The mucous membrane of the stomach, or more precisely, the area of its bottom and body, consists of special cells
PANCREATITIS – REVOLT OF THE PANCREAS 24.Dec.2019 With regular abuse of fatty and spicy foods, strong
The complex of methods for getting rid of pancreatitis necessarily includes a therapeutic diet. The right diet helps
Advantages and disadvantages of garlic The vegetable of the onion family has been known since ancient times. About useful things
When you suffer from gastritis, most of all you crave forbidden foods. But there is nowhere to go - to
Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and its vitamin composition Sea buckthorn is a low-calorie healer. One hundred grams of fruit
Physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy affect almost all organs and
Useful qualities of sea buckthorn oil The benefits of the product are as follows: reduces the acidity of juice in the gastrointestinal tract;
How the disease manifests itself Signs of liver problems External manifestations Internal manifestations The liver is the most
Pancreatitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreatic tissue with subsequent disruption of the secretory and