Gabapentin: what is it, the effect of the drug, consequences


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Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm to your health!

Pharmacy addicts are confident that the drugs sold at the pharmacy are less dangerous than drugs. In addition, they have a more favorable price, and it is possible to purchase without a prescription (for example, through friends or just like that, if the pharmacist practices this). All this makes pharmacy drug addiction accessible to teenagers and young people. This problem also includes the use of gabapentin, a pharmacological drug for epilepsy.

  • Gabapentin as a drug
  • What is gabapentin?
  • Composition of gabapentin
  • Photo of the drug: what it looks like
  • Effect of gabapentin
  • Duration of action of gabapentin
  • Signs of Gabapentin Use
  • Combination with other substances
  • Gabapentin and Lyrica
  • Gabapentin and coffee
  • Gabapentin and alcohol
  • Gabapentin and phenibut
  • Consequences of using gabapentin
  • Quick addiction from the drug effect
  • The effect of gabapentin on the body
  • Gabapentin addiction
  • Overdose
  • Gabapentin poisoning: first aid
  • Withdrawal
  • Treatment of Gabapentin Addiction

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What is the difference

Phenibut is a nootropic drug aimed at improving brain activity. Contains glycine.

The drug has a calming effect, relieves panic attacks, improves sleep, and gets rid of anxiety.

Mexidol is an antioxidant drug that helps the body resist stress and improves its functioning in conditions that require an increase in oxygen flow. These include shock, hypoxia, intoxication and cerebral circulatory disorders.

The drug also works to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces intoxication in acute pancreatitis.

Nootropic drugs for the treatment of VSD

The main task of nootropic drugs is to activate the elements through which nerve cells – neurotransmitters – communicate with each other. Nootropic drugs contain substances that activate the process of biosynthesis of ribonucleic acid and protein compounds in the central nervous system. They accelerate energy processes in neurons, help reduce the number of free radicals, as a result of which they neutralize the negative effects of oxidants.

For VSD, piracetam and its derivatives (ethiracetam, isacetam, oxiracetam) have been used for many years. New generation nootropic drugs include:

  • fezam;
  • noopept;
  • mildronate;
  • phenotropil;
  • noben;
  • Ceraxon;
  • pantocalcin;
  • pantogam;
  • cortexin.

The nootropic drug "Phesam" for VSD, due to the combination of cinnarizine and piracetam, the drug has an antihypoxic, vasodilating effect, improves blood circulation in the brain, and the functions of the auditory and visual analyzers. The main component of phenibut is aminophenylbutyric acid. This compound, a derivative of phenylethylamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), plays an important role in the activity of brain neurons - it normalizes metabolism in nerve tissues and signal transmission between neurons. Phenibut plays an important role in strengthening cortico-subcortical connections. This increases the efficiency of interaction between different parts of the cerebral cortex, which is impaired in patients suffering from VSD. After taking the drug, memory improves, the speed and volume of memorized information increases, and emotional stability increases. In patients with VSD, under the influence of Phezam, the activity of mental processes is stimulated, depression, emotional excitability and irritability are reduced.

Noopept restores memory and enhances cognitive abilities, normalizes the activity of the autonomic nervous system. The drug improves mood, increases vitality, relieves stress and anxiety.

Mildronate for VSD (reviews about the drug are good) is used in the form of tablets for oral administration and injections. It has the following effect:

  • increases performance;
  • reduces symptoms of mental and physical stress;
  • activates humoral and tissue immunity;
  • has a cardioprotective effect.

Phenotropil acts on most neurotransmitter systems of the brain. When VSD has the following effect:

  • activates the integrative activity of the brain;
  • promotes memory consolidation;
  • improves mental activity and concentration;
  • facilitates learning processes;
  • accelerates the transfer of information between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • increases the resistance of brain tissue to toxic effects and hypoxia;
  • regulates the processes of activation and inhibition of the central nervous system;
  • improves mood;
  • has anticonvulsant and anxiolytic activity.

Noben improves metabolic processes in the brain. It has an antioxidant effect, a psychostimulating effect and neuroprotective properties. From the first days of taking the drug Noben for VSD, antiasthenic, psychostimulating and antidepressant effects are manifested.

Due to the presence of the main active ingredient citicoline in the composition of the drug, Ceraxon has many effects:

  • promotes restoration of damaged cell membranes;
  • inhibits the action of phospholipases, preventing the excessive formation of free radicals;
  • prevents the death of brain cells.

Pantocalcin is a nootropic and psychostimulant drug. In VSD, it has neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects. Improves memory, reduces lack of initiative and difficulties that arise when performing everyday activities.

The effect of pantogam in VSD is associated with the presence of gamma-aminobutyric acid in its structure. The drug has a nootropic and anticonvulsant effect. Has the following effects:

  • increases the brain’s resistance to the effects of toxic substances and hypoxia;
  • stimulates anabolic processes in neurons;
  • reduces motor excitability;
  • combines a moderate sedative effect with a mild stimulating effect;
  • activates physical and mental performance.

