Liver for gastritis: is it possible to use cod liver, chicken liver and others, how to use it correctly

Gastritis has become noticeably “younger” in recent years. If previously it affected middle-aged and elderly people, today even teenagers are diagnosed. This is all due to dry food, when the daily diet is limited to sandwiches and coffee, and abuse of fatty and spicy foods. The expression “all diseases come from nerves” very successfully characterizes gastritis. An acute attack can occur due to severe stress.

Due to gastritis, food absorption deteriorates, and much less nutritional components enter the body. Therefore, it is important not only to remove inflammation of the mucous membrane, but also to organize a balanced diet. Due to the large number of microelements, liver is suitable for sick people for gastritis. The product is perfectly absorbed by the body and quickly saturates the blood with the necessary components.

High acidity and liver dishes

Of course, the supply of nutrients is simply colossal. However, people suffering from the hyperacid form are not recommended to eat offal. It's all about extractives. They increase the production of hydrochloric acid, which irritates the stomach walls.

There are other contraindications in which you should refrain from eating:

  • An acute form of the disease, reminiscent of severe pain and poor health.
  • Blood cholesterol levels are higher than normal.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Allergic reactions.

If the stomach ulcer has not reminded you of itself for a long time, and the exacerbation of gastritis has passed, you can allow yourself some liver. Start with small portions. Has your health gotten worse? Then the portion is increased, you can treat yourself several times a month.

When is chicken liver contraindicated?

Despite the usefulness of chicken liver, there are situations when it is strictly not recommended to use the product for gastritis.

The negative side of the product is excess cholesterol. This substance is beneficial for the human body within acceptable limits, but excess is harmful to the body.

Contraindications to consuming liver for gastritis:

  1. acute gastritis and the exacerbation phase of a chronic disease;
  2. concomitant diseases with increased cholesterol levels in the body;
  3. gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  4. old age and children under 3 years of age;
  5. tendency to allergic reactions.

Chicken or beef?

We will not consider pork liver; its composition differs from doctors’ recommendations regarding nutrition. A person who is concerned about gastrointestinal pathologies will benefit most from beef and chicken liver for gastritis. What explains this choice? Let's look at the features of each type.


The nutritional value of the offal is beyond any doubt. It has low calorie content. Contains iron necessary for the body. It is useful for gastrointestinal diseases when a person lacks microelements. So if you are wondering whether you can eat chicken liver if you have gastritis, the answer to this question is yes.


Beef offal is no less beneficial for humans. The number of calories is minimal, and there are also few carbohydrates. But the variety of vitamins and microelements is truly impressive. All of them are easily and quickly absorbed by the body.

Returning to the issue of consuming pork liver, consuming it is not prohibited. But the amount should be small due to the specific composition. This also applies to fish by-products: pollock, cod.

Types of liver: which one can you eat with gastritis

Each type of delicacy has individual taste characteristics, which allows you to create original and nutritious dishes. For inflammation of the stomach, chicken and veal liver will be beneficial. Other offal options can be consumed in limited quantities.


This diet is especially recommended for residents of the Far North, athletes, and people weakened after illness. It is presented in the form of canned food, for the preparation of which only freshly caught fish is used. When asked whether cod liver can be included in the treatment menu for gastritis, gastroenterologists answer in the affirmative. However, experts warn about the dangers of overeating and abuse.

Cod liver is presented in the form of canned food.


Beef or veal liver is classified as an easily digestible low-calorie product with a relatively low content of carbohydrates and fat. It is used for dietary and sports nutrition, promotes active growth in adolescence, and strengthens the body of expectant mothers. These foods contain more cholesterol than other types of liver. It should be used with caution by people who are overweight and have cardiovascular disease.

Chicken or turkey

The delicacy has a high nutritional value and low fat content. A large amount of vitamins in its composition helps with fatigue, weakness, and lung diseases. Chicken liver is especially recommended for gastritis in children, adolescents, athletes, and women during pregnancy planning and gestation. Turkey by-product is higher in calories, but can also be present in the diet. It has a dense structure and a memorable taste.


