Symptoms and consequences of an overdose of painkillers

Painkillers and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can in most cases be found in the medicine cabinet in every home. This is a very common drug group. Medicines are taken to reduce fever, relieve pain, and eliminate other discomfort and symptoms.

Do they pose a danger to the human body?

«Everything is medicine and everything is poison - it's all a matter of dose».


The danger of overdosing on painkillers

In some cases, when indicated, doctors prescribe opioid treatment to patients.
These are very dangerous drugs that cause drug addiction quite quickly. All you have to do is not follow the doctor’s prescription, increase the period of use and dosage specified in the instructions or allowed by the doctor, and the dependence on the pills is in your pocket.

Opioids have great analgesic activity, so their abuse can easily lead to severe poisoning and even death.

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External manifestations of the disorder

The appearance of bulimics becomes a kind of indicator of the “ugliness” going on in their bodies. They are revealed by dry, dull skin that loses moisture due to dehydration. The dermis loses turgor and provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

Swelling disfigures the face. The girl, who is barely 20 years old but has been suffering from bulimic disorder for four years, says that her face has somehow inexplicably widened. The face is swollen, and the cheeks stick out shapelessly.

The hair of people with this disorder loses its beauty, becomes dull, lifeless, and falls out immensely. The nails soften and crumble, and on those fingers that the patient places in the mouth, they are destroyed and deformed to an even greater extent.

But the most interesting thing is: no matter how hard a bulimic tries to get rid of what he eats, he does not lose weight. And there are logical explanations for this. Firstly, such ruthless interference with the body’s physiology slows down metabolism and reduces the rate of calorie burning. Secondly, from the moment the process of food absorption begins until vomiting is provoked, more than 50% of calories are absorbed and then turn into fat.

Obviously, vomiting does not save you from extra pounds. Slow metabolism and poor diet are taking their toll.

Causes of poisoning

More than 12% of drug poisoning and overdose cases involve NSAIDs. Non-opioid analgesics are widely available and can be purchased at any pharmacy, as they are vital supplies. However, it is impossible to buy narcotic painkillers without a prescription. Their free distribution without a prescription is punishable by law. Painkillers often contain codeine, which is sought after by drug addicts.

Why does poisoning occur with painkillers:

  • failure to comply with instructions or doctor's prescription;
  • incorrect reception;
  • doctor's error;
  • increasing dosage;
  • lack of knowledge about taking medication;
  • low body resistance;
  • combination with alcohol, drugs, other drugs;
  • cumulative effect due to prolongation of the course of treatment;
  • taking the drug for recreational purposes;
  • intake during pregnancy;
  • when attempting suicide.

Among the most dangerous non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is phenacetin, previously contained in such drugs as Sedalgin and Askofen. This analgesic quite often caused the development of allergic reactions and disruption of internal organs. Today, a substance used as an antipyretic, paracetamol, is used to a greater extent in medicine.

If the patient takes the medicine as prescribed and prescribed by the doctor, an overdose of analgesics and local anesthetics occurs quite rarely. However, most often an overdose of anesthetics is used by drug addicts to achieve euphoria. Pharmacy drugs have long become a source of cheap “high” for them.

What threatens digestion?

With bulimia, the digestive system is the first to suffer. This is due to the effect of an excess amount of acid in the gastric juice, overstretching of the stomach walls, and weakness of its sphincters.

When bulimia frequently consumes large amounts of food, the stomach is always in a full state. The contractility of the sphincter located between it and the esophagus is impaired. Large food volumes stimulate the synthesis of gastric juice in increased quantities.

As a result, the patient faces a disease such as chronic gastric reflux, when excess stomach contents enter the esophagus through a sphincter that is not completely closed. As a result, a person is bothered by constant heartburn, pain in the epigastrium, behind the sternum and under the shoulder blades.

By sending large volumes of food to the stomach and stimulating the production of gastric juice, a patient with bulimia will definitely develop a peptic ulcer. This is explained by the following: he will subsequently remove the food by vomiting, and the juice will remain and begin to corrode the gastric walls.

