Are therapeutic diets needed for gastritis and other stomach diseases?

Not all types of meat are welcome for gastritis. You definitely shouldn't eat pork, duck meat, fried lamb and beef. When you see fresh chicken breasts in the store, you can safely buy several pieces at once. There is a place for them in any therapeutic diet. Because the composition of vitamins and microelements is amazing, and the taste of the breast is always rich and pleasant. It gives you a feeling of fullness for long hours.

The main emphasis in this article will be on how chicken breast benefits a person with gastritis, and what dietary recipes can be used to prepare it. From cutlets to soufflé, from chicken roll to breast with broccoli. Mmmm, finger lickin' good!

Chicken breast composition

The nutritional value of 100 grams of this product is only 113 kilocalories.
The bulk comes from proteins (83%), carbohydrates (2%) and fats (15%). The calorie content of the breast may decrease slightly during heat treatment due to the digestion of fat. It is enriched with many minerals and vitamins and is not far behind turkey fillet in terms of its performance. Therefore, even a small portion per day can provide the daily requirement of the human body suffering from gastritis, nicotinic acid, phosphorus, chromium and magnesium, as well as vitamins B3 and B6.

The benefits of chicken breast

It is known that gastritis significantly slows down the work of the stomach, causing some stagnation of food. Chicken meat fibers, in turn, help draw out excess amounts of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice , reducing pain and normalizing stomach function.
In addition, chicken breast contains a large amount of vitamin PP. The most important beneficial properties for a patient with gastritis are the activation of the formation of enzymes in the stomach and the normalization of intestinal motility .

Successful treatment is also ensured due to the stimulating effect of chicken breast broth, but subject to its proper preparation. To do this, doctors recommend using domestic chicken or farm-produced poultry whenever possible to reduce the risk of consuming chemical and hormonal additives, antibiotics and other drugs that negatively affect the gastric mucosa.

Chicken breast and broth made from it are the most suitable food for exacerbation of gastritis with high and low acidity. Digesting these dishes does not require much energy or effort.

Is chicken meat allowed for gastritis?

Poultry meat is the most in demand of all products of this type. The white breast (or fillet) is especially prized. It is included in diets:

  • losing weight, for weight loss;
  • athletes, for the formation of muscle fibers;
  • patients with diseases of various organs and systems - gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, hormonal.

With gastritis, the membrane lining the stomach becomes inflamed, so easily digestible foods that do not overload the digestive tract are added to the daily menu, especially after an exacerbation. This group includes chicken.

It has soft fibers that easily disintegrate under the influence of bile and pepsin, and low calorie content - 190 kcal per 100 g for dark parts, and only 110 kcal per 100 g for breast.

Composition of chicken meat

Animal protein in a serving of 200 g at the legs or back is 54 g, in the same amount of fillet - 42 g. This is half the daily requirement for an adult.
A small amount of fat - 18 and 5 g, respectively. The vitamin and mineral composition is dominated by: ascorbic and nicotinic acid, choline, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, fluorine, zinc. The complex of beneficial substances is complemented by amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.

Chicken meat contains choline, potassium, sulfur, and phosphorus.

Regular consumption normalizes lipid-carbohydrate metabolism, stabilizes the absorption of amino acids, and supports adrenal function. Including chicken in your diet helps you avoid snacking because it regulates the production of digestive juices.

Beneficial features

Chicken is universal; it is included in the menu for gastritis for patients with high and low acidity.
Porous fibers absorb excess acid, accelerating recovery from irritable bowel syndrome and peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. If enzymatic functions are reduced, then it is better to eat broth.

When cooked, extractive substances are released that stimulate the production of gastric juice. Digestion of food is accelerated.

Chicken is considered a medicinal product. It helps to recover from exhausting physical exertion, prolonged malnutrition, and emotional fatigue.

Harm and contraindications depending on the type of disease

In poultry factories and large farms, birds are given feed containing hormones to help them develop faster, and they are injected with antibiotics to prevent bacterial infections.
Eating such meat can cause allergies in adults and intoxication in children. But individual intolerance to chicken itself is rare. But you also need to take into account the possible harm when introduced into the diet, improper preparation and overeating. If you fry meat, it forms a golden brown crust that contains carcinogens. If you have gastritis, you should avoid this method of cooking.

Fried meat contains many carcinogens.

If the portions are large, the stomach stretches and the load increases. This can provoke the appearance of painful sensations in the epigastric region, bloating, and flatulence.

Dietary options for preparing chicken fillet

  1. Marinating makes the meat juicy and tender. To do this, you can use sour cream or kefir with herbs.
  2. Cutting against the grain helps break down tough fibers.
  3. Beating also breaks down coarse fibers, while making the meat soft and porous.
  4. Cooking using breading preserves the juices inside the meat and makes dishes crispy.
  5. Preparation of minced minced meat from raw or pre-boiled breast

Chicken breast recipes

Chicken broth with meatballs

An excellent option for a lunch dish that has won popular sympathy is chicken broth with fillet meatballs. To prepare it you will need:

  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 2 slices of wheat bread;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 egg;
  • parsley root;
  • salt to taste.

The chicken fillet must be washed, placed in a saucepan with cold water and brought to a boil. If necessary, skim off the foam and add pre-peeled carrots and parsley root. Add a little salt and leave to simmer over low heat until the meat is cooked.

Grind the boiled fillet in a meat grinder along with slices of soaked bread, add the egg and salt, then stir thoroughly. From the resulting minced meat you need to form small meatballs and add them to the boiling broth. After some time, the meatballs will float and a foam will form, which must be skimmed off. Until the dish is completely ready, you need to cook it for another 7-10 minutes, and the broth, if desired, can be strained.

