When there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa, it is important to follow a diet. A person has to put up with a complete ban on
Physiological causes of rumbling Rumbling in the stomach can be very strong if associated with a feeling
July 22, 2018 Gastroenterology Alexander Grabovoy The healing properties of celery have been known for a long time. Moreover, useful
Constipation is a common problem in childhood and is usually associated with the child's diet.
The key to the absence of exacerbations of a disease such as chronic pancreatitis, as well as the most important preventive measure
Ichthyol suppositories have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. They are used in practice for the treatment of various proctological
Patients are interested in: is it possible to drink alcohol if you have a stomach ulcer? Official medicine says: no. Why?
The intestines are the most important part of the digestive system. It is located in the abdominal cavity. It happens
Many people believe that the spleen is not such an important organ to focus on
Ways of infection by worms Children's bodies are quite easily affected by parasites, since children have immunity