The effectiveness of colon cleansing with oatmeal: flakes, scrub, decoction, jelly

Oatmeal scrub is used as a therapeutic cleansing of the intestines, as well as for preventive purposes to prevent the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, and prevents the formation of fecal stones.

Correct use of the product leads to amazing results: lightness appears, mood and appearance improve, a positive attitude appears, and local immunity increases.

Oatmeal is a simple and affordable product that can not only cleanse the intestines, but also improve your appearance. Proper preparation and a specific dosage regimen will ensure -3 kg per week

Oatmeal scrub for the stomach and intestines. When does the intestines need to be cleansed?

How we feel and look directly depends on the health and condition of our colon. The older we get, the greater the need for cleansing the intestines, because waste and toxins that accumulate over the years poison our body, creating discomfort in the stomach, worsening our appearance and general well-being. In addition, as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet, excess weight accumulates and the first signs of skin aging appear. Poor nutrition, poor environment, bad habits and the modern pace of life become the main causes of intestinal clogging and slagging. Waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the intestines enter the blood, poisoning the entire body.

Signs of intestinal slagging and intoxication:

  • Poor health over a long period of time, which is accompanied by chronic fatigue, insomnia, irritability, and depression.
  • Increase in abdominal volume, excess weight gain, which is difficult to lose.
  • Swelling.
  • Having problems with the digestive system: frequent constipation, bloating, bad breath, white or yellowish coating on the tongue.
  • Skin problems: the appearance of peeling, irritation and rashes.
  • Unhealthy hair, loss.

If the listed symptoms of intestinal slagging are familiar to you, it’s time to start cleansing the intestines using a natural method - an oatmeal scrub.

Silver medalist

This is what oatmeal is called because it takes an honorable second place in terms of beneficial properties (after buckwheat).

Oat grains have a beneficial effect on our body, especially on the intestines. They act as a scrub: they cleanse the walls of the longest organ from waste, toxins and mucus.

Interesting fact . Scientists have found that on average, over 80 years, more than 1,000 centners of food and 40,000 liters of liquid pass through the human body.

This contributes to the accumulation of mucus, fecal stones and excess weight (of course, depending on what food you consume).

Beneficial features

Agree that oatmeal is not called a dietary product for nothing. They have a lot of useful qualities:

  • minimal fat content;
  • low calorie content (303 kcal per 100 g in dry form);
  • reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood;
  • promotes the launch of metabolic processes;
  • gently cleanses the intestines (due to this, the condition of the skin and the body as a whole improves);
  • a source of slow carbohydrates - saturates the body for a long time.

Oatmeal also contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body, such as:

  • B, A, E, D, K, PP;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acids;
  • cellulose.

Intestinal scrub: why?

Friends, you probably know what the concept of scrub means. This is a cosmetic procedure aimed at cleansing the skin of dead particles, dirt and sebum. An intestinal scrub performs the same cleansing function.

Nutritionists say it is great for weight loss. And also if you have:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • halitosis;
  • poor complexion;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • weak immunity.

According to doctors, these symptoms indicate slagging in the body. To get rid of them, you need to introduce just one effective but tasty dish into your diet. Below I will tell you the recipe for making a scrub.

How does oatmeal scrub work for the stomach and intestines?

Oatmeal scrub is an ideal natural method of cleansing the intestines of waste, toxins, and waste substances accumulated over many years. Oatmeal fibers, when they get on the gastric mucosa, absorb all toxins and harmful substances like a sponge, and then are eliminated from the body naturally, having a soft, gentle effect on the mucous membrane.

Thanks to oatmeal scrub, beneficial microorganisms and bacteria are not washed out of the intestines, unlike traditional cleansing methods: enemas, laxatives.

Oatmeal scrub is used not only for healing and rejuvenating the body, but also for effective weight loss.

Who is contraindicated for intestinal scrub?

Oatmeal cleanses the intestines and helps you lose weight with oatmeal, thanks to the so-called prepared brush. It is useful to add nuts to porridge. But colon cleansing with rolled oats and walnuts for weight loss is not beneficial for everyone. Not recommended for:

  • individual gluten intolerance;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder;
  • renal failure.

Cleansing the intestines with rolled oats and walnuts when losing weight and for cleansing the body is not recommended to be carried out constantly. To avoid harm and achieve the desired result, apply once every 3-5 months. Excessive gastric cleansing, using oatmeal stomach scrub for weight loss, helps to wash out calcium. The reason is that phytic acid accumulates in the body, which affects the bones.

