Vomiting bile: causes and treatment, what to do at home

Situations when a person suffering from gastrointestinal diseases vomits bile are rare. The appearance of such symptoms indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of the intestines. The body is cleansed of unusual substances or substrates that are characteristic of the body, but not intended to enter the stomach. The cause of bile vomiting may vary, but in any case, the pathology requires careful examination and correction.


The phenomenon under consideration occurs when the pyloric valve fails and bile enters the stomach from the intestines. The information enters the brain, which sends an impulse that causes the abdominal muscles to contract and the diaphragm to lower. This leads to a sharp compression of the walls of the digestive organ and the release of its contents through the mouth into the environment. Vomiting with bile occurs.

Harbingers of an unpleasant phenomenon are nausea, rapid breathing, moderate hypersalivation. Patients note a feeling of cramping in the abdomen. After spontaneous contraction of the stomach, the mouth feels dry and an unpleasant bitter taste remains, which can be easily removed by rinsing with clean water. There is a feeling of relief and weakness. Sometimes they complain of pain, heartburn, belching, and persistent discomfort.

After vomiting of intestinal origin, a person notices an improvement in the condition associated with the removal of toxic substances from the body. The absence of this effect indicates the cerebral nature of nausea (diseases of the central nervous system, hypertension, neurotoxic effects of poisons).

Is it possible to use folk remedies?

Traditional recipes are suitable only for situations that do not indicate serious violations. So, if bile comes out with food debris when vomiting, you can try traditional options. However, if only green slurry comes out, you need to urgently call a doctor . Self-medication is excluded here.

Among the home remedies worth noting:

  1. Mint tea - add a couple of fresh or 2 grams of dried leaves of the plant to a glass of hot water. It can be any mint - peppermint or lemon balm. Infuse the tea for about 5-7 minutes, then drink in small portions, washing down the tea with plain water.
  2. Ginger decoction , also 2 grams of the plant per glass of hot water. Leave for about 15 minutes, preferably in a thermos, or wrapping the container in a towel. Drink on an empty stomach, in the amount of 1 glass.
  3. Lemonade that you can drink as much as you like. To create it, you need 1 lemon per half liter of water. The water needs to be warm; there is no need to heat it to a boil. Drink half a glass of lemonade, or in smaller portions. You can drink every 15 minutes.

It is worth keeping in mind that there is no need to add sugar to such drinks. It is better to exclude any additives altogether so as not to increase bile secretion. After all, you just need to give the body fluid.

What color is bile

Normally, the substance is yellow, greenish or brown in color. If pathology is present, this indicator may change. The shade of liquid for different diseases is shown in the table:

ColorPossible disruption of the gastrointestinal tract
RedAn admixture of blood from a disintegrating tumor, ulcer or other lesion of the biliary tract or intestines
Very darkStagnation
Faint color, white bileAtrophy of the bladder mucosa
Dark yellowHemolytic jaundice
Pronounced greenInflammation of the biliary tract.

Of course, the color of digestive substrates does not provide grounds for making a final diagnosis. Its shade can only suggest one state or another. The disease is determined after laboratory and instrumental examination.

Other ways to relieve the condition

Sometimes traditional methods are also used:

  • you can chew green tea leaves or drink this drink;
  • An infusion of dill seeds helps a lot;
  • take 30 drops of lemon peel tincture;
  • drink in small quantities decoctions of yarrow, burdock root, milk thistle, immortelle;
  • A decoction of chicory or ginger relieves nausea well.

If there is severe vomiting, especially in children, you should not eat much. But you must definitely drink, preferably sweetened water or special rehydration solutions, for example, Regidron. This will help avoid dehydration. The food can be light, best baked fruits, rice water, vegetable broths. It is undesirable to eat fermented milk products, fried and fatty foods, canned food, heavy foods, drink coffee or strong tea. The patient needs to remain in bed and rest.

When green vomit appears, you should not always take medication. It is better to consult a doctor, even if this condition was a one-time occurrence. But in case of vomiting in children, as well as if it is accompanied by fever and diarrhea, seeking medical help is mandatory.

Causes of vomiting with bile

This phenomenon arises for several reasons:

  • Radiation sickness.
  • Pathology of the biliary tract.
  • Toxic effects of drugs and poisons.
  • Atony of the gatekeeper.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Each of these conditions should be considered in more detail.

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Radiation sickness

Vomiting of bile is a symptom of the intestinal form of radiation injury, which develops when a dose of more than 10 Gy is simultaneously received. The symptom occurs in conjunction with other gastrointestinal problems. The victim is diagnosed with diarrhea mixed with blood, flatulence, and later intestinal paresis develops. In addition to dyspepsia, the patient suffers from pancytopenia, leading to weakened immunity, deterioration of blood transport function, and bleeding.

