Using suppositories for pain relief and treatment of hemorrhoids
All articles Using suppositories for pain relief and treatment of hemorrhoids 09.26.2017 Suppositories for hemorrhoids are
Gastritis, ulcers, gastric dysfunction: what you need to know after the holidays
At least one big feast in a series of New Year holidays is already over, which means clients
Review of instructions for use of the drug Omez
Pharmacological properties of the drug Omez d A combined drug, the effect of which is due to the components included in its
How to treat nighttime heartburn - hypersecretion of gastric juice with GEB and other gastrointestinal diseases
Nocturnal hypersecretion of gastric juice often occurs in patients with diseases of the esophagus - gastroesophageal reflux
“Acute” problem: why can heartburn occur after eating and how to get rid of it?
Heartburn and accompanying symptoms The general clinical picture will help determine a preliminary diagnosis and carry out only
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