Intestinal atony: the main signs of the disease and the basic principles of treatment

Lethargy of the intestinal tract, or, to use the scientific term “atony,” is a weakening or complete disappearance of peristaltic processes caused by the loss of activity of smooth muscle tissue, from which the intestinal structure is built. Periodically contracting, the intestinal muscles move a lump of food debris from the small intestine to the large intestine, thereby ensuring further complete processing of food into nutrients.

For a healthy person, the norm is 16-18 muscle contractions per minute. If the frequency of toning muscle tissue is reduced or completely zero, then we can talk about an ongoing disease. Atony can be either episodic or long-term and cause suffering to the patient for a very long period of time.

And yet, normalizing the functionality of the intestinal tract will not be difficult if the causes that negatively affect the body’s ability to fully digest food are identified in a timely manner. What triggers the occurrence of intestinal atony in a person, how to alleviate the symptoms and what drug treatments exist?

Intestinal atony

The main functions of the gastrointestinal tract are the promotion of food, the absorption of nutrients and the subsequent removal of waste products.
A person’s well-being depends on how well the intestines work. Intestinal atony is a disease in which the function of natural bowel movements is impaired. The condition is associated with impaired tone of the smooth muscles responsible for peristalsis. As a result, the patient experiences an increase in the interval between bowel movements, and also has difficulties with natural bowel movements. Many people do not pay attention to the alarming symptoms and prefer to take a laxative or use folk remedies. Such self-medication often turns out to be ineffective because it does not affect the root cause.

Restoration of motor skills in functional gastrointestinal disorders in children

Lecture transcript

XXV All-Russian Educational Internet Session for doctors
Total duration: 20:20


Oksana Mikhailovna Drapkina, Secretary of the Interdepartmental Scientific Council on Therapy of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

“I am pleased to give the floor to Professor Svetlana Ilyinichna Erdes. She will introduce us to the topic of restoring motor skills in functional gastrointestinal disorders in children. Please, Svetlana Ilyinichna.

Svetlana Ilyinichna Erdes, professor:

- Thank you for your attention. Now it is logical to discuss the features of motor disorders in pediatric practice and those possible approaches to their correction that are appropriate to discuss today.

I would like, first of all, to remind dear listeners and viewers that in pediatric practice today we work within the framework of the Third Rome Criteria, the Third Consensus. There is a pediatric department for the classification of functional disorders. It, in turn, is also divided into two sections, two groups.

These are functional disorders characteristic of infants and children up to 4 years of age, where you can see motor disorders characteristic of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Regurgitation, infant rumination syndrome, cyclic vomiting syndrome, infant colic (analogous to abdominal pain disorders), diarrheal disorders, functional constipation.

What was introduced that was new in the third edition was the division into two age groups, the second of which assumes disorders characteristic of children of the older age group. They are divided into several sections. The first of them is called “Vomiting and aerophagia”. The second refers to constipation and fecal incontinence. The third subsection of functional disorders in older children is functional digestive disorders associated with abdominal pain.

Here you can see such gradations as functional dyspepsia, irritable bowel syndrome, abdominal migraine, children's functional abdominal pain.

It must be said that such an attempt to separate functional disorders is certainly justified, as evidenced by the practice of recent years of work. Taking into account the criteria for functional disorders within the framework of the third edition seems to be a certain positive step compared to previous editions and an unconditional step forward.


When considering the clinical options for functional dyspepsia, one cannot fail to mention Grainger’s very large-scale study, which covered almost 4 thousand patients. Within the framework of various combinations, variants of functional dyspepsia, characterized by various motor disorders, were identified.

I draw the attention of listeners, our colleagues, to the fact that almost 57% of functional disorders and functional dyspepsia occurred with motor impairment. This was a purely dyskinetic variant or dyskinesia, characterized by other variants of functional dyspeptic disorders.

Generally speaking, for functional disorders that occur with abdominal pain syndrome, it should be mentioned that this is a synthetic concept, a synthetic definition. Clinical manifestations of abdominal pain may also have associated conditions. This should always be kept in mind when diagnosing functional constipation or functional diarrhea.

Of course, a very important distinction (including in pediatric practice) with those conditions that we define within the framework of irritable bowel syndrome.

Speaking about irritable bowel syndrome, first of all, let me mention the criteria that are used in therapeutic practice, in adult gastroenterology, and that in this case we are talking about the leading significance of recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort. It has been present with a certain frequency over the past three months. By definition, it must be associated with other signs: a change in it, a modification of this symptom in connection with bowel movements, and a change in the character of the stool.

