Is it possible to eat walnuts for diarrhea and diarrhea?

The importance of quick action

Not all people understand how dangerous an intestinal disorder can be. If the problem appears very rarely and is not accompanied by additional symptoms, there is often no danger. But prolonged watery diarrhea, which periodically bothers a person, leads to the loss of minerals, vitamins, salts, trace elements and fluid.

Diarrhea is especially dangerous for children under 6 years of age and the elderly. At this age, the likelihood of dehydration - the most dangerous complication of the disorder - is much higher.

Properties of walnut sin

It is noteworthy that although walnut barriers against diarrhea are often used, some people suffer from diarrhea just after eating the tasty delicacy. Sometimes even baking with nuts provokes intestinal upset. This unusual effect of the product on the body is explained by its composition:

  • antibacterial components;
  • tannins;
  • proteins;
  • tannins;
  • microelements;
  • cellulose;
  • juglones.

As you can see, walnuts contain many components. Whether intestinal upset may occur after consuming this product depends on several factors.

Treatment of diarrhea

If diarrhea develops after eating nut fruits, it is necessary to select medications with extreme caution. The duration of the eating disorder should be monitored. If, after stopping taking kernels, the stool does not return to normal within two days, you should visit a doctor.

Treatment of diarrhea includes first aid. It is first necessary to replenish the water-salt balance. Mineral water or boiled salted water, Regidron solution, will do. Then perform the following steps:

  • take adsorbent medications: activated carbon, Smecta. The drugs will cleanse the intestines, remove toxins from the body, and you can artificially induce vomiting;
  • adjust your diet by refusing to eat for several hours. You can drink two or three glasses of strong tea.

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The first days after diarrhea you should follow a diet. Remove difficult-to-digest foods from your diet: salty, spicy, fatty, alcoholic. You can include porridge, hard-boiled eggs, dried bread, weak broth, baked or steamed vegetables, fruits.

Pharmacy remedies for diarrhea, in addition to sorbents, include medications that restore intestinal microflora. Effective medications: Linex, Immodium, Bifiform.

Causes of diarrhea after eating nuts

As already mentioned, nuts contain many components. It is because of such a rich composition that some people have an unusual reaction to the product - diarrhea. Diarrhea appears for the following reasons:

  • individual intolerance to some components;
  • allergic reaction to nuts;
  • consumption of the product in large quantities;
  • recent surgery;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The entry of nuts into the stomach stimulates the activation of digestive processes. Fiber also speeds up peristalsis and diarrhea begins. Since this component is not digested at all, as it passes through the intestines, fiber collects all the “garbage” and removes it out.

To understand whether the cause of intestinal upset was individual intolerance or the amount of food eaten, it is worth observing the reactions of your body depending on the volume of the product consumed.

It is important to consider that tannins and juglones have a weak laxative effect. After eating a large amount of nuts, diarrhea is a normal reaction.

Beneficial properties of nuts against obesity

Due to the fact that the walnut kernels and its partitions contain large quantities of tannins and antibacterial substances, they can stop diarrhea as quickly as possible. Tannins have astringent properties, which is why loose stools soon stop. The antibacterial properties of the plant are necessary in the treatment of diarrhea for the reason that they ensure the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, which, penetrating into the body with water or food, as well as dust and soil, lead to acute intoxication of the body and intense diarrhea. In addition, due to the large amount of microelements, walnuts help to quickly improve the patient’s condition and help him recover fairly quickly.

Treatment of diarrhea from nuts

What to do if you develop diarrhea from nuts? Although there are many medications sold in pharmacies for diarrhea, their use is not always the best solution, especially during pregnancy. Often, to restore normal bowel function, it is enough to use an effective folk remedy.

Can I eat immediately after diarrhea starts? It is better to wait 2–3 hours, since in this case the food eaten will not be beneficial, but will be released in 15–20 minutes. After this period of time, you can eat the following foods:

  • hard boiled eggs;
  • dried bread;
  • rice porridge without oil;
  • bouillon;
  • baked fruits and vegetables;
  • potato.

It is very important to provide a person suffering from diarrhea with a sufficient amount of clean water, since during each act of defecation the body loses a lot of fluid. This simple measure will help protect against dehydration.

For diarrhea, it is recommended to eat walnuts. However, if a child or adult has a problem precisely because of this product, it is better to avoid using it for a while.

Cooking and eating

Dishes are liquid and semi-liquid, pureed, boiled in water and steamed. Food is salted normally. It is recommended to eat food four times a day, at the same hours.


Drinks: tea without milk, cocoa with water and a little milk

Bread products: white and gray wheat bread from yesterday’s baking, non-bread varieties of bakery products and cookies, white bread croutons

Appetizers: mild cheese, low-fat herring, homemade meat pate

Milk and dairy products: low-fat freshly prepared cottage cheese, steam souffle, three-day kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream in small quantities as a seasoning Fats: fresh butter 5 grams per dish, melted butter, olive oil Eggs and egg dishes: soft-boiled eggs up to one per day per day in the form of an omelet and in dishes

Soups: low-fat weak meat and fish broth with the addition of mucous decoctions of cereals (semolina, rice), boiled and pureed meat, steamed dumplings and meatballs, egg flakes, homemade noodles, vermicelli

Meat and fish dishes: various products from lean beef, veal, lean fish, minced (it is better to steam, do not roll in breadcrumbs when frying), boiled meat soufflé, minced meat