Potato zrazy with chicken

An excellent option for preparing chicken breast are zrazy, which are not only healthy meat for lunch or dinner, but also a side dish for it. You will need to take:

  • 150-250 g chicken breast;
  • 350-400 g potatoes;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt to taste.

Boil the chicken fillet in lightly salted water until tender, then cool and grind in a meat grinder. Boil the peeled potatoes and mash with eggs, butter and the required amount of salt.

Form flat cakes from the resulting potato mass and place some chopped chicken on them. Bring the edges of the cakes together and secure well. Then bring the zrazy to readiness in a water bath or steam.

Chicken cutlets

A suitable option for a daily dinner would be cutlets made from chicken breast. You need to take:

  • 450 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g breadcrumbs;
  • ½ glass of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt to taste.

Pour in milk and stir in breadcrumbs evenly. Mince the chicken breast twice, add the egg and breadcrumbs, add salt to taste and stir thoroughly. Form cutlets from the resulting mass. Boil the cutlets or steam them. If desired, you can bake them in the oven until cooked.

Chicken soufflé

The most refined, easy to prepare and delicious is chicken breast soufflé. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 450-500 g pre-cooked chicken breasts;
  • 150-200 g of wheat bread;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Grind wheat bread and boiled chicken fillet in a meat grinder, add salt to taste. Add two yolks, sour cream to the resulting mass and beat until smooth and puree-like consistency. The mass will turn out a little liquid, but this should not be scary, since during the baking process the soufflé will take on the required consistency and shape.

Carefully fold chilled egg whites, whipped until stiff, into the prepared soufflé. The result will be a light, airy mass. Pour hot water up to half into the prepared baking dish and place the resulting mixture into it.

The soufflé should be baked in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for about 30-40 minutes. Serve the finished dietary dish slightly cooled so as not to injure the gastric mucosa.

Chicken roll

Chicken connoisseurs know the famous roll recipe from Angelina Jolie. It’s not at all difficult to make; to do this, you need to unfold the not completely cut chicken fillet like a book and lightly beat it. Lightly salt the meat on all sides and place the desired filling in the middle. These can be vegetables, dried fruits or finely chopped greens. Roll the breast into a roll, wrap tightly with cling film and place in the oven for 40 minutes or in a double boiler for an hour.

Breast stewed with broccoli

This recipe is very simple to execute, but even gourmets will appreciate the taste of the prepared dish. If a person with gastritis wants to diversify their menu a little, then they should definitely prepare it, because this vegetable goes well with chicken. To do this you need to take:

  • half a medium head of broccoli;
  • chicken fillet 2 pcs.;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • olive oil 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt to taste.

Boil the onion and carrots, cut into rings. Chop the onion and place it in the pan along with the carrot rings and broccoli florets. You should also put chicken fillet there, cut into small cubes. Fill half the pan with water, add olive oil and salt. Simmer over low heat for about half an hour, adding olive oil if necessary.

Chicken breast with rice and vegetables in foil

Tender chicken fillet baked in foil with vegetables and a side dish with a little butter will become a favorite dish on the diet table. The secret of this dish lies in the cooking method: the poultry meat is baked without preliminary frying and together with a side dish. If desired, you can add chicken gizzards to it, which are allowed for consumption during periods of exacerbation of gastritis. Ingredients:

  • 3 chicken breasts;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 pcs. bell pepper;
  • 1 cup steamed rice;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • chicken bouillon.

Cut the chicken meat, onion and bell pepper into strips, add salt, olive oil and stir thoroughly. Leave the dish to marinate for half an hour. Rinse the rice well in cool water, then soak for 30-40 minutes. After this time, place the rice in a baking dish and pour in 1-2 cups of chicken broth. Place meat and vegetables on the cereal and cover with foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and leave to bake for 50-60 minutes.

Dietary chicken recipes for gastritis

You don't have to use spicy seasonings to enjoy rich flavors.
You can add herbs for marinating, and bake in breading so that the meat remains juicy. To make the chicken softer, pound it before cooking and then cut it across the grain. Another option is minced meat dishes. You can grind raw preparations or after boiling.

Breast broth

For diseases of the digestive tract, soup is an important component of the daily menu, especially during exacerbations.

  • 250 g chicken breast;
  • 2 pieces of white bread;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • parsley root.

Breast broth is an important part of the menu.

The fillet is dipped in cold water, boiled, adding peeled carrots and parsley root, and adding salt. After 30-40 minutes, when it is ready, take it out and remove the pan from the heat. Catch carrots with a slotted spoon.

Grind the meat with bread, mix the minced meat with an egg and add some salt. Form meatballs. Bring the broth to a boil, drop in the chicken balls, and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Before serving, add diced carrots to the broth.

The soup needs to be salted at the very beginning, then the meat will release its juice. If you cook it for meatballs, bring it to taste at the very end, 5 minutes before turning it off.

Chicken cutlets

Preparing several dishes for a family lunch or dinner, if one suffers from gastritis, is inconvenient. If you choose something that suits all family members, it will take much less time. For a universal recipe you will need:

  • 500 g white meat;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed crackers for breading white bread;
  • 1 egg;
  • to taste - salt, dried dill and parsley.

Chicken cutlets are a universal recipe.

Pour milk over the crumbs to swell. The meat is minced. Minced meat will be more uniform when using a meat grinder, but you can also use a food processor. Beat the minced meat well with dry herbs, swollen breadcrumbs and egg. Form chicken cutlets with slightly damp palms. They can be fried covered in a frying pan, baked in the oven at +180°C or steamed.

