What to do for constipation: urgent ways to eliminate the disease


Reasons causing stool retention:

  • errors in nutrition (lack of liquid foods in the diet, passion for fried, spicy foods, frequent or large quantities of eggs, semolina, potatoes, rice, sweet pastries);
  • exhausting diets;
  • insufficient fluid intake per day (less than 1 liter);
  • a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged bed rest help slow down intestinal motility;
  • constipation with hemorrhoids in an adult can be caused by psychological fear of defecation, as it is accompanied by pain;
  • old age - according to statistics, 80% of people over 70 years old suffer from this problem;
  • constipation during pregnancy often occurs due to the influence of the hormone progesterone on the digestive tract; this hormone suppresses intestinal motility;
  • increased gas formation - often when the patient has flatulence and constipation, only gases come out;
  • bowel disorders can be caused by intestinal tumors, as well as adhesions after operations of any complexity on the abdominal organs (including laparoscopic);
  • taking certain medications—opioid medications, antidepressants, some medications for hypertension and epilepsy;
  • Hirschsprung's disease in children - with this disease there is no normal innervation of the intestine, as a result of which peristalsis and physiological movement of feces do not occur;
  • Also, constipation in a child can be caused by feeding artificial formulas.
  • oncological disease.


Often, fecal impaction does not manifest itself with any symptoms: the patient carries it within himself, unaware of its existence. Some signs may indicate the presence of dense formations:

  • lack of bowel movements for three or more days;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

Most often, the stomach hurts in paroxysms. After some time, the pain becomes chronic. In advanced cases, the plug can be felt in the peritoneum and can also be detected during a rectal examination, x-ray or ultrasound.

Chronic constipation can lead to the following consequences:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • internal bleeding;
  • development of intestinal stenosis.

Ways to relieve constipation

Normalization of nutrition

To normalize bowel movements at home, it is not necessary to take medications. A properly formulated diet contributes to the rapid elimination of constipation in adults and children:

  1. Eating foods that contain large amounts of fiber and other plant fibers (fresh carrots, beets, cabbage, zucchini, spinach, dried fruits, pearl barley). You should not eat legumes - despite the high amount of fiber, they tend to cause increased gas formation, which can increase discomfort during bowel movements.
  2. The diet should contain foods that contain unsaturated fatty acids (nuts, fish oil, olive oil).
  3. Taking fermented milk products helps relieve constipation. It is especially effective to drink fresh kefir. It has been proven that to normalize stool by 30%, it is enough to just drink a glass of kefir every night.
  4. Adults need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. It is the liquid that enters the body that can give the stool in the intestines a soft consistency. Therefore, you need to drink as much as possible, but you should not abuse sweet carbonated drinks.

All these measures are effective only with long-term use and regular adherence. If acute constipation causes pain, you need to know what to do to urgently eliminate it at home.

Cleansing enema

This method is effective if a person has not had a bowel movement for more than 4-5 days, and very hard stool has formed in the rectum, which causes severe pain. It must be remembered that just taking laxatives will not help. A cleansing enema is the most effective method for eliminating constipation in an adult at home.

If an adult has severe constipation, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema to soften the stool. To do this, you need to fill Esmarch’s mug with warm water (at least 500 ml); effectively add a glycerin solution to the water, as it facilitates the act of defecation.

Using a tip attached to an Esmarch mug, it is necessary to slowly inject the solution, while the person must be in a lying position on his left side. If after defecation the rectum is not completely emptied, the procedure can be repeated.

To urgently help a child with constipation you can use the Microlax ; the effect after its use occurs within 10 minutes.


An effective and immediate remedy for constipation are rectal suppositories with a laxative effect, for example, “Glycerin” or “Bisacodyl”. It should be remembered that they can be used infrequently, since the constant use of suppositories leads to the suppression of the body’s own urges to defecate. But, if you urgently need to cope with constipation at home, then this method may be suitable as a one-time aid.

Doctor's advice

You should not resort to enemas or medications constantly - this will wean the intestines from the normal act of defecation, the muscles will become lazy and nothing will work without auxiliary measures. If constipation occurs repeatedly, the cause is unknown, then you should definitely visit a doctor.

Victoria Druzhikina Neurologist, Therapist

“Glycerin” suppositories are very gentle and do not irritate the rectal mucosa, which is why they are successfully used in pregnant women and children.

“Bisacodyl” suppositories are very effective, but they have a pronounced irritant effect on the rectum, so their use can cause discomfort, itching, and burning pain.


At the moment, there is a wide range of medications for adults and children that have a laxative effect. To know what to drink if you have a bowel movement disorder in an emergency situation, you need to understand the mechanisms of action of certain medications. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe such drugs.

To know what to drink for constipation in an emergency situation, you need to understand the mechanisms of action of certain medications. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe such drugs.

