Doctor Makovskaya about treatment in Borjomi

Good afternoon friends! We bring to your attention an interview with therapist and gastroenterologist Liana Vladimirovna Makovskaya, a doctor at the Borjomi Palace sanatorium, who has been practicing in the Georgian resort of Borjomi since 1971.

Good afternoon, thank you for your time! I would like to start with the main question: what groups of diseases does the Borjomi resort specialize in treating?

The main feature of our climatic and balneological resort is Borjomi water - carbonate-hydrosodium water of medium mineralization (5-7.5 g/1 l). It is used mainly in drinking treatment, but it can also be taken as table water, it is so balanced. The city has long been known around the world for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases - this is the basis from which it all began and over time has expanded to its present level. To be more specific, we most often treat gastritis (atrophic, hyperacid, anacid), peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, diseases of the intestines, biliary tract, gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and liver.





Our sanatorium has many diagnostic capabilities; patients often arrive with incomplete examinations and inaccurate diagnoses; we complete them before prescribing treatment. I would like to emphasize that almost always diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by concomitant diseases of the musculoskeletal system or the cardiovascular system. We have created conditions for the treatment of these diseases: there is a laboratory with full biochemistry, ultrasound, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and much more. We try to treat exclusively using spa methods; we resort to medications only in extreme cases with chronic patients, for example, when treating hypertensive patients who always take medications. To summarize: the main profiles are gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes mellitus), and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Rest and treatment in Borjomi are also good for general health.

What is a contraindication for treatment in Borjomi?

There are no absolute contraindications to staying in Borjomi; only certain procedures can be contraindicated. Both cancer patients and guests after kidney transplants come to us. Our water can be taken by almost everyone, even cancer patients. Water is not recommended for patients with certain types of kidney stones: drinking treatment is not recommended for phosphate stones; for urate and oxalate stones, this can be done after consultation. After lithotripsy, you should come only with a recommendation from your attending physician. In case of cholelithiasis, you need to be careful with the dosage, as the stone may move. Treatment is also not indicated for ulcerative colitis due to the risk of bleeding. If you have a pacemaker, taking Borjomi is not contraindicated, but all electrical procedures are strictly prohibited.

Please tell us about the rules for drinking water.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the correct choice of water temperature is important. If you are in a hyperacid state, then give warm water 50-60 minutes before meals. If normal, then 40 minutes before meals. For atrophies, we prescribe cool water 25-30 minutes before meals. If achylia is observed, then take up to 1 glass immediately before meals. For those who like to collect water and take it with them, I inform you: the healing properties of water last for 3 days, and bottled water is no different in composition from water from a source, with the exception of artificial carbonation.

A very effective procedure is tubage - washing the gallbladder and bile ducts with Borjomi mineral water, which improves the quality of bile. At one time, drink up to two glasses of water, which can be supplemented with honey, magnesium or olive oil. We recommend this procedure even for patients whose gallbladder has been removed to ensure that the bile ducts remain patent. On the day of the procedure, you should not overeat and be on your feet for 30-40 minutes after eating. However, the latest advice is relevant for all patients.

What methods are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?

We carry out the already mentioned tubes, including using a probe, and perform intestinal lavages painlessly and comfortably. Washing is very important in case of metabolic disorders and the danger of this procedure is a myth; it supposedly washes out all the beneficial microflora. This is not dangerous if you wash it 1-2 times a year. We also prescribe microenemas with mineral water, oils and phages.

Do patients with Crohn's disease come to the resort?

They come very rarely, maybe a few people a year. Mineral water is not contraindicated for them, but we cannot prescribe procedures for them. We also do mud therapy, conduct ozone therapy, and have immersion chambers, which generally tones and improves capillary circulation in case of vascular diseases and metabolic disorders of fats and carbohydrates.

And with what metabolic diseases is it advisable to come to Borjomi?

We come with both types of diabetes, give dietary nutrition, carry out mineral baths, carbon dioxide baths, four-chamber baths (improves circulation), lymphatic drainage (improves venous blood flow, stimulates lymphatic drainage), ozone therapy, local ozone berets with headphones and overall overalls, mud wraps taking into account the condition of cardio-vascular system. Recently, hydrogen therapy was introduced - an antioxidant therapy that removes stress free radicals and is very useful for prevention. Hydrogen selectively removes excess oxidants that have a bad effect on lipid metabolism. We also provide carboxytherapy for such patients.

Release form and composition of Borjomi water

The release form of Borjomi water is bottled - mineral water is bottled in glass and plastic. Container volume – from 0.33 to 0.75 l.