What are the benefits of oatmeal for the stomach and intestines?

According to many nutritionists, oatmeal, or as we call it “oatmeal,” is one of the most balanced and healthy dietary products. Oatmeal is a valuable source of vitamins A, B, E, fiber, complex carbohydrates, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, phosphorus and other microelements necessary for normal intestinal function and metabolic processes in the body. Oatmeal is also rich in proteins and promotes muscle growth. The coarse fibers and fiber that oatmeal contains, swelling in the stomach, create a feeling of fullness for a long time. Oatmeal is especially useful for obesity and for those who want to lose excess weight.

Regular inclusion of oatmeal in your diet has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skin and hair. Oatmeal, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, is a kind of soft natural scrub that removes waste, toxins, and harmful metabolic products from the body. Daily oatmeal in the morning - prevention of peptic ulcers, gastritis, and cancer of the digestive system. Another useful property of oatmeal is to charge the body with energy, vigor, and give strength.

Questions for specialists

Experts identify symptoms that indicate the presence of slagging in the body. Namely:

  • insomnia;
  • frequent headaches;
  • bad breath;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • frequent constipation;
  • weak immunity.

As a rule, this happens with a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, and after a food load on holidays. When eating oatmeal, gluten covers the gastric mucosa with a thin film. This is how a person experiences a feeling of satiety and the process of satiety. Oatmeal, like a sponge, absorbs harmful substances. The first changes can be felt after 2-3 days, after a week your mood improves. Nutritionists recommend eating cold foods. Because a cold scrub is more effective than a hot one.

How much weight can you lose with a scrub?

Scrub is the first breakfast when losing weight. People lose weight slowly on oatmeal, so you shouldn’t expect great results. Within 1 month you can remove up to 10 kg. excess weight.

How often can you use an oatmeal colon scrub?

It is recommended to eat oatmeal every day for 1 month. Then take a break for 1-2 weeks. Then you can repeat the cleaning again.

How to improve fat burning?

The joint work of different weight loss methods will do the trick. As a result, you can lose excess weight, tighten your stomach, and remove “orange” skin on your hips and buttocks. To enhance the reduction of fat reserves, additional measures must be taken. To do this, you should apply simple rules:

  • consume up to 2 liters per day. water;
  • it is necessary to allocate time for proper rest;
  • Low-calorie foods are used for snacks.

For the effect, you need to exercise, use wraps. It is important to go to the gym and do fitness. If it is not possible to pay attention to charging for 30 minutes. It is especially important to consume oatmeal on days when you plan to exercise. Complex carbohydrates are digested faster. The fitness instructor explained in the video what exercises you should pay attention to:

Avoid unhealthy foods and eat low-carbohydrate foods. It is necessary to give up your favorite fried, salty foods, semi-finished products, and fast foods. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink green tea.

Oatmeal stomach scrub for weight loss: benefits for the body

Oatmeal is a valuable nutritious product that, thanks to its unique composition, can normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and restore beauty to the skin and make the body slim.

By using oatmeal stomach scrub daily for weight loss, you will soon get the following results:

  1. Your overall well-being will improve, as the scrub gradually removes from the body all waste, toxins, and heavy metal salts accumulated in the intestines.
  2. Noticeable weight loss, reduction in abdominal volume, as metabolic and metabolic processes in the body improve.
  3. The skin tone is evened out, redness, peeling, rashes and pustules on the body disappear. The skin looks young and radiant. Nails become stronger, less brittle, hair shines with health.

Contraindications to oatmeal scrub for the stomach

Despite all the benefits of using oatmeal scrub to cleanse the intestines, do not forget about contraindications. Excessive consumption of oatmeal scrub can have the opposite effect and harm the body, for example, causing calcium to be washed out of the bones. Doctors warn that cleansing the intestines too often will not lead to anything good, so they advise carrying out cleansing procedures once every 3-5 months.

There are also a number of diseases for which colon cleansing with oatmeal scrub is contraindicated. It is not recommended for people with gluten intolerance (celiac disease), those who suffer from liver disease, gall bladder, and people with kidney failure.