Vomit that systematically passes through the esophagus will inevitably cause damage to it: inflammation and ulceration of its mucous membrane, pain when swallowing, a feeling of a lump in the throat, vomiting mixed with blood.

There may be such a thing as “Mallory-Weiss tears.” It is characterized by damage to the esophagus, its abdominal part and the upper part of the stomach, when their surfaces become covered with cracks. In appearance they really resemble a tear. The phenomenon is characterized by pain in the stomach, frequent vomiting or vomiting with fresh or clotted blood.

The syndrome very often accompanies the disease. In exceptional cases, it is complicated by rupture of the esophageal wall.

Once in the oral cavity, vomit and the hydrochloric acid it contains act on the tooth enamel, as if dissolving it. First, during this process, caries develops, and then deeper destruction of the dental tissue. In this case, dental damage is always symmetrical at the top and bottom of the jaws.

The release of hydrochloric acid into the oral cavity during vomiting maintains an acidic environment in it. This stimulates the increased work of the salivary glands and leads to their hypertrophy. They increase in size, and this gives the face a swollen and puffy appearance.

You may notice damage and abrasions on the fingers of bulimics. They earn them while inducing vomiting, when they move their fingers to the root of the tongue and injure them against the teeth. These lesions then develop into scars on the hands and wrists.

Just as fingers are injured on teeth, they themselves can damage the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx when they are placed in the mouth. Such chronic mechanical damage tends to become infected and ulcerate, since the acidity is currently high and there is little saliva, which is a natural disinfectant.

If we come from the “other side,” patients with kinorexia are often bothered by hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids, like dilation of the anal veins, develop with frequent use of laxatives that cause diarrhea.

The digestive system of people with bulimia is widely affected. This causes them a lot of discomfort, painful and painful sensations, and slows down the absorption of nutrients.

Overdose symptoms

Symptoms of an overdose of painkillers and NSAIDs depend on the individual characteristics of the human body, the drug taken and its dosage. In some cases, a person may become ill even after taking a therapeutic dose. Therefore, in order to prevent poisoning from local anesthetics and narcotic analgesics, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, which necessarily indicate the maximum daily dosages.

Acute poisoning with narcotic analgesics

Painkillers have different effects on the body, so the dose that can lead to intoxication is different.

Signs of poisoning:

  • dizzy;
  • be sick;
  • vomiting occurs;
  • It's difficult to breathe;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pallor, cyanosis;
  • the temperature drops;
  • constipation, upset stomach;
  • weakening of the pulse;
  • swelling;
  • pressure drop;
  • convulsions, tremors.

Among the first signs: lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, breathing problems. The condition is deteriorating quite quickly. Common complications that arise from an overdose of anesthetic: cerebral edema, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest, renal failure. A severe overdose of local anesthetics manifests itself in paralysis of the respiratory center. If you do not call an ambulance in time, the risk of death is close to 75%.

Free phone number for a narcologist in Moscow and throughout Russia: 8 (800) 333-20-07. .

It is important to understand that a person who is poisoned by pills can fall into a coma. Even after emerging from this state, irreversible health consequences are possible: mental disorders, dysfunction of certain internal organs.

For recreational purposes, addicts often overdose on painkillers such as Tempalgin or Nurofen to achieve euphoria. Often, to enhance the effect, pharmaceutical drugs are mixed with alcohol and barbiturates, which significantly increases the intoxication of the body and increases the risk of death.

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Non-narcotic analgesics

Non-opioid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in pharmacology include drugs that do not have narcotic potential and are not used by drug addicts. These medications are used as anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, painkillers, etc. Regarding doses, for example, if the daily dose, according to the instructions, is 4 grams, then death can occur even after consuming 15-20 g.

Symptoms of Paracetamol overdose:

  • liver dysfunction (the medicine is a dangerous toxin for the liver, causes bleeding disorders, hepatitis);
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach pain, nausea, vomiting);
  • damage to the central nervous system (drowsiness, weakness, lethargy);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • low pressure;
  • renal failure (nephritis and other kidney diseases);
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system due to general intoxication;
  • encephalopathy.

