What to do if there is pain in the back on the left, below the lower back

Many people often experience periodic or even constant pain in the left hypochondrium from the back. Under no circumstances should it be left without due attention, because such uncomfortable sensations often indicate various serious malfunctions in the functioning of several systems and internal organs of the body. A similar symptom is observed in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, heart and vascular diseases. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you should not delay visiting a doctor, be sure to undergo an examination, find out the cause of the pain and start treatment in a timely manner.

Types of pain

Pain on the left under the ribs can manifest itself in different ways, for example:

  • Sudden.
  • Shingles.
  • Chronic, little noticeable.

Pain that occurs sharply under the left ribs signals an inflammatory process in the duodenum, with a malfunction of the digestive tract. So, with a stomach ulcer, the strength of the pain forces you to bend over, wrapping your arms around your stomach. An ulcer is characterized by symptoms such as bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, hunger, headaches, and irritability. The girdle nature of the pain indicates the probable presence of stones in the bladder, pancreatitis, ectopic pregnancy or ruptured spleen. In such cases, urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Causes of pain in the left hypochondrium

In the upper part of the abdominal cavity on the left, which is limited by the lower ribs, there are several important internal organs:

  • Intestines.
  • Left kidney and ureter.
  • Spleen.
  • Pancreas.
  • Left side of the stomach.

The cause of pain and spasms are all kinds of changes in the functioning of any of the organs mentioned above. Discomfortable sensations appear in the abdomen and back, and can be felt in other parts of the body. The pain syndrome itself is also very diverse: it can be sharp, dull, burning, aching, etc. It can be difficult for the patient himself to clearly understand which specific organ is suffering and how exactly the situation can be corrected.

Therefore, it is impossible to do without qualified assistance from medical workers in this matter. However, it is useful to know some characteristic symptoms of common pathologies so as not to aggravate the problem.

Spinal diseases

The main source of pain is still considered to be problems with the spine.

There are such violations as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis;
  • herniated discs;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.

To understand the cause of pain in the spinal column, you need to know its structure.

All vertebrae are connected to each other by movable joints, in addition, between them there are special shock-absorbing pads - intervertebral discs. The discs consist of an outer annulus fibrosus and an inner nucleus pulposus. It is thanks to the discs that the vertebrae cushion and do not rub against each other.

Facet joints are movable joints, thanks to which the vertebrae are mobile and a person can move his body in different directions.

Different parts of the spine are subject to different loads; the lumbar region suffers most often.

Osteochondrosis is a disease during which thinning of the intervertebral discs or their complete abrasion occurs. This condition is more susceptible to older people who have hormonal imbalances, poor circulation, or a lack of nutrients that the disc needs. But the disease is getting younger every year. Due to an unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary work and other factors, osteochondrosis also develops in members of the younger generation.

When the discs become thin, the vertebrae begin to touch each other, causing inflammation over time, which leads to aching, burning pain. If such damage to the vertebrae occurs in the lumbar region or lower part of the thoracic region, then the person experiences pain in the back in the hypochondrium and back.

Spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis are complications of osteochondrosis. The diseases are characterized by the proliferation of bone tissue, which leads to the formation of osteophytes. When the discs wear out, a compensatory function is activated in the body, bone tissue begins to grow, which tries to support the vertebrae. In some cases, osteophytes do not grow much, only forming spines that can pinch the nerve endings of the spinal cord. In other cases, the bone growths grow so large that they are fastened together, forming an immovable brace, due to which the flexibility of the spine in this area is impaired.

Intervertebral disc herniation. With various injuries or loads in the spine, changes can occur, due to which the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc first protrudes beyond the vertebrae, and then a hernia can occur - a rupture of the ring with the nucleus pulposus coming out. In this case, the nerve endings are affected, which become irritated, and the person experiences severe pain.

Scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis are types of curvature of the spine that lead to a change in the normal position of the vertebrae, as well as compression of internal organs, due to which a person may also suffer from vague pain in the left hypochondrium from the back.