Meat soufflé

This is one of the first dishes that are introduced into the daily menu when the exacerbation period is over.
It has a delicate consistency and pleasant taste. Ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg boiled fillet;
  • 0.8-1 glass of milk;
  • 200 g wheat bread;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • 2 eggs.

Meat soufflé is baked in the oven.

The meat is passed through a meat grinder with bread. Separate eggs into whites and yolks. The minced meat is mixed with a mixer with yolks and sour cream. Separately, beat the egg whites with salt to form a stiff foam. Add it with a spoon, gently stirring from bottom to top.

Grease the mold with butter and spread out the airy, slightly runny mass. Heat the oven to +150°C. Cook for 35-40 minutes, covering the top with foil.

The baked soufflé must be cooled before serving.

Braised breast with broccoli

Broccoli is useful for gastrointestinal diseases.
This low-calorie vegetable - 34 kcal per 100 g, after heat treatment retains a complex of nutrients, with a predominance of calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and copper, and will help restore vitamin and mineral reserves. To prepare braised breast, you will need:

  • 2 fillets;
  • 1 piece each carrots and onions;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • salt.

Stewed breast with broccoli is useful for gastrointestinal diseases.

The fillet is cut into cubes, the onion into feathers, the carrots into slices, the cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences. Place everything in a saucepan, add oil and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat. Add some salt 5 minutes before turning off.

If someone does not like onions, then there is no need to chop them when cooking. Then it will be easy to remove before serving.

Chicken breast recipes for gastritis

Not all types of meat are welcome for gastritis. You definitely shouldn't eat pork, duck meat, fried lamb and beef. When you see fresh chicken breasts in the store, you can safely buy several pieces at once. There is a place for them in any therapeutic diet. Because the composition of vitamins and microelements is amazing, and the taste of the breast is always rich and pleasant. It gives you a feeling of fullness for long hours.

The main emphasis in this article will be on how chicken breast benefits a person with gastritis, and what dietary recipes can be used to prepare it. From cutlets to soufflé, from chicken roll to breast with broccoli. Mmmm, finger lickin' good!

Is it possible to eat chicken if you have gastritis?

Chicken meat is almost universal: it will help with stomach diseases with high acidity, and if it is low. Soft, tender fibers of chicken meat play the role of a buffer, taking away excess acid during gastritis, irritable stomach syndrome, and duodenal ulcer.

The special properties of chicken meat are indispensable in broth containing extractive substances - with reduced secretion, they force the “lazy” stomach to work. Chicken meat is an important component of dietary nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, obesity, as well as for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

Chicken is one of the easiest meats to digest. Chicken meat has less connective tissue - collagen - than, for example, beef. In addition, chicken meat, despite the highest protein content, is the lowest in calories. Chicken can be included in a diet menu or on a hamburger, decorate a dinner party or modestly appear on a plate on a weekday.

Chicken is one of the easiest meats to digest.

What is the best way to cook chicken for gastritis?

The lowest calorie meat in chicken is found in the breast area. This part of the carcass is good boiled or stewed. As for the legs and thighs, they have a higher fat content. You can use them to make cutlets, dumplings and steam them. With this method, excess fat is removed. Frying the meat is out of the question. This cooking method is far from dieting.

The skin of the chicken is quite oily, so it needs to be removed before cooking the bird, as well as the tail area. As for chicken broth, it is not a low-calorie product and is not suitable for dietary nutrition either for weight loss or for therapeutic diets. Weak chicken broth is desirable for children's soups and during colds. To prepare it, it is better to purchase the so-called soup chicken. But the concentration of the broth should be weak!

Vegetable salads and herbs are ideal as a side dish for chicken meat, promoting better absorption of food. Some fruits, such as apples and oranges, also make excellent additions to poultry. By the way, boiled chicken itself can be included in the salad.

This amazing composition

100 g of oatmeal cookies contain more than 400 kcal.
For comparison, 100 g of chicken breast contains only 113 kilocalories. Do you feel the difference? The majority are proteins (83%). It also contains some fat (about 15%) and almost no carbohydrates (2%). During heat treatment (for example, preparing chicken broth), the calorie content of the breast can be reduced even further due to the fact that during heat treatment, the remaining fat is boiled down. In terms of the amount of vitamins and minerals, chicken practically does not lag behind its closest feathered “relative”, turkey. Even by consuming a small amount of chicken, you can satisfy the body’s daily need for nicotinic acid, chromium and magnesium, and some B vitamins.

What benefits will chicken breast bring to a patient with gastritis?

When the gastric mucosa becomes inflamed, a person is diagnosed with gastritis. The work of the digestive system slows down and is disrupted, food stagnation occurs. Chicken meat contains special fibers that seem to “pull out” excess hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice. Therefore, the pain gradually decreases, and the stomach begins to work as it should.

Another reason why breast is recommended for regular consumption for gastritis is its high content of vitamin PP. It accelerates the formation of enzymes in a diseased stomach and normalizes intestinal motility. Freshly prepared chicken broth has a stimulating effect on the stomach. Of course, if it is prepared according to all the canons of dietary nutrition:

  • Chicken – homemade or farm produced. This way you can reduce the risk of consuming hormonal and chemical components.
  • The amount of spices and salt is minimal. No black or red pepper. A small amount of greenery is allowed.
  • Broth made from chicken breast is the optimal nutrition option even for severe gastritis. To digest such a dish, our body expends a minimum of energy and strength.

General principles of therapeutic diets

Therapeutic diets are selected by the doctor depending on the diagnosis and differ in the composition of the products and methods of their preparation in remission and during exacerbation of the disease.

