How long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work in a baby?

If a baby is often tormented by constipation, then suppositories with glycerin can come to the rescue. You need to worry when the child does not have stool for more than two days and other unpleasant symptoms appear (pain, crying, refusal to eat, vomiting). For the digestive system to function properly, it is necessary that food contains enough liquid and that the intestines function without disturbances . If these conditions are not met, constipation occurs. Feces become hard and difficult to remove from the body.

Description of the drug and its composition

The main active ingredient is glycerin. The additional components are sodium carbonate and stearic acid. The candles have an oblong shape with a cone-shaped end, transparent white color, neutral smell. There are 10 pieces in a package. Candles are produced for both adults and children.

If you don’t have children’s candles on hand, you can use adult ones, after dividing them into several parts. The drug is available without a prescription and can be found in any pharmacy.

One candle weighs 1.4 g. The glycerol content is 0.75 g. For infants up to three months, the candle can be divided into two or three parts. They should be stored in a dry, cool and protected from light place.

Before giving a suppository to a newborn, you should consult a doctor: he may recommend undergoing an examination to exclude pathologies of intestinal development.

Properties and principle of operation

Infants (especially those who are bottle-fed) often have problems with bowel movements. Every mother, among other important medications, should keep medications that help with this problem. At the same time, it must be safe and effective.

To facilitate the act of defecation in children under one year old, you can use special glycerin suppositories.

The main advantages of this medicine are the following:

  • glycerin coats the intestinal walls and provides their lubrication;
  • softens feces;
  • activates the contractile activity of the intestines and promotes the natural discharge of feces;
  • does not penetrate inside the intestinal walls, but has an effect on its surface;
  • easy and painless administration;
  • when used correctly, candles are not addictive;
  • helps eliminate the problem for a long time;
  • the medicine is harmless to all human organs;
  • the remains of the suppository come out along with the feces.

It should be remembered that glycerin suppositories do not cure the disease, but only help cope with the symptoms. They can be used until the cause of bowel dysfunction is eliminated. Sometimes it is enough to make adjustments to the diet, and sometimes serious methods are required, including surgical intervention.

What happens in the body

To make it easier to administer internally, glycerin suppositories for constipation are made in a cone shape, which they keep at room temperature not exceeding +25C.

It is better to store the drug in the refrigerator, or put it there for half an hour before administering it orally. The principle of operation is such that upon contact with the body after entering the rectum, the suppository shell melts and the medicine begins to melt.

The main component of the drug is glycerin. Entering the rectum through the anus, it irritates its nerve endings, increases the secretion of mucus, softens the stool, since it is hygroscopic and attracts liquid. The action of the active substance tones the muscles, they begin to contract, bowel movements occur softly and painlessly. Therefore, glycerin as a laxative is allowed to be used by adults and children.

If the use of the drug causes irritation and discomfort (pain, itching or burning), then they should be neutralized with a warm microenema with vegetable oil or chamomile.

Why do babies get constipated?

If constipation is rare, then there is no need to worry. But if stool disturbances appear periodically, a comprehensive examination of the child’s body is necessary.

The main causes of constipation in infants include the following:

  • lack of fluid - this is especially true for children who are on formula;
  • if the child is completely breastfed, then the reason may lie in the mother’s own poor diet;
  • taking certain medications;
  • if the mother does not have enough milk, this can cause stagnation in the baby’s intestines;

  • constipation may occur after the first feeding;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • diseases not related to the digestive system;
  • allergic diseases;
  • lack of certain vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium);
  • insufficient amounts of enzymes produced by the liver and pancreas.

Most often, constipation occurs in children who are bottle-fed and mixed-fed.

Features of application

Candles can be placed when the child begins to push to no avail. Ideally, you should use them in the morning, a few minutes after eating.

  1. Before using the candle, you must wash your hands.
  2. Having freed the suppository from the packaging, it is inserted into the rectum with a rounded narrow end. If you need to divide it, cut the suppository lengthwise into pieces using a knife.
  3. The child is placed on his side, his legs are pressed to his stomach, after which a candle is inserted into the anus.

    The surface of the drug is oily and easy to administer, but additional products can be used - for example, sea buckthorn oil or petroleum jelly.

  4. Try to push the candle as far as possible, but do not force it, otherwise you may damage the intestinal walls.
  5. After the procedure is completed, the child does not need to be picked up. It must be in a horizontal position for several minutes so that the active substance of the medicine can fully start the intestines.