Borjomi belongs to alkaline waters; its composition is dominated by bicarbonate, magnesium and sodium ions. Such a liquid has an alkaline environment - pH greater than 7. No water in the world has such a rich and varied composition as Georgian.

It contains:

  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • aluminum;
  • sulfur;
  • strontium;
  • boron

An amazing combination of mineral components and natural mineralization of water (5.0-7.5 g/l) contribute to the normalization of the digestive tract, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Borjomi for gastritis

Alkaline water, with a mineralization level from 5.5 to 7.5 g per 1 liter. Drinking Borjomi for gastritis is useful for reducing acidity in the stomach. It also normalizes the production of enzymes in the digestive organs, thereby improving the patient’s condition.

The well-known Borjomi water was discovered more than 1.5 thousand years ago, but due to numerous wars that took place in Georgian territories, the sources were forgotten. The mineral water owes its modern name to the Borjomka River, which flows through Georgia. Its beneficial properties were discovered at the beginning of the 19th century by one of the colonels, who was able to cure his stomach with the help of water. The healing effect of Borjomi water is due to the juvenile waters included in its composition, which are formed as a result of complex volcanic processes.

The unique water travels from the depths of the earth along a path whose length is about 10 kilometers. At the Borjomi field there are 9 water production wells, the depth of which ranges from 1.2 to 1.5 km; the temperature of the extracted liquid varies within 15 - 41°C.

Nowadays, this water and its properties are known all over the world; the indications for the use of Borjomi are very diverse; it is used for medicinal purposes by people of all ages, from children to the elderly. However, before starting mineral water therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications.

Price and analogues

The cost of Borjomi water depends on the container and volume:

  • glass 0.33 l – 89 rub.
  • glass 0.5 l – 93 rub.;
  • plastic 0.5 l – 96 rub.;
  • plastic 0.75 l – 87 rub.

Georgian mineral water is produced by IDS Borjomi Georgia. It is part of the largest producer of mineral waters of natural origin, IDS Borjomi International, which unites large enterprises from Georgia, Ukraine and Russia.

Borjomi has analogues in Russia. Similar alkaline waters with a similar mineral composition can replace mineral water.

Table “Analogues of Georgian Borjomi water”

NameManufacturerHow much does it cost, rub.
Essentuki 4LLC Caucasian Toast37
Novoterskaya healingLLC Slavyanovskaya35
LipetskayaJSC Lipetsk Rosinka52

A separate analogue is the Georgian mineral water Nabeglavi. Natural hydrocarbonate water is not inferior to Borjomi in composition, medicinal properties and price (95 rubles for 0.5 liters and 135 rubles for 1 liter).

Beneficial properties of mineral water

The predominance of hydrocarbonates, the presence of sodium, magnesium and more than 60 types of mineral components give Borjomi alkaline water invaluable healing properties for the whole body.

The benefits of mineral water from Georgia are as follows:

  • promotes metabolic processes, prevents fluid stagnation in the body;
  • waste, pathogenic mucus, and harmful substances are removed from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fights high acidity of gastric juice;
  • replenishes the body's need for alkali;
  • normalizes blood sugar (with mild diabetes), regulates liver activity;
  • dissolves small kidney stones, improves urinary function - the diuretic property of water.

Taking Borjomi for medicinal purposes is recommended for disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Why it’s useful:

  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves the contractility of the heart muscle;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • stimulates physical endurance.

Important! Mineral water from Georgia is an inexhaustible storehouse of beneficial components for the whole body.

Can you drink Borjomi if you have gastritis?

It is very important to choose the right treatment. After all, the effectiveness of getting rid of this disease depends on this factor. The basis of health procedures is the method of treatment with mineral water, which belongs to the group of carbon dioxide-bicarbonate-sodium alkaline waters. This includes Borjomi water, which is ideal for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. It improves gastric secretion, stimulates mucus secretion, reduces acid levels, and normalizes intestinal functions. This is due to the content of useful minerals and trace elements in it.

With the help of healing liquid, foci of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ are reduced. Natural springs of Borjomi have a positive effect on the tone and motor-evacuation activity of the stomach. Entering the duodenum, water acts on receptors in its mucosa and reflexively inhibits gastric secretion, reducing the release of hydrochloric acid, which determines the acidity of gastric juice.

This point is a decisive step in the treatment of gastritis, since the mucous membrane with an increased level of acidity of gastric juice is destroyed by hydrochloric acid. Since mineral water contains bicarbonate ions, they improve carbohydrate and protein metabolism. They improve the absorption of micro- and macroelements and remove toxins. As a result, the patient’s acidity level returns to normal, the feeling of nausea and heartburn disappears. The effect of mineral water improves metabolic processes.

