending on personal preferences. It should not include foods that cause allergies or contribute to weight gain.

Sample menu for the week

To get an impression of the diet, you can look at the approximate menu of the diet for gastritis of the stomach for a week with recipes. There is a clear fractional diet schedule: eating several times a day. This weekly meal plan is attractive and meets your energy needs thanks to its well-thought-out calorie content.

Day 1:

  • Breakfast - buckwheat, milk soufflé, tea.
  • Second breakfast - 1 glass of sweet oat broth.
  • Lunch - slimy rice soup, spaghetti with beef zrazy, boiled carrots and peas, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - vegetable casserole, steamed meatballs, light herbal decoction with honey.
  • Before going to bed - 1 glass of fruit jelly.

Day 2:

  • Breakfast - boiled egg, dried bread, boiled oatmeal, apple and rose hip decoction.
  • Second breakfast - compote of boiled dried fruits (1 glass) and dry biscuit.
  • Lunch - buckwheat soup, pumpkin puree, chicken zrazy, tea with milk (possibly adding sugar).
  • Afternoon snack - 1 glass of milk, curdled milk, kefir and toast (fried bread is not allowed).
  • Dinner - noodles with steamed beef patties, sour cream vegetable salad, cocoa. Before bed: 250 grams of low-fat fermented baked milk.

Day 3:

  • Breakfast - oatmeal, boiled fish, tea with milk;
  • Second breakfast - milk jelly.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots, steam cutlet, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cottage cheese.
  • Dinner - meatball with boiled peas, toast, dried fruit compote.
  • Before bed - kefir or milk.

Day 4:

  • Breakfast - fermented milk cottage cheese with honey, toast, dried fruit compote.
  • Second breakfast - kefir or 1 glass of milk.
  • Lunch - mashed potato soup, vegetable and rabbit casserole, dried fruit compote.
  • Afternoon snack - milk mousse or soufflé with fresh fruit.
  • Dinner - rice porridge with boiled rabbit, boiled carrots and peas, tea with milk.
  • Before bed - cocoa with milk and 2 oatmeal cookies.

Day 5:

  • Breakfast - boiled egg, dried bread, boiled oatmeal, cocoa with milk.
  • Second breakfast - 1 glass of sweet oat broth.
  • Lunch - pea soup, steamed fish, baked pumpkin.
  • Afternoon snack - milk jelly.
  • Dinner - vegetable casserole, steamed fish, rosehip broth.
  • Before bed - 1 glass of kefir and oatmeal cookies.

Day 6:

  • Breakfast - buckwheat milk groats, milk soufflé, tea.
  • Second breakfast - baked fruit and a glass of milk.
  • Lunch - pureed cauliflower soup, zrazy with rice, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetable casserole and tea.
  • Dinner - steamed fish with carrots and peas, salad with vegetables and sour cream, rosehip broth.

Day 7:

  • Breakfast - baked apples with curd and raisin filling, toast, juice.
  • Second breakfast - kefir or milk.
  • Lunch - vegetable soup with chicken, mashed potatoes and carrots, steam cutlet, cocoa with milk.
  • Afternoon snack - fermented milk cottage cheese with honey.
  • Dinner - noodles with boiled chicken, baked pumpkin, cocoa with milk.
  • Before bed - 1 glass of fruit jelly.

The acute stage of the disease with such nutrition will quickly go into the stage of remission of gastritis.

In four weeks

Despite the simplicity of a low-calorie diet for gastritis, the process of losing weight usually lasts quite a long time. In order to heal your stomach and regain your slim figure, sometimes you have to stick to fractional meals and a gentle diet for several months. In cases of chronic gastritis, dietary table number 5 is prescribed constantly. An approximate menu for any day may consist of: breakfast of buckwheat porridge with meat pate, dried white bread crackers, a small amount of salad of peeled vegetables or fruits, weak tea without sugar (which can be diluted with milk); during lunch you can snack on curd pudding and a glass of carrot juice (diluted); for lunch you can cook noodles with meatballs, an omelette made from whites, a piece of steamed fish, a little cucumber salad seasoned with sour cream and compote; in the afternoon, eat a couple of crackers or biscuits with weak tea; for dinner - baked chicken breast with steamed rice, a glass of diluted juice; at night - a steamed cutlet or 150 ml of kefir. A balanced diet is the basis of a successful weight loss diet for gastritis. The monthly menu should be compiled taking into account the daily norm of vital nutrients, amino acids, macro- and microelements, vitamins and other nutrients. The body requires about 100 g of protein per day, a third of which is animal protein (meat, cottage cheese, eggs); about 75 g of fat (some of which comes from animal foods, another part from unsalted butter, and a third from vegetable oil). The daily need for carbohydrates does not exceed 400-500 g (this amount includes cereals, vegetables, fruits). To restore the balance of B vitamins in the body, the use of bran decoction is encouraged. It is prepared like this: take 1 part of raw material - 5 parts of water, boil the mixture for about 40 minutes, then it needs to be cooled and strained. Bran decoction is added to the first and second courses. You can get a rich source of vitamin C from crushed rose hips. Pour boiling water over them and cook for 10 minutes, then leave for 2 hours, filter through a linen napkin and squeeze. Take 100 ml of rosehip decoction half an hour before meals.

Lifestyle and physical activity

One of the inconveniences when losing weight with gastritis is psychological dependence on previous eating behavior and love for junk food. This habit goes away within three weeks of starting a weight loss diet. It is important at this time to avoid emotional overload, get proper rest, and also fight all negative habits (smoking, overeating, lack of sleep, and others). Particular attention should be paid to moderate but regular physical activity. Strength sports and abdominal strengthening are contraindicated for people with gastritis, but the following are great: yoga, dancing, swimming, cycling, stretching exercises, walking, Nordic walking.

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