Why does vomiting of bile occur after fatty foods?


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Adolescence is quite difficult, both emotionally and physically. The body changes, and a teenager does not always respond adequately to these changes. Many people want to lose weight, but know nothing about a balanced diet and moderate exercise. Today we will talk about eating disorder in young patients.

  • The problem of eating disorder in a teenager
  • Causes of eating disorders in children
  • Symptoms of adolescent eating disorder
  • Consequences for the body
  • Types of eating disorders: signs
  • Food aversion in a teenager
  • The teenager is constantly hungry
  • Binge eating
  • Bulimia in a teenager
  • Bulimia in women
  • Bulimia in teenagers
  • Eating neurosis in children
  • Nutrition for eating disorders
  • FAQ
  • Treatment of eating disorder in a teenager in Moscow in
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Drug treatment
  • Psychological help
  • Psychotherapy for eating disorders

Treatment prices:

ServicePrice, rub)
Consultation with a psychologist in person6 000 ₽
Consultation with a psychologist online5 000 ₽
Full-time course (4/month)22 000 ₽
Online course (4/month)18 000 ₽
Consultation with a narcologist3 000 ₽
Consultation with a psychiatrist in person6 000 ₽
Online psychiatrist consultation5 000 ₽
Consultation with the head physician10 000 ₽
Psychodiagnostics / pathological diagnostics7 500 ₽
Family psychotherapy7 000 ₽
Intervention session12 000 ₽
Help for relatives
Support groups for loved ones of addictsfor free
Webinars for relatives of addictsfor free
School for codependents 1 month5 000 ₽
Motivating an addict for treatment6 000 ₽
Accompanying the patient to the clinic6 000 ₽
Advanced hospitalization15 000 ₽
ServicePrice, rub)
Social rehabilitation of addictsspecify
Basic rehabilitation program40 000 ₽
Standard rehabilitation program75 000 ₽
Intensive rehabilitation program100 000 ₽
Premium rehabilitation program350 000 ₽
Online rehabilitation for addicts39 000 ₽
Outpatient rehabilitation in Moscow55 000 ₽
Rehabilitation of age-related alcohol addicts75 000 ₽
Adolescent social-psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation60 000 ₽
Rehabilitation Montenegro, Israel300 000 ₽
Medical and social rehabilitation (14-21-28 days)90 000 ₽
Transfer supportnegotiable
Drug testing urine analysis2 500 ₽
Drug testing blood test12 500 ₽
Hair drug test 3 months18 000 ₽


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Mechanisms of development of vomiting

The act of vomiting is usually divided into several stages - nausea, the urge to vomit and vomiting itself.

Nausea does not always precede the urge to vomit and is expressed in an unpleasant feeling localized in the throat and stomach. At the same time, the natural tension of the stomach muscles drops, and the small intestine begins to work more actively.

The urge to vomit is accompanied by a strong and frequent contraction of the muscles of the peritoneum and diaphragm. During the process of vomiting, the valve of the esophagus opens, and the food in the stomach rises up and then comes out.

At this time, the respiratory organs are blocked, which prevents the contents of the stomach from entering the bronchi and lungs.

As for the mechanisms of vomiting, there are two of them:

  • From an organ or organ system, nerve impulses are transmitted to the vomiting center. Signals can be sent by the coronary arteries, gastrointestinal tract, vestibular apparatus, pharynx, etc.;
  • Signal transmission can enter the vomiting center from the chemoreceptor trigger area, which is irritated for one reason or another. This may be due to the following factors: oxygen deprivation, taking medications, radiation therapy, infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria, etc.

The problem of eating disorder in a teenager

Eating disorders are a mental disorder that is accompanied by the complete exclusion of certain foods, or all food, or excessive consumption of food, followed by vomiting. A large appetite does not always mean eating disorder, because the child is growing and needs more nutrients. Therefore, it is important for parents to be as attentive as possible to their children.

Causes of eating disorders in children

There can be many reasons for the disorder:

  • Criticism from others.
  • Promotion of thinness and fashionable food trends (raw food diet, veganism, refusal of dairy products, gluten, etc.) in the media.
  • Poor nutrition. Lack of the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet leads to uncontrolled absorption of baked goods, snacks and other high-calorie foods.
  • Lack of attention from loved ones, lack of love. Often parents are so busy with work that they cannot find even half an hour a day to have a heart-to-heart talk with their child. If a conversation does take place, it is limited to standard questions: “what grades did you get?”, “why didn’t you clean your room?”
  • Force-feeding from infancy, incorrect attitudes - “until you finish eating, you won’t go to play”, “if you don’t eat every crumb, you’ll get sick”, etc.
  • Raising food into a cult, rewarding or punishing with food.

