Nutrition for chronic gastritis: educational program from a nutritionist

  1. Diet for gastritis
  2. Key principles of diet for gastritis ailments
  3. What foods can you eat if you have gastritis?
  4. What should be missing from the diet?
  5. Diet for high acidity
  6. Low acidity diet
  7. Diet for gastritis - general recommendations

Gastritis is the name given to inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, which inevitably lead to digestive problems. A person begins to digest food poorly, as a result of which his health deteriorates and weakness and lethargy appear. According to statistics, approximately half of all Russians experience painful symptoms of gastritis to one degree or another.

Diet for gastritis

Many people wonder: what diet should you follow for gastritis?
This is a very important question, since proper nutrition is a major part of the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. If you have gastritis, you should always follow a gentle diet, and if your health improves, you can only return to normal eating habits gradually. In some cases, doctors prescribe a personal diet for gastritis. It is also necessary to remember that with gastritis, enzymatic deficiency develops, so in some cases, along with a diet to improve digestion, it is worth using enzyme preparations such as Micrazim.

There are two types of gastritis: acute and chronic. In different people, these forms can be accompanied by both high and low degrees of gastric acidity. Acute gastritis is of the following types:

  • fibrinous (aggravates with the appearance of infectious diseases);
  • catarrhal (accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the outer lining of the stomach);
  • phlegmonous (causes purulent inflammatory processes on the gastric walls);
  • corrosive (one of the side effects of poisoning).

Chronic disease, in turn, comes in the following forms:

  • superficial;
  • hypertrophic;
  • polyposis;
  • bacterial;
  • granulomatous;
  • autoimmune.

Another form of chronic gastritis is typical for those people whose stomach walls are damaged due to systematic intake of alcohol in large quantities.

Approximately weekly menu

Diet is very important to follow!

Typically, poor nutrition leads to such a common disease as gastritis.

Therefore, in order to improve the patient’s health, doctors strongly recommend sticking to the consumption of healthy foods.

Experts have developed a specialized sample menu for people with gastritis.

The products included in the diet do not contain harmful substances that can aggravate the disease. There are many forbidden foods. However, using the permitted list, you can prepare a completely varied table. So, an approximate weekly menu is compiled as follows:

Key principles of diet for gastritis ailments

Remember that a proper diet for gastritis is the key to successfully overcoming symptoms. If the acidity of your gastric juice is increased, then you need to eat foods that help reduce its activity. Follow three rules:

  1. Mechanical principle. Avoid foods that contain rough fiber. Such products include onion crops, veined meat, and bran. In addition, dishes cooked in oil are strictly prohibited.
  2. Chemical principle. Avoid foods that can increase stomach secretions. This list includes alcohol, sparkling water, citrus fruits (including juices from them), coffee, black bread, cabbage and rich meat broth.
  3. Thermal principle. Do not eat foods that are at very high or very low temperatures. They irritate the esophagus, and cold food, among other things, lingers longer than usual in the stomach.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Treatment table No. 1 is physiologically complete, provides the body with all the most important nutritional nutrients and can be prescribed for a long period.
  • Provides protection of the gastrointestinal mucosa from various negative factors, eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane, and relieves pain.
  • Requires certain culinary skills and knowledge of preparing dietary dishes.
  • It is difficult to comply with during a person’s working life.

What foods can you eat if you have gastritis?

Include lean meat (such as rabbit) in your diet. Duck, lamb and goose are not allowed, but chicken can only be eaten without the skin.

Other acceptable foods and dishes include:

  1. River fish;
  2. seafood;
  3. egg white omelette;
  4. oatmeal and buckwheat porridge;
  5. milk;
  6. zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, various greens;
  7. berries with high sugar content;
  8. boiled and pureed fruits.

Several dietary recipes

To prepare rice and corn soup you will need:

  • water – 2 liters;
  • potatoes – 2–3 pieces;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • chicken fillet – 250 grams;
  • greenery;
  • salt.


