What to do and what to take in case of alcohol poisoning

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  • Why do people vomit bile after drinking too much?
  • Why are blood impurities observed during reflexive eruption of stomach contents?
  • Main symptoms of intoxication
  • Why is vomit green?
  • A man or woman vomits bile after drinking alcohol: what to do
  • Treatment methods: which ones can be used
  • Vomiting with bile: is it possible to normalize the condition?
  • Severe vomiting after binge drinking: what to expect

The human body is a complex mechanism, and when harmful substances, in particular ethanol, enter it, it starts working and begins to throw it out. If the vomit contains something that a person previously consumed , there is nothing fatal about it, but vomiting bile after drinking alcohol should make a person tense up. The presence of liquid secretion indicates that it is time to sound the alarm.

Why do people vomit bile after drinking too much?

“All good things in moderation” is a popular quote found on the Internet. Unfortunately, people cannot always control the amount they drink and often overdo it. For an adult 100 – 200 gr. There is almost no feeling of alcohol, but if the bill exceeds 0.5 liters, the body tries to get rid of it. To cleanse the body and remove the breakdown of alcohol, are involved . If vomiting bile after drinking alcohol in the morning (no more than twice) is a normal situation, then its repetition often leads to malfunction of the biliary tract.

If the gastrointestinal tract works as nature intended, then the release of enzymes during food digestion occurs in the direction of the intestines. When the amount of drinking is not controlled, the liquid secretion entering the stomach is mixed with what previously entered it. With mild intoxication, after evacuation of the stomach contents, relief immediately occurs.

Relatives of the patient do not always understand what is happening and how to help their loved one. Involuntary emptying of the stomach with bile, and sometimes with blood, frightens them, and they dial the number of the ambulance or their doctor. This reaction is the most correct, because only an experienced specialist will tell you the correct actions in case of alcohol poisoning.


  1. Endogenous intoxication syndrome (manual) / S. G. Musselius. — Ed. 2nd, revised and additional - Moscow: Author's book, 2022. - 356 p.
  2. Intensive therapy. Resuscitation. First aid: Textbook. manual for students of the postgraduate system. education / [Ed. coll.: V. D. Malyshev, I. M. Andryukhin, V. A. Bocharov [and others]; Ed. V. D. Malysheva. - M.: Medicine, 2000. - 462 p.

The text was checked by medical experts: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychiatrist-narcologist L.A. Serova.


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Main symptoms of intoxication

Medicine identifies several signs that allow timely identification of alcohol intoxication in the body:

  • changeable mood - from euphoria to apathy (at the initial stage);
  • unsteady gait;
  • skin redness;
  • frequent urge to mouth, accompanied by severe and aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased body temperature and chills (not always);
  • dizziness and throbbing pain in the head;
  • significant increase (decrease) in blood pressure, eye pain;
  • sweating and tearing;
  • body weakness and malaise.

In case of severe poisoning, the patient’s limbs often turn blue, convulsions appear and uncontrolled urination occurs.

There are also symptoms indicating that bile is vomiting:

  • the desire to vomit is observed for 2-3 hours. After three attacks, the person begins to vomit bile;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium, the pain becomes stronger during attacks;
  • enzymes burn the mucous membrane, as a result a person feels pain in the esophagus;
  • I want to tear, but the masses do not come out;
  • the presence of a feeling of bitterness after the next urge to vomit;
  • saliva takes on a different appearance, becoming thicker and more viscous.

Intravenous injections

There are many methods for eliminating the unpleasant feeling caused by drinking alcoholic beverages. In the clinic, blood purification is carried out by placing droppers:

  1. 5% and 10% glucose solution;
  2. 5% ascorbic acid solution;
  3. Reomacrodex, Rondex, Reopoliglyukin, Disol, Hemodez - one bottle each;
  4. vitamin B6 and B1 in the form of 5% solutions of 3-5 ml;
  5. 10% calcium chloride solution.

Saline solution is a universal drug that restores water-salt balance. It will help thin the blood and reduce the concentration of toxic substances. It is not always possible to cope with tablets, so the medication is more beneficial when administered intravenously. Plus, saline solution is harmless for people who suffer from diabetes and cannot respond adequately to a glucose drip.

It is better to do the digging in the clinic rather than at home. There is no doctor who can prescribe the correct dosage and no nurse who can properly install an IV. Eliminating the symptoms of the disease under control is safer, produces results faster, and the body’s systems are fully restored. Complete detoxification is carried out in two to three days.

Why is vomit green?

The standard signs poisoning are familiar to all medical workers, and the first of them is the green color of vomit. It occurs for two reasons:

  • there is excess bilirubin in the blood;
  • there was a release of liquid secretion into the stomach.

