Eggs for gastritis: beneficial properties, harm and contraindications, expert opinion

Svetlana Sheveleva

March 3, 2010

Let's first define what food poisoning is. There are different types of illnesses caused by food. There are so-called banal food poisoning caused by eating a spoiled product. These are most often acute gastroenteritis, enterocolitis with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. But you can also get a more serious infection with food, the symptoms of which are completely different. Often, neither the patient nor the doctor would think to associate long-term fever, sore throat, cough, sepsis, meningitis (and sometimes even a miscarriage in a pregnant woman) with food. But the same brucellosis, tuberculosis, listeriosis can begin precisely after eating contaminated food. Therefore, the conversation about what you should not eat to avoid food poisoning today refers to the second type of food infections - with far-reaching consequences.

Instead of a preface


  • Instead of a preface
  • Nutritional characteristics
  • Cholesterol isn't so bad?..
  • Benefits for humans
  • Possible health risks
  • Not all eggs are the same
  • How to choose and store the product correctly
  • What does the marking say?
  • Use in cooking
  • Use in home cosmetics
  • Interesting facts about eggs

There is an assumption that this product entered the diet of ancient people long before the first chickens were domesticated. It will not be a mistake to say that it has been feeding man for several thousand years. Throughout this time, in many cultures, the egg has been a symbol of fertility, life and rebirth. In Christianity, eggs with colored shells symbolize Easter, and the ancient Egyptians believed that the gods created this product from the Sun and Moon. It is believed that the inhabitants of Southeast Asia or India were the first to consume eggs. Then they learned about them in Egypt, Greece and other countries of the ancient world.

In the 17th century The French's favorite delicacy was cocktails made from sour fruit juices and eggs. In the 19th century humanity came up with the idea of ​​drying this product. This practice helped the military survive during World War II. And the familiar cardboard trays for eggs appeared only in 1911.

It is difficult to say in which country they first learned how to cook delicious eggs. However, the first gourmets could not help but notice that they quickly satisfy hunger, are easily digested by the body, and are also delicious.

Is it possible to eat eggs with gastritis?

Nutritionists believe that this product is a mandatory addition to a therapeutic diet.
It replenishes vitamin and mineral reserves, has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, preventing irritation. Helps the body cope with inflammatory processes and recover after an exacerbation of the disease. Lecithin suppresses the reproduction of pathogenic Helicobacter. This substance stops the activity of pathogenic bacteria and stops the spread through the gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to include quail eggs in the diet for gastritis. They contain the same vitamins and minerals as chicken ones and have the same effect.

But they have one more property, thanks to which they are not only a food product, but also a medicinal one.
Salmonella, a bacterium that causes severe intoxication of the body, does not multiply in quail eggs. When consumed on an empty stomach before meals, protein creates a protective film on the mucous membrane, and lecithin stimulates restoration processes. This reduces the negative impact of hydrochloric acid and accelerates the healing of erosions. Thanks to the product, you can prevent the recurrence of gastritis.

Quail eggs are also recommended to be included in the diet.

Nutritional characteristics

Eggs are a rich source of high-quality proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids [2].

More than half of the existing proteins are found in egg whites.
It also contains the main reserves of selenium, vitamin D, B2, B6, B12, as well as zinc, iron and copper. But the yolks are the higher-calorie part of the egg, which contains more fat, as well as cholesterol [3], fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D and K. And depending on the chicken’s diet, some eggs contain impressive portions of omega-3 fatty acids . Nutritional value per 100 g

Calorie content143 kcal
Squirrels12.62 g
Fats9.81 g
Carbohydrates0.79 g
Vitamin A487 IU
Vitamin D35 IU
Vitamin E1.25 mg
Vitamin K0.62 mcg
Vitamin B10.15 mg
Vitamin B20.52 mg
Vitamin B30.15 mg
Vitamin B51.44 mg
Vitamin B60.17 mg
Vitamin B947.4 mcg
Vitamin B121.3 mcg
Kholin251 mg
Betaine0.6 mg
Calcium53 mg
Iron1.83 mg
Magnesium12.3 mg
Phosphorus191 mg
Potassium134.1 mg
Sodium140 mg
Zinc1.33 mg
Copper0.42 mg
Selenium37.2 mcg
Fluorine1.12 mcg
Cholesterol423 mg
Water75.8 g
Ash0.9 g

Cholesterol isn't so bad?..