Cereals and pasta: pureed porridges in water or low-fat broth - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, from cereal flour, in the form of baked puddings and cutlets from cereals without a rough crust, boiled pasta and vermicelli

Vegetables and herbs: puree from various vegetables, puddings, vegetable cutlets, baked or fried without a rough crust, boiled cauliflower with butter, early zucchini, stewed pumpkin. Add early raw greens, dill and parsley, finely chopped, to various dishes

Fruits, berries, sweets: puree, jelly, jelly, mousse, jam from fresh and dry fruits and berries. Sugar, candy Juices: raw fruit, berry and vegetable juices, warm, half diluted with water or tea, in limited quantities. Decoction of rose hips and wheat bran

Must be excluded

Products made from rich and warm dough, fatty meats and fish, pickles, smoked foods, marinades, canned meat, fish and other snack foods, sausages, cold drinks, ice cream, vegetables and fruits in their natural form, millet, pearl barley, barley, coffee with milk, carbonated drinks, mustard, horseradish, peppers, mushrooms, chocolate, cream products, legumes, full-fat milk and dairy products.

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Using nuts to treat diarrhea

If the disorder did not develop due to the use of nuts, you can use this product for diarrhea and expect results.

Nuts have a beneficial effect during diarrhea, as they provide the human body with valuable microelements that are lost during each act of bowel movement. Here's one effective nut-based recipe:

  • If you have diarrhea, peel nuts;
  • chop the kernels;
  • add a spoonful of the composition to 500 ml of boiling water;
  • cook for 20 minutes;
  • drain.

Shells against diarrhea and partitions of young nuts are also effective. For treatment, tinctures of these components in alcohol are used. You should take 2-3 pieces of unripe nuts, cut them and pour vodka for several hours. Then the tincture is taken in teaspoons four times a day until all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

The finished tincture effectively relieves diarrhea. It is enough to drink a glass of the composition to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. We also recommend trying oak bark.

Nut infusions do not treat serious digestive problems, but only eliminate symptoms!

Contraindications to nut treatment

Not everyone can effectively fight diarrhea. Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to nut components;
  • intolerance to plant proteins;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • blood too thick;
  • allergy.

At the same time, nuts, including hazelnuts and peanuts, are used to treat children of any age and pregnant women in the absence of other contraindications.

Drug treatment

Sometimes there is no time to use folk remedies to combat diarrhea, but the problem needs to be solved. In this case, medications are used:

  • "Loperamide";
  • "Levomycetin".

After the acute symptoms of diarrhea disappear, it is worth using drugs that restore normal intestinal microflora. These are lacto and bifidobacteria or high-quality fermented milk products.

You should not use antibiotics to stop diarrhea - this will have no effect and will only worsen the problem.

Walnut in medicine

In folk medicine, not only the kernels, but also other parts of the plant are often used.

Find out the benefits and harms of walnuts.

The most widespread are decoctions and infusions of leaves and pericarp, which are used:

  • for kidney and bladder diseases, tonsillitis, diseases of the oral cavity, gynecological and gastric diseases;
  • to improve metabolism, with exhaustion and vitamin deficiency;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • as a hemostatic agent;
  • for wound healing.

Walnut oil is used to treat inflammation of the middle ear, as a drug against internal parasites, and as part of the complex therapy of conjunctivitis. An infusion from the internal partitions of the shell is used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Walnut weakens or strengthens

The laxative properties of nut oil are known. Eating the nut itself can also have a mild laxative effect (for example, for constipation), since the oil content in the kernels is very high. The presence of plant cells also has an additional stimulating effect on intestinal motility.

Can walnuts cause diarrhea?

In some cases, nuts can cause diarrhea.

  • The following factors may be the reason:
  • eating excessive amounts of product;
  • food allergies or intolerance to certain substances;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • weakening of the body after illness;
  • kernels spoiled or infected through unwashed shells.

Important! Ponosis , as well as various skin rashes and nausea, can provoke poisoning with pesticides and chemicals that are sometimes used in the industrial treatment of the surface of the shell.

Can I eat walnuts if I have diarrhea?

It is not recommended to eat nuts if you have diarrhea. In such cases, traditional healers advise using an infusion of crushed leaves or an alcohol tincture from the internal partitions. Syrup made from young fruits is also popular, which, after consultation with a pediatrician, can be given to children.


In order to enjoy nut kernels with pleasure and not experience unpleasant symptoms of intestinal upset, you need to monitor the amount of product you eat. The optimal number of kernels for an adult is 5–7 pieces per day. This is 100 grams.

The use of nut tinctures and decoctions helps with intestinal disorders, but balance is important. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, as this causes the opposite effect.

If you carefully approach your diet and, at the first unpleasant symptoms, try to determine the cause of the problem and carefully eliminate it, your health will be fine and your well-being will be excellent.

Contraindications and prevention

If diarrhea can be caused by eating nut kernels, then you should be aware of the following precautions:

  • do not exceed the dosage. The higher the calorie content, the fewer kernels you should consume;
  • minimum number of fruits for patients with gastrointestinal pathologies (3-5 kernels);
  • minimize nut kernels for overweight people;
  • Pregnant women and children should be careful.

Prevention methods include purchasing unpeeled fruits in sealed containers, avoiding bitter kernels, and eating foods high in fiber. It is better to organize cleaning of nut seeds immediately before eating.

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