Basics of therapeutic diets:

  • gentle diet by reducing mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • regular meals;
  • period of use limited by a doctor;
  • taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the nutritional value and calorie content of products.

Mechanical sparing involves the exclusion of products with an intense effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, including those with a high content of insoluble fiber:

  • baked goods made from wholemeal flour;
  • millet and other cereals without special culinary processing;
  • most raw vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • unpeeled unripe fruits, berries with rough skin;
  • stringy meat, cartilage, skin of birds and fish.

Also, to reduce the mechanical impact, it may be recommended to reduce the volume of portions. Dishes are prepared pureed or from chopped vegetables and minced meat.

To optimize the thermal effect, avoid foods that are too hot or too cold. Hot dishes activate gastric secretion and weaken its motility, while cold dishes do the opposite.

Chemical irritants that can negatively affect digestive organs weakened by disease include:

  • foods rich in essential oils, for example, onions, garlic, radishes, spices;
  • spicy, sour, smoked, too salty foods;
  • fried foods and canned food;
  • strong broth;
  • black bread;
  • black coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

A therapeutic diet is prescribed by a doctor for a certain period of time and is accompanied by other therapeutic measures. As you feel better and with the doctor’s permission, the therapeutic diet is expanded and comes as close as possible to a healthy, balanced diet.

Dietary chicken fillet. 5 cooking options

Below will be listed both traditional and little-known methods of preparing chicken breast. They will make chicken meat tender and easily digestible:

  1. Marinate. Juiciness and tenderness will increase significantly if you choose a good marinade option. People with “problematic” stomachs can be advised to use kefir with herbs or low-fat sour cream.
  2. Slice against the grain. This will break down even the toughest fibers.
  3. Batting. Properly cooked chicken chops literally melt in your mouth. Because beaten meat becomes porous and incredibly soft.
  4. Breading. Thanks to it, the juices inside the meat are preserved, and the dish acquires a crispy, appetizing consistency.
  5. Grind until minced. For these purposes, both raw and boiled breast are used.

Chicken breast recipes. Cooking broth with meatballs

What's so interesting to cook for lunch that everyone will be happy? Chicken breast recipes for gastritis are characterized by great variety, but there is one dish that has won popular sympathy. These are chicken meatballs. To prepare them, you will need:

  • Chicken breast - 250 g is enough.
  • A couple of slices of wheat bread.
  • Carrots, eggs - 1 pc.
  • A little salt, parsley root.

Cooking begins by rinsing the fillet in running water and placing it in a pan. Bring to a boil, and when foam appears, remove it. Throw peeled carrots, parsley root, and salt into boiling water. Leave to simmer over low heat until the meat is cooked.

The finished fillet is ground in a meat grinder with soaked bread, salt and egg are added. The minced meat is kneaded well, meatballs are formed from the finished minced meat and thrown into the broth.

How can you tell when the soup is ready? Very simple. When the broth boils and the meatballs float to the surface, you need to remove the resulting foam and cook the dish for another 8-10 minutes. The soup is strained before use, but this procedure is not mandatory.

Chicken fillet for gastritis

Chicken meat contains special fibers that seem to “pull out” excess hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice. Therefore, when eating chicken fillet, the pain gradually decreases, and the stomach begins to work as it should.

Another reason why breast is recommended for regular consumption for gastritis is its high content of vitamin PP. It accelerates the formation of enzymes in a diseased stomach and normalizes intestinal motility. Freshly prepared chicken broth has a stimulating effect on the stomach.

When eating chicken fillet, the pain gradually decreases and the stomach begins to work as it should.

Broth made from chicken breast is the best nutrition option even for severe gastritis. To digest such a dish, our body expends a minimum of energy and strength.

Chicken fillet meatballs for gastritis recipe

To prepare meatballs you need chicken breast - 250 grams is enough. A couple of slices of wheat bread. Carrots, eggs - 1 pc. A little salt, parsley root.

Cooking begins by rinsing the fillet in running water and placing it in a pan. Bring to a boil, and when foam appears, remove it. Throw peeled carrots, parsley root, and salt into boiling water. Leave to simmer over low heat until the meat is cooked.

The finished fillet is ground in a meat grinder with soaked bread, salt and egg are added. The minced meat is kneaded well, meatballs are formed from the finished minced meat and thrown into the broth. When the broth boils and the meatballs float to the surface, you need to remove the resulting foam and cook the dish for another 8-10 minutes. The soup is strained before use, but this procedure is not mandatory.

Zrazy from minced chicken

There is a simple and proven way to make potato zrazy a little tastier. To do this, they need to be cooked with the addition of meat. You will get 2 in 1 - healthy and nutritious protein plus a side dish for it.

  • Chicken breast – 250 g.
  • Potatoes – 350-400 g.
  • Butter – 25 g.
  • One egg, a pinch of salt.

You throw the chicken fillet into lightly salted water and boil it until tender. When the meat has cooled, it is ground in a meat grinder. Pre-boiled potatoes are mashed with egg, butter and salt. You will get a potato mass - this will be the basis for the zraz. You form it into flat cakes and place shredded chicken meat in the middle of each of them. Connect the edges and crumple them well. Then cook until done in a double boiler. It is highly undesirable to fry potato zrazy with meat in sunflower oil. Such food only irritates the mucous membrane.

One of the best chicken cutlet recipes

A suitable option for dinner would be cutlets made from chicken breast. To do this you will need the following components:

  • Chicken fillet – 450 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g will be enough.
  • Half a glass of milk and 1 egg.
  • Add just a little salt.

