Is it necessary to get rid of opportunistic flora?

Intestinal dysbiosis

Microbioceosis is a community of microorganisms living in a territorially limited area with homogeneous living conditions. Bacteria of normal intestinal flora live by attaching to the intestinal wall and forming a film that covers the inside of the intestine. All absorption in the intestines occurs through this film. Bacteria of normal intestinal microflora collectively provide 50–80% of all digestion, and also perform protective functions, neutralizing the effects of foreign and putrefactive bacteria. Bifidobacteria. These are the main representatives of normal intestinal microflora, the number of which in the intestine should be 95–99%. Bifidobacteria perform the important work of breaking down, digesting and absorbing various food components, such as carbohydrates; They themselves synthesize vitamins and also promote their absorption from food. With the participation of bifidobacteria, iron, calcium and other important microelements are absorbed in the intestine; neutralize various toxic substances. The analysis form indicates the titer of bifidobacteria, which should be no less than 107 - 108. A significant decrease in the number of bifidobacteria is a sign of severe dysbacteriosis.

Lactobacilli (lactobacillus, lactic acid microbes, lactic acid streptococci).

The second largest representative (5% of the total intestinal microorganisms) and the most important representative of the normal flora. Lactobacilli or lactic acid microbes produce lactic acid, an essential component for normal intestinal function. In the study results, their number should be no less than 106 - 107. Lactobacilli deficiency can lead to the development of allergic diseases, constipation, and lactase deficiency.

Escherichia coli with normal enzymatic activity (Escherichia).

The third representative of the normal flora. The amount of E. coli among other bacteria does not exceed 1%, but its role is very important. Firstly, E. coli is the main competitor of opportunistic flora, preventing foreign microbes from colonizing the intestinal wall; secondly, E. coli takes oxygen from the intestinal lumen, which is poison for bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. A decrease in the total amount of E. coli may be a sign of the presence of non-bacterial parasites in the intestines (worms, protozoa, which also require oxygen, depriving E. coli of it). Escherichia coli with reduced enzymatic activity. This is an inferior E. coli, which does not pose any harm, but does not perform its beneficial functions. The presence of this indicator in the analysis is a sign of incipient dysbiosis, as well as a decrease in the total amount may be an indirect sign of the presence of worms or protozoa in the intestines.

Some analyzes describe bacteroides, the role of which is unclear, but it is known that these are not harmful bacteria; usually their quantity is of no practical importance. All other microflora indicators are opportunistic flora. They become pathogenic (disrupting normal intestinal functions) under certain conditions: an increase in their absolute number or a decrease in the function of the immune system.

Opportunistic pathogenic flora are lactose-negative enterobacteria (Klebsiella, Proteus, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Hafnia, Serration), hemolyzing Escherichia coli and various cocci (enterococci, epidermal or saprophytic staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus). In addition, clostridia, which are not sown in all laboratories, are opportunistic pathogens. Opportunistic pathogenic flora, competing with beneficial bacteria, penetrates the microbial film of the intestine, colonizes the intestinal wall and causes disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal dysbiosis with an increased content of opportunistic flora can be accompanied by allergic skin reactions, stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea, greens and mucus in the stool), abdominal pain, bloating, regurgitation, vomiting.

Coccal forms in the total amount of microbes.

The most harmless representatives of opportunistic flora are enterococci. They are most often found in the intestines of healthy people; their number up to 106 - 107 does not pose a threat to health. If the number exceeds 25% (more than 107), this is most often due to a decrease in normal flora. Epidermal (or saprophytic) staphylococcus (S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus). These types of staphylococci can cause problems, but a count of up to 104 is acceptable. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). One of the most unpleasant (along with hemolyzing Escherichia coli, Proteus and Klebsiella) representatives of opportunistic flora. Even small amounts of it can cause pronounced clinical manifestations, especially in children in the first months of life. Therefore, usually the standards given in the analysis form indicate that it should not be present (in fact, amounts not exceeding 103 are acceptable). The pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus directly depends on the state of the normal flora: the more bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and normal Escherichia coli, the less harm from staphylococcus. Hemolyzing Escherichia coli. It is a representative of lactose-negative enterobacteria, but is distinguished separately due to its prevalence and significance. Normally it should be absent. Almost everything said about Staphylococcus aureus applies to this microbe. That is, it can cause allergic and intestinal problems, is very common in the environment (though it is almost never found in breast milk), causes problems in weakened children, and requires immunocorrection. It should be noted that the term “hemolyzing” does not mean that there is any effect on the blood. Lactose-negative enterobacteria. A large group of opportunistic bacteria of greater or lesser degree of pathogenicity. Their number should not exceed (in credits: 103 – 106). The most unpleasant bacteria from this group are Proteus (most often associated with constipation) and Klebsiella (they are direct antagonists (competitors) of lactobacilli, which leads to the development of allergies and constipation, as well as manifestations of lactase deficiency). Often, the analysis form indicates the total number of lactose-negative enterobacteria (the most informative percentage), and then there is a breakdown: Klebsiella, Proteus, Hafnia, Serration, Enterobacteria and Citrobacteria. Usually some amount of these bacteria live permanently in the intestines without causing problems. The standards may indicate numbers from 104 to 105, which are acceptable.