Indications for use of Georgian mineral water

If you drink alkaline water correctly, you can really get rid of a number of pathological conditions. What does Borjomi help with and for what diseases should it be used?

  1. For gastritis in chronic and acute form. Dosed consumption helps normalize the acidity of gastric juice, restore injured tissues, and reduce pain. Water helps relieve heartburn and nausea.
  2. For diabetes. Normalizes metabolic processes, regulates the concentration of glucose in the blood.
  3. For pancreatitis. Helps reduce inflammation and promotes regeneration of damaged organ tissue.
  4. For ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and duodenum. Water normalizes the functioning of the injured organ and improves the functioning of the glands.
  5. For cholecystitis. Helps reduce inflammation, stimulates the outflow of bile, preventing stagnation in the bile ducts.
  6. In case of poisoning. Removes toxins, bacteria, harmful substances and waste from the body.

During pregnancy, Borjomi helps get rid of toxicosis. Already after drinking 1 glass of water, nausea and vomiting are reduced. Mineral water is also useful for the kidneys of the expectant mother - it prevents fluid retention in the body and prevents swelling.

Instructions for use

Natural Borjomi water is a medicinal table liquid - treatment with it must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Children can be given alkaline mineral water from the age of 3.

Recipe for cough and bronchitis

Fill the glass halfway with mineral water, let it brew until the gases come out, mix with milk (ratio 1:1). Take the drink before bed for 3 days in a row.

How to take for a cold

Drink 0.5 glasses a day before each meal. To reduce high body temperature, heat mineral water to 38-40 degrees before drinking. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.

Inhalations with Borjomi for cough

Pour 0.5 liters of water heated to 37 degrees without gas into the nebulizer (open the bottle first to eliminate carbon dioxide). Inhalations are carried out for 10 minutes 3 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days.

A decoction of sage, chamomile, and St. John's wort helps to increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Take herbs in equal proportions (1 tsp each) and boil for 3 minutes in 1 liter of water.

Borjomi for constipation

To normalize stool in children and adults, it is correct to drink mineral water before eating. Drink at least 0.5 liters per day, divided into 3 doses. For constipation in a child, the dosage is calculated taking into account the baby’s weight - 4 ml of liquid without gas per 1 kg of weight.

How to drink for gastritis and ulcers

Drink water 1.5 hours before meals. Drink slowly, in large sips. The first dose is taken on an empty stomach. Single dose – 1.5 cups, daily dose – 900 ml.

Borjomi for heartburn

The following method helps reduce high acidity - slowly drink half a glass of warm water without gas 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. Continue taking Borjomi for 5 days. Improvement in condition is noticeable at the end of the first day.

How to drink for weight loss

During the diet, you do not have to drink mineral water every day. 1 fasting day per week is enough to cleanse the body of toxins and improve lipid and energy metabolism. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of water, then drink 0.5-1 glass throughout the day.

For obesity and metabolic disorders, it is recommended to drink Borjomi every morning an hour before breakfast. The water must be warm and without gas, so as not to provoke appetite.

Alkaline water for diarrhea

To normalize digestion and restore healthy intestinal microflora, it is recommended to drink Borjomi warm and without gas. At 40 degrees, minerals are absorbed faster and better, which helps improve the water-salt balance. A prerequisite for treating diarrhea with water is small doses of mineral water (0.5 cups), in small sips after each bowel movement.

Important! How often you can drink Borjomi is determined by the characteristics of the disease, its severity and the person’s general well-being. For pathologies of the digestive system - up to 1 liter per day, for edema and toxicosis during pregnancy - no more than 1 glass per day.

Recipes for the face

Borjomi water helps to moisturize the skin, restore its youth, elasticity and healthy color. For beauty recipes, still water is required (pre-settle the liquid for 30-40 minutes to eliminate carbon dioxide).

Pore ​​tightening mask

Dilute 1 tsp in 200 ml of warm mineral water. glycerin and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Wipe your face with the prepared lotion after waking up and at night. The product reduces redness, pimples, tightens pores and cleanses the skin.

Mask of Youth

Dissolve 50 g of dry yeast in warm water, add 10 g of flour and 2 tsp. Sahara. Pour the mushy consistency into 200 ml of mineral water and let it ferment for 2-3 hours in a warm place. Apply the mask to the face once a day. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, after which wash with mineral water and apply cream. Course duration is 1 month.

