6th week of pregnancy: the formation of the baby’s spinal cord, as well as the rudiments of arms and legs begins

Methods for calculating gestational age

If a little more than a month has passed since the beginning of the last menstruation, according to the obstetric method of calculating the period, the sixth week of pregnancy has begun. The embryonic method starts counting from the expected day of ovulation. Normally, this process occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. In accordance with this, there is a difference of 2 weeks between the embryonic and obstetric stages of pregnancy. The sixth week according to the embryonic method corresponds to the eighth obstetric week.

The disadvantage of the embryonic method is that it is inaccurate in case of an irregular menstrual cycle, when a woman’s periods come at a different time each time. This feature of the body can be individual; it arises as a result of the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, the appearance of hormone-dependent pathologies.

In this case, other methods for determining the gestational age are used:

  • Measuring the size of the fetus during an ultrasound;
  • Determination of the date of the first fetal movement (during the first pregnancy, movement is felt at 20 weeks).

The accuracy of determining the duration of pregnancy is important for calculating the expected date of birth, determining the start date of maternity leave, and issuing sick leave.

How to confirm pregnancy - 4 methods

At the 6th week of pregnancy, test strips or a blood test for hCG will definitely show a positive result, since in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman there is an increased content of human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone secreted by the corpus luteum of pregnancy.

During an ultrasound scan of the uterus, the embryo at the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy looks like a tiny light dot against the background of a darker uterus. Ultrasound is performed according to indications; this method is not used at this stage to determine the period.

Possible information obtained during an ultrasound at 6 weeks:

  • Presence of multiple pregnancy;
  • Presence of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Presence of embryonic heartbeat.

It is impossible to determine the sex of the fetus at this stage, since the external genitalia of the embryo are not yet developed.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor will definitely detect visual signs of pregnancy - an enlargement of the uterus to the size of a plum, a change in its color. Outwardly, a pregnant woman in most cases looks as usual - her belly has hardly increased.

Risk of miscarriage

Why does my stomach hurt at 6 weeks of pregnancy? Not all reasons are so harmless and natural. In some cases, discomfort indicates the development of pathology. For example, this could be a threat of miscarriage. The embryo is vulnerable at this time. If there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, it depends on the state of health of the woman, as well as her unborn child. The most common reasons that cause this condition are:

  • Sexual contact.
  • Heavy physical or emotional stress.
  • Fetal malnutrition.
  • Placental abruption.

However, complete rest cannot guarantee that there will be no threat of miscarriage. However, excessive loads contribute to this process. Sometimes the process develops on its own due to gene abnormalities in the embryo. In this case, medicine is powerless. This process cannot be stopped. But in other cases, if you go to the hospital in a timely manner, there is a high probability of saving the pregnancy.

That is why a woman should listen sensitively to her feelings. If she has pain in her lower abdomen at 6 weeks of pregnancy, it’s worth figuring out what caused it. Only a gynecologist can help you do this. The main symptoms of spontaneous abortion can be aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lower back and sacrum. Every woman should know that you need to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • The pain in the lower abdomen increases.
  • Unpleasant sensations radiate to other organs and systems.
  • The pain is concentrated in one place, but it does not go away, but only intensifies.
  • There is blood or spotting from the vagina.

The last of these points may be a cause for concern if a woman has already found out that she is pregnant. In other cases, such a symptom may be regarded by her as the beginning of menstruation. Brown discharge at 6 weeks of pregnancy is not normal. The only exception is implantation bleeding, which in most cases can appear much earlier than at such a late date.

What happens to the fetus at 6 weeks?

At the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy, the embryo has already existed for 4 weeks. It weighs about 4 g, its height is 1 cm, and the embryo itself looks like a cylinder, curved in the shape of the letter C. The volume of amniotic fluid is 3 milliliters. At the head end of the cylinder, brain vesicles appear - the rudiments of the future cerebral hemispheres. The neural tube is tightened, it is transformed into the embryonic nervous system. Cells of the future central nervous system begin to rapidly multiply.