At the turn of the twentieth century, scientist Nikolai Anichkov conducted an experiment on rabbits. He introduced pure cholesterol into the animals' diet. As a result, their arteries deteriorated, and the results of the experiment led to the conclusion that cholesterol causes heart disease. Later, in the 1950s, Ancel Keys published the results of a different study, concluding that people who consumed animal fats were more likely to develop heart disease. Although it is worth noting that today such conclusions raise doubts among scientists. So, both of these scientific experiments created a fear of cholesterol and animal fats. And modern international associations of cardiologists recommend consuming less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. The yolk of a small chicken egg contains approximately 45% of the recommended amount. And this, you see, is a lot.

The results of one of the first scientific experiments to determine the effect of a chicken egg on cholesterol levels in the bloodstream were disappointing. Researchers from Harvard announced that it is enough to eat this product every day for 3 weeks and get from 97 to 418 mg of cholesterol per day so that the level of low-density lipoproteins (the so-called bad cholesterol) increases by 12 percent. The Brazilians conducted a similar experiment in 2006. The results are also disappointing: if you eat 3 eggs a day for a long time, your blood cholesterol will increase by almost 30 percent.

After similar results, scientists were quite surprised when they analyzed the results of another experiment conducted in 2008. This time, 19 study participants consumed 1 egg daily for a month. None of them had any changes in their blood count after this time. After this, scientists began to say that the relationship between cholesterol and egg yolks is not an indisputable fact [4].

Then, in different countries, researchers conducted many more experiments that gave very different results. Thus, a new assumption appeared: 1 chicken egg per day does not increase the level of bad cholesterol [5].

Moreover, already in 2013, a new revolutionary statement from scientists appeared: chicken eggs actually increase the concentration of cholesterol, but only “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins), and this already helps to replenish the reserves of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial for the eyes.

Benefits for humans

We all know that chicken eggs are a versatile and tasty food. But few people know that this product protects the skin and eyes from ultraviolet radiation, improves liver and brain function. And these are just some facts from the full list of its undeniable advantages [6].

Protein source

This is one of the few products that can provide the body with proteins, since it contains all the amino acids necessary for humans [7]. The exceptional benefits of this food are evidenced by the fact that the World Health Organization uses egg white as a standard for assessing protein in other foods. And the average specimen weighing about 45 g contains more than 5.5 g of proteins. These substances are beneficial to humans for several reasons, ranging from weight loss to heart health. Proteins are often thought of when the need arises for recovery or muscle building, but they also have many other benefits for almost all systems and organs of the body.

In particular, a component that lowers blood pressure was found in egg whites.

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases

It may seem strange, but eggs make the heart stronger and healthier [8]. On the one hand, for many years we have been convinced that the fats contained in this product clog blood vessels and are dangerous for the heart [9]. But it turned out that if the whites and yolks are prepared correctly and combined with healthy foods, they, on the contrary, will help the cardiovascular system. And one of the reasons is the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. It is important to understand that omega substances are found mainly in the eggs of domestic chickens, and they are almost absent in the farm version.

Benefits for vision

One of the signs of aging is deteriorating vision. However, there are some nutrients that prevent these degenerative processes. Two of them, lutein and zeaxanthin, are found in chicken eggs. These are powerful antioxidants that can accumulate in the retina of the eye. Research shows that consuming enough of these substances significantly reduces the risk of cataracts and prevents macular degeneration. After 4 weeks of regular consumption of this chicken product, the concentration of lutein in the body increases by 28-50%, and the level of zeaxanthin increases by 114-140%. Well, don’t forget about vitamin A, contained in eggs (1 egg contains about 75 mcg) and plays an important role for eye health.

Source of Choline

A chicken egg is one of the best sources of choline in the modern human diet.

It contains approximately 35% of the daily requirement of this substance, which, according to some studies, is not received by almost 90% of the population of developed countries.

Choline is an important nutrient that pregnant and breastfeeding mothers especially need, as this element affects the child's immunity. This substance promotes brain function, improves memory, prevents hypertension, defects in the functioning of the nervous system and liver. Eggs as a source of choline are beneficial in preventing some cardiovascular diseases,

inflammation, breast cancer. They are important for maintaining the body’s performance in older people.