Features and need for cleansing

Colon cleansing is an important aspect for many who care about their own health. Some people prefer radical methods of cleansing the body for convenience, simplicity and speed. However, regular cleansing enemas and medicinal laxatives with intensive cleansing do more harm:

  • damage to the intestinal mucosa due to inept or frequent use;
  • disturbance of electrolyte balance in blood plasma;
  • development of gastric or intestinal dysbiosis (as a consequence, inflammation, irritation, ulceration).

Does oatmeal really cleanse your colon? Hercules flakes act on the intestinal mucosa like a brush, so we can claim a gentle cleansing of the body.

Important! Cleansing with oatmeal or a super-scrub helps maintain a normal environment in the intestines, gently cleanse the lumens of the organ along its entire length, and reduce the stress factor on the body. Cleaning occurs naturally, without aggressive load, and is carried out from the esophagus to the colon.

Indications for cleaning

You can start using oatmeal scrub just like that; it will not cause harm if there are no contraindications and moderation. However, the mandatory introduction of natural oat scrub into the diet is required for the following conditions:

  • increased swelling (in the absence of chronic pathologies of organs or systems);
  • excess body weight;
  • unsuccessful attempts to lose weight;
  • irritability, apathy, depression;
  • sallow complexion;
  • problems with the skin (acne, oiliness, enlarged pores);
  • hair loss;
  • stool instability (frequent constipation combined with diarrhea).

When the above factors appear, it is important to gradually begin cleansing the body. This does not mean that you should switch to oatmeal only. It is enough to introduce it into the diet in the morning and then at night.

Restrictions on scrub cleansing

Before cleansing the intestines, you should evaluate your health status and, if necessary, consult a doctor. Despite the special benefits of oatmeal for human health, there are restrictions and contraindications for use:

  • gluten intolerance (history of celiac disease);
  • calcium deficiency of any nature;
  • allergic reactions to oatmeal;
  • pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.

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People with end-stage renal failure should take oatmeal with caution. Regular consumption of porridge can affect calcium metabolism and complicate the course of the disease in this aspect.

Important! Colon cleansing should not be done continuously. Despite the fact that oatmeal gently and mostly safely removes waste, toxins and feces from the body, constant cleansing will no longer be beneficial. For oatmeal lovers, it is enough to eat it for breakfast 2-3 times a week.

Recipes for oatmeal intestinal scrubs for weight loss

Hercules oatmeal is an excellent complete dietary breakfast and an excellent scrub for the stomach and intestines. Two types of scrub are prepared based on oatmeal: cold and hot. Before using a homemade oatmeal scrub, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water or green tea without sugar in the morning.

How to Make a Hot Colon Scrub Using Oatmeal

Crushed oatmeal is used for a hot scrub. They should be ground in a blender or coffee grinder until it becomes oatmeal.

  1. Take 3 tablespoons of oatmeal and pour boiling water over them so that the water barely covers the oatmeal. Leave the porridge to brew for about 5-7 minutes.
  2. After swelling, 20 minutes before breakfast, the oatmeal scrub should be eaten warm. Salt and sugar are not added to oatmeal. If desired, if the oatmeal seems tasteless to you, you can add a little honey, nuts, and dried fruits.
  3. A hot scrub is not breakfast. Therefore, be sure to have a snack after 20 minutes. This could be a slice of rye bread with butter and cheese. Thanks to the hot scrub, extra pounds and volumes disappear gradually, fat mass in the amount of 2-3 kg disappears in about 2 weeks.

How to make a cold oatmeal colon scrub

For the cold scrub, oatmeal is used; there is no need to grind it before use.

  1. The cold scrub is prepared in the evening, so that it infuses, and is stored in the refrigerator. 3 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal should be poured with boiled water at room temperature.
  2. In the morning you can eat oatmeal, chewing the flakes thoroughly. For taste, you can add a little honey or nuts to the scrub porridge.
  3. A cold scrub replaces your morning meal; it is not recommended to wash it down. You can drink a glass of water or green tea before meals.
  4. Thanks to a cold oatmeal scrub, weight comes off much faster than using a hot scrub. It is recommended to take a colon cleansing course every day for a month, and then take a break for 1-2 weeks. Next, include a cold scrub in your diet several times a week to maintain your weight loss results.

