Pain in the lower abdomen is another symptom of osteochondrosis

Unpleasant sensations appearing in the lower left abdomen may indicate many pathologies of the male body.

In most cases, illnesses have the nature of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, but it is also not necessary to rule out malfunctions in the genitourinary system or the musculoskeletal system.

To quickly and efficiently get rid of such pathologies, it is important not only to determine the existence of such pathologies, but also to identify their full pathogenesis. After this, you can begin therapy. Today we will talk in more detail about the principles of its organization, the features of the summarized problems and methods for diagnosing them.

Causes of pain

On the left side of the abdomen there are a large number of organs, each of which can cause pain. There are several possible causes for the condition:

  • inflammation;
  • injury;
  • circulatory disorders (ischemia, heart attack);
  • torsion of the ligaments of an internal organ;
  • suppuration;
  • systemic damage;
  • genetic disease;
  • poisoning;
  • organ dysfunction;
  • spasm;
  • the appearance of a neoplasm.

A doctor should find out the cause during a face-to-face appointment. He will prescribe the necessary diagnostic procedures and select the optimal treatment.

Parietal pain

Another type of pain is parietal. It differs from the visceral one: it has a distinct localization in the area of ​​the pathological process. Severe, painful and aggravated by sudden movements and coughing. It occurs due to irritation of the nerve receptors of the peritoneum, which covers the surface of the internal organs. It is projected onto the corresponding skin segments and is accompanied by tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall2, 3.

Such pain, acutely occurring and intensifying, may be a sign of a serious pathology, so you should immediately consult a doctor3.


A doctor can guess the cause of pain through examination and palpation. The further diagnostic method is selected based on the results:

  • general blood test - will indicate an infectious lesion, detect leukemia;
  • general urinalysis - will help determine kidney pathology;
  • Ultrasound is the fastest and easiest method for examining the abdominal organs;
  • MRI - gives the most reliable results;
  • colonoscopy - assessment of intestinal condition;
  • radionuclide testing is relevant for some diseases of internal organs, for which other methods are not informative.

Based on the results of diagnostic measures, the patient is diagnosed. Pain treatment is selected according to the detected disease.

Read also: Pulling in the lower abdomen

Diagnostic procedures

There may be several causes of pain

If discomfort develops in the lower abdomen on the left side in men, it is unacceptable to hesitate. Timely adoption of appropriate measures is a fundamental part in the treatment of any pathology, and the ailments in question today are no exception.

In the case of them, diagnosis comes down to the fact that specialized specialists:

  1. First, we collected anamnesis regarding the existing disease. At this stage, the doctor talks in detail with the patient, studies his medical history and palpates the affected areas.
  2. Secondly, they ordered tests of the main human biomaterials - blood, urine and feces.
  3. And thirdly, we identified the instrumental diagnostic methods necessary for implementation. These usually include ultrasound of the pelvic region, MRI and CT. Less frequently mentioned studies are supplemented with something else; it all depends on the individual characteristics of a particular case.

In principle, the essence of the diagnostics performed is completely transparent. Despite this, our resource would like to pay special attention to the analysis of the symptoms manifested in various pathologies.

Let's start, naturally, with common gastrointestinal diseases that provoke pain in the lower abdomen in men. These pathologies are represented mainly by gastritis, ulcers and inflammation. Symptoms of tract lesions are:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • increased belching;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • yellowing and peeling of the skin.

In most cases, the described symptoms are complex, so the cause of pain in the left lower abdomen can be diagnosed quickly and extremely simply. If the signs are not so pronounced or are extremely rare, then you should pay attention to the presence of:

  1. discomfort in the muscles of the pelvic area, external sounds and stability of the entire musculoskeletal system (such symptoms indicate arthrosis, scoliosis, gout and similar ailments);
  2. discomfort when urinating, discharge from the reproductive system, unpleasant odor, rash (which is a characteristic sign of prostatitis or venereal lesions in men).

Let us note that it is the initial analysis of symptoms that is the basis for diagnosing the problems being considered today. The remaining diagnostic methods are only approving in nature and help to increase the effectiveness of the organized therapy.

It is unacceptable to make a diagnosis on your own and the manifestation of existing symptoms should be analyzed exclusively by a professional doctor.

