Fizzy drink for the stomach: effective recipes and application features

In this article we will tell you how to properly make pop from soda and vinegar at home.
Our recipes will help you enjoy the taste of carbonated drinks and improve your health. At first glance, the preparation technology is simple - combine soda (alkali) and vinegar (acid) in water to saturate the solution with carbon dioxide. But in order to get not just bubbling water, but a tasty drink, it is important to maintain the proportions of the ingredients and choose the right concentration of vinegar.

Attention! When choosing vinegar for fizz, it is better to give preference to organic apple cider vinegar - it has a softer, fruitier taste, and will saturate the drink with microelements, vitamins, and beneficial organic acids.

You can watch the chemical reaction when combining soda and vinegar in water in the video:

Classic recipe from the USSR

During Soviet times, soda machines were located in all public places. For 3 kopecks you could buy water with syrup and for just 1 kopeck you could buy plain carbonated water. But it was even more interesting to make your favorite drink yourself - to watch how the sizzling foam formed and fell. The result of this creative magic was a delicious fizz. Plus, baking soda and vinegar are always on hand.


  • ½ teaspoon baking soda;
  • ½ teaspoon of 9% vinegar (preferably 1 teaspoon of 6% natural apple vinegar);
  • 250 ml of drinking water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey or sugar (optional).

Water is poured into a large container so that there is enough space for foam to form. Vinegar is also poured in, mixed well and soda is added. Those who like sweet drinks can double the amount of sugar. The fizzy drink is not prepared for future use; it is drunk immediately after preparation.

What is soda water

Soda water is prepared from several components - plain water, carbon dioxide, baking soda. The water obtained by mixing these ingredients tastes like regular soda.

Soda water is the base for many cocktails

As a supplement, you can use various food additives: dyes, flavors, for example, juices of berries, lemon, lime, grapefruit, orange. They improve the taste and give the drink a pleasant aroma.

American soda - Schweppes

Interestingly, soda water is often confused with soda. An example of the latter is American Schweppes, which can be easily prepared at home using a simple recipe.

The following products will be required:

  • granulated sugar (5 tablespoons);
  • 2 medium-sized grapefruits;
  • bottle of soda (1.5 l).

It is necessary to mix sugar and squeezed grapefruit juice in a separate container, filter it and slowly pour it into the soda. Serve slightly chilled.

Video: homemade cream soda recipe

Hangover fizzy drink

The fizz recipe, proven by generations, helps to get rid of the consequences of a stormy feast, and is still used to this day. A soda drink reduces nausea and headaches and speeds up the removal of alcohol toxins.

This is interesting! Some recipes suggest replacing vinegar with ½ teaspoon of citric acid. However, when using natural (organic) apple cider vinegar with a high content of useful substances, a deeper cleansing of the body and improved well-being is achieved.


  • 1 glass of cold drinking water;
  • 1-1½ tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon 6% apple cider vinegar;
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Additional Information! Sugar is a source of glucose, which in this case plays a particularly important role by strengthening the liver’s barrier function against alcohol toxins.

All of the listed ingredients are added to the water one by one and mixed thoroughly. The drink tastes like lemonade. You need to drink it in small sips, but quickly enough, until all the carbon dioxide bubbles have dissolved.

For those who want to lose weight

A weight loss drink will allow you to remove extra pounds due to its ability to bind fats, preventing the body from absorbing them. Reasonable consumption will lead to the fact that excess fat deposits in the waist, sides and hips will gradually “melt away”. In addition, the drink helps remove toxins from the body, which also promotes weight loss.

A simple recipe for weight loss:

  • water (1 glass);
  • soda, citric acid (0.5 tsp each).

Combine all components and drink the liquid immediately after a violent reaction. The course of application is 2 weeks.

Recipe for soda and vinegar pop for heartburn

Baking soda is alkaline and neutralizes excess hydrochloric acid, which causes heartburn. The benefits of apple cider vinegar include the comprehensive regulation of digestive processes, normalization of enzyme production and acid-base balance.

Important! The use of effervescent heartburn is allowed as an emergency remedy for pain in the stomach or esophagus. If you experience persistent symptoms of burning and discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Heartburn is a consequence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Constant use of fizzy drink will not eliminate the cause and without treatment the disease will worsen.

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • ½ glass of warm drinking water;
  • ½ tbsp. spoons of 6% apple cider vinegar (½ teaspoon if using 9% table vinegar);
  • ½ teaspoon of soda.

Mix all ingredients and drink in small sips, without waiting for the bubbles to disappear. It is recommended to take this drink no more than once a day. If heartburn returns, be sure to consult a doctor.


Before starting treatment, it is recommended to read the reviews:

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Victoria (02/05/2018), rating 5

My husband often suffers from heartburn, but does not take pills. Therefore, I had to look for an alternative remedy for it. We came across this recipe on a forum and decided to try it: to prepare a glass of mineral water, after releasing the gas from it, add 10 grams. baking soda. While actively stirring, drink the solution slowly in small sips. The product instantly relieves the feeling of discomfort. I recommend trying the recipe, my husband only uses it.