It should be said that the criteria for IBS syndrome have undergone attempts at certain modifications specifically in relation to the work of pediatricians. According to the famous pediatric gastroenterologist, Professor Shcherbakov, the criteria for IBS in children should have some differences. He suggests that this is a temporary criterion where abdominal discomfort in combination with the signs we have discussed must be present for 12, but not necessarily, consecutive weeks in the past year.

We consider this appropriate and legitimate, based on the characteristics of children's noceception, the characteristics of children's clinical manifestations and the complexity of the interpretation of certain manifestations. Especially in the context of irritable bowel syndrome.


It is impossible not to mention one more feature of IBS. Today this is a fairly widely discussed problem. The problem of the relationship and the possibility of developing IBS after acute intestinal infections. This is evidenced by data from foreign and domestic authors.

In this regard, it seems important to discuss those risk factors that can lead to the development of so-called post-infectious IBS. Namely: the presence of a long diarrheal period during an acute intestinal infection and the absence of vomiting (also during an acute intestinal infection).

Considering the conceptual model of the possibility of developing post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome, it should be said that in this situation, under the influence of trigger, infectious and acute inflammatory factors, the development of the damaging effects of this factor on sensory and motor functions becomes of great importance.

In this regard, I would like to draw the attention of the audience to the fact that under the influence of infectious factors a certain cascade is launched, which leads and can lead both to the initiation of increased contractile function of the intestine, and, on the contrary, to hypomotor disorders.


The next position that I would consider necessary to talk about within the framework of functional disorders of the third revision is the problem of functional constipation. Here, of course, there are also a number of features that seem to us very important. This has already been discussed several times, including in our lectures.

In this case, one should focus not only on reducing the frequency of bowel movements, but also on those signs that are recommended to be taken into account as part of the third revision.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is mandatory and important from the point of view of diagnosing functional constipation to take into account other signs, namely, if there are not enough criteria for diagnosing IBS.

Once again, I draw the attention of the audience to the fact that foreign publications testify: taking into account other signs (straining, difficulty defecating) is no less important for recording and diagnosing functional constipation. This is also valid for pediatric practice, as evidenced by population studies. In particular, conducted on Russian material - on the basis of the First Moscow University, where this work was carried out.

Speaking about the problem of functional constipation, it is necessary to highlight several main pathogenetic mechanisms of their implementation. This is the presence of impaired intestinal transit and the presence of a violation of the friendly work of the pelvic muscles.

Today, there are so-called proctogenic and cologenic mechanisms for the formation of constipation. They, in turn, can be characterized by hypermotor disorders with spasm of certain areas and hypomotor disorders with insufficient intestinal response to certain irritations. Including mechanical ones.

It should be said that the vast majority of studies available today indicate that, as a rule, functional constipation is of a combined nature. A minority of patients have exclusively impaired pelvic muscle function and isolated slow transit.

Still, we are inclined to believe that a very large proportion of patients have disorders of both mechanisms. Although today there is an idea that motility disorders and intestinal transit disorders are more common in older children and teenagers. While the pathology of the pelvic floor muscles is to a greater extent, so to speak, the lot of constipation in young children.


But it seems to us that this fact requires further research and study. Only based on the research undertaken can one really get an idea of ​​what mechanisms are involved in the implementation of this problem. Including children.

Is this important? Yes, of course, since this determines the characteristics of therapeutic approaches. I mean therapeutic approaches in the broadest sense of the word, not just drug approaches, since solving the problem of functional constipation is a very comprehensive problem. It should not be limited to just the search for effective medications.

The main directions for relieving abdominal pain syndrome and working with patients with various functional disorders are the normalization of motor disorders and visceral sensitivity (its reduction in some patients). This is a correction of the mechanisms of pain perception.

We should once again return to the discussion of the features of trimebutine, the property of which is an antispasmodic effect, in particular based on a non-selective effect on various intestinal opioid receptors. Influence on the so-called third phase of the migrating motor complex, as well as influence on visceral afferent innervation.

The mechanism of regulatory action through influence through opioid receptors appears to be a combined antispasmodic and at the same time prokinetic effect from the point of view of normalization of spasm and hypermotility, if any. Or, on the contrary, a regulating and normalizing effect on motor disorders in the case of a predominance of hypomotor disorders and the presence of atony of certain parts of the intestine.