With frequent and long-term use of suppositories with glycerin, the sensitivity of the intestines to its effects is lost.

Once again, when you need to quickly get rid of constipation, the remedy will be ineffective. A burning sensation and irritation may occur in the anus. Another difficulty is that the child will not be able to tell adults about this, and it will be difficult to figure out why he is crying. By constantly using glycerin suppositories, you can disrupt intestinal function, and in this case, constipation can turn into diarrhea.

The effect of the candle occurs within half an hour. If the feces do not come out, then you can repeat the procedure, but not earlier than after 12 hours.

Quick acting candles

If you need to quickly empty your bowels and get rid of constipation, use instant suppositories. They have the desired effect within a few minutes of administration. As a rule, the act of defecation occurs almost instantly.


Price: 400 rubles

The active ingredients are sodium citrate, sodium lauryl sulfate and sorbitol solution. The drug is presented in the form of a microenema, which is injected into the lumen of the rectum. Its use helps to liquefy stool and allow water to enter the intestines, which facilitates bowel movements. Microlax is prescribed for constipation, as well as before preparing for examination of the gastrointestinal tract [4].


  • Convenient and hygienic use.
  • The combined composition quickly produces the desired effect. The action develops within 5-15 minutes.
  • The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • There are no age restrictions.


  • Adverse reactions such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and allergic reactions are possible.
  • High price.


Price: 320 rubles

The active ingredient is dry extract of horse chestnut fruit. Relief from constipation occurs thanks to the saponin escin, which affects the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. Under its influence, the walls of the organ begin to actively contract, stimulating bowel movements. Suppositories are used in the treatment of constipation of various etiologies, including those associated with jet lag, decreased physical activity, and senile constipation [5].


  • Herbal preparation.
  • A quick effect that develops within 5-15 minutes after administration of the suppository.
  • After defecation, the urge stops.
  • The drug does not lead to stretching of the intestinal wall.
  • A course of treatment allows you to restore the natural bowel movement reflex and normalizes stool.
  • Can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but after consultation with a specialist.
  • Candles can be used for 30 days.
  • Minimal set of side effects.


  • Contraindications include: intestinal obstruction, diseases of the abdominal organs, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, proctitis, spastic constipation.
  • High price.
  • There may be a burning sensation in the rectum, which quickly passes.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

You cannot often resort to this method of dealing with constipation. You should use suppositories with glycerin no more than once every three days. You cannot use a suppository for preventive purposes, otherwise you can disrupt the natural contractile function of the intestines for a long time.

When not to use candles:

  • glycerin suppositories should not be given to children who have hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage;
  • wounds and cracks of the rectum and anus;
  • inflammation, intestinal tumors;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • kidney diseases;
  • appendicitis.

If there are no anatomical disorders in the structure of the digestive system, then constipation is a temporary phenomenon. In this case, suppositories with glycerin will come to the rescue, which quickly and effectively help the child empty his tummy, saving the baby and his parents from this unpleasant problem.

How often can you use a glycerin suppository?

It is advisable to use glycerin suppositories early in the morning, 15 minutes after breakfast. They act quite quickly, the maximum number of candles that should be used in one day is 1 or 2. That is, the maximum number is two candles, you should not use more. If even after using such a number of suppositories it was not possible to improve the condition of stool and stimulate bowel movements, we recommend using other drugs, in particular some drops for a laxative effect. This drug cannot be used on an ongoing basis.

If you experience constipation very often, along with rectal fissures and hemorrhoids, this is not the best drug to ease bowel movements. Because it has an irritating effect on the intestinal walls. This is a kind of first aid if nothing better is at hand. With frequent constipation, it is necessary to solve the nutritional situation. It is necessary to introduce a large amount of fiber into the food, as well as foods that will weaken and stimulate the act of bowel movement. In this case, it is not advisable to use candles.


What can cause constipation in a newborn?

Babies who are breastfed most often suffer from digestive system disorders, namely constipation, due to poor nutrition of the mother. For example, if her diet lacks foods rich in fiber. In other cases, the following may cause the absence of stool in newborns:

- sedentary behavior in the baby. Therefore, many pediatricians oppose swaddling; - early introduction of complementary foods; - body weight deficiency; - rickets; - lactose deficiency.

Instructions for use

The drug is available in two dosages: 1.5 grams and 2.75 grams. The composition of the candles includes:

- glycerol; - crystalline sodium carbonate; - stearic acid. The package consists of 10 suppositories, which are recommended to be stored in a cool place, protected from children.