Natalya (04/13/2018), rating 4

After eating, any person has experienced at least once the discomfort caused by heartburn. Fortunately, it is quite easy to get rid of this problem. In the time of grandmothers, they used a simple but effective remedy based on baking soda. To prepare, you will need to do the following: dilute one tablespoon of soda into a glass of regular non-carbonated water. Drink the solution quickly in large sips. Heartburn begins to subside after about 15-20 minutes. It's bad that this method doesn't suit everyone.

Artem (05/23/2018), rating 5

“Mom’s Emergency Remedy.” I really love fried pies, but my stomach doesn’t. All you had to do was eat a small pie and then it came - heartburn. Having tried many methods from dates to various pharmaceutical drugs, I remembered such a remedy as fizzy pop. This is when baking soda is mixed with water and vinegar. While the mixture is sizzling, you need to drink it. I advise, personally the product helps me well.

Recipe for weight loss

Carbonated drinks are in some cases recommended as a means of losing weight. Bubbles of carbon dioxide fill the stomach, making you feel fuller while eating less. Vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and other important and beneficial substances contained in apple cider vinegar have a beneficial effect on metabolism and remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

To make this fizzy drink from vinegar and soda, use the classic recipe - half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and soda per glass of water. The drink should be taken once a day 30 minutes after meals for two weeks.

Note! Fizzy drink is used as a useful, but still an auxiliary means in a comprehensive weight loss program.

Benefits and contraindications

The popularity of soda pop in our country began back in the 90s. She was credited with many medicinal properties, many of which turned out to be myths. But I really wanted to believe that from the simplest products that are in any kitchen, you can make a drink that can overcome serious and even incurable diseases.

And yet, thanks to its chemical composition, sparkling soda has a certain positive effect on our body. The drink has proven itself well as:

  • Homemade mineral water to quench your thirst;
  • An effective hangover remedy that reduces nausea and headaches;
  • A quick way to get rid of heartburn and restore the acid-base balance;
  • An aid to weight loss that normalizes metabolism and helps remove excess fluid from the body.

Important! To obtain the maximum effect, you must strictly adhere to the quantities of ingredients indicated in the recipe and adhere to the recommendations for taking the fizzy drink.

The use of fizzy drinks is strictly prohibited:

  1. People with gastrointestinal diseases and peptic ulcers, especially during exacerbations
  2. Women during pregnancy and lactation
  3. Persons suffering from diabetes, hypertension, heart disease
  4. Children under 3 years old

But, even if you do not have the contraindications listed above, you need to pay attention to how the body reacts to the effects of sparkling soda. Also, you should not drink it constantly; it is important to observe moderation.

Useful article: Glycerin and vinegar for tender heels: effective recipes


Is it possible to give children homemade fizzy drinks?

For children under 3 years of age, carbonated drinks, including homemade ones, are contraindicated. In a small organism, the protective functions of the mucous surfaces are not yet fully formed, as is the full production of digestive enzymes. Therefore, soda is also not recommended for children under 7 years of age, and at an older age they should not drink it constantly.

It is better to make baby pop from citric acid or with organic apple cider vinegar, which contains vitamins and other beneficial substances.

This is interesting! Homemade lemonade tastes better if you use compote instead of water.

What is the best water to use for making pop?

To prepare a soda drink, it is better to use clean filtered water. Or the water can be pre-boiled and cooled to 36-37 degrees.

When is the best time to drink pop?

A drink based on baking soda and vinegar is not recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane. It is best to drink the solution 30 minutes after eating.

Can I use mineral water?

Yes, you can. But first you should leave the container with the mineral water open in order to reduce the carbon dioxide content as much as possible.

Can pregnant women drink soda and vinegar pop?

During pregnancy and lactation, the risk of heartburn is especially high. However, doctors unanimously do not recommend resorting to this method of treatment.

How long can you store pop?

If all the components have already been added to the water, this drink should be drunk immediately. It is not subject to further storage.

You can prepare a dry mixture that can be stored for up to 30 days. In this case, the vinegar must be replaced with citric acid, mix all the dry ingredients in one container (½ tsp baking soda, ½ tsp sugar, ¼ tsp citric acid). To prepare the fizz 1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of the resulting mixture to a glass of water and mix thoroughly.

Possible harm

Despite the usefulness of the fizzy drink, it should be taken with caution, and for some categories of people it is completely contraindicated.

Due to its aggressive composition, soda can harm the body:

  • in case of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, as well as gastritis, high acid content in the body, taking soda and vinegar is strictly not recommended, since these substances can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and lead to peptic ulcers;
  • abuse of the medicinal drink leads to changes in blood pressure and spasms of blood vessels, while thanks to soda, the walls of the capillaries become thinner, they become less elastic and durable;
  • the accumulation of soda in the body contributes to increased flatulence, stool upset and alkalization of the blood, as a result the patient loses appetite and develops acute abdominal pain;
  • Quite frequent use of effervescent medicine and in large doses affects the nervous system, the patient becomes nervous and aggressive.
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