What is pancreatin and what is its secret?

The main task of Pancreatin is to compensate for the lack of pancreatic enzymes. The medication is prescribed for diseases of the pancreas and pathologies of the digestive organs, in which reactive pancreatitis may occur.

In some cases, Pancreatin is used to normalize food digestion and eliminate symptoms of poisoning from unusual foods and alcohol.

Indications for use

The annotation indicates for which disorders and diseases it is advisable to use Pancreatin.

Indications for use:

  1. Late pancreatitis appearing after transplantation
  2. Chronic diseases of the liver, biliary tract
  3. Preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  4. Digestive tract dysfunction
  5. Insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function in the elderly
  6. If it is necessary to carry out replacement therapy in case of diagnosing exocrine insufficiency of the digestive system
  7. Chronic pancreatitis
  8. Cystic fibrosis
  9. Removal of the pancreas
  10. Dyspepsia
  11. The need to normalize digestive processes

What do you need to know before you start taking Pancreatin?

Indications for the use of Pancreatin are the following conditions:

  • cystic fibrosis (pancreatic disease);
  • postoperative period;
  • pancreatic oncology;
  • removal of organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • blockage of the bile ducts;
  • treatment of steatorrhea (excessive fat in the stool).

Consult your doctor if you have the following contraindications for using Pancreatin :

  • individual intolerance to the active ingredient, pork;
  • gout;
  • asthma;
  • acute pancreatitis or relapse of chronic pancreatitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

How much to drink

When prescribing a medication, doctors use an indicator of lipolytic activity, which is converted into tablets.

Depending on how many times a person eats a day, the number of Pancreatin doses is divided into 5-6 parts. The intestines should not be left without enzymes even with a small snack. The doctor can prescribe up to 18 tablets of medication per day. Most often, a single dose varies from 2 to 4 tablets.

The medication should be taken before eating or immediately after eating. The tablets do not need to be chewed. The effect of the medication can be felt only an hour after taking it, the effect will last approximately 4 hours.

Everyday life

When we eat more than we need or eat food that is unusual for our body, the body may not have enough of its own enzymes to fully digest it. Heaviness in the abdomen, discomfort after eating, bloating, belching, flatulence may occur2. These symptoms may appear in combination or separately, pass by morning or torment for several days.

This state of affairs cannot be called unexpected. As a rule, many people associate the upcoming feast with a large number of treats, which are almost impossible to resist. Therefore, the consequences in the form of heaviness after eating are often a predictable outcome.

In such a situation, many of us are at a crossroads: to help digestion with medication or to endure unpleasant symptoms (after all, frequent use can be harmful).

There is no point in waiting for the heaviness and discomfort after eating to go away on their own, and putting up with the thoughts of “where to lie down” and “why did I eat all this?” We reveal all the secrets below.

How much to take

The course of treatment with the drug depends on the severity and type of disease. If the problem is only a malnutrition, the doctor will advise you to take the medication for several days.

For cystic fibrosis, replacement therapy is carried out throughout life.

You should not constantly take Pancreatin to eliminate the consequences of overeating. Regular supply of enzymes from the outside negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, weight loss may occur due to poor diet and problems with the functioning of the digestive tract.

How can you help yourself?

As we found out, the cause of heaviness after eating may be a lack of digestive enzymes. To eliminate this deficiency, there are special drugs. Most of them contain pancreatin. We dealt with this concept above. But, if the active ingredient is the same, does this mean that there is no difference between the drugs?

Secret No. 1

The effectiveness of the drug against heaviness after eating directly depends on the size of its particles, and not just on the composition! Science has proven that small particles are important for better digestion3.

Scientists came to this conclusion after many years of studying the digestive process and the effect of various forms of enzyme preparations (tablets, larger particles, etc.). A drug that has gone through all the stages of evolution of drugs to aid digestion is Creon®. The history of its appearance and development goes back more than 100 years.

At one time, starting in the 1960s, Creon® was available in the form of a large solid tablet4. The undying desire to increase its effectiveness led to the fact that the drug was transformed from a tablet into a capsule with granules. However, these granules were still too large to integrate into the human digestive process as naturally as possible. And then the large particles became even smaller and were called “minimicrospheres”. Today, there are more than 500 minimicrospheres measuring 0.7-1.6 mm5,7 inside the Creon® capsule. Creon® contains such particles that are produced using patented technology4.

Secret No. 2

The enzymes that make up pancreatin are identical to those produced by the body. In this regard, when taking Creon®, the body does not stop digesting food itself8. Creon® only complements its independent work, so you can take the drug every time you feel heavy after eating9.

