Chicken broth: cooking tips from a nutritionist

Snezhana Shabanova

July 30, 2012

Probably, for any person, the smell of chicken broth brings back memories of home comfort, carefree childhood and summer holidays with grandma. In addition, this dish has firmly established itself as the best home remedy for colds. It may seem that chicken broth is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. However, the Chinese cook it much more often and eat more of it than other cultures. In many countries, this dish is considered peasant food, and no wonder. The broth can be prepared quickly from those parts of the bird carcass where there is little meat: neck, back, wings and bones. Once the bulk of the chicken is cut up and eaten, the leftovers can be turned into a tasty and healthy meal.

What is broth

Broth is a liquid broth made from meat, fish or vegetables. It contains a small amount of proteins, therefore it has more of a taste and stimulating value than a nutritional value, and is also easily absorbed even by a weakened body. There are three “colors” of broths - white, yellow and red. White broth is made from unfried meat and unfried roots; poultry broths are also usually made white.

Yellow broth is made from uncooked meat and roasted roots and is the basic meat and bone broth for soups. Both meat and roots are fried in red broth.

Broth is a liquid broth made from fish or vegetable meat

It comes only with meat, served separately or with a very small amount of filler (for example, broth with dumplings or quenelles).

Fresh broth is often used as food for illnesses when liquid nutrition is recommended, for example, for poisoning and disorders of the digestive system. The broth is served as a separate dish or with a side dish. Often other products are added to the broth - cereals, bread, eggs, etc. Among other things, broth often serves as a dressing for various kinds of sauces. “Bouillon cubes”—instant concentrates—are common on sale.

Broths for soups for gastritis - general principles of preparation

The broth that is used to prepare soups for gastritis should be weak and unsaturated. Bones, fatty meat, hot spices and seasonings are not used for cooking.

The general rules for preparing broth-based soups for gastritis are as follows:

  • the ingredients should be chopped as finely as possible, and best of all pureed;
  • vegetables are boiled directly in the broth, they cannot be digested;
  • to give the soup a denser consistency, you can add overcooked white flour or beaten chicken egg white;
  • Not only spices, but also mushrooms should be completely excluded;
  • Whenever possible, butter should be replaced with vegetable oil;
  • the use of cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, and zucchini is favorable;
  • Particular importance should be given to mucous soups, adding rolled oats or rice cereal to them.

All types of broths for soups for gastritis should be low-fat. The optimal serving temperature is from 15 to 60 degrees.

Benefits of first courses: should you eat soup?

As children, grandmothers and mothers told us: without the first meal, lunch is not lunch. And if you have a cold, hot chicken broth is the first remedy for a weakened body. Let's learn 10 important facts about soups.

Soups should be present in the diet at least two to three times a week, ideally daily. Plain water, juice, milk cannot serve as an alternative to the first course. If an adult or child categorically refuses soups, there is little good. Because with them the body not only receives the required amount of dietary fiber - broths stimulate the production of gastric juice, but also the mechanical effect of solid food on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is reduced. Alternate soups made with meat and vegetarian ones.

Classic first courses are best eaten warm, at a temperature of 36–38 degrees, and balanced in spices. Hot (over 60°C) and cold (below 15°C) foods have an irritating effect on the stomach receptors. Too spicy also causes hypersecretion of gastric juice. Over time, this can lead to gastritis.

Vegetarian soups contain a lot of dietary fiber, which improves intestinal motility. For such dishes, it is good to use broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, potatoes; these vegetables are harmless to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). For those who have such problems, it is not advisable to add white cabbage. It negatively affects the pancreas, causing inflammation. Borscht lovers can, of course, eat them, but don’t get carried away. But soups made from legumes - beans, peas, lentils - are poorly digested, and therefore provoke exacerbations in those who have stomach or intestinal problems.

Vegetables are cooked with the lid closed. The vitamins contained in them are destroyed when exposed to ultraviolet rays and oxygen from the air. Don't overcook them. Are the vegetables soft? Remove the pan from the heat.

When preparing meat broth, drain the first water after boiling. Otherwise, it turns out to be too concentrated, which means it contains many extractive substances that irritate the mucous membrane and can contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. When they are in moderate quantities, they stimulate the formation of gastric juice, but do not disrupt the digestion process. Second broths are optimal for health. To do this, take the meat, wash it, put it in water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes (beef - 15-20), drain and add another water. The bulk of the extractive substances will be boiled off during the first boil, and the soup will be much healthier.

