Nutrition for a sick intestine, what you need to eat, and what foods it is better to avoid

Spring is always a period of colds, because after winter our reserves of nutrients in the body are depleted, immunity deteriorates and we become more susceptible to the action of various viruses.

Therefore, it is extremely important to help your immune system work correctly, especially now, when the number of coronavirus cases is growing again in Ukraine and the world.

It is believed that 70% of our immunity is formed in the intestines. Is this true and how does the intestinal microbiota affect the entire body? We will look for answers to these questions together with doctors from the medical network.

How does human immunity work?

The immune system is one of the most mysterious because its network covers the entire body. Among the functions of immunity are maintaining the constancy of the internal environment of the body and protecting against viruses, bacteria, various infectious microorganisms and foreign agents that can disrupt the functioning of systems.

It turns out that human immunity is not only about protection from colds. A strong immune system helps wounds heal quickly, prevents tumors, protects against parasites, and much more. This is a much broader concept than we used to think.

The therapist at the medical ]ON Clinic Odessa[/anchor] Elena Viktorovna Koretskaya will talk about how our immune system works:

“The primary task of the immune system is to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body, and if they do enter, then quickly neutralize them. When the immune system senses that there are pathogens in the body, it produces white blood cells and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy these foreign substances. They're trying to find the antigen and get rid of it before it can take hold and start replicating.”

The central organs of the immune system are the red bone marrow, spleen, thymus, and the peripheral organs are the lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue. But besides them, there are other agents - immunomodulatory cells. They are “scattered” throughout the body, but most of them are found in the intestines.


The most COMMON endoscopic procedure was colonoscopy (varying, CMS 53%, CORI 58%), followed by EGD (37%, 32%) and flexible sigmoidoscopy (10%, 10%). In women, these data in the CMS were 59% for EGDs, 57% for colonoscopies, and 56% for flexible sigmoidoscopy, and in the CORI data, the corresponding data were 57%, 55%, and 54%, respectively. Compared with their distribution in the US Census, black patients in both databases had relatively more EGDs and fewer colonoscopies. The most common upper GI diagnosis was GERD, followed by GI bleeding, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The most common lower GI endoscopy diagnosis was colorectal polyp. Rates of colorectal cancer diagnosed by colonoscopy decreased between 1999 and 2003.


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Intestinal microbiota and its effect on immunity

Our body contains many beneficial bacteria, which in fact are even more numerous than cells. Those bacteria that live in the intestines form its microflora (microbiota). They grow as long as they have food to digest. Once it ends, the growth process slows down. Microbiota not only takes part in the digestion of food, but also affects physical and mental health.

According to research, the bacteria in the body of healthy people is different from the bacteria in those who suffer from any disease.

Microbiota and heart health

Certain types of intestinal bacteria are a link between cholesterol and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Here's what Tatyana Vitalievna Shkand, a gastroenterologist at the Medical Center (metro station Sports Palace), says about this:

“When we eat large quantities of certain foods, such as red meat or eggs, some bacteria, when digesting them, release a chemical that the liver converts into trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). It contributes to an increase in the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. In the future, this can lead to serious pathologies in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.”

Gut bacteria and the brain

In our body, there is a neural connection between the brain and the intestines, which scientists call the “gut-brain axis.” It has been proven that not only the brain can send signals, but also vice versa.

The balance of bacteria in the gut microbiota can directly influence our emotions, as well as the way we process sensory information. In addition, there is a connection between gut bacteria and central nervous system disorders: anxiety, depression and autoimmune spectrum disorders.

Microbiota and obesity

An unhealthy balance of bacteria in the gut can cause obesity and even diabetes. Endocrinologist at the medical ]ON Clinic Nikolaev[/anchor] Anna Pavlovna Doroshenko talks about this:

“A change in the balance of bacteria in the intestines leads to disruption of the feeling of hunger and satiety. The pituitary gland produces too many hormones that cause an awakening of appetite, so a person wants to eat even when his body does not actually need food. Also, changes in microbiota affect metabolism and often cause “metabolic syndrome,” a condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes.”