A few words about the migrating myoelectric complex. It is generally accepted that it is formed in the stomach and small intestine during the interdigestive period, taking 90-120 minutes in humans, and has certain phases.

Rest phase. Takes up approximately half of the total duration. Irregular activity phase. When there is an increase in the intensity of individual potentials, however, they are not recorded on every slow wave. Finally, the third phase we are talking about. This is the phase of so-called regular or rhythmic activity, when a stable occurrence of high-amplitude action potentials is recorded on each slow wave.

The effect of the drug trimebutine appears precisely as an effect on the third phase of the migrating myoelectric complex that occurs in the small intestine. It, in fact, ensures the movement of contents through the small intestine into the large intestine in the interdigestive period, cleansing the epithelium of food debris, digestive juices, and desquamated cells. Hence its figurative name – “housekeeper” of the small intestine.

The next facet of the effect of trimebutine is its effect on the visceral sensitivity of the gastrointestinal mucosa in terms of increasing the threshold of pain sensitivity and modifying pain assessment.

There are indications that this drug has the ability to have a fairly powerful analgesic effect by interrupting the pain reflex arc provided by enkephalins.

Now about the research that we currently have in pediatric practice. This is an assessment of the effectiveness of this drug in children with functional dyspeptic disorders, characterized by abdominal pain syndrome and intestinal dysfunction.

According to a study by Dupont, it was shown that with the use of this drug there was a significant decrease in the number of patients with abdominal pain. In the vast majority of observation cases, normalization of stool was recorded.

The following study concerns the possibility of using this drug in the treatment of so-called intestinal pseudo-obstruction in children. The small number may not seem surprising to you, but this is a rather complex and severe pathology. We find this clinical observation to be very valuable.


These were patients with pseudo-obstruction and complete absence of registration of the migrating motor complex in three cases. During treatment with this drug by intravenous administration (this form is also used abroad), activity similar to phase III of the migrating myoelectric complex was recorded in four patients. Two developed clinical signs of peristalsis that were absent before administration.

The effectiveness of the drug in children with IBS. After 8 days of use, the vast majority of patients noted a significant decrease in pain and a decrease in the number of bowel movements in children whose IBS occurred with diarrhea.

It should be said that this drug demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of relieving abdominal syndrome and in terms of normalizing motility. There is evidence of the effectiveness of this drug in the domestic medical literature. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of the drug in children with functional dyspepsia according to the criteria of relief of pain and clinical lesions characteristic of lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Please note that in pediatric practice, the indication for use is dyspeptic disorders associated primarily with gastrointestinal motility disorders. There is a children's form, which is approved and registered in Russia for use in children starting from the age of three. Up to five years of age, it is recommended to take 20–25 mg three times a day.

For the children's form, which contains 100 mg of the drug, there are two separating marks, which makes its use convenient. In children from 5 to 12 years of age, it is recommended to take 50 mg three times a day. Finally, adolescent children (12 years of age) - take a dose of 100 - 200 mg three times a day.

Returning to the discussion of the problem of functional disorders, we cannot ignore the mention that, first of all, in relation to pediatric populations, it seems to us extremely important and relevant to discuss the importance of normalizing nutrition, consuming enough fiber, correcting behavioral disorders, and forming correct stereotypes for defecation .

Only if non-drug measures are ineffective should the advisability of prescribing drug treatment be discussed.

Thank you for attention.


Causes of the disease

Sometimes the cause of the development of pathology is other diseases of the internal organs: oncology, problems with the endocrine system, diseases of the abdominal organs. Chronic conditions are accompanied by retention of toxins in tissues. In addition, some medications used as part of the treatment of the underlying disease can provoke problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

However, most often the patient’s lifestyle is to blame for the disease. Improper, unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, stress, bad habits - all these factors negatively affect the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Intestinal atony can develop during pregnancy (due to mechanical compression of the intestines). The pathology is common among patients who have undergone surgery in the abdominal area.

Acceleration of peristalsis

Sometimes the functioning of the intestines follows an accelerated pattern. Wave-like contractions occur at a faster speed than normal. This condition can be caused by oncological pathology, microflora disorders, or the development of chronic diseases. Externally, increased peristalsis is expressed in attacks of diarrhea. Diarrhea is accompanied by pain, foamy discharge, and the stool is watery.