Both the first and second reasons are what uncontrolled drinking leads to. That is, poisoning occurs. If you feel sick with bile after drinking alcohol, your loved one can be helped at home or taken to a medical facility. People with chronic or serious gastrointestinal tract diagnoses at great risk After ethanol poisoning, they may experience complications that will have a bad effect on their future health.

What should you not do if you have alcohol poisoning?

Certain actions can cause irreparable harm to a person who has been poisoned by ethanol. It is recommended that you carefully read the instructions below - it may save someone's life.

  1. It is unacceptable to leave a person who has suffered from alcohol poisoning. Advice to “sleep it off” does not work here. The fact is that a continuous process of oxidation and production of acetaldehyde occurs in the liver. After taking the last dose of alcohol, the toxic element enters the body for some time, and the poisoning only intensifies. You should not leave a person with intoxication alone.
  2. It is unacceptable to give coffee. The fact is that caffeine, like alcohol, promotes increased excretion of fluids. Just water is necessary to maintain normal mental and physiological activity. If you add coffee to the background of alcohol poisoning, there is a risk of seizures, dehydration, heart rhythm disturbances and death. Brain damage may become irreversible.
  3. It is unacceptable to induce vomiting in case of alcohol poisoning. If a person vomits on his own, this is good - you just need to provide a safe position so that he does not choke. However, you should not artificially induce vomiting - this can lead to the patient choking on vomit.
  4. It is unacceptable to place a person under cold water. With alcohol intoxication, body temperature drops, and additional activities can cause hypothermia.
  5. You should not give a person with intoxication an additive in the form of alcohol.

A man or woman vomits bile after drinking alcohol: what to do

Gastric lavage is the primary measure in case of poisoning. To cleanse the body, it is enough to drink 2 liters of clean water. But (!) this is provided that the person has not previously suffered a myocardial infarction and does not suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or high blood pressure. Do not add any sweeteners or other ingredients to the water. The procedure is best performed in a sitting or standing position. In a difficult situation, cleansing is carried out on the side.

After gastric lavage, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines. An enema with warm water is used for this purpose. Using this procedure, it is possible to relieve pain and minimize the presence of toxins in the body. If bloating was observed, it will stop after the enema.

Note! The water temperature should be +35C.

Once the toxins are released, it's time to rehydrate. To do this, it is enough to drink small sips. clean (you can use mineral water, but still) water every 25 minutes.

If health does not improve, the patient should be placed on his side and allowed to fall asleep. In such a situation, you should not make sudden movements or lift weights. This will have a bad effect on your well-being.

As soon as the person wakes up and his condition improves, he can be offered chicken broth or oatmeal. After a couple of hours he can eat light soups.


Acquired alcohol intolerance develops under various conditions.

Most often it is caused by:

  • The occurrence of various diseases leading to metabolic disorders and the impossibility of decomposing alcohol into harmless compounds. This deviation is caused by inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the liver, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, oncological pathology, and some infectious diseases.
  • Taking medications that are incompatible with alcohol. The list of medications that cause a reaction is quite wide. Thus, the use of furazolidone, metronidazole, and decaris is not combined with alcoholic beverages.
  • Allergic type reactions.
  • Drug coding therapy based on disulfiram.

The mechanisms leading to acquired alcohol intolerance vary. On this basis, this condition may be temporary or permanent.

Treatment methods: which ones can be used

To relieve symptoms after binge drinking, two treatment methods are used - medication and folk remedies.

Medicines - help after a binge

To improve their well-being, they buy medications that are presented in pharmacy chains by domestic and foreign manufacturers. The fastest-acting adsorbents that remove harmful substances from the body are Activated carbon and Linex.

Did you know? A shock dose of sorbents helps get rid of toxins quite quickly.

Biotredin and Metadoxil will help relieve hangover. To stop vomiting, it is enough to purchase Cerucal.

Note! Before taking the medicine, you need to read the instructions and not exceed permissible limits.

If the condition does not improve after taking medications, then you will have to put on an IV. To do this, you need to call an ambulance or contact a narcologist.

What does traditional medicine say?

Have you heard the words from a loved one: “I’m vomiting bile after drinking alcohol”? Then folk remedies are unlikely to save you, so there is no point in wasting time; it is better to contact a narcologist. If there are only remnants of food and drink in the vomit, this is the case when traditional medicine will come to the rescue.

  1. Drink with mint

To prepare a drug that helps alleviate the patient’s condition, use pharmacy or fresh leaves of regular mint (as an alternative, you can use lemon balm). For 200 grams of boiled water, a couple of fresh leaves or 2 grams are enough. dried. The leaves are filled with water, wrapped well and left for 7 hours. To rinse the stomach and alleviate the condition, drink tea in small sips. You can alternate the mint drink with clean water.

