What can cause yellow vomit in a person?

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  • Causes of vomiting bile
  • What is the danger?
  • Emergency help
  • Traditional methods of treatment
  • Eliminating a hangover
  • Prevention
  • What products help?

After a wild party, almost everyone experienced a strong feeling of nausea. It usually leads to copious amounts of vomit. This is due to the increased concentration of ethanol, which the liver simply cannot cope with. This reaction of the body is normal. It is impossible to restrain the urge to vomit, as all toxins will remain in the body.

In cases where nausea is mild, there is no reason to panic. If the urge is very persistent and yellow-greenish clots are visible in the contents, you should immediately take action . Vomiting bile after alcohol is a serious signal. Prolonged nausea indicates severe poisoning. The appearance of bile clots indicates serious problems with the gallbladder. You can get rid of these unpleasant manifestations of intoxication in different ways, but it is better to drink alcohol in moderation.

Causes of vomiting bile

Bile appears in vomit not always due to alcohol. But if there has been alcohol abuse, you can get such an unpleasant “surprise”. Moreover, even after the stomach is empty, the urge, as a rule, continues. Why do I vomit bile after drinking alcohol? Severe poisoning provokes disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

The problem also affects other organs , in particular the biliary tract. Bile easily enters the stomach and then into the intestines. There it mixes with food debris and needs to go outside. A large accumulation of bile leads to severe nausea and vomiting.

In particularly severe cases, bile enters directly into the esophagus or oral cavity. All this is accompanied by a rather unpleasant bitter aftertaste . Also, mucus begins to be actively produced in the pharynx, and a burning sensation is observed in the esophagus. The “thrown out” masses themselves have a characteristic yellowish or greenish tint.

Yellow vomit in dogs: the main thing

  • If your dog vomits bile, refuses to eat and does not even eat his favorite treats, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • The yellow color of vomit is given by bile, gastric juice or the remains of undigested food;
  • The most common causes of vomiting in dogs are gastrointestinal diseases, intestinal obstruction, and feeding errors;
  • Before visiting a doctor, you should provide your pet with rest and limit food for 1-2 hours. It is impossible to give medications orally for acute vomiting;
  • For prevention, follow three simple rules: a balanced diet, timely vaccinations and treatments for parasites.

Why is vomiting after drinking dangerous?

First of all, it leads to severe dehydration of the body. A drunk person does not control himself and does not understand what is happening to him. Cannot take adequate measures . Poisoning leads to a critical rate of dehydration. This has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, but the brain suffers the most. Without help, a person can even die.

The intensity of urge and vomiting depends on the dose of alcohol. For people with liver and stomach problems, a couple of glasses of wine are enough. Even with such a relatively small dose of alcohol, large doses of toxic substances accumulate in the body. The situation becomes paradoxical.

The more a person drinks, the worse his stomach and liver work. This means that severe vomiting will accompany all libations in the future. In the presence of chronic diseases, alcohol provokes their exacerbation . The stomach, heart and blood vessels are the first to suffer. In advanced cases, the process becomes irreversible.


Since vomiting bile occurs in various conditions and diseases, it can be prevented by various measures:

  • drinking only certified alcohol in moderation;
  • compliance with sanitary standards when preparing food;
  • therapeutic diet for chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • refusal to eat food products that have expired.

Pregnant women need to visit a gynecologist regularly.

Malfunctions of the digestive system can be prevented if you take care of your own health. If you feel unwell, you should visit a general practitioner.

Emergency help

If a person says: “I’m vomiting bile after drinking alcohol,” you need to immediately call doctors. Only a specialist can treat a serious condition.

Before the doctors arrive, a number of measures :

  1. If the person is conscious, try to make him sit comfortably. Often, when a person vomits bile after drinking alcohol, they also experience dizziness . Severe intoxication leads to loss of consciousness. Under no circumstances should a person be allowed to lie on their back. So he can choke on vomit and die. You need to turn him on his side and place his hand under his head. Now you need to continue to monitor the outflow of vomit.
  2. Another necessary procedure is gastric lavage. Pure boiled or mineral non-carbonated water (volume from 1.5 to 2 liters) is suitable. When a person drinks it, vomiting will resume. This is a normal reaction. If it is not there, you need to drink the same amount of water with a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it. A weak solution of baking soda will help remove all the bile. They drink it, and then press on the root of the tongue. The provoked new attack of vomiting will remove bile. Gradually the vomit will clear.