To normalize the situation, it is necessary to be examined to accurately determine the cause of this condition. After this, you can take action. Illiterate treatment can completely destabilize the condition. If serious problems cannot be identified, then the cause is poor nutrition. After following the diet, the condition should improve. To speed up recovery. You can take medications that slow down peristalsis. These are diara, imodium and its analogue - loperamide.


To make a diagnosis, contact a gastroenterologist. The doctor should ask the patient about his current condition, alarming symptoms, and find out details of his lifestyle.

To assess the patient's condition, you need to take a blood and urine test. The patient also donates stool for a full-blown coprogram.

If an endocrine etiology is suspected, a study of the level of thyroid hormones is necessary.

To assess intestinal motor function, fluoroscopic examination is performed. Colonoscopy allows you to assess the condition of organs and exclude/confirm a number of diseases that provoke functional obstruction.

Drugs for intestinal atony

To improve the patient's condition, medications that enhance peristalsis (Neuromidin) are needed. In parallel, the patient is prescribed choleretic drugs (Allohol, Karsil, etc.).

Laxatives are used only in the first stages of treatment. Taking such drugs quickly produces an effect, but does not affect the cause of the disease.

Doctors recommend drugs of synthetic (Senadexin, Defenorm) and vegetable (castor oil, plantain seeds) origin.

Authorized Products

  • The diet contains all vegetables: beets, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, which can be used raw, stewed and boiled. If tolerated well, dishes made from white cabbage and green peas are allowed, but boiled.
  • You can eat vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable caviar, and seaweed. It can be consumed dried (in powder form) or finely chopped, 1-3 tsp. per day, soaked in water.
  • Salads and canned seaweed are also recommended.
  • The first courses are prepared in a weak and low-fat meat/fish broth. Based on the fact that you need to get more fiber, you should prepare mainly vegetable first courses (kholodniki, borscht, cabbage soup, beetroot soup), as well as soups with the addition of pearl barley.
  • Give preference to lean meats, chicken, turkey - they are easier to digest than fatty meat. Meat dishes are prepared boiled or baked. The same goes for fish. Remember that any meat is a difficult to digest product and its daily consumption can increase constipation. In this case, you should give preference to fish among protein products. Fish and meat should be cooked in pieces.
  • Crumbly porridges, casseroles and porridges with a small amount of milk are prepared from buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, barley and wheat cereals. Porridges should be crumbly (exclude “smeared porridges”, as well as mashed potatoes).
  • Fermented milk drinks contain large amounts of organic acids, so they are useful for constipation. You can use kefir, yogurt, matsoni, kumiss, acidophilus yogurt.
  • Milk is only allowed in dishes. Introduce fresh cottage cheese and dishes made from it: puddings, casseroles with added cereals, lazy dumplings, but in limited quantities and not often. Because foods containing calcium can strengthen.
  • Cream, mild cheese in small quantities and sour cream are allowed in dishes. You can eat up to 2 eggs a day and cook them in the form of steam omelettes, omelettes with vegetables, and soft-boiled.
  • The diet should contain unlimited quantities of fresh sweet fruits and berries, soaked dried fruits and as an additive to dishes or kefir (dried apricots, prunes, apricots, figs).
  • Among sweets, jam, honey, marshmallows, and marmalade are allowed.
  • Wheat bread is allowed, but made from second grade flour, grain bread, doctor's bread, and if tolerated well, rye bread is also allowed. All bread products must be yesterday's baked goods. You can eat unhealthy cookies and dry biscuits in limited quantities and rarely.
  • Allowed are weak tea, carbonated fruit and berry drinks and mineral waters with gas (in the absence of bloating and belching), coffee substitutes, bran decoction, rosehip infusion, plum, potato, apricot, carrot, beet, and tomato juices.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens




Nuts and dried fruits

dried figs3,10,857,9257
dried apricots5,20,351,0215
dried apricots5,00,450,6213

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,63,362,1313
oat groats12,36,159,5342
corn grits8,31,275,0337
pearl barley9,31,173,7320
wheat bran15,13,853,6296
millet cereal11,53,369,3348
barley grits10,41,366,3324

Bakery products

oatmeal bread10,15,449,0289
Rye bread6,61,234,2165
bran bread7,51,345,2227
doctor's bread8,22,646,3242
whole grain bread10,12,357,1295


milk candies2,74,382,3364
fondant candies2,24,683,6369
fruit and berry marmalade0,40,076,6293
Maria cookies8,78,870,9400
oatmeal cookies6,514,471,8437