Stopping vomiting in patients with radiation sickness is difficult. It continues stubbornly, is poorly controlled by medications, and leads to dehydration. In addition, the body loses proteins and electrolytes, which causes unfavorable metabolic changes. The prognosis is disappointing. 90% of cases of radiation injury are fatal. Endotoxic shock leads to death.

Diseases of the railway tracks

Vomiting with the release of bile occurs with cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and incompetence of the sphincter of Oddi. In this case, the substrate does not accumulate in the bladder, but leaves it without eating. Once in the duodenum, unclaimed bile irritates its walls, enters the stomach through reverse reflux and causes vomiting.

As a rule, the symptom becomes noticeable simultaneously with other manifestations of the disease: colic, soreness, general deterioration in well-being. Unlike other pathologies, vomiting with pancreatitis does not bring relief. This is one of the differential signs of pancreatic inflammation.

How to bring a person back to normal?

Having found out why vomiting with bile occurs, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that its digestion is normalized and all processes return to normal. To do this, there is a certain list of recommendations that are definitely worth following.

So, it is important to stick to your diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty, salty, spicy foods . Smoked and fried foods are also limited. It is best to eat vegetables, boiled or baked. Lean fish and chicken are also suitable. Fruits and berries are useful. You can eat porridge, eat cereals.

It is worth paying attention to physical activity. There is no need to sit too long, it is better to moderately load the body. Practice shows that physical exercise without overload helps you recover faster. It would also be good to eliminate bad habits and erase them from your life. After all, this way you can avoid repeating this unpleasant story and maintain your health.

Vomiting after drinking alcohol is a very common symptom. But if there is bile, which turns the vomit green, you need to pay attention to the person’s condition. If you feel worse, you should call a doctor and perform gastric lavage . In some cases, a person may require hospitalization, and this should not be refused. After all, the question may even be about saving a life.

What to do if you vomit bile

The primary goal is to remove the substrate. The patient's stomach should be rinsed. You can do this at home:

  • Prepare a basin, 5–7 liters of water at room temperature (20 °C), a rubber apron or oilcloth.
  • Make the patient sit down and cover him with an apron.
  • Give 1–1.5 liters of water to drink.
  • Induce vomiting by pressing your fingers on the root of the tongue.
  • Repeat the procedure 3-5 times until the separated liquid becomes clear.

It is important to remember that rinsing is not carried out for people with swallowing problems, those who are confused or psychomotor agitated, or those with mental illness. It is not recommended to carry out manipulation in relation to patients with cough, since during an attack the patient may inhale rinsing water.

You can reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the situation by using medicinal herbs and choleretic preparations.

This is relevant for patients with gastrointestinal disorders. In case of intestinal obstruction and radiation sickness, taking such medications is contraindicated; in case of alcohol intoxication, it makes no sense.

Video: Nausea and vomiting

Symptomatic therapy

You can reduce discomfort and the secretion of bile with the contents of the stomach by adjusting your diet. To reduce the frequency of vomiting, it is necessary to eat small portions 5-6 times a day, exclude fatty and smoked foods from the diet, which stimulate increased bile secretion. To relieve other dyspeptic disorders that accompany vomiting, it is recommended to consume more mucous soups and cereals, which protect the walls of the stomach from the aggressive effects of bile.

In order to reduce unpleasant symptoms until the causes of bile vomiting are established, you can use various herbal infusions (valerian, rose hips, mint) that eliminate nausea and vomiting. Among medications, prokinetics are often used to improve gastrointestinal motility, antispasmodics, and choleretics. You should avoid taking strong antiemetic drugs without a doctor's prescription, as this can be dangerous to your health.

Vomiting bile during pregnancy

Spasmodic contractions of the stomach and the release of bile during gestation are caused by two reasons:

  • Exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Compression of the digestive system by the pregnant uterus.

An increase in the intensity of long-term pathological processes occurs due to hormonal changes in the mature body of an adult woman and toxicosis. The mechanism of development of vomiting does not differ from that in diseases of the biliary tract in an ordinary person.

The second reason for exacerbations is the refusal of a number of drugs that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Correction of the condition in such cases is possible only by stopping the inflammatory process.

When the intestines are compressed by the uterus, a mechanical movement of the digestive substrate occurs in the direction of the stomach and deep sections of the gastrointestinal tract. If the pylorus functions normally, the movement of bile is only possible downward. However, weakening of the sphincter caused by illness or hormonal changes makes it likely that it will enter the upper zones of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can a small amount of alcohol make you sick?

Even one glass of wine can cause unpleasant consequences. individual intolerance manifests itself . There is simply little production of the enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) or there is a deficiency of zinc in the body. In such cases, it is better to stop drinking alcohol so as not to injure your body and not find yourself in uncomfortable situations.