First, pour the breadcrumbs with milk and mix well. Then you pass the poultry meat through a meat grinder not once, but twice, add the egg, crackers, and salt. Form cutlets from the resulting mass. Then they can be steamed or boiled in a saucepan with water. The cutlet baked in the oven also turns out excellent.

The most tender chicken soufflé - how to cook?

This is a delicious and at the same time very easy to prepare dish. Stock up on these products:

  • 500 g chicken breast, already boiled.
  • Wheat bread is half as much - 200 g.
  • 200 ml milk.
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt is added to taste. Do not overdo it, as too salty food is harmful to the stomach.

Wheat bread along with chicken fillet are ground in a meat grinder. After salting the minced meat, you add egg yolks and sour cream to it. And then beat until you get a puree consistency. Don't be scared by the fact that the mass is runny. When baked, the soufflé will become denser and take on the desired shape.

Chilled whites are gradually introduced into the liquid soufflé - they are whipped until stiff. The light and airy mass is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes. First, hot water is poured into the baking dish until it is about half full, and then the resulting mass is poured into it.

When the dish is ready, it is allowed to cool. This is a necessary measure to avoid damaging the gastric mucosa.

Chicken roll

We present to your attention a recipe for a fantastic roll from Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. The not completely cut meat unfolds like a book. Then it kicks back, but not as hard as the chops. After salting the breast, place the filling in the middle. There are many options - from vegetables and dried fruits to finely chopped vegetables. After this, the fillet is rolled into a roll and placed in the oven for about 40 minutes. Before this, it is wrapped in cling film. If you cook the dish in a double boiler, the cooking time will increase to 1 hour.

Breast with broccoli - combination No. 1

Despite its simplicity, this recipe will definitely be appreciated by gourmets. Because the taste of the breast with broccoli is excellent. A great way to add variety to a diet menu that has become boring. To prepare, take the following ingredients:

  • Broccoli – 1/2 head.
  • Chicken fillet – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots and onions – 1 pc. medium size.
  • Olive oil – 3 tablespoons.
  • Salt.

After boiling the onion and carrots, cut them into slices and add them to the pan along with fresh broccoli florets. The fillet, cut into pieces, is also sent there. The ingredients are filled with water up to about half of the pan. Stew with olive oil and salt for 30 minutes over low heat. If necessary, you can add more oil.

Chicken fillet for gastritis recipes

Chicken breasts are not only delicious food, but also incredibly healthy. It is from chicken fillet that you can prepare many delicious and, most importantly, quick recipes. Chicken breasts are a dietary and very healthy product. Dietary chicken meat contains little connective tissue fiber and fat, and in terms of taste, chicken breast meat is in no way inferior to other parts of chicken.

Breast fillet with broccoli recipe for gastritis

To prepare, take the following ingredients: broccoli – 1/2 head, chicken fillet – 2 pcs., carrots and onions – 1 pc. medium size, olive oil - 3 tablespoons, salt.

After boiling the onion and carrots, cut them into slices and add them to the pan along with fresh broccoli florets. The fillet, cut into pieces, is also sent there. The ingredients are filled with water up to about half of the pan. Stew with olive oil and salt for 30 minutes over low heat. If necessary, you can add more oil.

Chicken fillet with pasta baked in the oven for gastritis

Chicken fillet with pasta baked in the oven
To make the chicken fillet juicy, it must be fried on both sides in a very hot frying pan. And bake for no more than 20 minutes. And regular pasta will become delicious if you add grated cheese.

Recipe ingredients: chicken fillet 500 grams, pinch of salt, small pasta 150 grams, gouda cheese 100 grams, carrots 10 grams, chicken eggs 1 piece, vegetable oil for frying 1 teaspoon, fresh thyme 2 grams, fresh dill 10 grams.

Take 4 pieces of chicken fillet, rinse in water and dry on a towel. Then cut each piece lengthwise. Heat the frying pan high. Quickly fry each piece on both sides until golden brown. The time is about one minute on each side.

Place the pan and boil the pasta. During the cooking process, add a pinch of dried carrots. Ready pasta should be slightly overcooked. When the pasta is boiled, drain the water and place in a container. Add to them a pinch of salt, one egg, grated cheese. Leave some cheese for topping in the oven. Let's also add a little thyme and dill. Mix thoroughly.

Take a baking dish, grease it with oil, and place pieces of chicken fillet on the bottom. Place pasta on top. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add the remaining grated cheese. Then remove, let cool slightly and serve warm. This recipe can be prepared for gastrointestinal diseases, but only outside the acute phase.

Oven dishes for gastritis

An oven is an indispensable attribute of a housewife. Few people know that delicious and often healthy dishes are prepared there. Every person can diversify the list of healthy dishes for gastritis using the oven. You just need to know the simple rules of cooking, as well as using healthy recipes. Oven dishes for gastritis turn out truly homemade, juicy and tasty. The website provides useful recipes for cooking in the oven for gastritis. Read the next article.

Diet for stomach ulcers

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease that occurs with periods of exacerbations and remissions and is accompanied by the formation of a defect (ulcer) in the wall of the stomach. The cause of the development of this disease is an imbalance between the aggressive effects of gastric juice and the protective functions of the mucous membrane.

It has now been established that up to 70% of these disorders are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, so its destruction is an important condition for the treatment of gastric ulcers. In addition, the influence of hereditary predisposition to the development of peptic ulcers, the influence of psycho-emotional factors, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and gross nutritional disorders are highlighted.

