How to adjust hemorrhoids yourself at home

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases among the population, as they occur in every sixth person who is forced to spend a long time in a sitting position. The disease occurs in several stages, at one of which hemorrhoids may fall out of the anus, causing the patient severe discomfort. From this article you will find out whether you can adjust the nodes yourself to get rid of unpleasant pain.

Prolapsed hemorrhoid

Causes and stages of development of hemorrhoids

The rectum (RC) contains many blood vessels that supply the intestines with a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, and also transport throughout the human body all the beneficial substances that are absorbed by this organ. But if the force of blood flow increases, the pressure on the vessels of the PC also increases, especially if feces accumulate in the intestines. If this condition is repeated regularly, the walls of blood vessels begin to lose their natural tone. As a result, they swell and hemorrhoids form.

The development of hemorrhoids occurs in four stages:

What to do with grade 3 hemorrhoids

When hemorrhoids progress to grade 3, prolapsed lumps appear after minor exertion - going to the toilet, coughing, light physical activity. If at the previous stage of the disease the hemorrhoid node could be reduced independently, now it is impossible to do without help.

Hemorrhoids of the 3rd degree with prolapsed nodes are accompanied by complications. The vessels become inflamed and bleed.

If hemorrhoids are not corrected in time, the prolapsed lump will become pinched. Correctly adjusting the hemorrhoid cone is necessary to avoid the development of paraproctitis, anal fissure, and necrosis of the nodes.

Causes of prolapse of hemorrhoidal cones

Hemorrhoids can appear as early as the third or fourth stage of the disease. As a rule, the cones that appear are highly inflamed, painful and swollen. Their loss is caused by:

  • Weakening and damage to the muscle and connective tissues of the rectum.
  • Decreased tone of the anal sphincter.
  • Lack of treatment for hemorrhoids.
  • Atrophic processes in the anal canal.
  • Note! If the patient has at least one of the above factors, his hemorrhoidal cones will fall out after the slightest physical exertion and the normal process of bowel movement. As a rule, they do not move back on their own.

    Some patients experience a temporary subsidence of inflammation, due to which the nodes may be slightly retracted into the anus, but if the patient does not take any measures, after a short time the lumps will begin to hurt again.

    Experts say that the main causes of hemorrhoid prolapse are:

    • The patient ignoring the disease at the initial stage, which provoked its transition to chronic,
    • High pressure on the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs,
    • Constipation. A person expels hard feces from the intestines for a long time,
    • Diarrhea,
    • Heavy lifting or excessive force.

    Read also: Using dogwood berries for hemorrhoids, beneficial properties, methods of consumption

    Also, prolapse of hemorrhoids is often caused by:

    • Local irritants. This category includes infectious diseases, frequent use of pharmaceutical laxatives, bowel cleansing with enemas and anal sex,

    An enema can cause prolapse of hemorrhoids

    • Pregnancy and childbirth. Carrying a child provokes in a woman’s body an increase in pressure in the intra-abdominal cavity and the development of venous stagnation in the pelvis,

    For many women, hemorrhoids are caused by pregnancy.

    • Diseases of the pelvic organs. In men, the prostate gland is located near the prostate gland, so their hemorrhoids may enlarge and fall out due to the development of prostatitis. In both sexes, hemorrhoids can become more complicated due to cystitis, since in the male and female body the bladder is also located near the rectum,
    • Nervous overstrain. Excessive nervousness and stressful experiences negatively affect the digestive and circulatory system. Because of this, the patient often suffers from bowel disorders, which after some time can provoke the development and exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

    Hemorrhoid prolapse is often caused by severe stress.

    Step-by-step instruction

    If hemorrhoids fall out, they should be returned to their place by performing a series of manipulations. You can easily and painlessly eliminate hemorrhoids yourself if you follow the step-by-step instructions:

    After hygiene procedures, a cold compress is prepared to relieve pain and swelling in the problem area.

    1. Wash thoroughly. It is recommended to perform procedures using warm water or wash in a bidet, without damaging or irritating the nodules. After manipulation, the skin of the anus is carefully soaked with a towel or gauze.
    2. Apply a cold compress to the damaged area of ​​the anus. You can use a heating pad filled with cold water and ice. Cool the affected area for no more than 10 minutes. This procedure reduces swelling and pain.
    3. Wear medical gloves, preferably sterile. Squat down or get on all fours. Using the left hand, spread the buttocks.
    4. Vaseline is applied to the tips of the index, middle and thumb.
    5. Gently adjust the nodule using slow circular movements.
    6. When introducing hemorrhoidal cones, the muscles of the anal passage are maximally tense.
    7. Using two hands, squeeze the buttocks, fixing the lumps inside.

