Features of the treatment of atrophic gastritis using ASD-2

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic form of the disease that can cause stomach cancer. It is also dangerous because it begins almost asymptomatically. According to statistics, men over 40 years of age most often suffer from this form of gastritis. During gastritis, the patient experiences an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa, which is a response to irritation. If the disease is not treated in time, atrophy of the stomach tissues begins, their deformation and degeneration. The effective treatment of atrophic gastritis using ASD 2 has been proven in practice, although official medicine does not recognize this method.

How and with what to treat the dangerous disease atrophic gastritis? The drug ASD-2 will come to the rescue

Its creator, Alexey Dorogov, noted that the invention can not only destroy the sources of the disease, but also provoke the patient’s body to independently fight the disease, providing it with the necessary forces. ASD of the second fraction, according to many medical experts, is one of the most effective means of treating atrophic gastritis.

Important! Fraction ASD 2 cannot be used in its pure form; it must be diluted, as it is a strong alkali. Ignoring this important rule can lead to serious damage to the gastric mucosa.

How to calculate the dosage?

For each case, it is necessary to calculate an individual dose. It is determined in the following ratio: 0.1 milliliter of medicine per 2 kilograms of a person’s weight. The drug must be diluted with clean boiled water: 30 drops per 100 milliliters of water.

Duration of use: 4 times a day for two weeks.

The medicine can only be diluted with chilled water. The smell of the drug may seem too strong. In this case, you can use grape juice instead of water. During the period of use of the stimulant and for two weeks after, it is recommended to exclude alcohol and cigarettes from your life. Take the drug with protein foods. You can take the medicine from a glass bottle through a rubber stopper with a syringe. It is not recommended to open the bottle, since the drug has a pungent odor.

How does ASD treatment work on atrophic gastritis and stomach?

Patients who were treated for atrophic gastritis with ASD-2 note their high performance, stable blood pressure, and absence of headaches.

  • Addiction to the drug is excluded. While taking the medicine, you must drink at least two liters of water per day to get rid of waste and toxins.
  • ASD-2 has antiseptic properties.
  • Inhibits the rapid progression of gastritis and relieves pain.

Nutritionist advice. It is very important to eat properly throughout the treatment period. Eat five to six times a day in small portions. The total food intake should not exceed 2500 calories. The stomach cannot be loaded. Light food would be preferable for the body: cream soup of fish and vegetables, porridge with milk, fresh vegetables and fruits, white bread and more.

Combining ASD-2 with other drugs is not prohibited. The main thing is to do this at different times with an interval of at least two hours.

ASD-2 is an effective drug in the fight against atrophic gastritis. This is confirmed by positive reviews from thousands of people for whom the stimulant helped overcome a dangerous illness. However, as with any other medicine, it is imperative to consult with specialists before use.

At the slightest suspicion of gastritis, taking ASD-2 should be started immediately. Do not bring the disease to the stage of atrophy, which can also be cured with ASD-2, but this will require more time and restrictions.

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Neither old nor young are immune from the development of inflammation in the gastric mucosa. But still, it is easier to prevent the onset of a disease than to later spend money on treatment and endure painful symptoms. To prevent the development of gastritis, it is recommended:

  • Healthy food;
  • avoid stress;
  • minimize the consumption of fatty foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products and other harmful products;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • do not take medications unless prescribed by a specialist;
  • strengthen the immune system.

But if the disease has developed, do not panic. It is possible to cure inflammation of the mucous membrane with ASD-2f. The main thing is to take the drug correctly - in recommended dosages and in a continuous course. It is equally important to follow a diet and give up bad habits.

Many people have not heard about the existence of a unique remedy that helps in the treatment of various pathological conditions and diseases, in particular gastritis - ASD. This is not surprising, since for a long time information regarding the properties of the drug was classified.

How is atrophic gastritis treated?