Acute poisoning can last for 10-12 hours. You can also be poisoned by the drug if you use it for a long time in an increased dosage, as it accumulates in the tissues of the internal organs. Paracetamol is part of many modern drugs sold in pharmacies, including Spazmolex and Pentalgin. These are dangerous pharmaceutical drugs that addicts use to get a “high.” Often such substances are used for the purpose of suicide attempts.

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Salicylic acid and salicylates

It is quite easy to get poisoned by this common drug among people; it is enough to consume 10-40 g. The dosage of tablets is individual and depends on the condition of the patient’s body. Death is possible in 2% of cases.

Signs of salicylate poisoning:

  • your head is spinning, your ears are ringing, your consciousness is confused;
  • headache;
  • hallucinations, hearing loss;
  • chills, cramps;
  • euphoric sensations;
  • pain in the abdomen, under the ribs, heartburn;
  • nausea, vomiting, upset stomach;
  • violation of movement coordination;
  • excited state;
  • deterioration of cognitive functions;
  • disruption of the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, internal organs;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath.

When using salicylic acid, for example, Aspirin in large quantities, internal bleeding may occur.

Popular questions and answers

We asked questions regarding the development of nausea and its elimination to gastroenterologist, therapist Vera Samsonova.

Why might nausea occur?

Nausea can be caused by various reasons.
Here are the main ones: - Heartburn or reflux of stomach contents into the lumen of the esophagus creates a burning sensation that causes nausea. — By multiplying in foods and releasing toxins, food bacteria cause poisoning. Viral infections also cause nausea.

— Taking medications, such as chemotherapy for cancer treatment, may cause stomach upset or nausea. Be sure to read the information about the drug that was prescribed to you and discuss the nuances of taking it with your doctor.

— Seasickness and motion sickness occur because while traveling in a car, train or ship, messages sent to the brain are not synchronized with our sensations of movement. This provokes nausea, dizziness or vomiting.

— Overeating or eating certain foods, such as spicy or fatty foods, can upset your stomach and cause nausea. Foods to which you are allergic can also cause nausea.

- Severe pain contributes to the appearance of symptoms of nausea - this is especially true for pancreatitis, gallstones or kidney stones.

- Ulcers of the stomach or small intestinal mucosa contribute to nausea.

Nausea is also a symptom of a number of other diseases, including: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; ear infections; acute cardiovascular disease; intestinal obstruction; liver failure or liver cancer; meningitis; migraine.

What to do if you feel sick?

Treatment for nausea depends on the underlying cause.
In most cases, nausea goes away on its own, especially if you vomit. Treatment may include drinking plenty of fluids and switching to a liquid diet. Severe nausea may require treatment with medication. If you're feeling nauseous, you might want to focus on food or drink, although sometimes light, simple foods like bread and crackers can help you feel better. Avoid any foods that have a strong flavor, are very sweet, fatty or fried. They may increase nausea or even cause vomiting. Natural remedies for nausea include ginger, ginger and peppermint teas, as well as mild foods that can help soothe the stomach. Some people find relief from nausea by applying gentle pressure to the inside of the wrist with their thumbs.

Emergency help

The consequences of an overdose of painkillers and drug poisoning are quite serious; without timely emergency medical care, a person can die. If you know that a loved one has taken too many medications, is using pharmaceutical drugs, and you see that he is turning pale and looks sick, you should immediately call a narcologist from the Center for Healthy Youth to your home. Delay in this case can cost your life. Of course, specialists at home will do everything possible to help the victim, but it is necessary to hospitalize him in a hospital for examination, intensive care and resuscitation.

Overdose of painkillers - what to do?

  1. Call our drug treatment center.
  2. Make sure the victim is conscious.
  3. Find out which particular drug caused the intoxication of the body.
  4. Try to determine the approximate dose.
  5. Lay the victim on his side and ensure that he does not choke on vomit.
  6. Provide fresh air, ventilate the room, remove clothing that may block breathing.
  7. Monitor your blood pressure, pulse and breathing.
  8. In case of mild or moderate poisoning, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, give the person activated charcoal or an enterosorbent known to you.
  9. If a person is not breathing or has no pulse, cardiopulmonary resuscitation is necessary.