  1. Cut the meat into cubes and place in boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes.
  2. Add rice and cook for another 20 minutes.
  3. Cut the potatoes into pieces and add them to the broth.
  4. After the potatoes are ready, the corn is started (the liquid is drained from it first).
  5. The dish gets a little salty. Greens are placed in it.

Let the dish sit for a while before serving.


For the second course, a casserole made from carrots and cottage cheese would be a good option. Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese – 500 grams;
  • carrots – 3 pieces (medium);
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
  • butter – 1 tsp;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • honey – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • semolina – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin;
  • salt.


  1. Chop the carrots and put them in a saucepan. Add butter, milk and honey to it. Stew the vegetable until tender.
  2. Add semolina and wait another three to four minutes. Turn off the heat and add vanilla.
  3. Add some salt to the cottage cheese. Put eggs, starch and granulated sugar into it. Stir well.
  4. Combine carrots and cottage cheese. Mix.
  5. Grease the baking dish with oil. Place the prepared mixture into it. Cook the casserole at +180 degrees for 40 minutes.

When serving, the casserole can be topped with honey or sour cream.

Creamy vegetable soup

As a first course, you can serve creamy cauliflower and zucchini soup. Ingredients:

  • some cauliflower;
  • small young zucchini;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onion;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.


  1. Pour 250 ml of water into a saucepan. Place cauliflower, disassembled into florets, and zucchini cut into cubes. Cook until done.
  2. Sauté the chopped onion in oil and add the diced tomatoes.
  3. Then you need to combine the prepared vegetables with the onion-tomato mixture and grind with a blender. Add vegetable broth to give the soup the desired consistency.

Serve the soup warm, adding sour cream or a piece of butter.

Pumpkin rice porridge

Rice porridge with the addition of pumpkin pulp is an option for the second course. For preparation you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp – 500 grams;
  • rice – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 100 grams;
  • butter – 50 grams.


  1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces and boil in a small amount of water with added granulated sugar.
  2. Cook the rice separately.
  3. Puree the pumpkin using a blender. Place cooked rice and butter in it.

The porridge can be served immediately. But you can divide it into portioned pots and bake in the oven for another 10 minutes. After the exacerbation is completed, the patient is allowed to move to the general table. But recommendations regarding prohibited products still remain in effect.

What should be missing from the diet?

If you have been diagnosed with gastritis caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, then it is not advisable to prescribe a diet for yourself. Be sure to consult with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist so that gastritis treatment is consistent and effective.

With this disease, the menu should not include:

  1. Fresh baked goods, especially rye bread, as well as puff pastries. Instead, it is better to eat white bread, plain cookies and pies.
  2. Soups with rich broth, including mushroom soup, cabbage soup and borscht. Such dishes should be replaced with light vegetable soups with potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions.
  3. Smoked dishes, as well as meat with fat and veins. Instead, it is better to eat dishes made from boiled or steamed meat (cutlets, meatballs). Allowed types of meat are chicken and lamb.
  4. Hard-boiled eggs and fried omelettes. They should be replaced with soft-boiled eggs and steamed omelettes.
  5. Any salty and seasoned dishes, marinades, chocolate, carbonated drinks, coffee and kvass.
  6. Alcohol.

Diet for high acidity

With this form of gastritis, you should not overuse fruits and vegetables, as they can worsen your health. However, you shouldn’t completely remove these products from the menu. Avoid foods that can stimulate stomach acid production and opt for acid-reducing foods. By eating right, you are more likely to lose some weight than gain weight. Below is a table showing permitted and prohibited products:

Vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, beets. Light vegetable salads. Tomatoes: ripe, chopped. Cucumbers without skin. Greenery.
Fruits: non-acidic, ripe, without skin (banana, pear, apple). It is best to eat fruit not raw, but baked. Watermelons and melons - in very limited quantities. Fried potatoes, pickled foods, sauerkraut.
Milk (from a cow or goat), cream, yogurt. Fresh cottage cheese. Sour cream, kefir, hard cheese.
Soup with dietary broth.Cabbage soup and borscht in a rich broth.
Boiled chicken or rabbit meat, lean river fish.Smoked meats, fish and meats with a high fat content, canned foods.
Oatmeal and buckwheatDried fruits
Soft-boiled eggs.Chocolate
Crackers, white bread (which has been sitting for a couple of days), dry biscuits.Hard-boiled eggs, fried omelet.
Weak tea and coffee, cocoa with added milk.Rye and freshly baked bread. Cakes, confectionery products with cream filling.