What else is important to know about enzyme preparations?

Is it possible for pregnant women

Before deciding to take Pancreatin, pregnant women should consult their doctor. It may not be necessary to take the drug.

The instructions for the medication do not indicate whether the medicine can be taken at such a crucial moment in life.

In the course of the studies, it became known that the use of Pancreatin at any stage of pregnancy does not have any effect on the development and growth of the intrauterine fetus.

Doctors usually prescribe medicine to pregnant women for:

  • Gastritis with decreased production of gastric juice
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Disorders of the pancreas

How does Creon® work?

Once in the stomach, the Creon® capsule quickly dissolves9, and hundreds of small particles are evenly distributed in the food eaten. Uniform mixing is one of the key properties required for an enzyme preparation. Only in this way will it be able to “cover” the maximum volume of food and help in its complete digestion7.

Since the key stage of digestion occurs in the intestines, and not in the stomach, as is commonly thought, it is important for the drug to get there simultaneously with food. And here Creon® also copes with the task: thanks to uniform mixing, the particles of the drug “accompany” food into the intestines to help it be fully digested7.

Thus, the Creon® capsule with mini-microspheres helps the active substance get to where it needs to work and fully support digestion.

To learn more

To eliminate heaviness after meals, as a rule, take 1 capsule of Creon® 10000 during or immediately after meals9. If the capsule is difficult to swallow, you can open it and add minimicrospheres to liquid or mix with food9. More detailed information about the rules of administration can be found in the instructions for medical use.

Creon® 10000 can be useful if you are planning a feast, a trip, and especially a vacation, when it is even more difficult to give up gastronomic excesses. Wherever heaviness may lurk after eating, caring mini-microspheres can support your digestion.

Side effects

Therapy with Pancreatin extremely rarely leads to negative effects. In most cases, allergic reactions occur as side effects. Their manifestation is possible with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.

With prolonged use of large doses of Pancreatin, in some cases hyperuricosuria develops. With this disease, uric acid urates accumulate and stones form.

It is extremely rare that in patients with cystic fibrosis, when using high doses, narrowing is observed in the ileocecal region and at the beginning of the colon.

Side effects from digestion are extremely rare:

  • Pain in the epigastric region
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Constipation
  • Intestinal obstruction

When using increased doses of Pancreatin in patients with cystic fibrosis, increased amounts of uric acid may be excreted in the urine. To prevent the formation of stones, in this group of patients it is necessary to regularly monitor the concentration of uric acid in urine.

Interaction of Pancreatin with other drugs and substances

Potentially, all medications, dietary supplements and vitamins can interact with Pancreatin. Tell your doctor about all the drugs you are using or plan to use.

Do not arbitrarily use any other digestive enzymes other than the prescribed Pancreatin.

Beware of taking antacid medications as they impair the bioavailability of Pancreatin. If absolutely necessary, use them an hour before or after the enzyme preparation.

The doctor may increase the dosage of folic acid, since its absorption worsens during treatment with Pancreatin.

Pancreatin price, where to buy

The price of Pancreatin in Russia starts from 30-40 rubles per package, which contains 60 tablets. The price of Pancreatin tablets in Ukraine is from 20 hryvnia.

For comparison, the average price of Pancreatin 10000, produced under the brand name Mezim Forte, is about 80 rubles for 20 tablets. You can buy a package containing 80 tablets for an average of 250 rubles.

The cost of the drug in the capital's pharmacies is slightly higher than in pharmacies in smaller cities.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Pancreatin Micrasim 25 thousand units.
    caps. 20 pcs. JSC "AVVA RUS" 447 rub. order
  • Pancreatin-LekT tablets p.p.o. enteric solution 90mg 60pcs JSC Tyumen Chemical Plant

    51 RUR order

  • Pancreatin 25 units tablets p.p.o. enteric solution 60pcs LLC Avexima Siberia

    68 RUR order

  • Pancreatin Renewal 10,000 tablets. ksh/sol. p/o captivity. 10000 units 20pcs JSC "PFK Obnovlenye"

    RUB 163 order

  • Pancreatin forte tab. p/o intestinal No. 20 PJSC Biosynthesis

    53 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Pancreatin (tablet p/o 25ED No. 60 (jar)) Biosynthesis JSC