    If the nodules are not straightened the first time, then the attempt is repeated using more Vaseline. In this case, it is important to avoid putting pressure on hemorrhoids, since the mucous membrane can easily be injured. After the manipulation, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour. If you experience discomfort in the anal area, it is recommended to use a cold compress. After successful reduction, softening rectal suppositories or a cotton swab are used, which is soaked in sea buckthorn oil, and inserted into the posterior canal.

    How to reduce a hemorrhoid without outside help

    Before proceeding with the procedure, the patient must take pain relief measures on the inflamed area. Experts note that heparin or troxevasin ointment is suitable for this. These drugs will have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected area. If these creams are not available, the patient can use an ice pack. Using ice has undeniable advantages:

    • Quickly and effectively relieves pain,
    • It will relieve swelling, thereby facilitating the procedure of repositioning nodes at home.

    The patient should try to eliminate external hemorrhoids immediately after they appear, as this will protect the nodes from pinching and minimize the risk of swelling. In order for the reduction procedure to take place correctly, the patient needs to do everything strictly according to the instructions:

    • Gently but thoroughly wash the anus with warm soapy water, then wipe with a soft cloth or paper towels. All actions must be performed carefully so as not to damage the buds,
    • The procedure is carried out only in sterile latex gloves, which are treated with Vaseline immediately before the procedure. Using this substance will make it easier to insert the node back into the anus and reduce the risk of damage,

    Sterile latex gloves

    • When reducing hemorrhoids, the patient must be in a special position: he must stand on all fours or lean forward, squatting. Doctors advise to straighten the bumps with your middle finger, which should be generously lubricated with Vaseline cream,
    • To perform the reduction correctly, the patient must spread the buttocks with one hand and lightly press on the hemorrhoid with the finger of the other hand. If you don't get the lump pushed back the first time, you don't need to put more pressure on it - this can injure it and cause complications. If the procedure is successful, the patient must continue to move the hemorrhoid directly to the rectum.

    Read also: How and how advanced hemorrhoids are treated, folk remedies and medicines from the pharmacy

    Vaseline oil

    At the end of the procedure, the patient should carefully look at the middle finger with which he inserted the lump back. If there are no blood stains on it, this can be regarded as a sign that the actions performed were correct. After this, the patient needs to take any comfortable lying position and tense the sphincter for 35-45 minutes - this will help consolidate the success of the procedure and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

    If the patient sees blood on the glove, he needs to urgently seek help from a qualified doctor.

    Note! The patient must ensure that the lump is pushed into the PC. If this does not happen, the lump may after some time become pinched and end up outside again.

    What to do if the node is not reducible?

    As practice shows, reduction does not always work out. This can be caused by two factors:

    • By pinching the cones, that is, the sphincter crushed them,
    • The fourth stage of hemorrhoids, in which systematic prolapse of nodes is considered a permanent phenomenon.

    If the patient has a strangulated hemorrhoid, he should try to relax the sphincter muscles to facilitate insertion of the lump. If it has already hardened, but nevertheless enters back into the anus, the patient needs to urgently contact a qualified proctologist.

    What to do after repositioning the node?

    After the internal hemorrhoids have been reduced back into the anus, the patient should minimize any forceful exertion, since even slight forceful strain can cause relapse of the disease and rectal prolapse. It is also recommended to walk for an hour and a half every day for the first week after the procedure and exclude foods that contribute to the development of constipation from the diet.

    The patient should understand that prolapse of hemorrhoids is a serious reason for contacting a proctologist. Even if the nodes are introduced into the body without problems, over time they will begin to fall out more and more often and only worsen a person’s health.

    Why adjust?

    In this condition of the nodes, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
    It is necessary to perform hemorrhoid reduction yourself or consult a doctor. If this is not done, then they become pinched due to muscular contractions of the anus, and the blood stagnates. Therefore, it is extremely important for hemorrhoids to insert the node as soon as possible after it falls out. Be sure to consult a doctor if the lumps are pinched in the posterior canal area. In this case, repositioning is extremely dangerous. It is also not recommended to refill the nodules yourself in case of thrombosis, which is accompanied by an acute inflammatory process.