For more information about gross eating disorders, watch the video

As with gastritis, a therapeutic diet for peptic ulcer disease is recommended as an adjuvant at the beginning of treatment during exacerbation. During the period of remission, a healthy (rational) diet is recommended, ensuring the supply of all necessary nutrients, and especially protein. This is important for the restoration of the gastric mucosa. Regular meals are also important, avoiding long breaks and large meals after them, especially at night.

In addition, a therapeutic diet for gastric ulcers can be used as a prophylactic against exacerbations in spring and autumn, during stressful situations and during other diseases, for example, ARVI and Covid.

During an exacerbation of a peptic ulcer, a strict diet (SD) No. 1 is used in the first few days, using crushed and pureed foods and excluding foods that strongly stimulate gastric secretion. And when you feel better or when used as a prophylaxis, its less strict option without mechanical sparing.

The benefits of cooking in the oven

All housewives probably know that dishes baked in the oven are much healthier than those simply fried in a frying pan. It doesn’t matter whether you have a regular Soviet oven or a modern oven in your kitchen, you can cook equally healthy food in these devices. Is it possible that food will cook faster in the oven (plenty of functions) and the percentage of possible burning will be reduced.

The oven has a lot of advantages along with burners (more precisely, cooking on them). The fact is that when baking dishes in the oven, you can cook them without adding oil, while the food will be guaranteed a ruddy and golden crust! It is important that the process of forming this shortening is not carried out under the influence of the combustion of oil and fat (as with ordinary frying of food in a frying pan), but due to high temperatures.

All housewives know for sure that dishes baked in the oven are much healthier than those simply fried in a frying pan.

Under the action of the steam that forms inside, meat, fish or chicken are baked in their own juices and do not require the addition of fat, i.e. the dish turns out soft, juicy and more dietary. When baked in the oven in a sleeve or foil, the food retains beneficial microelements that are destroyed during frying.

The side dish, which can be placed in a sleeve or foil next to the main product, will be perfectly baked and will perfectly absorb the juice from the main dish. Food cooks slightly faster than on a baking sheet. If you bake a large piece of boiled pork without a sleeve, it will take 2 hours, while in a sleeve 1-1.5 hours is enough.

When baked in a sleeve or foil, meat, fish or other product does not cook or dry out, but is baked beautifully and evenly, obtaining a golden brown crust. You can bake it in a sleeve, foil or parchment either whole or cut into portions, which is very convenient.

Cooking healthy and wholesome food in the oven is important not only for adults, but also for children. In particular, dishes prepared in it will be safe and tasty for very young children approaching the first year of life. Dishes cooked in the oven are in no way inferior to those “made” in a double boiler. The oven also allows you to preserve maximum benefits, aroma and excellent taste in food!

Diet (OVD) No. 1 for chronic gastritis with increased or normal secretion and peptic ulcer

According to this diet, in the first days of exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer, food is prepared in pureed form and foods that have an increased secretory effect are excluded. Meals should be fractional, 5-6 times a day.

After the condition improves, they switch to unprocessed food while maintaining restrictions on the products used and diet. Nutritionists do not recommend long-term use of crushed or pureed food in the diet, as this leads to loss of the first phase of digestion - chewing and contributes to constipation.

Recommended dishes

Viscous porridges from semolina, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal, pasta;

Soups made from boiled cereals with the addition of boiled or pureed vegetables;

Lean meat and fish in the form of steamed cutlets, meatballs and boiled or sautéed;

Soft-boiled eggs, steam omelettes;

Dairy products* - whole milk, fresh non-acidic sour cream and cottage cheese 5% fat; cottage cheese dishes;

Boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin; baked or fresh mashed apples, jelly, mousses, jellies, compotes;

Weak tea with milk* or cream*;

Butter or vegetable oil only for adding to dishes;

Wheat bread, freshly baked or dried.

*Dairy products are included in the diet only if they are well tolerated.

What foods are undesirable during an exacerbation?

  1. Rye and any fresh bread, puff pastry products.
  2. Meat and fish broths, mushroom broths, cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka.
  3. Fatty or stringy varieties of meat from animals and birds (duck, goose).
  4. Spicy and salty foods, canned food, smoked meat and fish.
  5. High acidity dairy products, sharp, salty cheeses.
  6. Hard-boiled and fried eggs.
  7. Corn grits, legumes.
  8. White cabbage, turnips, rutabaga, radishes, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers.
  9. Salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, canned vegetables.
  10. Sour, insufficiently ripe, fiber-rich fruits and berries, chocolate, ice cream.

Sample menu for a day on a strict diet No. 1

1st breakfast: steamed meat cutlets or steamed omelette, boiled buckwheat or rice porridge, tea with milk.

2nd breakfast: fruit jelly, savory cookies or oatmeal porridge.

Lunch: rice slimy soup, meatballs or chicken steam soufflé, fruit jelly.

Afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg, chamomile infusion.

Dinner: fish soufflé, pureed buckwheat porridge, berry jelly.

At night: milk (1 glass) if tolerated well.

Sample menu for diet No. 1 (not pureed)

1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, crumbly buckwheat porridge, tea with milk*.

2nd breakfast: fresh, non-acidic cottage cheese 4-5% fat*, chamomile decoction.

Lunch: potato soup, steamed chicken cutlets, boiled carrots, dried fruit compote.

Afternoon snack: berry jelly with sugar and dried bread.

Dinner: boiled or baked fish with milk* sauce, mashed potatoes, tea with milk*.

At night: milk* or non-acidic fermented baked milk*, acidophilus*, yogurt.*

*Dairy products are included in the diet only if they are well tolerated.