The pathological condition is manifested by left-sided pain syndrome from the posterior spinal zone. The pain is burning, acute, aching, and periodically bothers you. Does not last long or torments a person for a long time. The color of the skin in the segment where the nerve is affected changes, this area becomes less sensitive, the person finds it difficult to breathe, and requires hospital treatment.

Increased pain on the side with intercostal neuralgia is observed during physical work, as well as when a person coughs or breathes deeply.

Treatment: how to eliminate pain

Pain on the left side behind above the lower back will disappear with proper treatment. Therapy is prescribed in accordance with the identified disease. If stones are detected, medications are prescribed that can be used to destroy the formations and remove them naturally in the form of sand. If this fails, then a procedure is carried out using a special apparatus that destroys the stones. As a last resort, surgery is prescribed.

Pain above the lower back on the left in men from behind, radiating to the groin or side, indicates problems with the kidneys. With such disorders, organ enlargement is often diagnosed. To normalize the work, a thorough examination is carried out, medications are prescribed that normalize the outflow of urine.

If a patient has problems with the spine, the patient is prescribed medications: analgesics, vasodilators, antispasmodics. Various types of massage are also performed to enhance blood circulation. Injections are also prescribed that increase tissue tone.

When treating spinal diseases with conservative methods, only the symptoms are often relieved: pain, spasms, difficulties with movement. When treatment is stopped, the sensations return. The patient needs to devote a lot of time to physical exercise to keep himself in shape.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Inflammations, tumors, and ulcers can form in various parts of the intestines or stomach.

Most common diseases

It is an inflammatory lesion of the mucosa, in which further perforation is possible. Often the patient cannot understand the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium and only with the appearance of intestinal bleeding does he consult a doctor. The ulcer can be primary (in the acute stage) or chronic, constantly recurring. The duodenum is also susceptible to similar inflammation.
Pain from an ulcer can be aching, burning, and radiate to different areas of the body, including the back surface of the back and the left hypochondrium.

Additional symptoms accompanying it: belching, a feeling of sour or bitter in the mouth, flatulence, bloating.

Unfavorable factors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, stress, and poor diet lead to ulcers. With proper treatment, an ulcer rarely makes itself felt with a few symptoms.

Inflammation of the intestinal walls sometimes leads to the formation of special pockets in the mucous membrane, in which the remains of undigested food accumulate. This leads to the proliferation of bacteria, and over time, suppuration may begin. The disease is dangerous because diverticula can burst, causing peritonitis. Characteristic symptoms of the disease: aching pain in the area under the left rib, problems with bowel movements, fever, nausea.
Bloating due to excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. The disease is accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of fullness. The pain can be localized in various parts of the intestines. There is an involuntary passage of gas, a feeling of transfusion in the intestines, and a frequent urge to defecate. Flatulence is caused by: poor diet, abuse of certain medications, stress, lack of enzymes.
Inflammation of the colon mucosa due to injury, poor blood supply, atherosclerosis, intestinal infection.
Symptoms of the disease: abdominal pain radiating in different directions, diarrhea, intestinal bleeding, pus and mucus in the stool.
Inflammation of the gallbladder, which is often accompanied by the formation of stones in the organ.
The disease occurs due to untimely outflow of bile and pancreatic juice, which literally corrode the organ; inflammation can progress against the background of an attached infection. Characteristic signs of the disease: diarrhea, nausea, bloating, fever, chills, tachycardia.
Inflammation of the pancreas, which occurs against the background of impaired outflow of enzymes secreted by it. The condition can occur when the ducts are blocked by sand, stones or tumors. The condition is complicated by the consumption of fatty foods and alcohol, which only increases the amount of pancreatic juice. Painful sensations during pancreatitis are localized in the left or right hypochondrium, belching, vomiting with bile, and bloating occur.

What to do?

Self-treatment of pain under the left shoulder blade at home is impossible due to the large number of reasons that can provoke the occurrence of this symptom. To do this, you need to see a doctor and undergo the minimum required set of diagnostics, including x-ray examination, MRI or CT (if necessary), electromyography and densitometry (if osteoporosis or osteosclerosis is suspected).