    Do hemorrhoids need to be reduced?

    The expediency of the procedure is due to the fact that the location of the nodes on the outside can greatly harm the patient’s health and cause various complications. As practice shows, in many patients the cones soon become pinched, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the tissues located next to the anus.

    Long-term disturbances in blood circulation in most cases provoke the development of necrosis. This process develops slowly, but even at this rate it causes irreparable harm to the patient’s body. As a result, the affected tissues begin to rot and their particles enter the blood. Since the PC contains many blood vessels, the products of suppuration quickly spread throughout the human body and can cause sepsis. If untimely treatment is not given, this disease causes the death of the patient.

    Read also: The advisability of using horse chestnut in the treatment of hemorrhoids

    Contraindications to the procedure

    Reducing nodes at home is a serious procedure that requires a certain skill from the patient. The procedure is prohibited if:

    • The patient exhibits symptoms of blood clot formation,
    • Hemorrhoids are strangulated. With this diagnosis, the patient will experience severe pain at the slightest attempt to push the lump in the opposite direction,
    • The formation is damaged and bleeding. In such a situation, contact with the lump can cause pain and lead to infection.

    How to avoid relapse?

    To prevent hemorrhoids from falling out, a patient suffering from hemorrhoids needs to follow some simple recommendations:

  • Try not to overstrain the muscles of the anus,
  • Don't lift heavy things
  • Do not overuse strength training in the gym,
  • If a cough develops, the patient urgently needs to take appropriate therapeutic measures, since during severe attacks, hemorrhoids can come out,
  • If the patient feels that defecation will be painful, he needs to ease the passage of feces. For this purpose, enemas with petroleum jelly or mild laxatives are suitable,
  • To clean the anus after defecation, you should only use soft toilet paper. Experts say that hard toilet paper, containing many substances in its composition, can injure the anus,
  • The patient's daily diet should include at least one and a half liters of water and foods enriched with fiber. This will help stabilize the functionality of the digestive system and prevent stool disorders,
  • It is forbidden to push or strain during bowel movements. These actions strain the anal sphincter and increase blood flow to the hemorrhoidal veins,
  • The use of warm baths at stages 1-2 of hemorrhoid development will increase blood flow in the anal area and prevent the enlarged veins from shrinking.
  • Important! The patient also spends more time on quiet walks in the fresh air, swimming and gymnastic exercises. Maintaining an active lifestyle will have a positive effect on the patient’s well-being and minimize the risk of hemorrhoids.

    What can't you do?

    Dirty hands can cause infection in the rectal mucosa.
    In case of exacerbation and thrombosis, it is worth taking special care when reducing the hemorrhoidal node. In such circumstances, severe pain is noted, so for the manipulation to be successful, it is necessary to insert the nodule into the rectum with great pressure. In case of such a complication, it is better to consult a specialist to avoid unpleasant consequences. You should also avoid the following actions:

    • sudden movements of fingers;
    • strong pressure on nodular formations with hemorrhoids;
    • performing the reduction manipulation with dirty hands, since it is possible to become infected again.

    If after several attempts the hemorrhoidal node is not reduced, then you should contact a special clinic, where a specialist will select the necessary treatment. In this case, it is necessary to resolve the hemorrhoids with the help of medications or eliminate the problem through surgery. If bleeding occurs or other complications arise after reduction, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Bottom line

    Hemorrhoids are a very serious disease, so experts advise trying to prevent its development rather than treating it later. As a preventive measure it will be enough:

    • Eat properly. The daily diet should consist of fermented milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, natural drinks and fruit and berry jelly. The consumption of fried, spicy and pickled foods should be minimal,
    • Drink enough water. The required volume can be calculated using the formula 40 ml per kilogram of human weight,
    • Avoid nicotine and alcoholic beverages,
    • Move more. People who work in a sedentary position need to take a 10-minute break every 2-2.5 hours, during which they can do light exercise or just walk around.
    • Try not to lift very heavy objects,
    • In the gym, give the body a gradual load.

    Following these simple tips will minimize the risk of developing many diseases and will significantly improve a person’s well-being.

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