If a person’s condition is serious, doctors at the drug treatment clinic begin to provide assistance on the way to the hospital. Naloxone is most often used for poisoning with narcotic analgesics. It is an opioid receptor antagonist, an antidote, which is widely used in modern narcology. It is used when coding alcoholism and drug addiction to reduce cravings for chemicals.

If the victim has trouble breathing, he may need a ventilator. Doctors prescribe treatment based on tests, examinations, examinations and diagnostics. It is important to understand that therapy is always individual and depends on existing indications and contraindications.

Let us remind you that...

The defining processes in bulimia - kinorexia or "wolf hunger" - are the uncontrolled absorption of food, usually harmful (fatty, sweet, starchy), and then the desire to quickly get rid of what was eaten.

It is these ways of escape that become the decisive factor in the development of the severe consequences of bulimia for a person. After all, it is very difficult to call them rational:

  • inducing vomiting, sometimes up to 5 times a day;
  • taking laxatives and diuretics in excess of the norm;
  • heavy-duty, exhausting physical activity.

A person does not necessarily have to use all of these methods. But even a couple of them can already become fatal for our body.

Many experts consider the leading cause of the development of kinorexia to be breakdowns caused by constant dieting in the pursuit of a perfect body. Systematic fasting makes itself felt, and, as a result, a person craves normal, satisfying food. One day, unable to bear it, he simply rushes at her, chews and swallows everything he sees. After such a “belly celebration,” the glutton begins to feel ashamed and angry at himself for his softness, and he strives to correct the situation, that is, to get rid of the calories he has eaten, causing vomiting.

At first, this scheme suits the patient quite well: you get pleasure from food, and supposedly the calories are not retained. However, at this stage, the bulimic does not even suspect that he is starting a dangerous process with serious consequences.

Treatment of postcholicystectomy syndrome

Since PCES is not an independent disease, treatment of the syndrome is always determined by its causes. Not knowing how to properly treat postcholicystectomy syndrome can only aggravate the condition and increase unpleasant symptoms.

The principles of treatment for PCES include two key points:

  • collection of anamnesis data - the doctor carefully studies old medical reports and records, paying close attention to preoperative diagnostics and the protocol of the operation;
  • eliminating the causes of the syndrome;
  • prevention and treatment of suspected complications.

Treatment is mainly based on:

  • diet therapy;
  • drug treatment;
  • surgery (according to indications)7.

Together with comprehensive treatment, these measures can reduce the severity of symptoms of PCES8.

What pills help with a hangover?

If you don’t have drugs on hand to combat withdrawal symptoms, the following will help you feel better:

  • Activated carbon;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • No-Shpa.

After the party, it is recommended to drink:

  • 8 – 10 tab. activated carbon;
  • 2 tab. No-Shpy;
  • 1 tab. aspirin.

The following medications will help relieve the symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Askofen;
  • Cofficil-plus.

It is recommended to take the selected drug before bed after heavy drinking of strong drinks. To speed up the removal of alcohol from the body, after waking up, it is advisable to drink a large mug of strongly brewed tea with sugar and have a light breakfast. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you can take medications:

  • Linux;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • Biosoprin.

dehydration occurs in the body . Rehydrants will help restore hydrobalance:

  • Regidron;
  • Hydrovit Forte.


  • Causes of nausea in a child Nausea due to “nerves”
  • "Toxic" nausea
  • Nausea caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • What to feed a child with nausea and vomiting?
  • Situations when a child complains of nausea are not uncommon, especially at an early age. Every parent has encountered this unpleasant phenomenon at least once.

    Nausea refers to discomfort in the stomach and epigastric region. The logical conclusion of this condition is vomiting, that is, the “evacuation” of food and bile from the stomach. Usually accompanied by symptoms such as increased salivation, pale skin, decreased temperature and blood pressure, sweating and even fainting. It can be either episodic or permanent (depending on the reasons).

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