    55 rub. order

  • Pancreatin (tablet p/o 30ED No. 60 (blister)) Pharmproject CJSC

    59 RUR order

  • Pancreatin (tablet p/o 30ED No. 60 (vial)) Pharmproekt CJSC

    57 RUR order

  • Pancreatin 20000 (tab.kish.sol.p.pl.vol.20000ED No. 20)Update of PFC JSC

    RUB 227 order

  • Pancreatin-LekT (table p/o No. 60 (blister 15x4)) Tyumen chemical. factory

    48 RUR order

show more



  • Pancreatin Health Forte 14000 tablets Pancreatin-Health Forte tablets. p/o enteric solution. №20 Ukraine, Health LLC

    34 UAH order

  • Pancreatin Health Forte 14000 tablets Pancreatin-Health Forte tablets. p/o enteric solution. No. 10 Ukraine, Health LLC

    18 UAH order

  • Pancreatin tablets Pancreatin-Zdorovye film-coated tablets No. 20 Ukraine, Zdorovye LLC

    14 UAH order

  • Pancreatin 8000 tablets Pancreatin 8000 tablets. No. 50 Ukraine, Tekhnolog ChAO

    41 UAH order

  • Pancreatin forte tablets Pancreatin forte tablets. p/o No. 20 Ukraine, Vitamins PJSC

    36 UAH order

show more

How to choose the right medications for pancreatitis

Only the attending physician can make the right choice when treating pancreatitis with tablets and soberly assess which of them is better. Even the most expensive and modern medicine may not be suitable for a number of reasons: due to concomitant diseases, intolerance, and characteristics of the body.

A remedy that worked for a neighbor, relative, or friend may cause serious complications for you. Lack of effect is the least that can happen when taking the wrong medicine. Symptoms of pancreatitis may well be accompanied by problems with the heart, brain, and circulatory system. Therefore, the choice of remedy can only be entrusted to a gastroenterologist.

To reduce all possible risks, you need to tell your doctor about all diseases, drug intolerances and allergies (if any), recent or existing diseases. It is also worth talking about what medications are taken regularly, even if they are vitamins or dietary supplements. This information will help you choose effective and safe products in the right dosage.


Long-term use of Pancreatin may reduce the absorption of folate and iron. This in turn provokes the need for their additional intake into the body.

Simultaneous use of the drug with antacids, which include calcium carbonate (calcium carbonate) and/or magnesium hydroxide , reduces the effectiveness of its action.

Other forms of interaction of Pancreatin have not been established to date.

What you need to know about Pancreatin

Store Pancreatin at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in a dark, dry place. Do not use tablets that have expired.

Restrict access to the drug to children and pets.

Do not give or recommend your medications to anyone, as the drug should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The main thing is to consult your doctor to choose a drug. Only a qualified medical professional, after taking a medical history, can decide whether the drug is necessary for your illness.


Pancreatin / State register of medicinal products of Ukraine (ukr.)

Pancreatin / Drugs.com (English)

Pancrelipase / MedlinePlus (English)

Lipase / Drugs.com

Amylase / Drugs.com (English)

Differences in In Vitro Properties of Pancreatin Preparations for Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency as Marketed in Russia and CIS / PubMed (English)

Clinical applications of amylase: Novel perspectives / NIH (English)

Lipases: Sources, Production, Purification, and Applications / National Library of Medicine (English)

Proteases / NCBI (English)


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pancreatin is an enzyme drug that contains pancreatic enzymes: protease , trypsin , chymotrypsin , lipase , amylase .

The substance stimulates the secretion of its own enzymes of the pancreas and digestive tract (in particular, the stomach and small intestine), as well as the secretion of bile, normalizes the functional state of the digestive tract, improves digestion processes and the absorption of fatty, heavy or unusual foods.

Pancreatin capsules, dragees and tablets are coated with a special coating that protects them from dissolution before they enter the alkaline environment of the small intestine. That is, the shell prevents the active substance from decomposing under the influence of hydrochloric acid and the pH of digestive juice in the stomach.

Maximum activity of pancreatic enzymes is observed approximately half an hour after ingestion of Pancreatin capsules, dragees or tablets.

The effect of the drug is the combined effect of its individual components. For this reason, the determination of pharmacokinetic parameters, as well as the detection of metabolites of the active substance formed during its biotransformation in the body, is a rather complex task.

The components can only be traced using special markers or biological studies.

The effectiveness of pancreatin preparations is determined by the form of release (regular tablets, micro-sized tablets or mini-microspheres) and the characteristics of the clinical situation: for example, in the case of chronic pancreatitis in the acute phase, the best effect is achieved when using tablet dosage forms; for the correction of exocrine insufficiency of the pancreas, it is considered advisable to use micro-tablet forms of drugs .

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