Dietary dishes in the oven for gastritis cooking recipes

For gastritis, it is best to prepare porridges, recipes with meat, and baked fish as a second option. As for cereals, it is best to take buckwheat, barley or oatmeal. Porridges made from them help cleanse the stomach and help calm it. Fish should be lean, such as hake, pollock or cod. They should be cooked either in the oven or steamed.

Cottage cheese casserole in the oven

Mix the cottage cheese, ground through a sieve, with kefir, semolina, egg and baking powder. Place the resulting homogeneous mass in a container and leave in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees. You can serve with berries, honey or sour cream. To prepare cottage cheese casserole you will need low-fat kefir - 200 ml; cottage cheese – 200 grams; semolina - 70 grams; egg - 1 piece; baking powder - a pinch; salt, sugar - to taste.

Pancakes in the oven

Ingredients: oat flour - ½ tbsp., buckwheat flour - ½ tbsp., liquid - ¾ tbsp., egg - 1 pc., salt, sugar, butter. Recipe: Combine flour with salt and sugar. Add the egg and liquid to the resulting mixture. You can use water or low-fat kefir as a liquid component. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. You can use a mixer at this stage.

You can add fruit to the resulting dough. Lightly spray the baking dish with oil. Pour some of the dough into a thin layer and place in the oven for 5 minutes. The temperature should be no more than 180 degrees. A slow cooker is suitable for baking.

Baked apples in the oven for gastritis

Baked apples in the oven

Wash the apples thoroughly, wipe them, carefully remove the core so that a thin bottom remains at the bottom. Pour sugar into the hole formed. Place the apples on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven over low heat. Bring to readiness (the skin should be browned and the apple should become soft). To bake apples you need two sweet and sour apples; two tea spoons of sugar; two teaspoons of jam.

Cheesecakes in the oven

Ingredients: low-fat cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, flour - 5 tbsp. l., vanilla sugar, sugar, eggs, baking powder. Recipe: Beat 2 eggs with sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Add the remaining ingredients to it and mix thoroughly. Grease the mold with oil and preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Form the dough into balls and place on a baking sheet. People who are prescribed a diet should not eat overly fried cheesecakes.

Semolina pudding in the oven

You will need: semolina, eggs, sugar, low-fat kefir, butter, flour, vanilla sugar, baking powder. Recipe: Beat eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy. Add semolina and kefir, mix. Leave the resulting mass for half an hour. After the time has passed, add the remaining ingredients and mix everything thoroughly. Sprinkle the baking dish with sunflower oil. Pour the dough into it and put it in the oven. Cook at 180 degrees. During baking, do not allow overcooking.

Is it possible to bake chicken with gastritis?

Acute gastritis requires a strict diet: mucous soups, low-fat broths, liquid porridges, meat soufflé, rosehip decoction. Baked meat is prohibited. In case of chronic gastritis with preserved or increased acidity, a diet is prescribed that helps relieve the symptoms of functional disorders of the stomach (table No. 1).

The diet provides for the consumption of products without the content of coarse plant fiber, which do not exhibit a strong juice-containing effect. The products are boiled. Diet No. 2 is indicated for patients with chronic anacid gastritis. For concomitant liver disorders, table 5a is prescribed. When the disease progresses without obvious clinical manifestations, diet 15 is recommended.

Consumption of chicken meat in diets 1, 2, 5a, 15:

  • diet 1: lean meats and chicken are shown. Dishes made from cutlet mass, beef stroganoff. Cook with water or steam;
  • table 2: you can eat beef, turkey, chicken, tongue, rabbit. Low-fat varieties. Ham without lard and diet sausages are allowed. Preparation: chopped, stewed, boiled, steamed, as well as fried and baked dishes;
  • diet No. 5a: the consumption of lamb (without tendons and heat), beef, turkey, and lean chicken is allowed. Chickens and veal are undesirable. Forms – boiling, steam method;
  • treatment table 15: a variety of meat products are allowed, excluding duck, goose, fatty meat, beef, pork, and lamb. It is recommended to include cut meat in the menu every day. Cooking in any form.

Taking into account the characteristics of meat products and dishes, according to the corresponding diets, we can conclude that baked chicken is consumed for chronic gastritis. The form of the disease with preserved acidity does not require the consumption of baked foods, so such patients should not eat baked chicken.

The ban on eating such poultry applies to patients with anacid gastritis, accompanied by impaired liver function. Patients with chronic anacid gastritis who are on a therapeutic diet 2 and 15 can eat baked chicken.

Main courses for gastritis in the oven recipes

Dietary dishes for gastritis include various soufflés. Soufflé is a very tender, whipped, pureed dish that can be sweet or snack (made from meat or fish). They have a paste-like consistency and are very suitable for therapeutic nutrition. In addition, their heat treatment involves the use of boiled products and baking in the oven. In the same way, you can prepare a soufflé from boiled potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, meat, fish, low-fat cottage cheese with dried fruits.

Chicken soufflé in the oven

The most popular, tasty and easy to prepare is chicken soufflé. To make it, you will need 500 grams of boiled chicken fillet; 200 grams of loaf; two eggs; milk; 1 2 cups sour cream; salt pepper.

Pass the loaf soaked in milk and chicken meat through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper. Onions, garlic, and hot seasonings are not included in this delicate dietary dish. Add 2 yolks and sour cream to the mixture and beat thoroughly, turning into a homogeneous puree. Do not pay attention to the fact that the mass will turn out to be slightly liquid: during the baking process, the soufflé will acquire the desired shape and consistency.

In any soufflé, whites whipped into a strong foam are added, it is better if they are cold. They are very carefully introduced into the prepared puree. The result should be a very airy mass. It is laid out in the prepared form and placed in a baking tray, where you need to pour hot water (about more than half). Bake in a medium-heated oven for 40 minutes. A dietary dish with a delicate taste is ready to be served.