Lean meats are good for broths: chicken, turkey, beef. The healthiest thing is rabbit meat; it is recommended for all gastrointestinal diseases. When preparing meat for cooking, get rid of excess fat and remove the skin from poultry: it is high in fat and cholesterol. Their excess contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases; fat is not very beneficial for the pancreas. Regarding the use of offal - liver, heart, ventricles; the main thing is not to overdo it.

Jellied meat is not good for health. Broth cooked on the bone is not the best dish from a medical point of view, as it contains a large amount of extractive substances. But if you use a little meat on ribs or bones, there is nothing terrible if you follow the cooking rules. As for jellied meat, which is popular on the holiday table, it is essentially an insanely concentrated broth. After all, they cook it for six hours, don’t drain the first water, otherwise it won’t work. Eat jellied meat no more than once a month and remember that this is not a dietary product.

Broths are not recommended for sick people. Doctors do not recommend them to weakened patients, especially those who have undergone surgery. Anesthesia already contributes to the development of ulcerative processes, and broth increases the risk of their development because it stimulates the production of gastric juice. This applies to any surgical interventions, not necessarily related to the gastrointestinal tract, even in gynecology, orthopedics, and cardiology. Patients are given nutrition through a vein, so-called parenteral. There are also special therapeutic foods in the form of dry mixtures that are diluted with water. They are easily digestible and healthy.

Previously, doctors advised giving infants broths from six months, now - closer to one year. Because gastritis and pancreatitis have become “younger”. They start with soups cooked in water with the addition of meatballs.

You can get better from puree soups. Heavily chopped vegetables are deprived of dietary fiber and, as a result, take longer to digest. In addition, in the form of puree, carbohydrates and fats are easier to digest, and when such a soup sits in the stomach for a long time, it turns out to be higher in calories, which cannot but affect the figure. Those who are sure that pureed soups are suitable for losing weight are mistaken. Especially if potatoes or cream are added to them. For a person with gastrointestinal problems, the fat content of products should not exceed 3.5%. Cream has at least 10%, which is unacceptable for the pancreas. This does not mean that pureed soups should not be prepared at all, they just should not be in the diet all the time.

Healthy nutrition ensures the normal development and functioning of a person, promotes health and prevents diseases. Healthy eating is the key to a long life. For good health and proper functioning of our organs, we need to eat high-quality food.


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State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"

Frunzensky district of Minsk"

Broth for gastritis

If you want a soup recipe that helps with gastritis to actually be useful, this rule must be followed strictly and the broth must be prepared correctly. You can prepare chicken broth for gastritis only with lean meat, after removing the bones. The same goes for other non-vegetarian dishes. Lean beef, turkey, rabbit and some lean fish can be used as a base.

Completely avoid salt and pepper, as well as any spices. Mushrooms, fried mushrooms, spicy, smoked, canned and any other ingredients that can cause irritation of the mucous membrane are also prohibited. To minimize the amount of harmful substances contained in meat, prepare dietary soups for gastritis using the broth of the second or even third broth.

When reheating, bring the soup to room temperature only. Food that is too cold will provoke another irritation of the mucous membrane, and food that is too hot can cause a thermal burn of the walls of the stomach. To ensure that vegetable soup for gastritis provides maximum benefits, use natural vegetables rather than dressing. If possible, include broccoli, zucchini, pumpkin or cauliflower in your dishes.

Four “NOTs” when preparing chicken broth for a diet menu

  • DO NOT put poultry wings (lots of bones and skin), rump (too fatty part), drumsticks (bone and tough tendons) into the stockpot.
  • DO NOT use spices when cooking - no pepper or other spicy “irritants” to the stomach. But whole peeled carrots and onions are very welcome - they will make a not too filling dish more aromatic and give it an appetizing golden color.
  • DO NOT use the first broth - it contains too much fat and may contain residues of the drugs that they love to stuff chickens with in poultry factories. It needs to be drained, rinse the pan and meat thoroughly, add a fresh portion of clean water and simmer over low heat until the fillet softens.
  • DO NOT eat too hot or cold broth, which will greatly irritate the mucous membranes. The optimal temperature range is 30-40 oC.

Having found out that drinking chicken broth for gastritis is not only possible, but even highly recommended, we offer a recipe for this simple and very healthy dish for a diet, including a therapeutic one.