Fungi of the genus Candida.

The presence of up to 103 is acceptable. An increase in this parameter may occur after the use of antibiotics. If the number of fungi is increased, and the amount of normal intestinal flora is sharply reduced, and candidiasis (thrush) of the visible mucous membranes (oral cavity, genitals) is noted - these are manifestations of systemic candidiasis, that is, there is an infection with intestinal fungi. If the number of fungi in the test for dysbiosis is increased, but there is no decrease in the normal intestinal flora, this indicates that the fungi live on the skin around the anus, and not in the intestines; in this case, external therapy using antifungal ointments or creams is sufficient.

Clostridia. The permissible amount is up to 105. They usually exhibit pathogenicity in combination with other opportunistic flora, rarely causing problems in isolation (most often - loosening of stool, diarrhea). Their number depends on the function of local intestinal immunity.

Other microorganisms.

This parameter describes rare species of bacteria, the most dangerous of which is Pseudomonas aerugenosa. Most often, the microorganisms described in this position are of no practical importance. The term “abs” means the absence of a given microorganism; “not detected” is also used.

Pathogenic microflora


Domodedovo 07/01/2017

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Escherichia coli. Treatment

You need to understand that the excess growth of pathogenic strains of E. coli occurs against the background of dysbiosis - with a significant decrease in the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as E. coli with normal enzymatic activity. Therefore, if there is a slight excess of lactose-negative Escherichia coli, it is necessary to correct the microflora with bifido- and lactose-containing drugs. According to the “Protocol for the management of patients. Intestinal dysbiosis" (OST 91500.11.0004-2003, section 7.1.8) normal E. coli can be restored when the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli is restored to normal. To suppress pathogenic E. coli, doctors often prescribe bacteriophages for a course of no more than 5 days. Bacteriophages selectively destroy pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli. But they do not eliminate dysbiosis itself. An organism with a weakened immune system needs to quickly and reliably restore to normal the number of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and E. coli with normal enzymatic activity. Bifidobacteria. Lactobacilli and normal E. coli are part of the innate natural immune system. Without these microorganisms, the immune system does not work! Liquid probiotic forms are recognized as the most effective all over the world. Therefore, scientists at the State Scientific Center for Virology and Biotechnology “Vector-BiAlgam” have developed a special probiotic complex that allows you to restore the biofilm of beneficial bacteria on the mucous membranes and increase immunity. Bifidum – a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria – is a unique preparation. Firstly, a consortium of 3 strains of living active bifidobacteria with a titer of 1,000,000,000,000 = 10 in 12 (trillion) allows you to quickly, effectively, and safely restore the number of beneficial microorganisms and thereby prevent the development of dysbiosis. Secondly, probiotic bacteria are strong antagonists, so they will help the bacteriophage overcome pathogenic E. coli. Thirdly, Bifidum is able not only to fight pathogenic types of E. coli, but also to support typical E. coli, which is needed for the production of vitamin B12 - cyanocobolamin for hematopoiesis. The drug "Trilact" is a consortium of three strains of lactobacilli, which are also necessary to create a powerful biofilm. Trilact regulates the functioning of the immune system and prevents the occurrence of dysbacteriosis during the period of administration and after antibacterial therapy.

Pathogenic Escherichia coli

Pathogenic E. coli can cause escherichiosis (infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, sepsis). Infection usually occurs through the fecal-oral route, through dirty hands, contaminated food and water. For example, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli usually develops in the small intestine in children 1 year of age. The development of infection is accompanied by severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and severe vomiting. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is the cause of acute diarrhea in adults and children. It is also called travelers' diarrhea, because it occurs when traveling to countries of the East and Asia, to the bacteria of which the gastrointestinal tract of Russians is susceptible due to the lack of specific immunity. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli can cause hemorrhagic colitis, as well as a serious disease called hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Enteroinvasive E. coli causes abdominal pain, profuse watery diarrhea mixed with blood, which in all respects is similar to bacterial dysentery.

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