How to use the drug?

The dosage of glycerin suppositories for newborns, whose age starts from three months, starts with 1.75 grams 1 time per day. For younger children, in case of urgent need, specialists extend the indicated dosage of the drug for 3 days.

When should glycerin not be used?

According to the instructions for newborn children, the use of glycerin suppositories is strictly prohibited in case of: 1) the presence of hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage; 2) during the period of formation of cracks in the anus or the presence of an inflammatory process of the rectum.

How to insert glycerin suppositories for newborns?

Before starting to use the drug, the mother should wash her hands thoroughly with soap. You can wear gloves, after which you should pre-treat the anus with baby oil or cream. Next, the baby is placed on his back and his legs are raised, bending them at the knees towards the tummy. The drug is administered slowly and carefully. At the end of the above procedure, the newborn’s buttocks are kept closed for another 3 minutes.

How long does it take for glycerin suppositories to work for newborns?

Usually the drug is used 20 minutes after feeding, in the morning. Fecal liquefaction in infants under the pressure of active substances occurs within 3-5 minutes. But it happens that the effect occurs after 20-30 minutes. There are cases when the drug has no effect. In this case, a second dose can be taken after 12 hours, not earlier.

Sometimes, in order to improve the functioning of the newborn’s digestive system, it is enough to simply change your own diet or choose a different formula for the baby. If the listed methods do not produce results, you should seek help from a specialist and undergo an examination to rule out dysbacteriosis.


In addition to the fact that suppositories for newborns for constipation can disrupt the natural digestive processes, they can also cause burning, itching and other unpleasant sensations in the baby, which can cause irritability and crying in the baby. Therefore, if the introduction of suppositories only aggravated the baby’s well-being, inject 10-15 ml of olive or peach oil into the anus.

How long does it take for constipation suppositories to work?

The effect of using suppositories for constipation develops at different times. This depends on the effect the active component has on the body, as well as on the composition of the suppository:

  • After 5-10 minutes, Glycerin suppositories, RectActiv, Microlax begin to act. They should be used in a place where immediate defecation is possible.
  • After 30 minutes, the effect of using Guttalax Express and Dulcolax suppositories develops.
  • After 15-60 minutes, Bisacodyl suppositories begin to work.

To sum it up...

Experienced mothers, if they suspect constipation in their baby, immediately run to the pharmacy for glycerin suppositories. However, it is worth remembering that this remedy only eliminates the symptom, but does not treat the cause. Therefore, they can be used until a specialist determines the exact cause of stool retention.

When a baby is born, his not yet fully formed digestive system sometimes malfunctions. This manifests itself either as diarrhea or constipation. There are no parents in the world who have not encountered childhood constipation. But in world practice, many different ways to solve this delicate problem have already been developed. Of these, we can highlight traditional, but too outdated, methods, such as an enema, and the tip of a thermometer smeared with Vaseline.

Medicinal and more loyal methods are the use of laxatives, herbal or synthetic based. Using petroleum jelly and glycerin suppositories. We will talk in more detail about glycerin suppositories for use in infants.

Causes of constipation in infants

It would seem, why can constipation develop in a baby who feeds only on mother's milk? First, you should look at your mother’s diet to see if there have been any changes in her menu. Perhaps some foods could cause the baby to retain stool. Also, constipation occurs as a result of a violation of the normal psycho-emotional state of the child; even infants feel the mood that reigns in the family.

Another cause of constipation can be a serious illness associated with improper intestinal structure. It is advisable to consult an experienced pediatrician or other specialists before starting treatment.

For small babies from the first month of life, to relieve constipation, the best and safest remedy is suppositories with glycerin. But you need to understand that breastfed and bottle-fed babies have different stool frequency and consistency.

What are the benefits of glycerin suppositories?

Glycerin suppositories are an optimal remedy for relieving constipation in children. But still, you shouldn’t use them every day; it is advisable to maintain an interval of three days between uses. Another plus in favor of this drug is that it works only locally - in the rectum, softening stool and helping it pass out correctly, without irritating the receptors responsible for bowel movements.

Glycerin melts and lubricates the intestines, irritating its walls, thus causing bowel movements. But glycerin itself is not absorbed into the intestines, thereby not having a negative effect on the child’s body.

Glycerin suppositories are not addictive , and the process of cleansing feces occurs quickly and naturally and does not cause pain.

The most inexpensive candles

If you have one-time problems with bowel movements, there is no need to spend enormous sums on suppositories for constipation. In such a situation, you can get by with inexpensive drugs that promote quick and painless bowel movements.