In moderate quantities, goose liver is indicated for people with inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The delicacy and the dish prepared from it, foie gras, is distinguished by its high content of fat, omega-6.9 and essential amino acids. It helps slow down aging, prolongs life, and reduces the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Goose liver is high in fat.

Other types

For gastritis, liver can be consumed:

  • pork – regulates blood composition, improves calcium absorption, stimulates metabolism;
  • rabbit – accelerates tissue regeneration, increases physical endurance, strengthens the nervous system;
  • trout, pollock – prevents rickets, increased fragility of bone structures, normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • pike, burbot - compensates for the lack of vitamins, helps reduce body weight.

Can the liver be damaged?

At all times, it was considered one of the most useful products. The composition includes dozens of components. Just 100 grams of liver, prepared according to the correct recipe, can provide the body with the daily requirement of most substances. Each component is in a form that promotes rapid absorption.

Can the liver be damaged if a person is diagnosed with gastritis? Unfortunately yes. It contains so-called extractive substances that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. In simple words, if you eat a huge portion of chicken or beef liver, your stomach will secrete a lot of gastric juice. With hyperacid gastritis (high concentration), it will begin to corrode the walls of the stomach, which can worsen the condition and worsen the disease. For hypoacid gastritis (low concentration), increasing the acidity of the juice is exactly what is needed.

Let's summarize the above. To provide the body with valuable elements, it is advisable to regularly prepare liver dishes. But it is also undesirable to abuse it - excess will do harm.

Which liver is useful?

Not every condition of chicken liver can be beneficial. First of all, the product must be of high quality. Fresh liver has a reddish-brownish color, without veins or protruding vessels. In its raw form, it may have a slight bitterness, which disappears after heat treatment. If bitterness is present, it means the product was stored longer than the permissible period. Such a liver is not suitable for consumption, otherwise poisoning may occur.

An orange or brown color of the product indicates violations of its storage conditions. The liver may have gone through several freeze-thaw cycles. This product is suitable for cooking; there will be no harm from it, but the beneficial substances are unlikely to remain in it.

Chemical composition

Of course, each type of liver contains a unique set of components. Let's list the vitamins and microelements that are found in any offal:

  • Vitamin A is a good antioxidant. Ophthalmologists recommend eating foods containing vitamin A, because it improves vision.
  • Vitamin E. Improves human reproductive functions, especially recommended for women.
  • Vitamin RR. Takes an active part in oxidative processes.
  • Holil. Regular consumption of products containing cholyl helps improve memory and overall increase in intelligence.
  • Iodine. Like grooming, it increases brain performance.
  • Heparin. An irreplaceable element involved in coagulation processes.
  • Selenium. One of the factors for the rapid restoration of gastrointestinal tract cells.
  • Iron. Responsible for the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Phosphorus. Takes direct part in the formation of bone tissue.
  • Copper. Paired with iron, it participates in the formation of red blood cells. Plays an important role in the functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Magnesium. Responsible for bone formation, reduces cholesterol. Without it, it is impossible to imagine normal metabolism of fats and amino acids.
  • Sodium. Controls water-salt balance.

As you can see, the composition of the liver is simply colossal, so there is definitely no doubt about the benefits of the offal for humans.

Composition and beneficial properties

Liver is a delicious medicinal product with a special tissue structure and specific taste qualities. It contains about 70% water, up to 4% fat (in fish - up to 65%) and 17-20% protein, vitamins B, A, D, E, K. The composition contains iron in an easily digestible form, zinc, chromium , copper and manganese. A properly prepared liver dish contains up to 70-100% of the norm of elements that the body needs and brings the following benefits:

  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • increases fat metabolism;
  • promotes an increase in hemoglobin levels;
  • reduces the risk of developing tumors;
  • strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
  • normalizes the functions of the endocrine, circulatory, and digestive systems;
  • increases mental activity;
  • improves well-being in diabetes and atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens the immune system.

How to choose good, fresh liver?

For gastritis, it is advisable to make regular and high-quality meals. One of the most important aspects is the choice of products from which dietary dishes will be prepared. Food of dubious origin will only aggravate the condition.