In case of inflammation of the stomach, dietary and drug treatment can be used. During the treatment phase, first of all, it is necessary to correct the imbalance of the body's water and electrolyte balance and treat acute symptoms. In this process, it aims to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach and eliminate the events that cause symptoms.

Drug treatment is supervised by a doctor and can be used to relieve symptoms such as headache, fever, and abdominal pain.

Diet therapy is a treatment method that should be used for both patients with acute and chronic gastritis. To get the right result from the treatment of gastritis and correct the symptoms as soon as possible, the diet should be tailored individually according to the patient's findings.

Properties of the drug

The inventor of the medicine called it an antiseptic and a stimulant that does not fight bacteria, but helps the body resist harmful microbes. This is a strong adaptogen. It easily penetrates placental obstacles because it matches the structure of cells, and they do not reject it. Once in the body, it transmits information to damaged cells.

Stimulates the secretory functions of the gastric glands, enhances the activity of digestive biocatalysts, stabilizes the activity of the digestive system. ASD is also called a modulator of the immune system, a biogenic stimulant.

Atrophic gastritis and diet

In the case of acute gastritis, symptoms may improve after 2-3 days of dietary therapy. However, some people may need to reapply dietary therapy every one or two months, depending on their symptoms. Foods that irritate the stomach are excluded from the diet to give the stomach a rest and reduce discomfort. After the complications have passed, nutrients begin to be added to the diet in order. For fruits, it is recommended to first consume juicy fruits such as apples, grapes, pears and peaches. Dishes should not be eaten too hot or cold; you need to eat slowly. In this process, you should avoid consuming alcohol, hot peppers, spices, condiments, pickles, strong tea and coffee.

The diet is also used to treat chronic gastritis. When applying the diet list for gastritis, preference should be given to foods that are low in fiber, do not irritate the stomach and have high energy value. In this process, special attention should be paid to the consumption of protein, iron, vitamins A, C and E. In chronic gastritis, the flow of gastric juice is insufficient. Therefore, the number of meals during the day should be large, and the portion of food consumed should be small.

ASD medicine: composition

ASD-2 is a drug based on animal bone remains. During the heat treatment, several types of low molecular weight compounds are formed. They are absorbed by the tissues of the human body and have a therapeutic effect.

The drug also contains a complex of organic compounds:

  • amides;
  • aliphatic amines;
  • carboxylic acids, including cyclic ones;
  • amino acids;
  • water.

The substances that make up ASD-2 are adaptogens. They increase cell resistance to pathogenic processes, including inflammation and the effects of free radicals. As a result of taking the drug, metabolism improves, digestive processes and cell enzymes are activated, and the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous system improves. This leads to rapid cell restoration, suppression of inflammatory processes and improved tissue nutrition.

Dietary recommendations

  • You should consider portion control and eat small portions of food.
  • Avoid foods that may cause stomach irritation. It will be more useful for a person’s health to know the foods that he feels uncomfortable eating, so that complications do not develop.
  • Food should not be too hot or cold.
  • Hot peppers, seasonings, spices, mustard, mayonnaise, pickles, garlic, excessively fatty and fried foods are among the foods that should not be consumed.
  • Acidic drinks, turnip juice, strong tea and coffee should be avoided.
  • Meals should be consumed frequently and regularly.
  • Excessive and frequent consumption of raw vegetables should be avoided.
  • Deli foods such as salami, sausage, pastrami and sausage are among the foods that should not be eaten.
  • When preparing dishes, you should give preference to such types of oils as olive oil, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil, and corn oil. You should not eat margarine or lard.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the fruits are ripe before consumption.
  • Cocoa, instant soup, chocolate, tomatoes, orange, tangerine and grapefruit are foods to avoid.
  • Desserts, except for fruit compote and dairy desserts, should not be consumed.
  • You should reduce your intake of gas-producing foods such as dried beans, chickpeas, peas, kidney beans, lentils and bulgur.
  • Alcohol and smoking should be avoided.
  • During the day you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water.