Sorbents are the first aid for nausea after eating!

The causes of nausea after eating vary. If vomiting and bloating occur, you can urgently take sorbent medications before going to the doctor. They quickly absorb excess gases and possible toxins. For this purpose, you can use Sorbex, a modern drug for detoxifying the body. The well-known activated carbon in granules retains its effect longer and has a visible effect.

It is important to remember: if preventing attacks of nausea does not help, the cause is hidden inside the body. To accurately determine it, you need to visit a doctor and get tested. Nausea may also indicate vestibular disorders and high blood pressure.

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  • How to avoid holiday poisoning and other stories of the New Year's table

Symptoms of adolescent eating disorder

What signs indicate the manifestation of eating disorder?:

  • The child may not eat all day. Lack of appetite can also be a symptom of some other diseases, such as hormonal disorders.
  • After breakfast, lunch or dinner, the teenager disappears for a long time into the toilet or bathroom.
  • Sudden weight loss. A very thin teenager is a reason to see a doctor. Perhaps he has such a physique and the “baby” fat has simply disappeared. Another option is anorexia nervosa, which also requires immediate medical attention.
  • Overeats after stress or at night.
  • In a teenager's room you can find various laxative teas, diuretics and cleansers.
  • Constant weakness, dizziness and fainting.

If you see 2 or more signs in your child, do not try to solve the problem yourself. Contact the specialists!

Consequences for the body

For an organism that is growing, such swings with meals lead to sad consequences:

  • The teenager does not receive the required amount of nutrients, which affects the health of the internal organs.
  • The quality of skin, hair and nails deteriorates.
  • The condition of the teeth becomes terrible.
  • Long breaks in meals can lead to gastritis.
  • In case of serious psychological disorders, a teenager may commit suicide, start self-mutilation, etc.

Symptoms of fish poisoning

The first signs of fish poisoning in a person appear half an hour after enjoying the “silky” taste: numbness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, lips, dizziness, increased salivation. Poisoning by puffer fish is distinguished by the fact that its poison, tetradotoxin, has a toxic effect on the nervous system, causing muscle paralysis, respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest. As you can see, such gastronomic delights can result in poisoning from poisonous caviar, meat, and milk.

Did you know...

...that aquarium fish also get poisoned? It turns out that due to the negligence and oversight of the owners, fish poisoning with nitrites occurs (toxic substances in the aquarium are formed when there is a large amount of leftover food or overcrowding of the “living space”), ammonia poisoning (dead fish in the aquarium), and fish poisoning with chlorine.

If you suspect fish poisoning with ammonia, nitrates, hydrogen sulfide, or if fish are poisoned with nitrites, the affected “goldfish” must be urgently transplanted into fresh water. To prevent poisoning in fish, aquarium water is aerated. If fish are poisoned by chlorine, you can help the victims by transplanting them with clean water with the addition of an antidote - sodium thiosulfate.

Types of eating disorders: signs

There are several types of RPP. It is important to recognize them in time in order to take timely measures. For example, anorexia at the initial stage requires urgent consultation with a psychiatrist; it is impossible to cure it on your own.

Food aversion in a teenager

Fear of gaining weight and lack of adequate information about a balanced diet and exercise leads to aversion to food. This happens gradually: first, favorite delicacies are excluded, then flour, meat, etc. Ultimately, the diet is limited to kefir and lettuce. With this menu, the body turns on energy saving mode and stops losing weight. For a teenager, this is a signal to completely eliminate food from their life. The feeling of hunger gradually disappears.

The teenager is constantly hungry

As the body grows, it needs more nutrients. If your child starts eating a lot, analyze his diet: does he have enough protein (fish, meat, poultry, dairy products)? Are there enough complex carbohydrates? (porridge, bread in moderation) Is there an adequate amount of fat? (vegetable and butter oils, fatty fish, nuts).

Did the measures taken not help? There may be a hormonal imbalance. This needs to be clarified by your doctor.

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Binge eating

Overeating is another consequence of poor nutrition and severe restrictions. This situation is familiar to many adults - in the morning we promise ourselves to throw out all harmful foods, we eat salad and chicken breast with kefir. In the evening, the body cannot withstand such torture and requires hot, fatty food. Meals should occur every 3-4 hours, and they should be balanced. The consequences of diets and strict restrictions can be different - from hormonal imbalance to eating disorder.

Bulimia in a teenager

Bulimia is characterized by artificially inducing vomiting on oneself. At the same time, the person feels guilty for eating. Such a disorder can be a consequence of strict dietary restrictions, unhealthy mania for losing weight, as well as psychological complexes. The 2 main signs of bulimia are:

  • The child disappears into the toilet or bathroom after every meal.
  • He is rapidly losing weight, even despite eating well (all food comes out through vomiting).

