38th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor, description

Photo: UGC When the 38th week of pregnancy arrives, the expectant mother is already in full swing preparing for childbirth. By this time, the baby is already completely ready for life outside the mother’s body, so the birth process can begin any day. In order not to miss the moment when it’s time to get ready for the maternity hospital, it is important to be able to recognize the signs of an approaching birth. The information in this article will help with this. Read and be fully prepared.

What happens in the body of the expectant mother

It is quite possible that the tummy has dropped. You could feel this by the relief of your condition. It became easier for you to breathe, heartburn disappeared. But because the pressure on your bladder has increased, you may need to visit the toilet a little more often. What is the cause of abdominal prolapse? The birth of a child occurs according to a certain sequential pattern, which is laid down by nature. In preparation for passage through the birth canal, the baby lowers its head towards the entrance to the pelvis. By the way, in addition to more frequent urination, a woman may experience discomfort due to this.

At the same time, some women say that the 38th week was one of the most difficult weeks for them. Swelling, heaviness in the legs, fatigue and the desire for it all to end as soon as possible. This is understandable. In recent weeks, the baby continues to gain weight, which means the load is also increasing. In addition, changes in hormone levels in the third trimester also make themselves felt, causing the pregnant woman to become more irritable and experience all sorts of worries. But the good news is that the wait is very short.

Discharge at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Whitish, odorless (or with a sour tint), homogeneous - these are signs of normal discharge during pregnancy. The only thing that changes slightly towards the end of pregnancy is the appearance of small mucous clots. This occurs due to the softening of the plug that covers the cervix. If a lot of mucus comes out (the volume is approximately 2 tablespoons), this indicates the mucus plug is coming out. In this case, labor should begin very soon.

The discharge should not be green, white, flaky, or have a strong odor. In this case, we can assume the presence of pathogenic flora, which it is advisable to get rid of as soon as possible so that the baby does not become infected with it during passage through the birth canal.

Pain at 38 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout her pregnancy, the woman encountered a variety of sensations that were associated with physiological changes in her body. In the third trimester, many sensations are also painful.

  • Migraine. You should not try to endure such a headache, as it can continue for several days. Basic rules for combating migraines: medications, cold on the forehead, darkness and silence. Bright lights and loud noises will only make your pain worse, so ask your loved ones to help you get a restful night's sleep. Talk to your doctor about medications that can be used for migraines.
  • Leg pain. It appears due to the fact that they bear the main load. In addition, varicose veins during pregnancy are not uncommon, and they also bring painful sensations to women. Rest often with your feet on a pillow. And if you have varicose veins, you need to consult a phlebologist. But, most likely, you will be able to take care of your legs after the baby is born.
  • Pain in the abdomen and pelvis occurs due to sprained ligaments and changes in the position of the bones. Pain in the lower abdomen may also occur due to the fact that the baby is now pressing with all its weight on the cervix.
  • Back pain is an inevitable phenomenon, because the center of gravity has shifted. Wearing a bandage could alleviate your condition, but wearing a bandage (especially towards the end of pregnancy) can only be done on the recommendations of a gynecologist.
  • Pain in the buttocks. It occurs due to pinched nerves (for example, spinal cord roots). In this case, you need to carefully consider this phenomenon and, if the pain increases, contact a neurologist.

Pulling in the stomach at 38 weeks of pregnancy

If you notice that your stomach feels rocky at 38 weeks of pregnancy more often than usual, this indicates that labor is approaching. Especially if you experience pain that extends to the lumbar region. Be sure to monitor your condition at the moment. If the pain intensifies, you should call an ambulance. You will also have to do this if the increase in uterine muscle tone is accompanied by bleeding.

Often the tone of the uterus increases with increasing load - if you are carrying something heavy or walking for a long time. In this case, you need to rest so that the myometrium relaxes. If you are going to reach your due date, try to avoid prolonged tension in the muscles of the uterus.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

Some doctors, towards the end of pregnancy, not only do not prohibit having sex, but also recommend it to spouses as an accelerator of labor, since semen contains substances that help soften the cervix. The main thing is that during intimacy the woman does not experience any discomfort or pain. But if you have contraindications to having sex, refrain from it, even if the desire is very strong.

