The effectiveness of lactulose in the correction of constipation in pregnant women during progesterone therapy

The best laxatives for pregnant women

Despite the abundance of drugs to normalize intestinal function, globally they are divided into four groups:

  1. stimulating peristalsis, aggressively affecting;
  2. saline solutions, which prevent liquid from being absorbed and, as a result, it softens the stool;
  3. Plant-based dietary supplements;
  4. acting as prebiotics.

The best laxatives for pregnant women are drugs that are included in the third and fourth groups. The remaining two are strongly recommended to be avoided. Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) consist of components that, when they enter the intestines, begin to swell, thereby stimulating peristalsis naturally.

It also contains herbs, berries and other natural ingredients that have a laxative effect. You cannot make your own decisions regarding the use of dietary supplements.

The composition must be selected based on your medical history and take into account how the pregnancy progresses.

The best laxatives are those that act as prebiotics. When they enter the body, they break down and soften the stool. At the same time, such medications have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, which prevents the recurrence of problems with going to the toilet.

How to take Portalac syrup during pregnancy?

Recommendations for the use of Portalac syrup for pregnant women are the same as for ordinary adult patients. It is convenient to take Portalac syrup – once a day. You can take the syrup diluted or undiluted - according to your taste. The effective dose is selected individually - the sufficiency of the dose will depend on the characteristics of the body.

  • initial daily dose – 30-45 ml,
  • maintenance daily dose – 15-30 ml.

Thus, start the first dose of Portalac syrup with 30 ml. If necessary, enhance the effect, the daily dose can be increased to 45 ml. Maintenance dose is the amount of the drug that needs to be taken to restore intestinal function and normalize bowel habits.

Buy Portalac syrup

Laxatives for pregnant women in the first trimester

The first trimester is the period when a pregnant woman needs to treat her body with the utmost care. Any wrong action can cause harm. For constipation, the best laxative for pregnant women (1st trimester):

  1. Duphalac
    . The drug is based on lactulose, which is allowed for babies even in the first days, and therefore is completely safe for pregnant women. Duphalac is not suitable only for those who are intolerant to its components. In addition, it has several disadvantages, including flatulence, which often lasts one or two days while the body is rebuilt. This medicine cannot be called fast-acting. However, for pregnant women this is rather a plus.

  2. Mukofalk
    . Powder based on plantain seeds. This drug belongs to dietary supplements. Before use, dilute in water. According to the instructions, you can drink no more than six times a day. Taking Mucolfak may cause flatulence and a feeling of fullness in the intestines. During the course of using this drug, you must drink plenty of fluids.

  3. Fibralax
    . Another drug related to dietary supplements. In its action it is identical to Mukolfak. Can be used no more than three times a day. Helps with constipation and also restores bowel function.

  4. Fitomucil
    . Dietary supplement based on plantain seeds and plum extract. The powder should be dissolved in kefir, yogurt or water. The drug has a slow effect. It must be used until the desired effect is achieved.

  5. Glycerin suppositories
    . It should be used with caution and not abused. With frequent use, suppositories can lead to chronic constipation, but have a quick effect.

All these tools help to cope with a delicate problem as carefully as possible.

It is strictly forbidden to use Guttalax, Slabilen, Regulax, Slabicap, Laxigal, and Glycelax suppositories in the first trimester.

There are several other drugs approved in the first trimester. Among them: Bisacodyl, Dulcolax, Forlax, Endofalk, Lavacol, Fortrans, Moviprep. They should be taken with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

Signs of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy should not be ignored, as it can adversely affect a woman’s health. First of all, frequent constipation increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids. In addition, constipation can provoke the development of intestinal dysbiosis and disrupt the biocenosis of the vaginal environment, which in turn increases the risk of infection along the ascending route during childbirth (introduction of pathological flora into the birth canal).

Unfortunately, constipation is a common physiological reaction of the body to pregnancy. It is worth paying attention and addressing the issue of normalizing intestinal function if you have one or several symptoms from the list below:

  • stool frequency less than once a day, often with the release of a small volume of feces,
  • prolonged straining before bowel movement,
  • the stool is dense, in the form of lumps,
  • a feeling of incomplete evacuation after defecation.

None of these symptoms should be ignored. Be sure to get treatment.