What is ASD fraction 2

ASD is an abbreviation that stands for antiseptic Dorogov stimulant. It is named after the Soviet scientist who discovered the drug in the 1950s. As a basis, he took waste from animal slaughterhouses - bones, meat and other biological remains. Initially, 3 different fractions were synthesized on their basis, but only two are used for treatment:

  • fraction 2 – in the form of a yellowish liquid with an unpleasant specific odor, dissolves in water;
  • fraction 3 is a dark brown liquid that dissolves in oils.

The drug based on the second fraction ASD-2 is used in veterinary medicine. A dosage form for humans has not yet been created. Therefore, doctors do not prescribe this remedy. The decision about treatment is made solely by the patient, who takes all risks upon himself.

Possible contraindications

If the ASD fraction is taken correctly, there is no harm to a person, however, there are conditions in which it is recommended to refrain from taking this drug. Let's look at the following cases:

  • Nervous and physical exhaustion of the body (for example, after a long illness or surgery). In this case, the body will not have enough strength to fight the disease.
  • Renal dysfunction, including renal failure. Before buying Dorogov's ASD, it is recommended to consult a nephrologist.
  • Individual intolerance and tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Senile age (over 75 years).
  • Immunodeficiency syndrome.
  • Pregnancy and lactation (the drug may affect the development of the fetus and the composition of breast milk, so you should consult your obstetrician-gynecologist before use).

In all other cases, you can use the solution to improve your health, prevent and treat diseases, subject to strict adherence to the dosage. Remember that you should start taking it with a minimum dosage, gradually increasing it and monitoring your well-being. If you choose the wrong concentration, you will only harm your body.

Causes of the disease

The main causes of the disease are:

  • stressful situations;
  • Helicobacter pylori;
  • eating junk food;
  • bad habits;
  • some medications;
  • improper functioning of the immune system.

The acute form of the disease develops rapidly, and if timely measures are not taken to stop the further development of the disease, it can develop into chronic gastritis. With a long-term course of the chronic form of the disease, the cells responsible for the production of gastric juice are replaced by connective tissue. Doctors note that atrophic gastritis is a precancerous condition, which over time provokes stomach cancer.

The following symptoms of the disease are distinguished:

  • sharp pain in the stomach;
  • nausea and heartburn that occurs after eating;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach;
  • weakness, sweating and dizziness.

Indications for use of ASD-2

The indications for use of the product are quite broad. The medicine is used in the presence of such diseases and disorders;

  • decreased immunity;
  • ARVI;
  • eye pathologies;
  • ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • problems with urinary incontinence;
  • high blood pressure;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • diseases of the pancreas and other internal organs.

The drug gives the greatest effect in the early stages of use. This is especially important in the treatment of cancer. However, the product can only be used as an additional therapy. Do not neglect the basic course of treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment regimen for oncological diseases using the Dorogov fraction

To activate the protective forces, the solution is used for oncological diseases, including malignant tumors. In this case, experts also recommend acting according to a certain scheme:

  1. Add three drops of the fraction to 40 ml of boiled and cooled water, after which you drink this solution in the morning half an hour before meals. On Tuesday the amount increases to 5 drops, then to 7, 9, 11, 13 every day, respectively. The medicine is not taken on Sunday. You should stick to this regimen for the next three weeks.
  2. After a month of continuous use of the drug, you need to take a break for one week. During treatment, you need to monitor your well-being; if it worsens, therapy should be stopped.

Below is a method of treating oncology at the last stage (according to Dorogov), the data is presented in table form:

Number of daysIn the morning at 8:00At lunch at 12:00During the day at 16:00In the evening at 20:00
Until recovery50505050

Please note: when treating cancer, before using ASD-2, it is recommended to consult with your oncologist and chemotherapist. Some types of drugs may not be combined with the fraction, so the doctor will recommend not using this method. In addition, during the treatment process it is necessary to constantly monitor the dynamics of the tumor.

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