Raw materials and seasonings



sour cream2,820,03,2206
curdled milk2,92,54,153

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cottage cheese17,25,01,8121

Meat products

beef liver17,43,10,098
beef tongue13,612,10,0163




chicken eggs12,710,90,7157

Fish and seafood


Oils and fats

corn oil0,099,90,0899
olive oil0,099,80,0898
sunflower oil0,099,90,0899

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,00,00,0
instant chicory0,10,02,811
black tea with milk and sugar0,70,88,243

Juices and compotes

apricot juice0,90,19,038
carrot juice1,10,16,428
plum juice0,80,09,639
tomato juice1,10,23,821
pumpkin juice0,00,09,038
rose hip juice0,10,017,670
* data is per 100 g of product

Diet and regimen

Diet for intestinal obstruction is the basis of therapy. No medications will help if the patient continues to eat starchy foods and fast carbohydrates.

Patients are shown dietary table No. 3. It includes vegetable soups, lean meat, fish, seafood, oatmeal and buckwheat, bran, vegetables, fruits, and low-calorie sweets. You can drink herbal teas, juices, mineral water. It is very important to maintain a drinking regime: drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

It is important to change your lifestyle. To improve the condition you need physical activity. Walking in the fresh air, swimming, jogging, cycling, and horse riding are useful.

Alcohol and nicotine are your enemies. They have an extremely negative effect on the condition of the vessels that feed the intestinal walls and weaken natural peristalsis.

Types of exercises

Lying on your back

1. Place your hands on your stomach and inhale deeply, pushing it out. As you exhale, draw in your stomach and lightly press on it with your hands.

2. As you inhale, move your hands behind your head and stretch, while simultaneously drawing in your stomach. As you exhale, lower your arms along your body.

3. Alternately bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface (sliding your feet along the surface).

4. As you exhale, bend your left leg and stretch your knee towards your stomach. Don't help yourself with your hands! Lower your leg and inhale.

5. Repeat the same for the right leg.

6. Repeat the same for both legs at the same time.

7. Bend your knees without lifting your heels off the surface. Then swing your legs left and right.

8. The same, but lifting the heels off the surface.

9. Bend your legs. As you exhale, lift your pelvis off the surface, resting on your shoulder blades and feet. With a sigh, lower your pelvis.

10. Inhale. As you exhale, perform 3-5 circular “bicycle” movements.

11. Inhale. As you exhale, perform 3-4 scissor movements, crossing your straight legs.

12. Inhale. Extend your arms to the sides. As you exhale, rotate your upper body, touching your right hand to your left hand and vice versa. Try to keep only the upper torso off the floor and keep your pelvis in place.

Lying on your right side

13. Right hand under the head, left hand on the stomach, legs bent at the knees. As you inhale, push your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in, helping with your hand.

14. As you inhale, straighten your left leg and stretch your arm forward, above your head. As you exhale, pull your knee toward your chest, helping with your hand.

Lying on your left side

15. Repeat exercises 13 and 14, changing the supporting hand.

Lying on your stomach

16. Hands under shoulders. Without lifting your hands from the floor, first get on all fours and then roll onto your feet. Return to starting position.

17. Perform alternating leg swings: while inhaling, lift the leg, while exhaling, lower it.

18. As you inhale, push your stomach out, and as you exhale, pull it in.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for intestinal atony have an unstable effect. Most often, healers recommend to patients herbs and products that have a quick laxative effect: buckthorn, beets, pumpkin, figs, prunes, bran. After consuming such foods, the patient manages to have a bowel movement, but since the cause of constipation is not eliminated, he will have to face the same symptoms in the future.

Traditional healers treat obstruction with acupuncture and massages, but the effectiveness of contact methods has not been proven.

Dietary recipes

Chia pudding

To prepare you will need


  • 4 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • fresh or frozen berries to taste

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In the evening, pour the chia seeds with coconut milk in a separate container and mix well. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, take out the pudding and stir, remove and wash the berries, grind in a blender. Place the pudding in a bowl/glass/deep container in layers: 1 layer berry puree, 2 layer chia. And so on until the ingredients run out. You can decorate the top with a mint leaf.

Buckwheat with coconut milk with berries and vanilla

To prepare you will need


  • 30 grams of buckwheat
  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • 1 handful of berries (fresh or frozen)
  • vanilla to taste

Rinse the buckwheat, add 150 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, add coconut milk, spices and berries and cook for another 5 minutes.