Treatment of headaches in the 3rd trimester

In the last trimester of pregnancy, you should spend more time preventing headaches. Adequate nutrition, taking into account the increasing need for vitamins and microelements, physical activity and positive emotions are the most important components. For headaches that do not go away after rest, you can take certain groups of medications. They will not harm the child, but the correct dosages must be observed:

  • valerian extract, glycine - light sedatives that help cope with stress and nervous tension;
  • non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen) - relieve inflammation and pain, but are not suitable for long-term use during pregnancy;
  • painkillers (Analgin) - can be taken at home during attacks of acute headache;
  • other drugs are prescribed only by a doctor.

The Clinical Brain Institute offers a program for diagnosing and treating headaches during pregnancy in the third trimester. The regimen is developed individually, taking into account test results and other characteristics of the body. At the center it is possible to undergo consultation with specialized specialists and undergo treatment on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Necessary studies and analyzes

OAM and UAC are already familiar tests for any pregnant woman. A general urine test shows whether there is an inflammatory process in the woman’s urinary tract or gestosis. A complete blood count is necessary to assess the amount of hemoglobin. This is important, because indirectly this parameter indicates whether the pregnant woman and her baby have enough iron. A lack of iron in the body is fraught with the development of iron deficiency anemia.

If there are certain indications, the expectant mother will be prescribed additional tests and examinations. For example, fetal cardiotocography will show how the child’s heart functions and whether he is developing hypoxia.

Diagnostic methods

Headache during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester requires examination if it occurs frequently. At the Clinical Institute of the Brain, it is possible to conduct a full diagnosis, consult with a neurologist, therapist, ophthalmologist and other specialists. In addition, additional examinations may be required:

  • general and biochemical blood tests will indicate the presence of inflammatory processes, changes in the cellular composition of the blood, disruption of the kidneys, heart, liver and other organs;
  • specific blood tests to determine gas composition and hormone concentrations;
  • Ultrasound is the main technique that allows you to assess the condition of internal organs and blood vessels;
  • MRI is a more accurate diagnostic method and can be used to examine the brain, but if possible it is postponed to the postpartum period.

Timely diagnosis is the key to correct diagnosis and prescription of a competent treatment regimen. It is important to consult a doctor if you have any ailments that are accompanied by a headache.

Possible problems

Difficulties do not bypass women who are in the last stages of pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers need to know what they may encounter and what to do in a particular situation.

  • Edema at 38 weeks of pregnancy. In the last weeks, almost all pregnant women swell, even if there were no problems with edema before. And here you need to watch yourself with special care so as not to miss the development of gestosis. Therefore, if you have increased blood pressure and nausea, be sure to consult a doctor. And to slightly correct the appearance of swelling, reduce the amount of salt and liquid you drink during the day (but not too much, because dehydration is also dangerous). It will also be useful to lie down and sit down more often so that your legs are slightly elevated.
  • Nausea at 38 weeks of pregnancy can develop for several reasons. For example, if the expectant mother overeats too much, she will not only begin to feel sick, but her stomach may also empty. Another reason is increased blood pressure. Therefore, it is advisable that you have a blood pressure monitor in your home. If you feel sick quite often, it is advisable to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Diarrhea at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Some pregnant women experience this phenomenon shortly before giving birth. It is believed that in this way the intestines are cleansed in preparation for childbirth. It is for the same reason that the expectant mother does not feel hungry before giving birth. However, it happens that diarrhea occurs due to an intestinal infection. Then it is accompanied by weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, and the temperature may rise. In this case, you need to contact your doctor. The main thing is to avoid dehydration, which occurs with prolonged intestinal upset.

38th week of pregnancy: your baby's development

Your baby is getting ready to be born, but he's still making the most of every day growing and developing.
For example, in these last few weeks, his brain continues to grow and can grow by a third from the 35th to the 39th week. Meanwhile, his small liver is almost fully developed. A newborn's first stool is meconium, a substance that forms in his intestines while he is still in his mother's belly. Meconium consists of cells lining the intestinal mucosa, bile, amniotic fluid that was swallowed by the child, mucus, secretions of the digestive glands, and lanugo cannon. Meconium does not have a strong odor, and its consistency is viscous and sticky; the color can be dark green or green-black.

Even though your expected due date is still a few weeks away, you may already be starting to notice signs that your due date is approaching. In fact, only about 4% of expectant mothers give birth on their expected due date (EDD).