Promotes weight loss

This relatively low-calorie food can be an excellent ingredient in a weight loss menu. Due to its ability to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, this product will protect you from overeating and excess calories. An experiment conducted by American scientists showed that obese people who ate eggs for breakfast ate less food than usual over the next 36 hours. The chicken product has also been shown to help prevent metabolic disorders, particularly in people over 40 years of age.

Benefits for skin, hair and nails

The lutein and zeaxanthin found in eggs are beneficial not only for the eyes, but also for the skin. They protect the epidermis from UV radiation. Scientists also found in this product 5 out of 8 substances that effectively protect against skin cancer.

Hair and nails are almost the first to react to an imbalance of vitamins and minerals. Many people have probably noticed: it is enough to introduce chicken eggs into your diet for your nails and hair to regain a healthy appearance and begin to grow faster. This is explained by the fact that the product contains zinc, sulfur, vitamins A and B12.

Strong Bones

Boiled eggs can be chosen as a dietary source of vitamin D. This substance is important for healthy bones and strong teeth. The vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium and regulates the level of the mineral in the body. Thanks to this process, a person will receive enough of this nutrient. By the way, one medium chicken egg contains almost 45 IU of vitamin D.

Other beneficial properties of eggs [10]:

  • strengthen muscles, promote healthy muscle growth;
  • activate the brain;
  • have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • provide the body with energy;
  • strengthen the immune system (due to the content of vitamins A, B12, selenium);
  • useful for pregnant women and the unborn child (prevent pathologies in fetal development).

Possible health risks

Some researchers advise people with diabetes, high cholesterol, or hypertension to use this product with caution. Canadian cardiologists say that people with diabetes who regularly consume eggs are more likely to develop cardiac diseases. Such people are advised to eat only proteins.

Scientists from Harvard also had their say. They warn against combining eggs with cheese, ham, bacon, white bread and other high-calorie foods. It is also not recommended to consume raw eggs, since raw egg whites interfere with the absorption of biotin, a substance important for maintaining healthy metabolic processes. In addition, there is a high probability of infection with salmonella [11].

People with allergies will have to avoid this product. The reaction to the product is manifested by skin rashes, difficulty breathing, stomach pain, and in rare cases, anaphylactic shock.

Not all eggs are the same

Only at first glance it may seem that all chicken eggs are the same and there is no difference which tray to buy [12]. In fact, the nutritional value and composition of the beneficial components of this product directly depends on the diet of chickens and their living conditions. Specimens laid by domestic chickens that regularly go outside and eat grass are considered more useful. In addition, domestic layers are 98% less likely to become infected with salmonella.

According to some sources, compared to farm eggs, home eggs contain:

  • one third less cholesterol;
  • a quarter less saturated fat;
  • 2/3 more vitamin A;
  • 2 times more omega-3;
  • 3 times more vitamin E;
  • 7 times more beta-carotene.

How to properly eat eggs for gastritis

The nutritional requirements for illness are as follows: food should not irritate the stomach, be easily digested and quickly absorbed. The protein fully satisfies all requirements; it can be introduced from the first day in the form of a protein omelet. The yolk has choleretic properties, so it can be used from the second week of stabilization.

Daily norm

The quantity depends on the type and size of eggs. The norm for large chickens is 1 pc. whole day or 2 proteins. Small ones can be eaten 2-3 pieces. For medicinal purposes, 1-2 pieces of quail are drunk; 4-6 pieces are used when preparing dishes. Single use.

How to choose and store the product correctly

The first rule when choosing chicken eggs is to avoid products with damaged shells, since bacteria can penetrate through the cracks [13].

It is not recommended to wash the shells, as this process removes the protective shell on the outside. It is important to know that eggshells contain many small pores through which bacteria can penetrate, so raw eggs are not the best option for consumption.

The most accurate indication of the freshness of a product is its smell, the consistency of the white and yolk. You can check their quality using ordinary water. A fresh egg will always sink to the bottom, while a rotten one will float to the top. To understand what is under the shell (raw or boiled egg), just spin it on a flat surface. The raw one will spin slowly, the cooked one will spin easily, quickly and for a long time.

Drink pasteurized milk!