Without visiting a doctor, it is only permissible to use emergency first aid measures in cases where the patient can determine with great certainty what exactly caused the pain.

Kidney diseases

Left side back pain in the lower back can also be caused by a kidney infection called pyelonephritis. In most cases, it is a complication of infectious diseases of the bladder. But sometimes the kidneys become infected bypassing the bladder.

Pain in left side: kidneys

Kidney stones can also cause excruciating lower back pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin. It is accompanied by a feeling of constant urge to urinate, which is common for those who suffer from this disease, nausea, flatulence and vomiting. As a rule, blood appears in the urine caused by injury to the mucous membrane by a stone moving in the passages of the urinary tract.

Most often, this pathology is accompanied by a dull pain in the left side, which, if a stone blocks the ureter or renal pelvis, can intensify, even to the point of renal colic. Therefore, pain relief in the treatment of kidney stones is a priority. This often requires a combination of anti-inflammatory drugs and narcotic painkillers.

For small stones, the patient is advised to follow a diet and drink a lot of water, which can help them pass out of the kidneys, at the same time preventing the formation of new ones. Large stones do not come out on their own. In this case, medical procedures are aimed at helping them leave the kidneys. A specialist doctor (urologist) will determine the appropriate course of treatment. This may include taking drugs that dissolve stones and removing them through the urethra using sound waves (lithotripsy). In particularly severe cases, open surgery is used.

Reasons why the lower back hurts on the left

The lower back hurts quite often, because it is this area that bears significant loads while walking and lifting weights. Also, pain from internal organs or inflamed nerves often radiates to the lumbar region. It is worth taking a closer look at the causes of pain above the lower back in the left back. neurologist can make a diagnosis.



With osteochondrosis, the bone and cartilage tissue of the spine is destroyed; Intervertebral discs, which act as shock absorbers, are mainly affected. During the course of the disease, the disc gradually decreases and loses its ability to bear loads, which manifests itself in pain. In the case of lumbar osteochondrosis, depending on the stage, the pain has a different character, from a short-term strong “prick” in the lower back, if you suddenly stand up, sit down or bend over, to a chronic aching, when the back feels like wood.


If pain appears in the right lower back, this may indicate a sprain. In this case, the pain may radiate to the back of the legs, as well as to the buttocks. Movements of the back in the affected part will be constrained, and attempts to turn or bend over may be accompanied by “lumbago”, which will force the patient to take a forced pain-relieving position.


The lower back hurts on the left or right if a person has fallen, received a blow to the back, made an awkward movement, etc. In this case, the integrity of the bone may be damaged, muscles or ligaments may be damaged, which causes pain. Their nature varies depending on the severity of the injury.

Pinched sciatic nerve

A characteristic condition for such an illness is a sharp, severe pain that radiates to the buttock on the right or left side. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, a person not only thinks about why the left lower back hurts, but also experiences serious problems with movement, it becomes painful for him to even move his legs.

Spondylosis, spondylolisthesis

Spondylosis characterizes a condition in which joints, due to the natural effects of time and aging, lose their former mobility and become thinner. Spondylolisthesis is a condition when a displacement of one or more vertebrae occurs, which is accompanied by pinching of the nervous tissue, which is why the back hurts and radiates to the lumbar region on the left or right.

Metastases and tumors

Pain can arise from the fact that malignant neoplasms develop in the genital organs, and metastases have also appeared. This disease can affect both women and men, often after the age of 50.

Intestinal diseases

In men and women, lower back pain on the left or right often appears if there is intestinal disease. Due to the fact that the nerves in this area are closely intertwined, the brain may incorrectly recognize the impulses entering it and inform the person that it is not the intestines that are hurting, but the back.


In addition to the pain that spreads across the lower abdomen and radiates to the lower back, a person experiences the urge to urinate, and the process itself will not bring relief, but will cause discomfort due to burning and pain. If you not only have pain on the left side of your back in the lumbar region, but also have problems going to the toilet, it is quite possible that the reason is the development of inflammatory processes in the bladder.