Thanks to this, the embryo begins to respond to external stimuli by bending in lateral directions. On the future face, the rudiments of the nose, ears, and mouth stand out, and the eye pits are noticeable - optic vesicles. Internal organs continue their formation - the liver, lungs, trachea, bronchi, stomach, trachea, pancreas develop. One of the most important organs of the immune system, the thymus, or thymus gland, begins its development.

The little heart still looks like a tube, but it already makes about 140 beats per minute. This heart rate is normal for a fetus at 6 weeks of pregnancy. The heartbeat can already be detected and measured during an ultrasound scan.

The embryo develops cartilage tissue - the basis of the future musculoskeletal system. On the side opposite the head end, the fetus has a tail, which in the future will become the coccyx. Knee and elbow bends are visible on the fetal limbs, and the fingers grow slightly.

Sixth week of pregnancy: how the baby develops

So, you are six weeks pregnant. The main milestone at this stage is the beginning of the formation of the baby’s future spinal cord from the neural tube. But that is not all! This week, the fetus develops tubercles, which will later form eyes and ears. The rudiments of arms and legs are formed. This week, an ultrasound scan detected the baby's heartbeat - about 105 beats per minute. The brain and nervous system are developing rapidly. Only now is the face beginning to form: nose, mouth, inner ear, ears, and with them the lungs. In just a few weeks, breathing tubes will be connected to the lungs and trachea, thanks to which the baby will eventually take his first breath. Are you curious to know when this will happen? Then calculate your baby's date of birth using a pregnancy calculator.

What happens in the female body?

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the active development of the umbilical cord and placenta begins - the baby's place, which supplies the fetus with nutrition and oxygen until birth. Until now, these functions have been assigned to the yolk sac, which will soon cease to exist. The amniotic sac will provide the fetus with reliable protection from external physical influence. Already at this stage, the fetus is able to move in the amniotic fluid.

The uterus, which has increased in size, puts pressure on the bladder, forcing the woman to urinate frequently. When the uterus rises above the level of the womb, these sensations will no longer bother the pregnant woman. It is important at this stage to differentiate such a symptom of pregnancy from signs of cystitis - pain and cramping in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. If not treated promptly, the infection will spread upward to the ureters and kidneys, causing pyelonephritis.

At this time, it is time to register with the antenatal clinic, even if the woman does not feel any negative symptoms and the pregnancy is easy. The doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sixth week of pregnancy: what to look for

  • Want to tell your partner you're pregnant in an unusual way? You might like one of these cute ways to tell your partner you're going to be parents.
  • An increase in breast size is probably the first thing you notice. The body is experiencing a hormonal storm and because of this, the condition of the skin may change - for example, it may become oilier. Hyperpigmentation can cause nipples to become a couple of shades darker.
  • Review your wardrobe: for the next few months you will need roomy, easy-stretch clothes. It won't be long before your shape starts to change, so it's important that you're comfortable, even if you're not ready to switch to maternity clothes. At this stage, it is recommended to put aside the tight trousers and take a closer look at cotton underwear. A larger bra is more likely to be a more comfortable purchase for you.
  • Now worries and worries are absolutely natural. If you're having trouble coping with anxiety, try keeping a pregnancy diary - it may help. Or make a list of questions to ask your doctor at your next appointment. This will help you calm down, because this way you will know that at your next appointment you will clarify for yourself all the unclear aspects of pregnancy.
  • Now is a great time to start a photo album or scrapbook in which you will paste photos, notes and everything related to your pregnancy. And in a few years you will be able to look at this album with your child.
  • All the useful information about what to expect in the first trimester and beyond is contained in the pregnancy guide.
  • If you are planning to manage your pregnancy and childbirth under compulsory medical insurance, check whether your insurance policy is valid, if you have not already done so. Find out from the company that issued the policy or from your doctor at the antenatal clinic which tests are included, which services and medical care are provided free of charge, and for which you may have to pay separately.
  • Find out what foods you shouldn't eat during pregnancy. Decide what to replace non-recommended products with and make a shopping list.
  • Plan time for rest. Be sure to leave time for relaxation no matter what you do. This is especially true for expectant mothers who experience severe fatigue, one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. Take advantage of every opportunity: sleep longer in the morning, have a siesta or bed down as early as possible.