Intestinal bacteria and gastrointestinal tract

Perhaps the most obvious connection, because the intestines themselves are part of the gastrointestinal tract. Low diversity of good gut bacteria often leads to inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract can often be identified by obvious symptoms. Here is what the proctologist at ON Clinic Mariupol, Vladislav Gennadievich Zhmelyuk, says:

“If your gastrointestinal tract isn't working properly, you'll likely be able to tell by a change in your bowel habits. Constipation or diarrhea may occur. I recommend not trying to get rid of them yourself using pharmaceutical products. Even if they help, you will only eliminate the symptom, not the cause. To fully solve the problem, consult a doctor and get examined.”

Healthy gut

The health of our body depends on the health of our intestines. Most often, intestinal diseases are associated with intestinal infections, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbiosis... although in fact there are many more of them. Today we will talk about how bread and many foods eaten daily can affect gut health.

Let's talk about celiac disease.

This is a congenital disease associated with intolerance to gluten - the main protein of cereals: wheat, rye and barley, the development of atrophy of the small intestinal mucosa and malabsorption. The small intestine is the main organ in which the absorption of all nutrients from food occurs, and the intestinal villi are responsible for this process. Thanks to the villi, the mucous membrane resembles a fluffy carpet under an electron microscope. Gluten processing products in the body cause an inadequate response of the immune system, which begins to aggressively affect the villi of the small intestine, as a result they become thinner and intestinal atrophy occurs. The “carpet” turns into “linoleum”, and full absorption is impossible. The body is deprived of nutrients and suffers both as a whole and individual organs and systems (nervous, bone, blood system)

What are the manifestations of celiac disease?

The disease begins in childhood and adolescence, but can be first identified in adulthood, often in the form of complications.

Main manifestations in young children:

In a third of cases, a classic course is observed: loose stools, abdominal pain, flatulence and abdominal enlargement, appetite disturbances, vomiting. These symptoms are alarming and allow you to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Persistent constipation also occurs, but less frequently. About half of the patients have only nonspecific manifestations: weight loss, muscle hypotonia, delayed physical and mental development, apathy, negativism.

Manifestations in older age

Dyspeptic symptoms (diarrhea or constipation), short stature, delayed sexual development, neurological symptoms: poor academic performance, headaches, problems with remembering information, absent-mindedness or hyperactivity.

Other manifestations.

Anemia due to iron deficiency, dermatitis with itchy blisters (dermatitis herpetiformis), joint pain, numbness and tingling in the extremities - all these conditions are caused by insufficient intake of nutrients and may be the only manifestations of celiac disease.

Long-term consequences in adults.

If diagnosis is not carried out in a timely manner, serious complications develop: infertility, osteoporosis, severe neurological manifestations, cancer (T-cell lymphoma of the small intestine or cancer). It is possible that these are the conditions that patients are presenting with for the first time.

How common is celiac disease?

According to statistics, approximately 1% of the European population was convinced of this before. In fact, there are many more undiagnosed cases, and now you understand why. First, it is unknown how many people do not see a doctor, given the variety of symptoms. Secondly, statistics are based on diagnoses confirmed histologically.

Histological examination is the gold standard for diagnosing celiac disease, but it requires a piece of small intestine tissue obtained by biopsy, which is not always possible (the small intestine is difficult to access for invasive intervention)

How to get tested for celiac disease?

If celiac disease is suspected, serological and genetic tests are prescribed. They are intended primarily to determine indications for biopsy.

Serological tests - determine the antibodies synthesized by the immune system in celiac disease.

Antibodies to gliadin - important for children in the first years of life

Antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptides are used for screening at any age.

Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase and to endomysium are confirmatory serological tests.

Genetic tests – HLA DQ2/DQ8 typing. Important for excluding the diagnosis - the absence of genes indicates a low probability of celiac disease. They are also carried out among relatives of patients with celiac disease. But the presence of genes is possible in 30% of the healthy population, so a genetic test alone is not enough to make a diagnosis.