And since it is easier for resistant microbes to survive in the environment, today we are surrounded by a much larger number of microorganisms that can cause disease. And cows now carry much more pathogenic microbes within themselves - in the intestines, in the stomach, on the udder - than before. Therefore, no one can ever guarantee that these microbes will not get into milk. In addition, microbes from the hands of milkmaids can get into the milk. For example, the notorious Staphylococcus aureus can easily end up in raw milk, which will begin to multiply in the milk and, moreover, produce toxins. Both Brucella and Koch bacilli, which cause tuberculosis, can be transmitted through milk. That is, we are talking about those diseases that do not appear immediately, but after a sufficiently long period of time, when consumers no longer associate them with previously consumed raw milk. Drink pasteurized milk. The minimum pasteurization temperature is 71.5 degrees. At this temperature, no pathogens - neither viruses nor bacteria - survive. And all the main beneficial properties and nutritional value of milk are preserved.

What does the marking say?

Perhaps everyone knows that eggs from stores always contain a stamp. In addition to the expiration date, it tells a lot of interesting things about the product.

In the CIS, chicken eggs are usually divided into “C” and “D”. This designates the category of products - table or dietary. It should be understood that both options are the same chicken eggs (perhaps even from the same laying hen), the only difference is freshness. Dietary ones are very fresh, almost straight from the nest. Their exceptional freshness is maintained for 7 days; after this period, the product becomes “table” and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 90 days, and in room conditions - no more than 25 days.

Chicken eggs are also classified by weight. The higher the grade, the more the specimen weighs. First-class eggs should not weigh less than 70 g, and representatives of the 7th grade may not reach up to 45 g. There is also a top grade - eggs weighing more than 75 g, but such giants are very rare.

A slightly different classification is followed in European countries. There, the A-Extra class egg is the freshest product (analogous to our dietary eggs). And then, as they “age”, the eggs move from class to class, from A to C.

But the color of the shell means absolutely nothing. More precisely, he only says that white eggs were laid by white chickens, yellow eggs by dark birds. However, this indicator does not in any way affect the nutritional characteristics and quality of the product itself [14].

Evolution caused by antibiotics

It turns out that now the potential risks of infectious infection through raw milk far exceed the notorious benefits of it. Over the past 10-15 years, very serious changes have occurred in the world of microbes. The fact is that people use antibiotics everywhere - and not only in medicine, but also in animal husbandry and agriculture. Continuous contact of microorganisms with antibiotics spurred the evolution of microorganisms and changed their genetic apparatus. Forms resistant to antibiotics have appeared. And this resistance turned out to be very insidious - it is almost always linked to the pathogenicity of microbes. That is, a resistant pathogen is also a more aggressive pathogen.

Use in home cosmetics

Both components of the product – proteins and yolks – are used as natural cosmetics. Egg whites contain a lot of vitamin A and collagen, which makes them effective in the fight against scars, burns, wrinkles, and acne. Egg yolk is an excellent way to nourish and stimulate hair growth.

Face masks

Recipe 1. It is difficult to find an easier, but equally effective recipe than this one. Simply beat an egg and apply the mixture to your face. Keep it for half an hour. A whole egg is suitable for normal skin, only the white for oily skin, and the yolk for dry skin.

Recipe 2. Mix egg white, half a tablespoon of starch (preferably corn starch), a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Keep for about 30 minutes.

Recipe 3. Mix the beaten whites of 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of yogurt (no fillers). To relieve irritation on the face, leave it on for about half an hour.

Recipe 4. Mash 1 ripe avocado, to which add 50 ml of honey and 1 egg yolk. Leave for about 15 minutes, then rinse and apply moisturizer.

By the way, this same mixture is suitable as a mask for hair and scalp.

Hair masks

Recipe 1. Mix 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply to the entire length of hair, wrap with plastic wrap and a terry towel. Keep for at least an hour.

Recipe 2. A mask of 2 yolks and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise will make it easier to comb curly hair. This product is also suitable for dry and brittle curls.

Additional recommendations

You can treat yourself not only with quail eggs, but also with chicken eggs.
Therapeutic course - 2 weeks. Disinfect the shell, beat the contents with 1 tbsp. l. olive or flaxseed oil. Take the entire portion 1 hour after meals 1 time per day or 1 tbsp. l. 40 minutes before meals. The mixture prepares the stomach for food intake and reduces the irritating effect of hydrochloric acid.

In order to prevent exacerbation of gastritis, it is enough to follow all the recommendations for proper nutrition and undergo a course of treatment with eggs 2-3 times a year for preventive purposes. You can choose which one to use, chicken or quail, yourself.

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