Price: 45 rubles

The active ingredient is bisacodyl. The drug affects the intestinal mucosa, irritating its receptors. Strengthening peristalsis and increasing the volume of mucus produced helps to gently cleanse the organ. Suppositories are used for hypotonic and atonic constipation, including in older people. The drug can be used to facilitate defecation after surgery, as well as for women who have given birth [6].


  • You don’t have to wait long for the effect; it develops within an hour.
  • The drug is budget-friendly and affordable for every patient.
  • Bisacodyl does not affect concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.


  • Contraindications include intestinal obstruction, spastic constipation, peritonitis, abdominal pain, the cause of which is unknown, acute hemorrhoids and cystitis.
  • The drug should not be prescribed to children under 8 years of age.
  • Side effects include: burning sensation and pain in the rectum, intestinal colic, diarrhea, allergic reactions.
  • The drug should not be used for more than 7 days.

Negative sides of glycerin suppositories

But since this is a medical drug, it also has a number of contraindications for use in children. Perhaps the most important negative property of glycerin suppositories is that they do not treat the problem, they only eliminate the symptom of the disease. Due to the constant uncontrolled use of suppositories with glycerin, it can be difficult to find out the cause of its occurrence, thereby causing even more harm than before using the drug. Constipation is, first of all, a signal that something is wrong in the body and it needs to be found out as soon as possible.

If you do not treat the problem of constipation and constantly poop with the help of suppositories, the body will simply refuse to empty itself in the future without their use. And the receptors of the intestinal walls will simply lose sensitivity.

It happens that from the frequent use of glycerin suppositories, children experience diarrhea, as well as pain and burning in the intestines, but the small child will not say anything about it and will continue to cry, and the parents will not be able to understand the reason for the crying. Therefore, moderation is needed in everything , and a mandatory trip to the doctor. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis such as an abnormal intestinal structure, due to which the child cannot poop normally.

Constipation suppositories for children

According to statistics, every second child develops constipation. The reasons are related to the imperfection of the digestive system, to irregularities in the mother’s diet if she is breastfeeding, to improper introduction of complementary foods, and more.

When choosing a drug for constipation, you need to focus on safety. Although most often suppositories do not have a systemic effect on the body, they should be approved for use by children. Suppositories that are used to treat adults are not suitable for children.

If your baby often suffers from constipation, you need to contact a specialist and undergo treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of stool retention. Suppositories help eliminate constipation, but nothing more.


Price: 200 rubles

Microlax suppositories act gently, the effect develops within 5-15 minutes after administration of the drug into the rectum. It has a high safety profile, so it can be used to treat children from birth. I have already written about them above.


Price: 120 rubles

The active ingredient is glycerin. The drug has an irritating effect on the intestinal mucosa, increasing its peristalsis. At the same time, the stool softens, making it easier for them to move toward the exit. The drug can be used for constipation, regardless of the reason that caused it. Use in children is permissible from 3 months [7].


  • Can be used from an early age.
  • The list of side effects is minimal.
  • The price is affordable.


  • Increases blood glucose levels.
  • Allergic reactions are possible.
  • Do not use for longer than 7 days due to the progression of disturbances in the physiological process of defecation.

Sea buckthorn candles

Price: 160 rubles

The active component of the drug is sea buckthorn fruit oil. The main indication for the use of suppositories is the treatment of hemorrhoids, but they are often used as a means to combat constipation. They have a softening effect, promoting the act of defecation. Suppositories can be used from birth [8].


  • A safe drug based on herbal ingredients.
  • Can be used from birth.
  • The drug has an antioxidant and healing effect.
  • Minimum list of side effects and contraindications.


  • Allergic reactions are possible.
  • Diarrhea may develop.
  • The indications for use do not include constipation.

How to administer glycerin suppositories correctly

To insert a suppository into a newborn baby, you need to place him with his back on the bed, raise his legs, bending them at the knees and pressing them to his tummy, quickly insert the suppository deep into the anus and slightly press the buttocks for a minute so that the suppository does not come back out.

An older child is administered the drug while lying on his side and also with his knees raised to his stomach. You need to try to insert the candle carefully, slowly, with the pointed ends facing forward. The buttocks should also be squeezed and held for about a minute. The drug will begin to melt and irritate the intestinal walls, and the child will quickly cope with constipation. But in principle, the administration of the drug should not cause problems, since everything happens quickly and painlessly.

