What is hepatic colic? Hepatic colic is a pathological condition in which in the area
Our clinic sees doctors specializing in the treatment of psychogenic vomiting (F44.x, F45.31, F50.5 according to
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Chaga for pancreatitis is a fungus that attacks old trees and destroys them. Most
The main filter and bile-forming organ of the body needs careful handling. The liver cleanses the blood every day
Why does it hurt in the groin in women? Skin pathologies Women remove hair in the bikini area,
To eliminate digestive problems, a gastric collection is used, which one should you choose: 1, 2 or 3? Their
Gastric ulcer is a defect in the mucous membrane and underlying tissues of the organ, the appearance of which is characterized by exacerbation
Pararectal fistula is a deep pathological canal (fistula) connecting the source of inflammation (tumor or abscess) with
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