Is it possible to have meat broth for gastritis?

Any first courses for gastritis should be prepared in accordance with special recipes. In this case, the food will not cause additional harm to the stomach.

Properly prepared meat broth for gastritis is a stimulant for the stomach and also helps it in the digestive process

Do not forget that if the broth is prepared correctly for gastritis, it is for this reason that soups are included in the menu. After all, properly prepared meat broth for gastritis is a stimulant for the stomach and also helps it in the digestive process.

Meat broths are allowed as part of the diet along with fish or vegetable broths. But they must be weak. In any case, the broth for gastritis must meet a number of requirements. In addition to the fact that it should be low-fat, the presence of seasonings and spices is not allowed in it. The other side of the issue concerns temperature. So, for patients with gastritis, it is allowed to consume exclusively warm broth, but not cold and especially not hot.

To prepare weak meat broth, you need to boil lean meat in clean water. For better taste and aroma, you can also add greens, carrots, and parsley root to it when cooking. You can also add a little salt to it. But taking into account the fact that salt consumption during gastritis is seriously limited, it is worth adding salt to a ready-made dish in a plate, and in no case in a common pan. This way you can more accurately determine a person’s daily salt intake.

Chicken broth for gastritis

Before talking directly about the beneficial properties of chicken broth and its effect on the body, it is important to determine what kind of dish it is and how to prepare it correctly so that it really brings benefits. Poultry broth can be made from either white meat or whole chicken. In the first case, you will get a more dietary option, and in the second, a rich broth with large circles of fat.

To make the broth clear, add peeled onions and carrots. This will give the broth a beautiful color and additional flavor. But it’s better to avoid salt and spices. If you want to make the taste of the dish richer, it is better to throw a few sprigs of parsley during cooking or chopped herbs into the prepared broth.

The longer the chicken is cooked, the more beneficial properties are transferred from it into the broth. But keep in mind that when cooking, the broth should not boil too much, but only gurgle slightly. And no bouillon cubes. This option is acceptable if you need to quickly prepare soup, and not fill the body with additional strength.

Hot chicken broth has the ability to stimulate digestion and promote the secretion of gastric juice. Thus, this dish is recommended for those who suffer from gastritis and those who have not been able to eat well for a long time due to health problems.

We drink chicken broth. We are getting better...

When you have a cold or flu, chicken broth is essential. It is also useful for gastritis and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), for poisoning and in the postoperative period. What is the secret of its healing power and is chicken broth really useful?

Modern doctors believe that chicken broth is an excellent restorative remedy, since all the beneficial substances contained in meat and bones (and there are many of them in chicken meat) are 60% transferred into the broth itself. It is much easier for any body, especially a weakened one, to obtain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins from liquid, easily digestible food. Its benefit is also that it stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates appetite, and is almost completely absorbed.

But not everything is so rosy. Chicken meat today is significantly different in chemical composition from what it was several decades ago. Modern chickens are fed artificial feed. They also contain growth hormones so that the chicken gains weight faster, and antibiotics so that the bird does not get sick or die. These substances, dangerous to humans, accumulate in meat, and when cooked they turn into a decoction. This is the main harm of a seemingly healing dish.

How to cook chicken broth so that you get only the benefits from it? There are a couple of secrets: drain the water 10 minutes after boiling; and most importantly, try to buy chickens in villages or from rural residents. What parts of chicken are best to make broth from? It all depends on your tastes: the back part with the tail and legs makes a rich, fatty broth. The same will come out if you take the front part with wings without fillet. Chicken breast broth is a dish for those on a diet. If you need to prepare a decoction with meat, then take a chicken leg. The back will make an excellent base for light first courses - without excess fat, but with a rich taste. By the way, it is better to buy laying hens rather than broilers; chickens are also a good option, especially for baby food - they have less fat and are less likely to contain high levels of harmful substances.

Continuing the topic, I would like to dwell on one more important and useful point regarding proper nutrition. Many patients, clarifying the rules of the diet, ask the question: is it possible to eat broths and soups in the evening or is this exclusively a lunch dish? A dinner like this is entirely possible. Any warm liquids have a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract. If you are sure that in the evening you need something more satisfying than a cup of tea, then chicken broth or vegetable soup will come in handy.