When choosing an offal on the counter, you should pay attention to:

  • Appearance. Beef liver for gastritis should be fresh, with a smooth surface. Questionable bulges and veins are undesirable. The freshness of the product is indicated by a smooth, brown-red hue.
  • Freshness is also determined by consistency. The denser the product, the better it is. You can check the elasticity by lightly pressing on it.
  • It is very easy to check whether the product has been frozen or not. Press your finger on the liver. If the ice begins to thaw within 10-15 seconds, you are offered to buy a 100% fresh product. Blood crystals on the ice crust indicate that the product has been frozen and thawed several times.
  • You should be alarmed by the abnormal sizes of the offal, whereas they should be natural. The maximum limit for pork liver is 2500 g. If the weight exceeds this figure, the animal was fed supplements.

Use of liver in dietary nutrition

Chicken liver is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach mucosa

The product is rich in protein, which restores the epithelium of the gastric mucosa.

Calorie content of the product

Chicken liver is low in calories, does not create a load on the gastric mucosa, and eliminates extra pounds. The amount of protein in chicken liver and breast is equal. Compared to chicken, cod liver has higher fat content and calorie content.

Liver with gastritis with reduced secretion

Chronic gastritis with reduced secretory activity is characterized by a gradual development of the clinical picture. Since the level of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in this form of gastritis decreases, this leads to impaired absorption in the stomach. Gastritis with low acidity is accompanied by anemia and vitamin deficiency.

Chicken liver contains iron in an easily digestible form. Compared to iron from plant foods, iron ions from the liver are absorbed in greater quantities. This product is used for anemia.

General cooking rules

You are dealing with a rather delicate product, which is not enough to simply wash and fry in a frying pan. There are several rules for cooking liver that every cook must follow:

  1. If you wash it, do it only in cold running water, and then place it in warm water for 5 minutes. This will make removing the protective film much easier.
  2. How to make the liver soft and not bitter? All veins are removed.
  3. The product is cut into small pieces, soaked in water (or preferably milk) for half an hour. This is another secret that will make the dish juicy.
  4. Long heat treatment is unacceptable - beneficial substances are lost. As a rule, 15-20 minutes is quite enough.
  5. On the other hand, half-baked liver is not welcome. It negatively affects not only the stomach, but also the entire body as a whole, and can cause poisoning.

How to choose the right liver

When buying liver in a store or market, monitor the quality of the product. First, evaluate the appearance of the product you are purchasing. Fresh chicken liver has a brownish-reddish color and a smooth surface. Vessel veins and blood clots do not appear on the product.

Raw liver may taste slightly bitter. If after cooking the product retains a bitter taste, it means that the product is expired and should not be consumed. Eating spoiled liver worsens the condition of gastritis and leads to acute food poisoning.

If the product is orange or brown, it means it has been frozen for a long time. Of course, such a liver will not do any harm, but it also has little benefit: due to long cryo-treatment, useful substances are inactivated. Only fresh and properly prepared liver is beneficial for gastritis.

Popular diet recipes

Since any fried food is prohibited for stomach diseases, offal is either steamed or boiled. Prepared without mayonnaise and fatty sauces.


Required ingredients:

  • 400-500 g chicken liver.
  • A glass of already boiled rice.
  • 1 onion.
  • One or two eggs.
  • A pinch of salt.

The liver soaked in milk is ground in a meat grinder along with onions. You can also grind it using a blender. Mix with rice, eggs, add salt. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a suitable form. Cooking time: 20 minutes, oven should already be preheated. The finished dish is cut into cubes and allowed to cool slightly before serving.

Steamed liver cutlets

Required ingredients:

  • Chicken liver - 300 g is enough.
  • Egg, onion, carrot - only 1 pc.
  • Salt.

The set of ingredients is the simplest, and the cooking process is not complicated. First, all ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and mixed in a deep container. Then an egg is added there. The minced meat is salted and cutlets are formed. Cooked in a double boiler. The finished dish goes well with buckwheat and sour cream.

In another recipe, rice and starch, herbs and beef liver are used for minced meat. But the cooking method is exactly the same.

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