Possible diagnoses

Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen can be caused by damage to any organ located on this side. Possible diagnoses for such a patient:

  • pathology of the spleen (abscess, heart attack, rupture, inflammation);
  • lymphocytic leukemia or myeloid leukemia;
  • intestinal pathology (malsorption, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, polyps, obstruction);
  • oncology;
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs (salpingitis, endometriosis, torsion of the ovarian pedicle, salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, rupture of uterine ligaments);
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • kidney damage (enlargement of the pelvis).

Pain in the left side can be caused by other diagnoses, but radiate (transition) to this area. Therefore, it is important to contact a medical facility in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive examination.

What are the main causes of pain

Pain in the lower abdomen can vary in intensity

As noted above, pain in the lower left abdomen in men may indicate the development or full course of many pathologies of the body.

Naturally, with a one-time manifestation of discomfort, it can be ignored, but if the pain is systematic, you cannot hesitate; at a minimum, you should carry out a basic diagnosis.

It is worth noting that pain in the summarized area of ​​the body can be a symptom of the most dangerous pathologies of the body.

Most often the nature of the discomfort:

  1. aching;
  2. pulling;
  3. cutting;
  4. spicy;
  5. or in the form of "colic".

Regardless of the type of discomfort manifested, if it occurs systematically, it necessarily indicates the occurrence of a pathological process. Typical reasons for the latter are:

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. As a rule, inflammatory processes or infectious lesions of organs occur. Much less often, pain in the lower abdomen develops due to sexually transmitted pathologies, urethritis or even cancer.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Here, similarly to the genitourinary system, inflammatory pathologies most often develop. Slightly less often, bacterial damage to the abdominal organs occurs.
  • Ailments of the musculoskeletal system of the belt. In this regard, bones, muscles, and joints suffer equally.

It is possible to more accurately determine the affected area only by conducting a high-quality diagnosis of the body’s skeleton.


Treatment for a condition where the left side of the lower abdomen hurts depends on the diagnosis. Several groups of drugs can be used:

  • painkillers - to relieve symptoms;
  • antibiotics - for inflammation and suppuration;
  • enzymes - for gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • hormones - for endometriosis;
  • sedatives - for irritable bowel syndrome;
  • carminatives - for flatulence;
  • chemotherapy - for oncology and leukemia.

If the pain is caused by kidney damage, special preparations and herbal teas may be prescribed. And in case of ectopic pregnancy, injuries and ruptures of organs, as well as in the absence of the ability to cure the patient with conservative methods, surgical intervention is performed.

Pain in the left side is a reason to consult a doctor in any case. But if they are of high intensity or began after a possible injury, this must be done urgently. Delay can threaten the patient with serious complications, including death.

Read also: Pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

What symptoms should you pay attention to?

In addition to pain, other symptoms may occur, many of which are a reason to urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

1. Increase in temperature

. This symptom is characteristic of many intestinal infections, acute pancreatitis, stomach diseases, pyelonephritis and many other diseases. Remember, if the temperature does not subside for a long time even after taking antipyretics, you need to contact an ambulance service.

2. Nausea and vomiting

. Similar symptoms can accompany all of the above diseases. Do not delay calling a doctor if there is blood in the vomit or the vomiting does not stop.

3. Diarrhea

. Increased bowel movements can accompany intestinal infections, pancreatitis, gastritis and other diseases. If the stool is black or contains blood, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Less dangerous symptoms that accompany pain in the left hypochondrium are bloating, heaviness after eating food (especially fried, fatty, salty), severe rumbling in the stomach, and heartburn.

Possible complications

The aggravation of ischemic colitis is intestinal gangrene. It is accompanied by pain in the abdominal cavity without precise localization, dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting).

Testicular torsion can lead to the development of protracted orchiepididymitis - chronic inflammation of this organ and its appendage. The risk of developing Fournier's gangrene, an abscess in the scrotal area, also increases.

Peritonitis may occur with intestinal obstruction. If, due to urolithiasis, a calculus blocks the ureter or pelvis, urine accumulates inside the organ, stretching it. This leads to hydrocele of the kidney, putting it at risk of rupture.

Lack of treatment for pathologies of the reproductive system causes infertility. Uncompensated loss of fluid during dysentery leads to total tissue dehydration and subsequent death. The reason is dysfunction of all vital organs, including the brain.

Diseases of the urinary system

Urolithiasis disease. This is one of the common causes of acute groin pain in men. If the resulting stone has blocked the left or right ureter, the symptom may appear in the groin on the left or right. This is associated with renal colic. In addition to pain in the groin, a man will feel acute pain along the ureter (in the abdomen), which radiates to the external genitalia and bladder. Additionally, there is a frequent urge to urinate and blood in the urine.