Basic principles

Basic principles of nutrition for chronic gastritis:

  • eating quickly digestible food in small portions up to 6 times a day;
  • It is allowed to steam, boil, bake or stew dishes - frying is completely prohibited;
  • food should be warm and served in crushed form;
  • It is necessary to completely exclude spicy/fatty/rough dishes and foods, salted and smoked foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks from the menu.

The diet should contain products that provide the patient’s body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Low acidity diet

In such conditions, you need to eat differently than in the previous case. You need to eat foods that promote gastric secretion. The table below shows dishes that are suitable for remission. If you have severe pain in the stomach, then you need to exclude from the menu dishes that irritate the stomach tissue.

Dairy products (including unsalted cheese).Hard cheeses.
Vegetables: baked potatoes, tomatoes, greens, carrots, beets, pumpkin, pickles.Fried potatoes, large pasta.
Lean meat, high quality sausages, baked and fried cutlets.Fried fatty meat.
Salted herring, low-fat smoked fish.Canned meat and fish.
Boiled eggsFried eggs
Stale bread, crackers.Freshly baked bread, bread with added bran.
Baked fruits, juices. Berries: cranberries, black currants. Red currant, raspberry.
Fruit jellies, jelly.Candy products and frozen sweets.
Mineral water (not highly carbonated), green and black tea.Sweet drinks with gas, alcohol, kvass, coffee.
Borscht and cabbage soup, but the cabbage for them needs to be finely chopped and thoroughly boiled.Soups with beans and peas, milk soups.

List of fully or partially restricted products:

Vegetables Cucumbers, pickled cucumbers, cabbage, sauerkraut, onions, legumes, spinach, sorrel, horseradish
Porridges and cereals Corn, pearl barley, barley, millet cereals
Dessert Ice cream, sweets, cakes, pastries
Dairy Kefir, sour cream, yogurt
Meat products Pork, ham, sausage, frankfurters, sausages, dried meat, smoked meat
Soft drinks Tea, kvass, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks
Berries Any berries, raw

Diet for gastritis - general recommendations

Patients with gastritis should exclude spices used in the cooking process from the menu. You can improve the taste of food with fresh herbs (parsley, dill, celery). Greens will also help to add vitamins to your diet: try to season as many dishes that you eat with finely chopped greens.

You need to eat small meals, but avoid snacks; this way the stomach will not have difficulty digesting food. Chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. Hastily eaten food can worsen your health and aggravate gastritis. Chew your food until it turns into an easily digestible paste.

Do not forget that proper and balanced nutrition is the key to treating gastritis. Many patients who followed a strict diet during treatment say that it helped them successfully overcome all the symptoms and pain associated with this disease within 4 weeks.

Important: before use, read the instructions or consult your doctor.

Reviews and results

Reviews from an overwhelming number of patients indicate that dietary nutrition for chronic gastritis allows one to normalize the state of the gastrointestinal tract ( heartburn , belching, pain and discomfort in the stomach disappear) and is an essential component of the patient’s recovery.

  • “... I have been a chronic patient for more than 15 years and periodically, at least in autumn and spring, as well as with any errors in nutrition, exacerbation of chronic gastritis occurs. Previously, I immediately started taking medications, but now I trust the diet more. I immediately switch to Table No. 1 and sit on it for up to a month. As a rule, after 3-4 weeks the exacerbation subsides, and I expand my diet. That’s how I’m saved”;
  • “... Due to a bad stomach, I had to learn cooking, since chronic gastritis does not allow me to eat on a general basis. I no longer go to the hospital during exacerbations. I myself know what pills I need to take, but the main thing is the diet, which I try to follow, at least not strictly.”
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