Laxatives for pregnant women in the second trimester

A laxative for pregnant women (2nd trimester) is taken if the problem cannot be solved by changing the diet or physical activity. During this period you can use:

  1. Glycerin suppositories
    . Use only if there are no cracks or hemorrhoids; in other cases, sea buckthorn is suitable.

  2. Duphalac
    . Relevant both in the first trimester and in the second. This drug is one of the safest. It can be used by pregnant, lactating and elderly people.

  3. Transipeg
    . The drug retains water, making stool liquefied and easily excreted from the body. After use, it works within a day or two.

  4. Defenorm
    . Tablets in the form of capsules are completely of plant origin. The active substance absorbs water, which causes softening of the stool.

It is worth remembering that every woman has her own scenario for the development of pregnancy, so no matter how effective the drugs are, you should not get carried away with their use.

Laxatives for pregnant women in the third trimester

The third trimester is the time when there is very little time left before giving birth. During this period, the pregnant woman is advised not to use drugs for cleansing that work on the principle of enlargement in the intestines. The fact is that when they are used, you need to drink a lot of water, and this provokes swelling, which is extremely undesirable for pregnant women. These products include plant-based dietary supplements.

The best laxative for pregnant women (3rd trimester):

  • Duphalac and its analogues, including Portalac, Lactulose, Normaze;
  • laxative glycerin suppositories;
  • Guttalax, which has a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane.

If in the first trimester saline solutions and drugs could be considered, albeit with caution, under the supervision of doctors, then in the later stages this is far from the best solution. Such drugs disrupt the electrolyte balance and increase swelling, which can negatively affect the child.

Stimulant laxatives

These active substances act locally at the level of the colon, reducing water absorption and stimulating peristalsis5.

Stimulant or irritant laxatives are a heterogeneous group of drugs, including4:

  • diphenylmethane derivatives;
  • sodium picosulfate;
  • Castor oil;
  • anthraquinones (buckthorn bark, rhubarb, joster fruits, senna leaves).

Stimulant laxatives act quickly1, but can cause cramping abdominal pain and diarrhea, so they are used in pregnant women with great caution, situationally and only under the supervision of a specialist4.

The safety of laxatives in this group is variable1. Sodium picosulfate is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, castor oil - at any stage,4 and anthraquinone derivatives are absolutely contraindicated in pregnant women due to their negative effect on the fetus3.

Stimulant laxatives are also contraindicated in 4:

  • acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • abdominal pain of unknown origin;
  • cystitis;
  • acute hemorrhoids and proctitis (inflammation of the rectum).

to come back to the beginning

The best drugs regardless of the period

There are a number of medications that a pregnant woman can take without worry at any stage.

A drugDescription
DuphalacCan be taken throughout pregnancy. The drug is not addictive, and after its use the bowel movement reflex remains normal.
FitomucilDespite the fact that the drug is a dietary supplement, it has a very delicate effect on the body. The soluble fibers of this complex entering the intestines begin to absorb water, swell, and then turn into a gel. As a result, stool ceases to be hard, which ensures soft emptying. Not recommended for people suffering from swelling.
SenadeA laxative for adults of plant origin acts on the receptors of the large intestine, increasing peristalsis. The effect occurs 8-10 hours after application.
MicrolaxThe drug is used for enema. It consists of several components that simultaneously displace bound water from feces, dilute waste products in the intestines, and have a laxative effect.
Glycerin suppositoriesThey are completely harmless. Suppositories slightly irritate the rectal mucosa and reflexively stimulate peristalsis. Also suitable for women during lactation.

These drugs will allow you to quickly and safely get rid of feces, before intoxication begins.

Enema or mircoclyster?

The best quick-acting laxative for adults is suppositories and microenemas. They literally have an immediate effect. If everything is clear with candles, then enemas require special care. To achieve quick results, many people prefer to do an enema. But this option is only good in everyday life. This method is prohibited for pregnant women.

An enema causes explosive bowel movements, which can cause uterine contractions. As a result, premature labor may begin and the baby may be born premature. This method can only be used in the prenatal period.

It is forbidden to ignore the problem of constipation, as it can cause intoxication of the body.

It is better for pregnant women to use a microenema with a ready-made solution. It is distinguished by a small amount of the drug, which has a different direction of action than the standard enema. A popular drug is Microlax.