Rice porridge with pumpkin

To prepare you will need


  • 70 g pumpkin
  • 100 ml water
  • 50 ml coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. rice
  • 5 g butter
  • 1 tsp poppy
  • 20 g walnuts
  • salt

Rinse the rice and soak in water for 15 minutes. Mix water, milk and put on low heat, add salt. Add rice, poppy seeds and stirring, cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes. Peel the pumpkin, cut and grate. Add to the porridge, cook the rice and pumpkin for another 5 minutes, stirring. Turn off the porridge, add butter. Add walnuts to the porridge. Cover with a lid and let stand for another 5 minutes.

Creamy risotto with chicken fillet and vegetables

To prepare you will need


  • 150 g Risotto rice
  • 200 g chicken fillet
  • 1 tbsp. ghee
  • 1 piece bell pepper
  • green onions
  • 1 piece carrot
  • 100 ml coconut cream
  • salt/pepper to taste

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Wash, clean and cut the chicken fillet into cubes. Fry in ghee for 5-7 minutes. Wash, peel, chop the vegetables, add to the chicken and fry for another 7 minutes. Wash the rice, add to the vegetables and chicken, add salt/pepper and fill with water 2 fingers above the rice. Leave to cook over medium heat until done. Turn off the heat, add coconut cream, stir.

Cod soup

To prepare you will need


  • 500 g cod fillet
  • half a small zucchini
  • 5 small potatoes
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • salt to taste

All of the vegetables listed must be peeled and washed thoroughly. Cut the zucchini into thin strips and the potatoes into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Next, you need to boil 1.5 liters of water and add chopped potatoes to it. After the water boils again, you need to reduce the heat, add the fish fillet, previously washed and cut into cubes. As the soup boils, you need to carefully remove the resulting foam. When the broth boils, add chopped zucchini and grated carrots, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and salt to taste. After this, reduce the heat and cook the soup for 20 minutes. Cover the finished dish with a lid and leave for half an hour.

Pumpkin Coconut Curry

To prepare you will need


  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp. grated fresh ginger
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 200 g pumpkin
  • 3 tbsp. tomato paste
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • ½ tsp. turmeric
  • 250 ml coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice
  • salt/pepper to taste

Wash, peel and chop the vegetables. Heat coconut oil in a frying pan, add vegetables and simmer for 15 minutes. Add milk, tomato paste, spices and simmer until the pumpkin is ready (soft). You can serve with greens and pumpkin seeds.

Cabbage pie with chicken fillet

To prepare you will need


  • 300 g fresh cabbage
  • 200 g chicken fillet
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 eggs
  • 30 g walnuts
  • herbs: dill, basil, thyme
  • spices, salt, pepper
  • 1 tbsp. ghee

Wash the fillet and cut into cubes. Fry in a preheated frying pan for 5-7 minutes. Wash, peel and cut vegetables as desired. Fry with the chicken for another 7 minutes. At this time, beat the eggs with a fork or whisk in a separate bowl. Add spices, salt, pepper to taste, herbs. Stir. Take a baking dish and place the chicken fillet and vegetables in it and fill it with the egg mixture. Sprinkle chopped walnuts on top. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Popular questions about intestinal atony

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

The norm is to defecate at least 3 times a week and no more than 3 times a day. If bowel movements occur less frequently and the patient’s condition is unsatisfactory, you should consult a doctor.

Can atony only occur in older people?

The disease is indeed more common in older people, but everyone can get sick. An unhealthy diet rich in starchy foods and a sedentary lifestyle can cause intestinal atony even in young children.

Why is atony dangerous?

Intestinal obstruction affects the natural processes of digestion. The patient stops absorbing vitamins, macro- and microelements. Against this background, patients develop iron deficiency anemia, their immunity decreases, and their health worsens.

Consequences of constipation

In people who constantly suffer from constipation due to intestinal atony, toxins often accumulate in the intestinal lumen. Sometimes coprolites (so-called fecal stones), a suspension containing toxins and harmful microorganisms, and mucus are formed there.

Liquid, as well as vitamins and microelements, are actively absorbed in the large intestine. Consequently, very often a person suffering from constipation feels the progression of internal intoxication, which occurs as a result of harmful substances entering the blood. As a result, the intestinal mucosa becomes inflamed, the state of the microflora is disrupted, and the general condition of the body gradually worsens. This is fraught with allergic reactions and immune disorders. With a high degree of intestinal slagging, the risk of developing cancer increases.

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