If a person vomits bile after drinking alcohol, many do not know what to do in this case. Often they try to eliminate such a manifestation with pharmacological drugs. But in such a situation, it is not recommended to give the patient any medications. Even ordinary sorbents will blur the clinical picture and make medical care less effective.

Red vomit, why is vomit red and what to do when it appears?

The red color of the vomit is due to the discovery of gastric bleeding in the patient. Less commonly, blood inclusions, clots, and traces of blood discharge in the vomit are found as a result of severe stomach cramps that occur directly during the process of vomiting. Red color of vomit, what could be the reasons? Considering that red vomit indicates the presence of blood impurities in it, which means a violation of the integrity of the vessels or tissues of the stomach, it poses an increased danger to human health. When red vomit appears, the only correct solution is to immediately call an ambulance.

The most dangerous situation is in which the vomit blood has a bright scarlet color. This indicates a high probability of damage to large blood vessels. If you vomit red vomit, what does it mean? Vomiting containing bright red blood or streaks of it indicates fresh, rapid bleeding that has opened in some part of the digestive tract. The blood in the vomit may also be dark red, brown, or black. Consistency ranges from liquid to mushy, reminiscent of coffee grounds. The blood remained in the stomach and reacted with its enzymes and gastric juice. Bloody contents are an obvious sign of disorders that occur in the human body, because blood loss, no matter what it is, is already a damage to health.

There are many reasons for vomiting with blood. The most common:

- acute inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa as a result of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or alcohol;

— violation of the integrity of esophageal tissue under the influence of alkaline or acidic irritants;

- rupture of the vessels of the esophagus or stomach, associated with an increase in pressure on the veins located in the abdomen;

- rupture of the esophagus due to severe overeating;

- inflammation of the esophagus as a consequence of radio wave treatment;

- tear at the point of transition of the esophagus into the stomach during intense vomiting;

- ulcerative formations in the stomach caused by diseases, burns, alcohol consumption, various injuries, and surgery.

The presence of blood in vomiting is also observed under the following circumstances:

1 Damage to the mucous membranes of the stomach and vascular network of the esophagus. Its appearance is the result of inflammation, internal mechanical damage, and a reaction to the components of medications. The risk of bleeding is especially high with stomach or intestinal ulcers and cancer processes.

2 Varicose veins in the walls of the stomach. If the detected blood is bright, it means the bleeding is fresh. As a rule, it closes quickly and is not dangerous. If its remains are dark, we can conclude that there is long-standing and prolonged bleeding, which can lead to a significant deterioration in health.

3 Ulcerative processes. Causes bleeding in the upper parts of the digestive system. About a third of bleeding is associated with the formation or exacerbation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

4 Gastritis in the acute stage. Vomiting of blood in patients with gastritis occurs rarely, mainly due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The attacks are short, the volume of blood lost during them is small.

5 Cirrhosis of the liver. Vomiting with blood is a sign of the disease that appears after drinking alcohol. Bleeding is caused by high blood pressure, which ruptures the walls of the vessels in the esophagus. This condition is dangerous for a person’s life; if it occurs, it is necessary to take the patient to a medical facility or call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Human health in many cases depends on his attention and responsibility. Always remember that blood in vomit is a signal of serious problems with internal organs that pose a threat to your life. Having discovered this symptom, you should not hesitate and self-medicate. Seek assistance only from qualified personnel.

Traditional methods of treating bile vomiting

They are used after poisoning. First, doctors should provide assistance using special medications. Folk remedies will help the body cope with stress and recover faster. The feeling of nausea will continue for another 2-3 days. Vomiting may occur periodically . During this period, intoxication will still make itself known. Harmful substances are not eliminated as quickly as it seems.

You can cope with residual effects using:

  1. Chamomile decoction . One teaspoon per glass of boiling water. dried flowers. They are infused for 15 minutes, and then drunk in small sips.
  2. Peppermint . A few drops are dissolved in warm water. Drinking this will help relieve the urge to vomit.
  3. Rowan infusion . Both fresh and dry berries are suitable for its preparation (1 tbsp / glass of boiling water). Drink this infusion every 6-8 hours, 200-250 ml. Rowan will help get rid of harmful substances, relieve swelling, and have an antiseptic and tonic effect.
  4. Green tea . You can also add lemon balm and mint to it.

These decoctions should be used carefully. It is better to consult your doctor first. After alcohol poisoning, problems with the heart, nervous system, and stomach ulcers may worsen.