Other diseases of the urinary system can cause pain:

  • urethritis,
  • cystitis,
  • hydronephrosis,
  • bladder cancer.

Types of pain and associated symptoms

When visiting a doctor, it is important to clarify the type of pain, how long the attack lasts, and what factors contribute to its elimination. You also need to list the symptoms that accompany the unpleasant sensation. Based on the information received, it is easier to recreate the clinical picture of the pathology and create a treatment.

Aching dull pain

Discomfort of this type is manifested by tumor processes in parts of the digestive tract, varicocele and all conditions in which distension of the colon occurs. Accompanied by decreased performance, dyspeptic disorders, and signs of intoxication.

Nagging pain

Indicates the presence of kidney pathology - pyelonephritis, a tumor process or tuberculosis of this organ. A nagging pain is a sign of inflammation in the parts of the male reproductive system. The localization of this type of discomfort rarely changes: from the first minutes of the attack until it stops, the unpleasant sensation remains in one place.

Sharp pain in the side

It is observed with complete testicular torsion, diverticulosis (in addition, increased body temperature and weakness occur), ischemic colitis. Also, left-sided sharp pain is the main sign of intestinal obstruction, strangulation of the inguinal hernia. The unpleasant sensation occurs suddenly, and against the background of severe pain, the man may lose consciousness.

Stitching pain

It is observed with cramps in the abdominal cavity, constipation, accumulation of intestinal gases, which together are associated with disorders of the digestive tract. This type of pain is somewhat less likely to manifest itself as a disorder of the urinary tract. Associated symptoms with stabbing discomfort on the left side are bloating, dyspeptic disorders, and a feeling of fullness in the abdominal cavity.

Diagnostics at MedSeven

Since organs and soft tissues are located in the abdominal region, an X-ray examination here is not very informative. Only with the help of MRI, specialists obtain clear and contrasting images in 3 planes. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging is performed without ionizing radiation. At the MedSeven MRI diagnostic clinic, using high-precision expert-class devices, doctors study the condition and functioning of:

  • pancreas;
  • spleen;
  • lymph nodes;
  • vessels;
  • soft tissues of the abdominal walls.

Unlike X-rays, MRI has a minimum of contraindications. These include an inadequate mental state, too much weight and the inability to remain in a stationary position.


  1. Inflammation of the testicle - manifested by pain in the lower abdomen and groin area.
  2. Inflammation of the prostate gland – prostatitis. It can be acute or chronic. In acute prostatitis, the pain is quite sharp, intensifying with urination and defecation. Often with acute prostatitis, pain is accompanied by an increase in temperature. In chronic prostatitis, the pain is mild and dull. Depending on the etiology (bacterial or non-bacterial prostatitis), pain may occur in outbreaks during urination or during sexual intercourse, and aching pain may occur in the lower back, sacrum, scrotum, and lower abdomen.
  3. Prostate adenoma is a benign neoplasm of the prostate that narrows the urethra, resulting in problems with urination and the process of urination becomes painful. In addition, pain appears in the groin area, penis, during sexual intercourse and during ejaculation.
  4. Inflammation of the seminal vesicles – vesiculitis.
  5. The seminal vesicles are located on the sides of the prostate gland. Vesiculitis is characterized by pain in the suprapubic region and lower abdomen, radiating to the testicles. As the bladder fills, the pain intensifies. In advanced stages, there is pain during sexual intercourse, disturbances in potency and ejaculation.
  6. Urethritis – pain in the suprapubic region, frequent painful urination. This may cause your urine to become cloudy.
  7. Benign or malignant tumors.

The pain is localized in the suprapubic region, radiating to the lower back and sacrum.


Uncomplicated inflammatory diseases have a favorable prognosis. Tumor processes (of the digestive or urogenital tract) detected at stages 3 or 4 of their development entail a negative outlook. Such pathologies are difficult to correct and even surgically eliminate.

Delay in case of intestinal obstruction leads to general intoxication of the body (due to the accumulation of feces and their subsequent fermentation). Dysentery carries a poor prognosis only if left untreated. The disease can be easily eliminated through drug therapy. But when carrying out it, you need to focus on replenishing the fluid removed from the body (due to diarrhea, vomiting).

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