m Numerous diseases associated with metabolic disorders have similar symptoms: bloating, bitter taste
When diagnosing pancreatitis, doctors advise the patient to give up many of his favorite foods. Prohibited
China is considered the birthplace of green tea, but, nevertheless, it is consumed all over the world.
Main causes Green vomit in a child may indicate the presence of various health problems.
For any gastrointestinal pathologies, it is important to follow a diet, because The patient’s well-being depends on proper nutrition.
The fruits of the date palm can be eaten in dried, canned, or dried forms; they are often
Potatoes are one of the main products that should be included in the menu of people suffering from
Make an appointment The problem of hemorrhoids is quite common among people. It is 35 – 40
Small, fragrant and bright, like the spring sun, the pretty calendula is grown in a variety of
On water or milk? Whole grain or flake? Every day or once