An increase in antibodies to tissue transglutaminase and endomysium by 10 times or more and a positive genetic test in some cases make it possible to establish the diagnosis of celiac disease without a biopsy. The final decision will be made by a gastroenterologist.

How to prepare for research?

Venous blood is examined.

To make a primary diagnosis, it is important to take serological tests while consuming gluten.

Genetic testing does not depend on whether the patient is on a gluten-free diet or not

Morphological diagnosis (histology) has been and remains the gold standard.

With timely diagnosis, celiac disease responds well to treatment - a gluten-free diet is prescribed. The knowledge gained and timely diagnosis will help you be examined on time and take care of your intestinal health. Be healthy!

What affects the intestinal microbiota?

First of all, the balance of bacteria in the intestines is affected by the food we consume and alcohol. Too fatty foods, lack of fiber and certain types of probiotics worsen the intestinal microflora, which leads to changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infections can also disrupt the natural balance of the microbiota. We learn more about this from the infectious disease doctor at ON Clinic Kharkov (m. Pushkinskaya) Valentina Sergeevna Blazhko:

“Almost all infections that enter the body disrupt the functioning of the intestines. This is especially true for Giardia, which parasitize directly in the small intestine, disrupting the absorption of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. “They ‘kill’ the good gut bacteria, which in turn leads to changes in the functioning of the system.”

Eat beneficial bacteria

The intestines will not be able to function normally without beneficial microflora. To restore or maintain its balance, you need to eat live fermented milk products daily. By the way, you can cook them yourself. You will need boiled or pasteurized milk (unsterilized milk contains lactic acid bacteria, which during the cooking process will compete with the starter and turn the milk into curdled milk) and the starter itself, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or supermarket. The starter culture in milk must multiply at a certain temperature - 36-39 ºС. If the temperature is lower, you will get a tasteless yogurt with a viscous consistency. And if the temperature is higher, then ripening will not occur. Therefore, boil the milk, cool it to the desired temperature, add the starter (according to the recipe), stir and pour into a thermos or yogurt maker for 4-6 hours.

What should be the diet for gastrointestinal diseases?

The diet for intestinal diseases should not be meager; on the contrary, it will be necessary to include sufficiently high-calorie foods in the diet. If a person’s food absorption process is disrupted, then he usually begins to quickly lose weight, not only fat, but also muscle tissue “melts”. This process must be balanced by increasing the amount of complete protein entering the body (at least 130-140 g).

It is recommended to switch to fractional meals

and eat small meals 5-6 times a day to reduce stress on the intestines. Food will enter the body more evenly, and the body will be able to absorb more nutrients.

Why does natural work faster?

The herbal ingredients are selected in such a way that they begin to “work” immediately after taking the product. This means that you will no longer have to endure pain for some time. These products are ideal for:

  • Tourist trips, when the digestion processes are disrupted due to a change in the rhythm of life and nutrition.
  • The period of festive feasts, when the gastrointestinal tract cannot cope with the volume of culinary masterpieces eaten.
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases and chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract with various etiologies.

Having a healthy gut is easier than you think. A healthy diet, a minimum of bad habits and the right products with herbal ingredients - this is what will help the stomach stay in good shape for many years.

Take care of your body correctly - and it will give you a long life, youth and a great mood!

To help the intestines

In order to ensure the required amount of fiber intake, it is not necessary to consume kilograms of vegetables and fruits. There is a simpler and healthier way to enrich your diet with soluble fiber - this is Fitomucil norm. It contains only high-quality soluble fiber - the shell of the seeds of a special variety of plantain Psyllium, and plum pulp. Fitomucil norm ensures the restoration of the natural rhythm of the intestines and its regular release without pain, without spasms and without bloating. Just 2 sachets a day is enough and your intestines will work like clockwork!

Dietary supplement Not a medicine

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