Rules for using oatmeal to cleanse the intestines

Before cleansing with oatmeal, visit a nutritionist. He will advise which diets to use and provide step-by-step instructions for achieving effectiveness. When cleansing your body, follow these rules:

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  1. Before starting a diet, drink a decoction of oatmeal. Take half a glass of cereal and add a liter of water. Cook for 2.5 hours over low heat. The broth will look like jelly. Drink one glass on an empty stomach for a week. After consuming the decoction, you can eat it 4 hours later.
  2. Be sure to start your morning with oatmeal, then you can start your normal daily diet.
  3. Four hours before bedtime you should not eat anything else.
  4. Eliminate sweets, flour products, salty, fatty, smoked foods, and alcoholic beverages from your diet.
  5. The diet should consist of vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts.
  6. Try to drink more fluids (tea and coffee do not count).
  7. Physical stress on the body must be present. Do what you can (swimming, running, walking, cycling, gym training).
  8. You can diversify the menu with a recipe for making oatmeal with the addition of kefir. Pour 2 tablespoons of oatmeal into a glass of kefir and leave overnight. If desired, it can be replaced with drinking yogurt. Using this method, you will retain the nutrients of the oats and add a special taste to the dish.

To achieve the desired results, these rules should be followed for 10 days. To prevent constipation, you can add prunes, cinnamon and figs to oat porridge.

Tips for effective weight loss using oatmeal scrub

  1. If you choose a cold scrub to lose weight, it is worth considering that this is a full breakfast, after which it is forbidden to consume water and other foods for three hours. If it's hot, you can have breakfast.
  2. To use scarab, choose the morning hours from 6 to 8 am, when the body awakens, the digestive organs begin their work, and food is better absorbed.
  3. To effectively lose weight and cleanse the intestines of toxins, you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Because if there is insufficient fluid intake into the body, metabolic processes slow down, and weight loss occurs much more slowly.
  4. During the day, light snacks of fruits and vegetable salads are not prohibited; meals should be varied and nutritious, excluding fatty foods, smoked meats and other unhealthy foods.
  5. If necessary, you can include in your diet an additional intake of multivitamin complexes, which will compensate for the lack of micronutrients in the body.

Hercules super scrub

Friends, you probably think that the scrub recipe is similar to oatmeal. However, this is not an entirely correct judgment.

Yes, it is based on the same oatmeal. But heat treatment is minimal or not required at all.

For 1 serving you need to take:

  • 4 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 tsp. liquid honey
  • 3-4 pieces of any nuts
  • 3 prunes
  • 20 ml almond milk or clean water


Pour oatmeal with milk or water. Add honey, nuts and dried fruits. Mix everything.

Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. It is best to prepare this scrub at night. In the morning we take out oatmeal, you can heat it in the microwave or eat it chilled.

By the way, the ingredients can be changed at your discretion. The base is the same - oatmeal. But different additives are allowed: bran, fruit, chia or flax seeds, etc.

How to use

Judging by numerous reviews, this scrub should be consumed as breakfast for a month.

Half an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of water. And then - for 2.5-3 hours - do not eat or drink anything.

Right choice

In order for oatmeal to deliver the desired effect, you need to choose the right cereal. Today the store offers a wide range of rolled oats. Many manufacturing companies lure consumers with various additives.

So, friends, it’s best when it contains only flakes. You don't need extra sugar, right? Also, there is no need to fall for marketing tricks - “instant porridge”, “cooking time - 1 minute”, etc. There is no benefit in such a product.

Nutritionists advise choosing medium or large flakes. Their cooking or soaking time is more than 10 minutes. And this means only one thing - they will act as a brush on the intestines.

Opinion of those losing weight


I love oatmeal, so I decided to make a colon scrub out of it. I will say one thing - it only works if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle. That is, eat right and do (at least minimally) some exercise. I'm pleased with the result. In a month I managed to get rid of 4 kg. The complexion became natural, pink. And my tummy sank. Definitely recommend!


For two months I ate steamed oatmeal with dried fruits. However, the weight remained at the same figure, but I didn’t bother with losing weight, my diet was the same (yes, I’m guilty of snacks). But the body (that is, the intestines) began to work like a clock, and before there were problems with this.


It’s foolish to hope that an oatmeal scrub will help you get rid of 10 extra pounds in a month. Of course, this won’t happen if you lie on the couch. I periodically practice this scrub (about 2-3 times a year) when I feel weight gain, loss of strength and bad mood. It helps me. The result, as they say, is obvious. But no one canceled healthy lifestyle.

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