Eliminating other hangover symptoms

After the vomiting stops, the state of health only partially improves . A set of simple measures will help you get rid of poisoning completely. To quickly remove toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink kvass without sugar, kefir, fermented baked milk, ayran, green tea, as well as alkaline mineral water without gas. These drinks are rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

It is also worth asking your doctor what anti-hangover medications he would recommend. A contrast shower will help invigorate the body . In any case, regardless of whether vomiting bile appears after alcohol in the morning or at other times, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe an appropriate examination.

Vomiting cannot be suppressed. It serves as a cleansing mechanism for the body

If a prompt visit to the veterinarian is not possible

To provide first aid to a pet, you first need to ensure that the dog is calm. Remove the bowl of food for 1-2 hours. If you vomit repeatedly, do not delay visiting your doctor.

Under no circumstances should you give medications orally if you are vomiting repeatedly; the medications will not just come back out, but can also worsen the condition.

If vomiting is associated with heat stroke, you should place your pet in a cool place, wipe it with a damp cloth, and give free access to fresh water.

In cases with single vomiting, you need to change the frequency of feeding, that is, feed more often, but in smaller portions. In such situations, enveloping drugs can be used. However, the doses of the medicine must be calculated by a veterinarian, and many of them have contraindications.

In order to understand whether it is possible to give this or that medicine to your pet, you can contact Petstory therapists for an online consultation in the mobile application. You can install the application using the link.

Preventive measures

To avoid having to deal with attacks of bile vomiting, it is better to prevent them. The surest way is to give up alcohol. At least for a while, so that the body returns to normal. It is important to find a middle ground. This will be the optimal dose of alcohol that does not cause serious harm to health. This will require willpower. With the first signs of intoxication, a person continues to drink. This happens unconsciously, he just can’t stop . This no longer adds fun and euphoria, but only leads to serious problems.

To prevent vomiting of bile after alcohol from making itself felt, you can drink regular activated carbon . The dose is calculated based on the person's weight. Usually take no more than 1 tablet for every 10 kg. You will need more white coal - from 2 to 3 tablets.

You should not drink alcohol on an empty stomach. There must be light food on the table. It will slow down the process of intoxication. Fatty and fried foods will only increase the load on the liver.

What foods will help cope with nausea?

During an acute hangover, it is better not to eat anything at all. The body needs rest and more fluid.

If an empty stomach requires food, but the nausea has not completely gone away, use only light foods:

  1. Yogurt. It is rich in vitamin B, which helps relieve hangovers . You need to choose a product rich in probiotics, which will help restore the microflora.
  2. Ginger. If condition permits, it can be eaten raw. Otherwise, just adding it to your tea is enough. It effectively fights nausea .
  3. Citruses. They contain a lot of citric acid. It speeds up metabolism and elimination of toxins. Sour fruits will help cope with nausea. They can be consumed only if the condition of the stomach allows. Another option is to squeeze a little lemon juice (tsp) and combine it with the same amount of honey. This mixture should be eaten slowly, dissolving it.
  4. Cranberry juice. It's best to make it yourself, without artificial sweeteners or dye. It is very nutritious and healthy.
  5. Bananas. They saturate the body well and are a source of potassium.

Can a small amount of alcohol make you sick?

Even one glass of wine can cause unpleasant consequences. individual intolerance manifests itself . There is simply little production of the enzyme (alcohol dehydrogenase) or there is a deficiency of zinc in the body. In such cases, it is better to stop drinking alcohol so as not to injure your body and not find yourself in uncomfortable situations.

Alcohol poisoning is a serious stress for the whole body. It affects almost all organs and systems. The presence of bile in vomit should alert you. If you feel sick with bile for a long time after drinking alcohol, you need to seek help from a doctor . The hospital will prescribe the necessary medications and prescribe special droppers. Severe poisoning can result in coma. If help is not provided in time, a fun feast can turn into disaster. The best advice is to control yourself and control your alcohol intake. By stopping in time, a person will preserve his health, and possibly his life.

How does vomiting occur?

The process of eruption of food from the stomach is a reflex act. The action is controlled by the vomiting center from the medulla oblongata. A defensive reaction occurs immediately as soon as toxic substances enter the body. More often they enter through the stomach. Poisonous gas vapors penetrate the respiratory tract.

In both cases, the body's defense reaction is triggered. The brain receives an alarm signal through the blood that a dangerous substance has entered the body. The vomiting center transmits the command to the stomach, which contracts and throws out the contents.

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