Neurologists prescribe Cortexin to patients for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In case of VSD, the drug improves higher brain functions, memory and learning processes, concentration, and resistance to stress. Protects neurons from damage by various endogenous neurotoxic factors, reduces the toxic effects of psychotropic substances. Increases the survival of neurons under conditions of hypoxia and oxidative stress. Activates the metabolism of neurons, helps improve the functions of the cerebral cortex and the tone of the autonomic nervous system

Indications for use


  • sleep disturbance;
  • nervousness, anxiety, psychopathy;
  • childhood stutters and nervous tics;
  • open glaucoma in the primary stage;
  • alcoholism (auxiliary);
  • Meniere's disease.

Phenibut is used to treat open glaucoma in the primary stage.


  • acute circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • patients with VSD;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism;
  • peritonitis and other acute purulent-inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • atherosclerotic disorders in the brain;
  • encephalopathy.

Consequences of using gabapentin

The drug not only has a lot of side effects. In the case of recreational use, it causes a stable addiction, gradually depresses the nervous system, leading to the death of neurons, and provokes respiratory arrest.


Quick addiction from the drug effect

Drug addiction to gabapentin develops very quickly. Among its signs are the following:

  • loss of interest in what is happening around, in loved ones, in oneself;
  • irresistible craving to use the drug;
  • loss of ability to control the use of the drug;
  • development of withdrawal syndrome, withdrawal symptoms;
  • the emergence of resistance to the usual dose, the need to increase it;
  • using a substance even when you feel very unwell.

The effect of gabapentin on the body

Long-term and excessive recreational use of the drug in violation of the instructions poisons the body, destroys the central nervous system, and reduces immunity. Among the most obvious consequences of using the drug as a drug are the following conditions and pathologies:

  • disruption of the digestive system, abdominal pain, nausea to vomiting, stool disorders;
  • the development of numerous infectious diseases due to low immunity;
  • inflammatory processes in the lungs and nasopharynx;
  • urinary tract infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis and so on;
  • pathological changes in the central nervous system: impaired coordination of movements, depressive states;
  • changes in the cardiovascular system - tachycardia, dizziness, noise or ringing in the ears;
  • skin damage in the form of rashes, constant itching;
  • swelling of soft tissues, face, limbs.

The addict constantly feels pain in the joints and/or muscles. The state of weakness and malaise is combined with drowsiness and irritability at the same time. Depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.

How to take Phenibut and Mexidol together

Mexidol is available in the form of tablets and injections, Phenibut - only tablets. You can take them together in accordance with the scheme indicated in the instructions.

Injections are administered both intramuscularly and intravenously through a dropper. Mexidol tablets are taken orally 3 times a day, the maximum daily dose is 800 mg. Phenibut tablets are taken 3 times a day after meals, the maximum daily dose is 2500 mg.

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Depending on the disease, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Special instructions for the use of Phenibut and Mexidol

The drugs have a number of contraindications related to the age and condition of the patient.

Pregnancy and lactation

In this case, Phenibut cannot be taken in the 1st trimester and during lactation. For Mexidol, use in both cases is prohibited due to the lack of knowledge of the possible consequences for the vascular system.


Children should not take both drugs. However, in the case of Phenibut, the restriction disappears after 2 years.

Elderly age

There are no restrictions on admission by older people.

Side effects


  • central nervous system disorders (irritability, nervousness, dizziness and headaches);
  • nausea at the beginning of treatment;
  • skin allergy (rash accompanied by itching).

Nausea and allergies may occur when taking Mexidol.


  • nausea (rare);
  • allergies (rare).

Alcohol compatibility

There are no contraindications prescribed in the instructions associated with taking Phenibut and alcohol. However, both of them affect the central nervous system, and therefore enhance each other’s actions. This combination can lead to increased feelings of anxiety, lethargy, loss of consciousness and other dangerous consequences.

In combination with Mexidol, alcohol with double strength affects the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system, which can also lead to dangerous consequences. The instructions do not mention this combination.

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Gabapentin addiction

The rapid development of dependence on gabapentin is explained by the rapid emergence of body resistance to a certain dosage of the drug. The desired effect is not achieved, and the withdrawal syndrome makes itself felt fully, which forces the drug addict to increase the dosage.


As with any drug, using too much gabapentin can lead to an overdose. The reaction depends on the dose, and it will be individual for everyone: the gastrointestinal tract will react more strongly in some, the heart and blood vessels in others, and others may fall into a coma. In general terms, the symptoms of an overdose are as follows:

  • depressed state, drowsiness;
  • speech problems;
  • double vision;
  • breathing problems;
  • vomiting and/or diarrhea.

If the dose is very large, death is possible, especially in combination with alcoholic beverages.

Gabapentin poisoning: first aid

In case of overdose, first of all, it is necessary to keep vital functions under control. You should definitely call an ambulance. Primary measures include gastric lavage and taking sorbent medications. There are no antidotes for gabapentin. Treatment is mainly symptomatic, but if necessary, hemodialysis can be performed in a hospital setting. In some cases, resuscitation measures may be required.


Drug withdrawal, or withdrawal syndrome, can occur even in people who take gabapentin for therapeutic purposes, not to mention pharmaceutical drug addicts. Withdrawal syndrome is characterized by such phenomena as: changes in blood pressure and body temperature, severe pain in joints, muscles, and head. A depressive state reaches its peak, irritability and aggressiveness arise, sleep is disturbed, and appetite disappears.

This condition may last up to 10 days after stopping the drug. Moreover, in a more or less mild version, these manifestations will persist for another 1-1.5 months.


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