Universal face product

Combine glycerin, honey, oatmeal (1 tsp each) in equal parts, add 1 tbsp. Borjomi water, mix until smooth. Place the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the mixture and wipe the skin with warm mineral water. The recipe is suitable for all skin types.

In terms of its properties, Borjomi in cosmetology is not inferior to thermal water, which costs several times more.

How to drink Borjomi correctly for gastritis with high acidity

It is important to follow the recommendations for the time of use of Borjomi. If you drink it before eating, gastric juice is produced, and an hour before eating, the feeling of hunger is dulled. You shouldn't do this more often. It is also dangerous to give it to babies. In case of pathological processes of the gastric tract, water is taken at room temperature, this helps relieve pain and spasms. But for this it needs to be taken correctly and regularly. You need to drink liquid in small sips.

How to drink Borjomi correctly for gastritis with high acidity

Healing mineral water for gastritis with increased secretion should have secretion-inhibiting properties; Borjomi is perfect for this purpose. In order to reveal all the healing properties of water, you need to drink it correctly.

In order for its properties to be fully revealed and the effect on the body to manifest itself faster, the water should be heated (ideally in a water bath) and drunk an hour before meals.

  • First, the water must be hot. Heating helps remove excess carbon dioxide and also helps relieve painful spasms.
  • Secondly, the liquid must be drunk very quickly, so it quickly ends up in the stomach and intestines.
  • Thirdly, the course of treatment will be effective only if you drink Borjomi for gastritis for 5-6 weeks, no less. The optimal duration is 6 weeks. It is necessary to start treatment with a small dose, half a glass three times a day before meals. As you get used to it, the dose must be increased and brought to a full 200 gram glass.

Note! If the patient has a tendency to diarrhea, the intake of mineral water is limited; in this case, it is better to drink it once a day before dinner.

How to drink Borjomi correctly for gastritis with low acidity

The opposite problem is low acidity. In this case, little gastric juice is produced. Result: food is poorly digested, and there is a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Nutrients are not fully absorbed.

In order for its properties to be fully revealed and the effect on the body to manifest itself faster, the water should be heated (ideally in a water bath) and drunk an hour before meals.

“Borjomi” should never be consumed with low acidity. It is not suitable as ordinary water for daily use. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If acidity is reduced, mineral waters are used to stimulate its production. This:

  • Mirgorodskaya.
  • Essentuki No. 17.
  • Feodosia.
  • Tyumen
  • Minskaya.

Rules for taking mineral water with low acidity: the water should be cool. Low-temperature liquid activates the stomach, increases the production of enzymes and juice. About 20 minutes should pass from the start of drinking water to the start of lunch or breakfast. In this case, the food is “met” by a properly prepared environment. Foods are easier to digest.

Harm of alkaline water

Alkaline water can be harmful to human health if consumed uncontrolled or if contraindications are ignored.

  1. Excessive accumulation of minerals contained in water can trigger the formation of stones in the bladder and kidneys.
  2. Exceeding the daily dose of alkaline water disrupts the pH balance in the body, which leads to the development of metabolic alkalosis.

Important! Compliance with instructions and dosages is the key to successful treatment with alkaline mineral waters.

How to drink Borjomi for gastritis

The only healing mineral water for gastritis is the one that comes directly from the well, so for treatment you need to go to a resort. The choice of location should be advised by an experienced gastroenterologist. He will definitely take into account the features of the clinical picture and indicate the right direction. For example, if chronic gastritis is accompanied by enterocolitis, the patient is sent to resorts with alkaline carbon dioxide water, such as Borjomi.

Contraindications Borjomi

Borjomi medicinal table water should not be consumed by people suffering from:

  • type 1 diabetes;
  • chronic kidney inflammation;
  • severe renal impairment;
  • the presence of large stones in the urinary ducts and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the bile ducts, causing persistent stagnation of bile and acute obstruction of the canals.

By ignoring contraindications, the patient greatly aggravates the condition and causes irreparable harm to health.

Question answer

Nabeglavi or Borjomi – which is better?

Nabeglavi and Borjomi belong to the medicinal table mineral carbonated waters of Georgia of the alkaline group. Healing liquids have a similar composition and similar healing qualities. This allows you to replace them with each other if one of them is missing in the pharmacy.

The rich composition of Borjomi medicinal table water allows it to be used as an auxiliary therapy for pathologies of the digestive, cardiovascular and urinary systems. The unique properties of mineral water are also used in cosmetology - face masks rejuvenate, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin, cleanse the epidermis and return it to a healthy color.

The correct dosage, compliance with instructions and contraindications help to avoid negative consequences for the body and get the maximum benefit from Borjomi mineral water.

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