Inflammatory diseases

Inflammation can manifest itself as pain not only in specific affected organs, but also in the back. In women, back pain may indicate inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or appendages. Other diseases that affect both women and men include inflammation of the kidneys or adrenal glands, as well as other organs. Among other things, the spinal structures themselves, muscles or ligaments in the back can become inflamed, which is why pain will occur. Often inflammation is accompanied not only by back pain in the lumbar region on the left, but also by fever, chills, sweating, nausea and other symptoms.


Radiculitis is a pathology of the spinal nerve roots. Due to the fact that the disease affects the nervous tissue, it is accompanied by severe pain in the back and lower back and can cause a person to be unable to lead a full life without proper treatment.

Weight lifting

The reason why back pain in the lumbar region on the left or right is often caused by lifting heavy objects. If the pain appears during hard physical work, most likely we are talking about a torn back, when with any movement you “shoot” in the lower back, you cannot turn and bend over, and you want to quickly take a comfortable lying position.

Lung diseases

Lung diseases such as pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis due to inflammation and damage to organ tissue by infections and bacteria cause pain in the front and back of the chest, which radiates to the hypochondrium.

Pathologies of the respiratory organs

If a person has pain closer to the back, in the lumbar region, then he may have pathologies of the respiratory system. He may be sick:

  • Pleurisy.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Pneumothorax.
  • Cancer of the bronchi and lungs.

With respiratory pathologies, pain may not be severe, but over time its intensity increases. Often the patient complains of pain during movement, wheezing in the lung tissues, cutting pain under the left rib, which intensifies during coughing.

The pain syndrome may intensify during inspiration; when the patient exhales, the pain decreases. Frequent pain indicates oncological processes with metastases to neighboring organs and tissues, with the formation of large necrotic foci. For pain on the side, impaired respiratory or heart rhythm, the patient requires inpatient treatment


If you experience back pain, you should contact a therapist who will conduct an initial examination. After this, tests and instrumental studies will be prescribed. Based on the results obtained, if necessary, a referral to a specialist doctor will be given in order to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out treatment.

The following hardware tests are effective diagnostic methods:

  1. Radiography
    . Thanks to it, you can detect displacement of the vertebrae, confirm or refute the diagnosis of osteochondrosis.
  2. CT scan

    . It is usually prescribed in cases where there is suspicion of the development of neoplasms. It can also be used to detect pathological damage to internal organs and the presence of intervertebral hernias.

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging

    . It is considered the most informative diagnostic method and allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis. Thanks to MRI, the doctor’s suspicions about the presence of pathological changes in internal organs and bone tissue are confirmed or refuted.

  4. Ultrasound

    . The technique allows you to detect signs of inflammation or changes in the structure of internal organs.

When emergency help is required

An ambulance should be called immediately if a person has: in the back under the ribs on the left:

  • Suddenly a sharp pain appeared.
  • There is a dull pain accompanied by hemoptysis.
  • Watch the video to know how to call an ambulance correctly:
  • The aching pain becomes more and more intense.
  • Acute pain does not stop for half an hour and increases when a person changes position.
  • The child began to feel pain.

For relief, the patient can apply a cold compress to the pain site. Subsequent treatment depends on the underlying disease that caused pain in the back under the ribs. In each situation, therapy is selected individually, taking into account the patient’s well-being and the clinical picture of the disease. The occurrence of pain in the back under the ribs on the left side is a dangerous sign, which often indicates diseases of various vital internal organs or body systems. If you feel pain, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist without self-medicating.

Prevention: how to avoid problems

To prevent your back from bothering you, you need to keep your body in good physical shape and monitor the health of all internal organs. Problems arise for a variety of reasons - from age to those related to an unhealthy lifestyle. It is recommended to strengthen the muscle corset so that it supports the spinal column in the correct position.

An active lifestyle and proper nutrition will help eliminate the main risks of diseases of the internal organs. In addition, regular exercise will keep the spine in perfect condition, keeping it youthful.

It is necessary to undergo regular examination at the clinic. It is better to make sure that you are healthy than to live in ignorance. Most problems could be solved at an early stage, when the disease is invisible. To maintain kidney health, it is recommended to give up bad habits, eat right, and dress for the weather.

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