It is important to remember: the recipe for preparing “evening soup” should not contain lentils or beans. They are quite difficult to digest, cause flatulence, and this will make your sleep restless. Let me remind you that if you go to bed early, the best time for dinner is 17.00. If you fall asleep later, then your last meal should be not much later than 19.00. In any case, you should have 3-4 hours left before bed. In terms of calories, dinner should not exceed 20-25% of the total daily value, that is, a light chicken or vegetable soup is just what you need!

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Vegetable broth for gastritis

What are the benefits of vegetable broth? This nutrient solution has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane, enveloping its walls. Therefore, vegetable broth for gastritis and stomach ulcers is one of the best dishes. You can easily prepare vegetable broth for a child or infant. It does not cause allergic reactions, saturating the small body with valuable substances.

Vegetable decoction is surprisingly tasty and healthy. It is both a separate dish and an excellent base for soups, stews or sauces. The benefits of vegetable broth largely depend on what vegetables are included in its composition. The main components of vegetable broth are carrots (vitamins A, groups B, C, E, H, PP, K), potatoes, onions, dill, and parsley. The calorie content of vegetable broth is, on average, only 5 kcal and depends on the ingredients included in it and the richness.

The vegetable broth itself is a simple dish that is quick to prepare and tastes great. To prepare it, you can take absolutely any vegetables. All of them must be pre-prepared - thoroughly washed, peeled, cut into small cubes. The approximate cooking time for vegetable broth is 30-40 minutes. At the same time, most cooks advise adding salt at the very beginning of cooking - this way the broth will be as aromatic as possible.

Vegetable broth is a mandatory dish in the diet of patients suffering from eating disorders, gastrointestinal diseases, or simply following a diet for the fastest, and at the same time, safe for the body, weight loss. Vegetable broth is good for children - after all, not all kids like to eat vegetables. But they drink with great pleasure the aromatic, tasty broth, which contains a huge amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements.

How to properly prepare broth for gastritis

To prepare broth that is allowed for any type of gastritis, follow the rules that we gave above. Use poultry, meat, or lean fish that has been previously filleted (without skin). To ensure a high-quality broth, immerse the washed fillet only in cold water. The ratio of water and meat is approximately 3:1, that is, we take 300 grams of fillet, which means that 900 ml of water is required.

To cook the broth, take a saucepan with thick walls, which you cover with a lid before boiling. After the broth boils, skim off the foam and reduce the heat to low. If foam accumulates again, do not forget to remove it. If your gastritis is in remission, you can add raw onion and parsley root to the pan when adding meat products - this will make the broth aromatic.

Now about time. Cook chicken broth for one hour; if you are preparing pork or beef broth, it will take 2.5 hours, no less. ! To make the broth low-fat, let it cool thoroughly after cooking. All fat accumulates on the surface in the form of a whitish film. Carefully remove the film from the broth and strain the remaining liquid.

Fish broth is ready after 40 minutes from the start of boiling, vegetable broth - after 30 minutes. Broths, prepared correctly, are used not only for preparing first courses, but also as a basis for porridges, and also as an independent dish.

Fish broth for gastritis is ready after 40 minutes from the start of boiling

Fish soup broth for gastritis

The most delicious analogue of fish soup is prepared very quickly and turns out delicious. For cooking, you should select fish of low-fat varieties. Ingredients for cooking: a piece of sea bass; small parsley root; medium carrot; one onion; egg.

Wash the fish. Cut the onion into four parts. Cut the carrots into small pieces. Combine all ingredients, add water, bring to a boil and cook until carrots are ready. Remove fish and vegetables. Strain the broth. Beat the egg. Bring the broth to a boil and pour the egg into it while vigorously stirring. Add salt and serve with croutons or breadcrumbs.

Potato soup broth for gastritis

A light dietary soup for gastritis ensures normal secretion of gastric juice. The potatoes make the dish quite filling. Ingredients for cooking: four medium potatoes; two small carrots; two eggs; three tablespoons of olive oil; water; a little fresh dill and parsley; two pieces of stale bread.

Rinse the vegetables thoroughly and peel them. Cut carrots and potatoes into small cubes, add water and bring to a boil. Chop the greens. As soon as the water boils, pour olive oil into the vegetables and add chopped herbs. Add a little salt. Beat the eggs. While the vegetables are cooking, cut the bread into small cubes and dry in the oven. When the carrots and potatoes become soft, turn off the heat.



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