Twins and triplets are usually born prematurely, so be on the lookout for early signs of labor if you're 38 weeks pregnant with twins.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

Be prepared for the fact that you can give birth at any moment. Therefore, you should carry your exchange card with you just in case, even if you are just going out for a walk. Doctors do not recommend moving far from home at this stage in order to be able to immediately return home if you show signs of labor beginning.

Separately, you can touch on nutrition. In order not to overload the intestines, it is worth reducing the amount of protein foods. Prepare easily digestible and healthy dishes, do not give up vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. If you add less salt to a dish, liquid is less likely to be retained in your system. And so that the food does not seem bland, add spices such as rosemary, basil, thyme.

Be patient, and very soon the long-awaited meeting with the baby you have been carrying under your heart for a long time will take place. You may even miss his movements in your tummy, but nothing will replace the opportunity to see, hear and touch your loved one!

38th week of pregnancy: what to look for

  • Have you already thought about what pain relief methods you want to use during labor? Your doctor will give you detailed information about options for pain relief from contractions. One of the most popular options is an epidural. If you took a childbirth class, you may have been taught alternative non-drug techniques for relieving pain during contractions (breathing exercises, massage, etc.). In any case, this topic should definitely be discussed with your doctor before giving birth.
  • Partner birth: You may have already decided whether this option is right for you or not, or maybe you are still weighing the pros and cons. Your birth partner could be your partner, a family member, a close friend, or even a professional doula. In addition to emotional support, your birth partner can provide “practical” help: counting contractions, giving you a massage, reminding you of breathing techniques, etc. According to the results of some medical studies, women who receive constant support during childbirth have faster labor and less pain relief. But in any case, you will not be alone during childbirth, the obstetric team will be with you at every stage.
  • Learn about the rules regarding eating during labor. If you are having a planned caesarean section, you will need to stop eating for some time before the operation. Your doctor will tell you more. If you have a vaginal birth, you may drink moderate amounts of liquid, but you will probably have to abstain from food. Ask your doctor about these rules in advance. .
  • If you are planning to breastfeed your baby, you may benefit from the help of a lactation consultant. A counselor will help you understand the basics and tell you how to prevent or overcome possible difficulties, such as nipple pain or poor latching. Ask your doctor and mom friends if they can recommend such a specialist.
  • Spend some time preparing for the postpartum, or postpartum period. Understanding what awaits you after childbirth will help you feel calmer during this period. Here are some articles on the topic:

    What happens during the postpartum period;

  • Recovery after childbirth
  • Hair loss after childbirth;
  • Discharge after childbirth.

Features of fetal development

At this time, the child turns out to be completely ready for life outside the mother’s belly. All organ systems function fully. If a woman continues to bear the fetus, then no significant changes in its development will occur. The baby will simply continue to grow in length and gain weight. At this time, the baby weighs 3 kg or more, and his height is on average 50 cm. Every day his body weight increases by another 30 g.

The baby's skin became pink and smooth. Lanugo and vernix have almost completely disappeared.

The baby's first stool (meconium), which is dead skin cells, has formed in the baby's intestines. As a rule, it comes out after the baby is born. However, there are situations when the baby has bowel movements while still in the womb. In this case, the amniotic fluid becomes greenish in color, and the baby itself will be covered in green mucus at birth.

If a woman is carrying a male child, by this time his testicles have already descended into the scrotum. This is a very important point, so after the baby is born, the doctor will definitely check this fact.

How does fatigue and drowsiness manifest during the first, second, third trimester?

Hormonal changes begin in a pregnant woman's body, the circulatory system is rebuilt, and the load on the heart increases. In the first weeks of pregnancy, progesterone is produced, acts on blood vessels and can lower blood pressure. In this regard, drowsiness during early pregnancy is most pronounced.

By 12–13 weeks, the body adapts to the changes, and the structure of the placenta is completed. In the second trimester, your health usually improves, and lethargy and the constant desire to sleep weaken and sometimes disappear completely.

In the later stages, the condition may worsen again. Due to the large weight of the fetus and the heavy load on the body, the expectant mother often feels weak, tired, and wants to lie down or sleep. Here it is important to exclude more serious factors - anemia, gestosis and other pathologies of pregnant women. It is also important to relax properly both in the early and late stages, and follow the doctor’s recommendations to help you feel optimal.

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