The content of the main pregnancy hormone, progesterone, continues to increase. Progesterone maintains pregnancy, ensuring its normal course, preventing increased uterine contractions. Human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG, secreted by the placenta, increases its concentration in the blood of a pregnant woman. Normally, hCG levels rise until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, and progesterone levels rise until the fortieth week of pregnancy. Hormone levels are monitored if there is a threat of miscarriage or if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected.

Pathological causes

Pain is not always harmless. In some cases, they are the result of dangerous complications.

All pain of a pathological nature that occurs in the lower abdomen of a pregnant woman is divided into 2 groups: obstetric and non-obstetric.

Obstetric pain

The causes of obstetric pain are:

  • Risk of miscarriage

A characteristic feature is the absence of wandering pain. Nagging or aching pain (can be cramping in nature) occurs in the lower abdomen and lower back, often accompanied by bloody discharge of various shades. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance to prevent spontaneous abortion.

  • Ectopic pregnancy

Cramping or sharp pains are localized on one side of the abdomen and can radiate to the supraclavicular region, hypochondrium, lower extremities, and anal passage. They are often accompanied by nausea, bleeding, and possible fainting. This situation requires immediate medical attention, as it poses a threat to the woman’s health and life.

  • Frozen pregnancy

During a frozen pregnancy, the fertilized egg begins to be rejected on its own, which provokes nagging pain and bleeding.

  • Placental abruption

In the case of premature placental abruption, pain may be accompanied by flatulence, pale skin, dizziness, vomiting, bleeding, and general weakness.

Feelings of a pregnant woman at 6 weeks

The general condition due to the effects of hormonal changes in the body is characterized by loss of strength, constant fatigue and lethargy, and changes in emotional state. The mood can change dramatically within a short time from euphoria to moodiness and increased irritability. Taste preferences change - favorite foods are no longer attractive, and strange for others addictions to absorb sweet, salty, exotic fruits, and minerals appear.

Physical changes in a woman’s body:

  • cessation of menstruation;
  • increased sensitivity and soreness of the breast;
  • darkening of the nipples and areolas around them;
  • increase in waist size;
  • digestive disorders - heartburn, colic, constipation;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • changes in the condition of the skin of the face and body - the appearance of acne, porosity and looseness of the epidermis;
  • increased sensitivity to temperature fluctuations.

All changes are associated with changes in the physiology of the female body, designed to maintain pregnancy.

Video about what happens in the female body at 6 weeks of pregnancy, about sensations and possible problems:


It is absolutely not necessary that the signs of toxicosis correspond to the common stereotype - nausea and vomiting, complete aversion to food. Many women go through pregnancy without experiencing these symptoms, or experiencing them only mildly.

At week 6, the following symptoms of toxicosis may appear:

  • aversion to strong odors;
  • selective attitude towards certain foods, especially protein foods;
  • morning sickness, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • dizziness, headache.

To reduce discomfort, you need to take the first meal without getting out of bed. A light breakfast of a cup of tea, crackers or lean cookies will help smooth out the manifestations of toxicosis. The reason for the appearance of symptoms of toxicosis is the body’s adaptive reaction to pregnancy and the appearance of a fetus with characteristics different from its own parameters. Indomitable vomiting requires medical supervision in a gynecological hospital. Severe early toxicosis can become a threat to pregnancy.

Video about fetal formation at 6 weeks of pregnancy, early toxicosis and visual signs:

How you feel

The belly has not yet begun to grow, despite the fact that the uterus has become larger. Sometimes bloating, which is associated with digestive problems, is mistaken for an enlarged abdomen. This trouble occurs due to an increase in progesterone levels. In addition, during pregnancy, the stomach muscles relax, making it increasingly difficult for food to leave the stomach. To reduce discomfort, eat small meals, eat more fiber (fresh vegetables, fruits and dried fruits), drink at least two liters of water per day and do not wear clothes that compress the epigastric region.

During the 6th week of pregnancy, you may feel nauseous (especially in the morning) and sometimes vomit. You will develop strange eating habits and become more sensitive to smells. All this is a sign that your body is adapting to the needs of the little man who is growing inside you. Early toxicosis will subside when the formation of the placenta is complete (approximately 14–16 weeks of pregnancy).