The following drugs are especially effective:

  1. Lactulose-based products are able to retain fluid in the intestinal lumen, causing stools to become soft and frequent. An example is the drug Duphalac , which is used in the form of syrup. It acts gently, so if it is necessary to urgently restore the condition of constipation, even pregnant women can use it.
  2. Medicines containing psyllium seed shells cause softening of stool and stimulate bowel movements. These include Mukofalk .
  3. Lactitol-based preparations with osmotic properties, for example, Exportal . This medicine increases the volume of feces due to fluid retention, acts gently and is very effective. The product is suitable for patients who urgently need to solve a delicate problem.
  4. Products containing prucalopride. This substance can act on intestinal serotonin receptors and cause peristalsis. An example is Rezorol.
  5. Particular attention is paid to drugs that block opioid receptors, for example, Relistor . These medications are used to treat stool retention caused by morphine in cancer patients. It is for this reason that Relistor eliminates the cause of the disorder by blocking intestinal receptors for morphine.
  6. Probiotics also help normalize intestinal function. Numerous studies have shown that stool disorders are often caused by dysbiosis. Therefore, taking bifidobacteria and lactobacilli ( Bifiform , Normobakt ) helps to immediately eliminate difficult bowel movements.
  7. If a person has hemorrhoids after defecation, Relief suppositories can be inserted into the rectum, which have an anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing effect. This is necessary so that in the future the person does not experience pain and discomfort during bowel movements.
  8. When constipation is combined with flatulence , Espumisan and Bobotik are . They help reduce gas formation and help get rid of intestinal colic in young children.

It is preferable to use non-drug agents in treatment. It has been proven that following a diet and drinking regime, as well as increasing the patient’s physical activity, in most cases can solve the problem at home without any additional methods.

For chronic constipation in adults, it is necessary to understand what measures will help improve the functioning of the intestines. The most effective and fastest way to help at home is with medications. To choose the right laxative, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, since the prescription of the drug is based on many data: medical history, duration of constipation, taking into account the side effects of other medications, as well as concomitant pathologies.

For ways to normalize stool, watch the video:

This article has been verified by a current qualified physician, Victoria Druzhikina, and can be considered a reliable source of information for site users.


1. https://www.gastro.ru/userfiles/R_zapor_2017.pdf
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Instructions for use

Rectal suppositories must be inserted correctly. If you take a suppository and immediately insert it into the rectum, it will simply fall into its lower ampullary section, which is why the desired effect will not be achieved. This is why it is so important to administer rectal suppositories correctly.


  1. Release the suppository from the packaging.
  2. Lie on your left side with your knees bent. They should be brought to the stomach.
  3. Relax and with your right hand carefully insert the candle into the anus, but not entirely. It needs to be held in this position for about 30 seconds so that it melts a little under the influence of body temperature.
  4. Push the suppository completely into the rectum.

When performing the procedure, it is recommended to use gloves or a fingertip. If the candle was inserted with bare hands, they should be washed with soap.

Enema for hardened stool

How to quickly soften stool at home without using laxatives? The best way to soften feces and directly affect the intestinal muscles is an enema. This cleansing method is quick-acting and guarantees complete emptying.

When excrement hardens and blockages form, the enema solution is made based on oils, such as:

  • olive;
  • pumpkin;
  • linen;
  • glycerin;
  • sea ​​buckthorn, etc.

Oil enemas are characterized by a slow action. You should wait no earlier than 8–10 hours to have a bowel movement after administering the mixture. But their use guarantees a change in the fecal structure and prevention of damage to the walls of the intestines and anus.

Before introducing the solution into the intestinal cavity, it is necessary to warm it to a temperature of 36–37 degrees. Warm oil will relieve cramps and allow feces to dissolve faster. Once saturated with oil, excrement becomes slippery and soft, making it quickly and easily move through the rectum to the exit.

An enema should not be given during pregnancy and this method should be used with caution if you have hemorrhoids.

How to soften stool with oils without using an enema? Any of the vegetable oils can be added to prepared foods. This allows you not only to get rid of constipation, but also to prevent its occurrence. If you have frequent problems with bowel movements, doctors recommend taking oils to prevent hardening of feces.

However, vegetable oil should be used with caution, as large amounts can cause severe diarrhea and negatively affect liver function. The permissible safe dose per day is 4–6 drops.

We advise you to read the article about why cleansing enemas are needed for constipation?

Using special means

The fastest method of normalizing stool consistency is the use of medications. So, for example, special laxatives allow you to painlessly empty the intestines not only by activating peristalsis, but also by softening the excrement.

However, it is worth remembering that taking laxatives when fecal stones form should be done with caution. Means that have an immediate effect cause stool within a short time, but do not have time to change the structure of the accumulated masses. Therefore, emptying after them is accompanied by ruptures of the anus and pain.

For long-term constipation, it is best to take a laxative, a stool softener that has a slow effect. These emollients act at the level of the small intestine. They reduce the fluid loss of accumulated feces and ensure their free and painless exit.

In addition to tablet form, laxatives are also available in the form of suppositories and rectal gels. Thus, suppositories that soften stool and gels allow you to quickly and easily go to the toilet already 15–20 minutes after their use. Such drugs include:

  1. Glycelax.
  2. Norgalax.
  3. Glycerol.

As for suppositories, their use is prohibited in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids, the presence of an inflammatory process in the colon and uterine bleeding.

We advise you to read: what nutritional supplements should you take for constipation?

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