It contains only 5 mil of active ingredient, which has a rapid laxative effect. The effect of using a microenema occurs within 15 minutes. Active ingredients of Microlax:

  • sodium citrate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfoacetate;
  • sorbitol

There are people who prefer cheap DIY products at home. This method cannot be called the best, because it is, first of all, not safe for both the woman and the child. Industrial solutions for microenemas are developed by doctors and pharmacists taking into account all standards and are a reliable product.

Microclysters are recommended to be used as a one-time emergency aid. For chronic constipation, it is better not to use this method so as not to upset the electrolyte balance. When performing an enema, the entire contents of the drug are administered immediately.

Laxatives of natural origin

During pregnancy, an imbalance of hormones occurs, so the muscular structure of the esophagus becomes weak and cannot cope with the load. For women in this position, it is not recommended to take medications that can irritate the intestines.

It is better to first try inexpensive natural products that have a mild effect. Among them:

  • whole grain porridge, bran;
  • apples, dried apricots, prunes, figs;
  • grapefruit;
  • any vegetables (it is important that they are not thermally processed);

  • nuts.

You can also prepare a natural laxative at home according to a folk recipe: steam dried apricots and mix it with carrot cake (you can replace it with pumpkin). Grind the ingredients in a blender. To achieve the desired effect, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water.

The best natural remedy is also considered to be following a proper diet:

  • eat 5 times a day in small portions;
  • the diet should be balanced and contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • distribute foods correctly: proteins in the first half of the day, and plant and dairy foods in the evening;

  • do not drink strong tea, rice, boiled eggs, walnuts, they can cause constipation;
  • eat first courses daily;
  • the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime;
  • include fiber and plant-based fibers in the diet;
  • water with magnesium ions and sulfates has a laxative effect.

With proper nutrition, the risk of constipation will be significantly reduced. Many folk remedies include Carlsbad salt, magnesia, a solution of potassium and sodium. But it is strictly forbidden to use them due to their laxative effect. They can disrupt water-salt metabolism, which pregnant women should never allow.

Oils that help with constipation

Vegetable oils are considered a good product for constipation. They relax the muscles of the colon, envelop waste products, as a result of which they exit the body gently and painlessly. It is important to consider that not all oils can be taken by pregnant women. Under no circumstances should you drink castor oil in any form.

It greatly increases muscle activity, which can trigger premature labor. It is also better to avoid taking Vaseline oil due to its increased fat content.

From the permitted means:

  • sunflower oil;
  • olive oil;
  • pumpkin seed oil;
  • linseed oil.

You can drink them in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoon at a time, or as a salad dressing.

Macrogol 4000

The extremely effective drug Macrogol 4000 was developed to prepare for studies of the large intestine. This is a linear polymer that attracts water and flushes the intestines comparable to a cleansing enema. It is not contraindicated for expectant mothers once, but taking a laxative during pregnancy is required regularly, and this may be unsafe in the case of Macrogol, and here’s why.

The excess water that Macrogol attracts is so large and uncharacteristic for the intestines that it can disrupt the natural processes of food absorption. As a result of constant use, a deficiency of vital ions, calcium and other substances necessary for the baby may develop.

Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage can help develop the reflex to defecate. It’s not difficult to do it even on your own, you just need to master the technique. During the first massage, it is recommended to additionally use a glycerin suppository.

Massage should not cause discomfort or pain in the pregnant woman.

To do the procedure, a woman should lie on her back, relax her stomach and begin stroking herself in a clockwise circular motion. You can experiment and massage directly on the skin or through fabric (necessarily made from natural fibers).

You can also stroke your stomach not only with soft movements, but also with slightly vibrating ones. Important components of massage:

  1. duration no more than 10 minutes;
  2. after completing the manipulation, it is better to lie down for 20 minutes;
  3. After the time has passed, you should go to the toilet even if you don’t feel like it.

Massage should be done regularly, thereby developing a reflex in the body. During this time, it is recommended to supplement the procedures with glycerin suppositories. They are safe at any stage of pregnancy. As soon as the body begins to empty itself properly, suppositories should be abandoned.

Nutrition during constipation

Diet is of great importance in normalizing stool. If constipation occurs during pregnancy, it should be excluded from the diet.


  • fast food, including pizza, sandwiches, sandwiches, sausages,
  • carbonated drinks, apple, grape juices,
  • White bread,
  • simple carbohydrates (sugar, cakes, sweets), legumes,
  • fried foods,
  • salt in large quantities (provokes fluid retention and the formation of edema).
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