Alcohol poisoning is a serious stress for the whole body. It affects almost all organs and systems. The presence of bile in vomit should alert you. If you feel sick with bile for a long time after drinking alcohol, you need to seek help from a doctor . The hospital will prescribe the necessary medications and prescribe special droppers. Severe poisoning can result in coma. If help is not provided in time, a fun feast can turn into disaster. The best advice is to control yourself and control your alcohol intake. By stopping in time, a person will preserve his health, and possibly his life.

Vomiting of bile in children

The causes of the phenomenon in question in a child do not differ from the provoking factors that are relevant for an adult:

  • Intestinal blockage.
  • Diseases of the hepatobiliary system.
  • Hyperacid gastritis.
  • Poisoning and other conditions discussed above.

In addition, children may suffer from bilious vomiting for the following reasons:

  • Early start of feeding solid foods
    - the enzymatic system of 2-3 year old children cannot cope with food that is easily digested by an adult’s stomach. There is an increased secretion of bile and its movement upward, which leads to the activation of the gag reflex.
  • Psychosomatic functional disorders
    - the child’s body reacts to stress with spastic contractions of the intestines, which contributes to the reflux of enzymatic fluid. There are cases where nausea was caused by the need to pull out a child’s tooth.
  • Intestinal infections
    - endotoxic damage caused by bacterial flora also becomes a provoking factor. Bile reflux occurs when the body attempts to remove a toxic substance.

There are more reasons for vomiting in a child than in an adult. However, in childhood, failures are more often of a functional nature and go away on their own.

Main symptoms of intoxication

Medicine identifies several signs that allow timely identification of alcohol intoxication in the body:

  • changeable mood - from euphoria to apathy (at the initial stage);
  • unsteady gait;
  • skin redness;
  • frequent urge to mouth, accompanied by severe and aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased body temperature and chills (not always);
  • dizziness and throbbing pain in the head;
  • significant increase (decrease) in blood pressure, eye pain;
  • sweating and tearing;
  • body weakness and malaise.

In case of severe poisoning, the patient’s limbs often turn blue, convulsions appear and uncontrolled urination occurs.

There are also symptoms indicating that bile is vomiting:

  • the desire to vomit is observed for 2-3 hours. After three attacks, the person begins to vomit bile;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium, the pain becomes stronger during attacks;
  • enzymes burn the mucous membrane, as a result a person feels pain in the esophagus;
  • I want to tear, but the masses do not come out;
  • the presence of a feeling of bitterness after the next urge to vomit;
  • saliva takes on a different appearance, becoming thicker and more viscous.

What not to do when vomiting bile

When trying to help a patient, people often make mistakes. This leads to the development of complications that become fatal. It is necessary to consider the most popular actions that aggravate the patient's condition.

  1. An attempt to lavage the stomach using a probeless method in a patient with impaired swallowing or consciousness - the person inhales the liquid, resulting in a spasm of the vocal cords. He becomes unable to breathe.
  2. Cupping - the reflex is aimed at removing toxic substances from the body, so untimely blocking it slows down recovery. You only need to stop vomiting when it becomes too strong.
  3. Trying to give the patient pills - if there is intense secretion of gastric contents, administering oral medications is useless. A person will lose them with the first spasm of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Ignoring the need to go to the doctor - if vomiting recurs or other symptoms indicate an exacerbation of diseases of the digestive tract, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Other errors are possible when providing assistance. Most of them fall into the category of casuistry, and therefore are not considered within the scope of the article.

Medicines that help

You can find hangover remedies at any pharmacy. Among their abundance there are those that save you from vomiting and nausea. It is worth paying attention to absorbents that help cope with toxins and quickly remove them from the body. These are Polysorb and activated carbon. You can pay attention to Linex and other means of the same series. Cerucal also helps with vomiting. You can also consider complex drugs for hangover syndrome - Alka-Seltzer and others. Medicines of any type are taken with a glass of water, washed down with plenty of water. If they do not bring relief after 20 minutes, the procedure is repeated, taking a new dose of the drug.

If there is still no improvement, they call an ambulance. You can also go to a drug clinic. A person needs a drip, vitamins and medications administered intravenously. The procedure can be performed at home or in a clinic, depending on the situation.

Diagnostic methods

It is important for the doctor to understand the causes and source of bleeding, and choose the right treatment tactics. Often you have to act very quickly. First of all, you need to find out what diseases the patient suffers from and whether he has taken any medications recently. Then an examination is carried out, which may include:

  • Chest X-ray.
  • General and biochemical blood tests (to diagnose anemia and assess liver parameters).
  • Stool test for occult blood.
  • Plain radiography of the abdominal cavity.
  • Contrast-enhanced radiography.
  • Endoscopic examination - FGDS.
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