During this period, as in the past week, you will quickly get tired and feel drowsy. Due to changes in hormonal levels, headaches, dizziness and even fainting are possible. Another unpleasant aspect is the increase in sebum production, which can lead to acne.

You will also notice that your nipples become very sensitive and the halos around them darken. In the future, their richer color will serve as a guide for the baby to get to mother's milk, because in the first months of life, newborns' vision is still weak.

Abdominal and lower back pain

The only acceptable pain at 6 weeks of pregnancy is a weak sensation in the form of light contractions, or a slight nagging pain in the lower back. They indicate stretching of the ligaments of the growing uterus or the effect of progesterone on the tissues of the reproductive organs. Normally, these sensations last until the 20th week of pregnancy.

Intense pain, severe cramps, accompanied by bloody discharge - a symptom of trouble (threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy). Perhaps this is how surgical pathology manifests itself (appendicitis, renal colic), or the genitourinary system becomes infected with pathogenic bacteria. In any case, you should consult a doctor to determine the source of the negative feelings.

The cause of miscarriage can be mental or physical stress, overheating, or pathologies of fetal development. If the pregnancy cannot be maintained, it must be terminated in a hospital setting with minimal consequences for the woman.

An ectopic pregnancy occurs due to the development of an embryo in the fallopian tube or in the woman's abdominal cavity. The growing fetus stimulates the tube to rupture, causing heavy bleeding and loss of consciousness from painful shock. Only urgent surgical intervention with removal of the tube can save a woman’s life.

Risk factors

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s immunity decreases, so the expectant mother becomes more susceptible to various diseases. Monitor your condition. If your stomach feels tight, this could mean you are at risk of miscarriage. Sometimes pain in the lower back and abdomen is associated with sprained uterine ligaments, but to be on the safe side, it is better to consult a doctor.

If in the 6th week of pregnancy you have painful sensations in the abdomen, back and are accompanied by spotting brown discharge or blood stains, go to the hospital immediately. Colds, fever, uncontrolled use of medications are just some of the reasons that cause spontaneous abortion.

By the way, now you need to especially carefully monitor the nature of the discharge. If they are yellow, green or gray-green in color, have a strong unpleasant odor, are accompanied by itching, burning and swelling of the external genitalia, we are talking about genital infections that require urgent treatment.

Discharge and bleeding

Normally, at 6 weeks, a healthy pregnant woman will experience clear, mucous, odorless vaginal discharge. Such discharge indicates an increased concentration of lactic acid bacteria in the vagina and changes in hormonal levels.

Discharge as a sign of pathology:

  • Abundant leucorrhoea in the form of cottage cheese with a yellowish tint, accompanied by burning, itching, hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa - a sign of thrush, vaginal candidiasis;
  • Yellowish, greenish, brown discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign of an infectious disease of the reproductive system, STD;
  • White curdled leucorrhoea of ​​a mucopurulent nature is a symptom of colpitis, an inflammatory process on the vaginal mucosa.

Colpitis can cause infection of the fetus and amniotic membranes and disruption of pregnancy. Chronic colpitis takes a latent course, maintaining the risk of complications. Vaginal candidiasis requires treatment, but does not threaten the course of pregnancy. Symptoms of STDs need to be differentiated and the disease that provokes them treated.

Fever and cold at 6 weeks of pregnancy

A slight increase in temperature to +37+37.2°C is acceptable at 6 weeks of pregnancy. This symptom shows the influence of the corpus luteum of pregnancy. If a woman keeps a diary of basal temperature, she will be able to detect an alarming sign in time - a decrease in BT levels. It may indicate a threat of miscarriage, a decrease in progesterone levels.

Reduced immunity due to the stress caused by pregnancy causes frequent respiratory diseases. At this stage of pregnancy, it is dangerous to treat ARVI not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. You need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, notifying him of your pregnancy, in order to prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Possible treatment measures:

  • Drink plenty of cranberry juice and green tea;
  • Consumption of vitamin C, rosehip decoction;
  • Bed rest;
  • Rinsing the nose and throat with saline solutions or sea water.