Minced meat and potato casserole in the oven

Peel the potatoes, boil until fully cooked and chop, mixing with warm milk and salting it. Salt the minced meat and simmer a little in water. Take a baking dish, grease its bottom with oil, and place mashed potatoes in an even layer. Place minced meat on top. Place the pan in the oven for half an hour.

You will need:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • 500 grams of minced meat;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • salt to taste.

Boiled meat soufflé in the oven

Boiled meat, cleaned of bones, tendons, fat and bread soaked in water, pass through a meat grinder. Place the egg yolk into the minced meat. Beat the egg white and gradually add it to the meat while stirring. Place the mixture in a deep frying pan, greased with oil, and bake in the oven until a pink crust appears. Ingredients for making soufflé: lean meat (beef, turkey, chicken) 160 grams, half an egg, loaf 20 grams, butter 3 grams.

Light beef soufflé in the oven

To prepare a light beef souffle you will need beef, milk (with minimal fat content), egg, flour, butter.

Preparation: Wash the meat, remove the film and pass through a meat grinder. After preparing the sauce: lightly dry the flour in a dry frying pan. After this, add milk and butter to it, stirring constantly. Let the sauce simmer to the desired consistency, add salt to taste. Mix the minced meat with the sauce, add the yolk and stir. Beat the whites in a separate bowl and gently fold into the mixture. Grease the mold with oil and place the soufflé in it. Bake in the oven. You can make steamed, portioned soufflés.

You can cook pollock in the oven for gastritis any day and all the cooking processes are simply elementary

Pollock in the oven

Juicy pollock in the oven is the dream of any housewife. You can cook this fish any day, and all the cooking processes are simply elementary. To make the pollock juicy, you need to maintain the correct temperature and not dry out the fish. To prepare pollock in the oven you will need: fresh frozen pollock - 400 grams; m vegetable butter - 2 tablespoons; with ol - to taste; ground black pepper - to taste; for crops (for decoration) - 1-2 branches.

Thaw the fish in the refrigerator. Then clean off the entrails and fins. If the fish is small, then you can leave it whole. If large, cut into pieces. Rub the pollock inside and out with salt and pepper to taste. Place the fish on a baking sheet lined with foil. Drizzle with vegetable oil. Place the pollock in the oven, preheated to 220 degrees.

After 20 minutes, the pollock in the oven will be completely ready; remove the baked fish from the oven. If you like your fish ruddy, then leave the pollock in the oven for another 5 minutes to get a crispy crust. Serve the baked pollock cooled. If desired, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

Chicken breast with rice and vegetables in foil in the oven

Tender chicken fillet baked in foil with vegetables and a side dish with a little butter will become a favorite dish on the diet table. The secret of this dish lies in the cooking method: the poultry meat is baked without preliminary frying and together with a side dish. If desired, you can add chicken gizzards to it, which are allowed for consumption during periods of exacerbation of gastritis.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • three chicken breasts;
  • one large onion;
  • two pieces of bell pepper;
  • one glass of steamed rice;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • chicken bouillon.

Cut the chicken meat, onion and bell pepper into strips, add salt, olive oil and stir thoroughly. Leave the dish to marinate for half an hour. Rinse the rice well in cool water, then soak for 30-40 minutes. After this time, place the rice in a baking dish and pour in 1-2 cups of chicken broth. Place meat and vegetables on the cereal and cover with foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and leave to bake for 50-60 minutes.

How to eat chicken with gastritis

The menu after an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases is designed in such a way as to eliminate functional disorders during the digestion of food.
They adjust not only the diet, but also the cooking methods and limit the portions. American nutritionists adhere to the principle: you can eat everything, after which painful symptoms do not return. This approach is controversial. The patient may not immediately notice a deterioration in the condition. Russian doctors select for patients one of the diets developed by the doctor Pevzner back in 1920. This nutritional system is still followed today, and one of the main products in it is chicken meat.

How to cook

The method of heat treatment depends on the form of the disease:

  1. With reduced acidity, chicken is steamed, boiled, stewed, baked in foil or parchment.
  2. At elevated temperatures, all options are allowed, except for cooking in the oven. As fiber density increases, the mucous membrane is irritated and more hydrochloric acid is produced, which can aggravate the condition.
  3. With erosive gastritis in the acute stage, a weak broth is allowed.

Chicken for gastritis is steamed.

Grilling and microwave cooking should be avoided. On the grill, the surface of the pieces is charred - the crust excites the irritated epithelium. In the microwave oven, the fibers remain stiff and elastic.

Frequency of use

After eliminating the painful symptoms, meat can be included in the daily menu. The diet is selected based on the clinical picture. In case of secretory insufficiency, chicken meat is administered up to 2 times a day, portions of 120-130 g, for lunch and dinner. Preference should be given to minced meat dishes. If there is an increased secretion of hydrochloric acid immediately after an exacerbation, 1 serving per day is sufficient - it can be increased to 150-200 g.

Additional features

If anacid gastritis develops against the background of dyspepsia caused by liver failure, then it is allowed to add broth to 2 servings of chicken meat - for lunch and dinner. This is not a meal supplement, but a separate meal - lunch or afternoon snack.

For anacid gastritis, you can eat broth.

With increased secretion, already from 6-7 days the patient is given meat after steam treatment. You can avoid grinding. A single serving is increased to 150-200 g.

For gastritis that develops against the background of impaired renal function, preference should be given to light dishes, such as soufflé. It is prepared only from white meat, minced 2-3 times through a meat grinder.

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