Eating neurosis in children

Eating neurosis can manifest itself in different ways. Some people cannot give up fast food, others are disgusted to the point of nausea when looking at meat, dairy or other products. Very often this condition is a consequence of the behavior of the parents. An example is that a child does not like liver, but they still continue to cook it and give it to him, often by force. Remember - each product can be replaced, and your son or daughter has the right to their taste preferences.

Prevention of poisoning

You can avoid fish poisoning by following these simple recommendations:

  • Observe the terms and conditions of storage of fish products;
  • Pay attention to the appearance of the fish when purchasing;
  • Do not allow fish to be defrosted multiple times;
  • Thoroughly fry or boil the fish carcass;
  • Do not store prepared fish dishes in the refrigerator for more than 3 days;
  • Don't eat raw fish;
  • Do not eat in establishments with a dubious reputation;
  • Don't buy fish from street vendors;
  • If you are traveling to Japan, if possible, avoid tasting fugu fish - remember, an antidote for it has not yet been found;

Don’t forget to put Enterosgel sorbent in your home medicine cabinet and be healthy!

Nutrition for eating disorders

If we are talking about severe cases, for example, anorexia, then it is possible to prescribe IVs, then pureed food, a gradual transition to pieces and increasing portions. This treatment is provided by nutritionists and doctors, but we will give advice for mild forms of eating disorder in adolescents:

  • Plate rule. Half are vegetables and fruits, fresh and cooked, a quarter are meat, fish, poultry, offal, another quarter are side dishes. Add healthy fats to every meal. An example of the plate method for breakfast is two scrambled eggs, a piece of bread and butter, tomatoes or cucumbers. With this diet, the body will receive all the necessary microelements.
  • Don't demonize foods or prohibit your teenager from eating his favorite sweets or snacks. If he eats a nutritious and balanced diet, then the craving for such delicacies will be much less.
  • Pay attention to the food culture. It is optimal if the whole family sits down at the table, putting away phones and other gadgets. This makes it easier to control the feeling of fullness, as well as communicate with loved ones.
  • Don't force your child to eat every last crumb.
  • Pay attention to the amount of clean food water in your diet - at least 1 liter per day. But sodas and juices should be minimized, as they can kill your appetite.
  • Try to take into account your child's taste preferences. If he says meat makes him sick, offer poultry, fish or organ meats.
  • Try to regularly give vitamin preparations to compensate for the lack of microelements (after consultation with your doctor).


    We have compiled a database of frequently asked questions and answers to them. Read, maybe you will find the answer to your question

  • What happens if you go hungry as a teenager?
    Nutritional deficiency can lead to a variety of consequences: poor dental health, memory impairment, gastritis, ulcers and other gastrointestinal pathologies, hormonal imbalances, which can subsequently lead to infertility, obesity, diabetes, etc.

    Lack of weight very often leads to prolapsed kidneys, and lack of muscle mass leads to a weak spine and scoliosis. The child must be explained the importance of a balanced diet for health and beauty.

  • Why does a child get fat?
    The reasons can be different - from hormonal imbalance to a banal excess of calories in the daily diet. If the examination shows that everything is normal, there is no need to cut down on the amount of food. It is best to pay attention to adequate amounts of nutrients, as well as increase the teenager's physical activity. For example, introduce the tradition of evening walks before going to bed, buy a joint gym membership (this will not only help you spend calories, but also get closer to your parents).
  • What pills to use for bulimia in a teenager?
    All medications are prescribed only by a doctor, after examination and diagnosis. Self-medication is unacceptable. The specialist will also prescribe medications that will need to be taken at home. Do not buy medications based on advice from the Internet, a neighbor or friends!

Causes of nausea after eating

The feeling of nausea is difficult to describe in words, but absolutely everyone knows it . The reasons for it are different; there are four main groups:

  • Binge eating . The digestive system is a well-coordinated mechanism. First, food enters the upper parts of the stomach, gradually moves further and is digested by special enzymes. The stomach is like a bag: if it is full, it does not have time to process the contents and it asks to be returned. occurs after eating .
  • Intoxication . Poor quality food can cause not only nausea, but also diarrhea (diarrhea) and vomiting. Symptoms of poisoning by toxins or microorganisms are often accompanied by elevated body temperature.
  • Toxicosis . Applies to pregnant women, especially in the early stages. Nausea and vomiting often occur in the expectant mother when she is not yet aware of her situation.
  • Diseases of the digestive system . There are a lot of them. Gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers are common.

All this can make life difficult if action is not taken in time.

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