  1. Ginger decoction

To prepare a healing drink, just grind 2 grams. ginger root and brew it in 200 ml of boiling water. It is better to infuse the drink in a thermos. If it is not in the house, the dishes must be well wrapped and left for 15 minutes. Drink the drink warm. Most often, one glass is enough.

  1. Homemade lemonade

To prepare the drink you need to buy 1 lemon and take 0.5 liters of water. The juice is squeezed into slightly warmed water and drunk. If this amount is not enough, you can again prepare homemade lemonade and drink it at intervals of 15 minutes.

When preparing tea, lemonade or decoction, do not use flavorings or sugar. At this time, there is no need to encourage the body to produce bile. The task is to restore the required volume of fluid.


  1. Causes
  2. Main symptoms
  3. What to do if you have alcohol intolerance
  4. Outpatient and inpatient treatment

For a number of reasons, some people develop a disorder in which any alcoholic beverages are no longer absorbed by the body. Despite the fact that alcohol is a poison, this state of aversion to it is pathological, so you should find the source of the problem and get rid of it. The only exceptions are cases in which we are talking about conscious coding. Acquired alcohol intolerance (intolerance) can appear at any age, manifesting itself with various symptoms. The intensity of complaints ranges from the most minor to serious complications that pose a health hazard. If this deviation from the norm is identified, you should contact a specialist. Only he will answer the patient’s question: “why I can’t tolerate alcohol well,” find the causative factor and suggest a method of treatment.

Vomiting with bile: is it possible to normalize the condition?

It’s not enough to figure out why you vomit bile after drinking alcohol, but you also need to understand how to normalize the condition.

  1. Strict adherence to the diet. You should not eat spicy and salty foods. Fatty meats and fried cutlets should also be excluded. You want to eat vegetables, it’s better to boil or bake them. Low-fat fish varieties are suitable. You can eat various cereals, eat grapes, cherries, and plums. Fruits are allowed.
  2. Walk in the fresh air, perform various exercises or moderate exercise. To recover from stress, it is enough to walk in the clean air for half an hour, do a few simple exercises or help around the house. To avoid worsening the condition, you should not visit gyms or lift weights. Give your body time to get stronger and gain strength.

Giving up bad habits will help ease your drunkenness.


As soon as the alcohol has been removed from the stomach, the person is given one of the following drugs:

  • Anti-E;
  • Colma;
  • Zorex;
  • Metadoxyl;
  • Hepatofalk;
  • AlkoStop;
  • Yantavit;
  • Glycine;
  • Sofinor;
  • Alka-Seltzer.

The use of these medications is appropriate for poisoning and treatment of alcohol intoxication. They should be taken in the dose indicated in the instruction leaflet. Many of them are freely available and allow you to instantly eliminate alcohol poisoning at home.

Maintenance therapy

Treatment of alcohol poisoning at home can be carried out after emergency care has been provided by doctors, but there is also the option of continuing therapy in a hospital. The convalescent is prescribed:

  1. Diuretics for quick and natural cleansing of the body.
  2. Vitamin complexes to improve organ function.
  3. Analgesics for pain relief.
  4. Vasodilators to eliminate hypertension.
  5. Sedatives to improve mental health.
  6. Hepatoprotectors to normalize liver function.
  7. Glycosides for the heart muscle.
  8. Probiotics to normalize intestinal microflora.
  9. Laxatives for stagnation of feces or medications to stop diarrhea.

All patients are prescribed a drinking regimen of 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. Weak tea, water, electrolytes, and diluted citrus juice are suitable. Avoid coffee and carbonated drinks completely.


After detoxification, time is given for rehabilitation. It is carried out using folk remedies. They drink grapefruit juice, a decoction of St. John's wort, tansy, lemon balm tea, Borjomi. A strict diet is prescribed:

  • The food is not fried, but steamed or stewed, baked in the oven.
  • Non-fatty meats.
  • The predominance of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.
  • Refusal of fried and spicy foods, marinades and pickles.
  • Exclusion from the diet of smoked meats and seasonings.
  • To prepare first courses, use lean broths.
  • Refusal of fast food.

With the help of traditional medicine, the recovery course is easy and makes it possible to heal in the shortest possible time. The recovery process takes a week, and improvement in well-being occurs on the second or third day.

Alcohol intoxication cannot be ignored. Without intervention it will get worse, and self-healing will take a long period of time. Therefore, immediately contact the clinic to receive full treatment from professionals.

Author of the article: Yakovlev Evgeniy Anatolyevich

Narcologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

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