When to use glycerin suppositories and when will they work?

Usually, children's suppositories with glycerin are placed in the morning, after breakfast . The drug takes effect after administration in 20-30 minutes, and maybe earlier. But it may be that the candle will not work at all. In such cases, you can re-administer the product 12 hours after the first suppository was placed.

In the pharmacy you can find glycerin suppositories for both adults and children. They differ from each other in the dosage of glycerin. Adult candles are standard size, while children's candles are small. If the pharmacy does not have a drug for children, you can safely buy adult suppositories, but before administration you need to cut it into 4 parts and use the 4th part for the baby. If you do not follow the correct dosage as described above, side effects may appear in the form of diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, and so on.

Like all medications, glycerin suppositories have contraindications for use. This is, first of all, hemorrhoids. If a child suffers from hemorrhoids, he should absolutely not be given such suppositories. The drug is also contraindicated for intestinal inflammation, anal fissures and proctitis.

Summarizing the above, we can say that glycerin suppositories are a good helper for constipation ; they should be used in isolated cases of constipation, but not constantly. An important piece of advice for parents if their infant is constipated is to seek help from a doctor. Self-medication, especially for a small child, can lead to serious consequences.

Constipation suppositories for adults

Adults without gastrointestinal diseases can use both synthetic and herbal candles. The main contraindication to their use is the acute course of hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. It is unacceptable to use suppositories for intestinal obstruction.

Glycerin suppositories

Price: 200 rubles

The main active component is glycerol. The use of the drug helps soften and lubricate hard feces, facilitating their movement through the colon. Suppositories irritate the intestinal mucosa, stimulating peristalsis. The result is an act of defecation [1].


  • The drug is well absorbed through the intestinal mucosa, which provides a high-quality laxative effect.
  • The action develops quickly, 5-10 minutes after administration.
  • It is possible to treat constipation caused by various reasons.
  • It is acceptable to use for thrombosed hemorrhoids, anal fissures in remission, after a heart attack, etc.
  • Can be used in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, but only after consultation with a specialist.
  • Made in Romania.


  • The drug should not be used for appendicitis, acute stage of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, or inflammation of the rectum.
  • Suppositories are not prescribed to children under 5 years of age.
  • Adverse reactions such as itching and burning in the anal area are possible.

Guttalax express

Price: 200 rubles

The active component is bisacodyl, which is a derivative of diphenylmethane. The drug stimulates peristalsis and the accumulation of water and salts in the large intestine. This promotes soft stool defecation. The effect of the drug is due to irritation of nerve endings in the intestinal mucosa [2].


  • The drug does not affect the digestion of food and its absorption in the small intestine, as it acts at the local level.
  • The effect develops within half an hour, sometimes it can reach 45 minutes.
  • The drug is excreted primarily through the intestines. The kidneys process no more than 3.1%.
  • The drug can be used for chronic constipation, during the period after childbirth, in bedridden patients, and before preparing for surgery.
  • The accumulated experience of using suppositories has not revealed a negative effect of the drug on the fetus, so their use is possible during pregnancy, but only after consultation with a doctor.
  • The active components do not pass into breast milk, so it is permissible to prescribe suppositories during lactation.


  • Suppositories are not used for acute diseases of the abdominal organs, intestinal obstruction, or for abdominal pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Suppositories are not prescribed to children under 10 years of age.
  • Side effects include: abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, anal irritation, dizziness, fainting, allergic reactions.
  • During treatment, blood may appear in the stool.


Price: 250 rubles

The active ingredient is bisacodyl. After absorption into the intestinal lumen, the drug stimulates its contraction and also promotes the accumulation of water and electrolytes. The walls of the organ begin to contract, and defecation occurs [3].


  • The effect develops within 20 minutes.
  • The drug is excreted primarily by the intestines, without affecting other organs.
  • Suppositories can be used in the treatment of chronic constipation, as well as as a means of cleansing the intestines in the period before surgery.
  • Can be used during pregnancy (after consultation with a doctor).


  • The presence of contraindications in the form of intestinal obstruction, acute diseases of the digestive system, dehydration, abdominal pain.
  • Suppositories are not used in the treatment of children under 10 years of age.
  • Elderly people should use the drug with caution.
  • For complete emptying of the suppository, it is recommended to use it together with tablets.
  • Frequent side effects include diarrhea and abdominal pain. Dizziness and fainting are possible.
  • Prolonged use of the drug may cause dehydration.
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