It is extremely dangerous to have a cold on your feet; there may be a risk of miscarriage and complications of pregnancy and childbirth.

Sixth week of pregnancy: what you need to discuss with your doctor

Your prenatal visits are usually scheduled about once a month until the last two months of your pregnancy, when they will become more frequent. An appointment with your gynecologist is a great opportunity to ask questions and share concerns.

  • Find out what exercise you are allowed to do during pregnancy.
  • Where will you give birth and what do you need to know about the maternity hospital and its routine in advance?
  • If you have a chronic condition (such as diabetes or hypertension), talk to your doctor about how to continue treatment during pregnancy without compromising your baby's safety.
  • Should you take folic acid? And in what dosages?
  • How will the pregnancy be managed?
  • If you suffer from nausea, check with your doctor to see if your symptoms are normal or if the attacks are too severe. Some expectant mothers experience a more serious form of nausea called hyperemesis gravidarum.

Smoking and alcohol

Although the fetus has received reliable protection from physical damage in the form of the placenta, it does not protect against the penetration of nicotine and alcohol through the placental barrier. For a normal pregnancy, you need to urgently stop exposure to toxins.

Possible complications:

  • Low birth weight;
  • Premature pregnancy, premature birth;
  • Delayed intellectual and mental development of the child;
  • Anomalies in the development of external and internal organs of the fetus.


At this stage, intimate relationships between spouses do not pose a danger to the development of the fetus. It is reliably protected by the uterus and amniotic fluid from physical damage. The entrance to the cervical canal of the cervix is ​​closed by a mucous plug, which protects the fetus from infection. Contractions of the uterus during orgasm will not harm the embryo and will become a kind of gymnastics for the uterine muscles.

A contraindication to sexual relations may be the threat of miscarriage or sexually transmitted infections in a partner.

Recommendations for creating a diet

Adequate nutrition that meets the needs of mother and child is the goal of forming a diet in the sixth and subsequent weeks of pregnancy. At this time, it is absolutely not necessary to eat “for two”, but it is imperative to saturate your menu with fruits and vegetables, dairy and fermented milk products, herbs, nuts, lean meat and fish.

The formation of the main organs of the fetus requires a variety of foods consumed. Do not forget about a balanced vitamin-mineral complex, a sufficient amount of folic acid, necessary for the full development of the nervous system.

You should limit the consumption of canned foods, pickles, smoked foods, fatty and fried foods, foods with a large number of artificial inclusions (sweeteners, sweeteners, taste improvers).

To prevent symptoms of toxicosis, it is better to eat often, but little by little, steam food or bake it in the oven.


Remember every second that your baby is sensitive to any external influence. Do not take any medications without your doctor's permission, try to avoid stress, get plenty of rest and eat well.

It is best if you eat food in fractions (eat often, but in small portions). At 6 weeks of pregnancy, it is necessary to include complex carbohydrates in the diet, which are beneficial for the digestive system. To do this, eat legumes, cereals, pasta, garden herbs, zucchini, cabbage, bell peppers, apples, peaches, grapefruits, cherries. Avoid all edible “harmful” foods, but do not forget to consume foods that contain calcium (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.).

Continue taking your vitamin/mineral supplement (if you are vomiting, take your vitamins when you are least nauseous). Weigh yourself regularly and monitor your blood pressure: if it is slightly low, there is no need to worry, but if it is elevated, this is a reason to be wary. By the way, not only various diseases, but also nervous experiences can increase blood pressure, so you need to learn to calm down and relax.

Lifestyle at 6 weeks of pregnancy

A woman must always remember that her careless actions can harm the fetus inside her, which is closely connected with her by the common circulatory system and a special emotional connection.

Rules to follow:

  • Do not use household chemicals with a high content of chlorine and ammonia;
  • It is advisable to limit contact with domestic animals that can be sources of infection with toxoplasmosis, a disease that carries a teratogenic risk for the fetus;
  • During the season of viral infections, you should not visit crowded places or communicate with potential carriers of viruses;
  • If a pregnant woman works in hazardous working conditions, she must switch to light work as soon as possible on the basis of a pregnancy certificate from the antenatal clinic.
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