Bulbitis of the duodenum: symptoms and methods of treatment in adults Few have heard of such a pathological
Stool retention may be associated with both a slowdown in intestinal motility and
Remedies for spasms in children are antispasmodic drugs (antispasmodics). Antispasmodics for children are
Excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines causes flatulence. This condition puts a person in an awkward position,
Mark Anatolyevich, what could be the reason for liver enlargement? - Actually, by itself
Sigmoidoscopy is a diagnostic method that most of us have not heard of. Meanwhile, this
Stomach biopsy: indications, contraindications, performance In order to exclude or confirm suspicion of cancer
Magnetic resonance imaging is an examination method that is used in gastroenterology if there is a suspicion of
What does a diet give for cholecystitis? Diet therapy for acute cholecystitis. Principles of a diet for chronic cholecystitis. What
The norm is a small formation of light or white color. But the yellow coating on the tongue