Is it normal to have pain in the lower abdomen after training?


— Natalya Reznik.

Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is a common problem affecting approximately the world's population. It is not life-threatening, but it significantly complicates it. In this case, you need to contact specialists. They provide potential clients with information sufficient to independently make a primary diagnosis and take the necessary measures.

What to do?

Pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. There are surgical methods, but we will not discuss them. There is electrical stimulation, in which an electrode is placed on the vagina or rectum. However, the ability of electrical stimulation to increase skeletal muscle strength remains questionable, and side effects are common with this procedure. In most cases, patients complain of soreness, local irritation, pain and psychological discomfort.

Drug therapy does not strengthen the muscles, but can reduce resting pressure in the urethra by increasing the tone of its smooth or striated muscles. Alpha adrenergic agonists commonly used are ephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylpropanolamine; imipramine, clebuterol, duloxetine, estrogen. Clinical studies confirming the effect of these drugs are few.

The urethra is sensitive to the effects of estrogen, data on its effectiveness is conflicting, and use is fraught with side effects, such as an increased risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.

For incontinence, experts recommend bladder training—scheduled urination. Their essence is that the patient urinates according to an individual plan, at certain intervals, and restrains untimely urges by contracting the sphincter. Gradually, the intervals between urination increase. It is believed that this restraint will increase the activity of the pelvic floor muscles. This method has been practiced since the 1960s, mainly for urge incontinence, but its effectiveness is questionable.

The first choice method is exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.


In order to significantly reduce the risk of pain during or after exercise, you must follow the following recommendations.

  • food should enter the body either a couple of hours before the start of exercise, or two hours later,
  • don’t work too hard - your body sometimes needs rest,
  • after training you should have strength left for some other things,
  • the load should be increased gradually, especially after a long break,
  • correct breathing during the exercise is very important, if you cannot breathe fully and you don’t know what to do about it, get advice from an experienced trainer,
  • training should be regular; if you do it in fits and starts, the likelihood of pain is much higher,
  • Warm-up must be carried out without fail, otherwise your muscles will not be warmed up.

Pain in the abdomen that appears after training can be quite noticeable, sums up To avoid this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to follow preventive measures, monitor your diet and drinking regime, and also periodically visit a doctor in order to diagnose possible diseases in time.

Author - Yulia Mosalova, checked by practicing family doctor Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya. For more information about the experts, see the site authors
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A woman's lower abdomen hurts after sports - what does this mean?

The hormonal background of women is significantly different from that of men. And this is especially pronounced before and during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy.

During menstruation

Some doctors believe that exercise before and during menstruation improves a woman's well-being. Physical activity improves blood circulation, which leads to a decrease or complete disappearance of some symptoms. But this only applies to low-intensity activities.

But sometimes physical exercise only increases pain in the lower abdomen. And then during menstruation, a woman should not lift heavy weights, do abdominal exercises, pull-ups, hyperextension and jumping exercises.

Pain in the groin area may be related to women's health - consult a doctor

Why does the lower abdomen hurt after training during menstruation, if everything is fine without physical education? The first thing to think about is how intense the training was.

Heavy weight or high intensity may well trigger abdominal cramps.

Then the discomfort will be accompanied by increased discharge. Small swelling that appears with large amounts of salty and spicy food can cause discomfort. Advice from If you decide to go in for sports, then pay special attention to your diet these days and your drinking regime.

During pregnancy

Most often, pain in the abdomen during pregnancy signals some problems with the fetus. Therefore, expectant mothers are very attentive to all unpleasant sensations in this area. Pregnancy leads to stretching of the abdominal muscles, which in itself, even without exercise, can cause pain.

Increased physical activity can cause nagging or cramping pain; in this case, you should call emergency help as soon as possible, as there is a possibility of miscarriage. It is especially important to pay attention to pain from the 5th week of pregnancy to the 8th week. This is a fairly calm period during which a woman should not be bothered by discomfort.

Any physical activity during pregnancy is allowed only after consultation with a gynecologist, reminds

The doctor should tell you which types of physical activity are more preferable, since they are less dangerous to the health of the fetus. Preference is given to physical activities such as walking, swimming, yoga and similar low-impact sports.

Remember - health depends on your attitude towards your body

Symptoms of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

  • Uncontrollable leakage of urine when exercising, laughing, coughing or sneezing (stress incontinence).
  • The need to go to the toilet frequently or urgently (urge incontinence).
  • Incontinence of gases and intestinal contents.
  • Difficulty emptying your bladder or bowels.
  • Prolapse of internal organs. In women, it is felt as a bulge in the vagina or a feeling of discomfort or heaviness. In men, there is a bulge in the rectum or a desire to empty the bladder, although there is no objective need for this.
  • Pain in the bladder, bowel, or back near the pelvic floor when doing pelvic floor exercises or during sexual intercourse.

Experts emphasize that the above problems are not necessarily associated with weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, so their cause should certainly be found out. Diagnosis is carried out using electromyography, ultrasound or MRI.

Diagnosis of disorders and methods of therapy

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is one of the most informative and painless research methods.
To determine the reasons why the lower or upper abdomen hurts after doing abdominal exercises, running and other physical exercises, you need to contact a surgeon or therapist. The doctor will prescribe an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, pelvic organs and a chest x-ray. In some cases, blood and urine tests are required to clarify the diagnosis and confirm the presence of inflammation.

If abdominal pain appears while doing exercises or running, you need to stop and relax, bend over, touch your toes with your fingertips, and try to take a deep breath and exhale. You need to exhale smoothly, straightening up.

If the pain does not subside, you should stop exercising and monitor the condition. If the pain is not caused by a disease, it will go away fairly quickly. In all other cases, an examination is required.

Causes not related to pathologies

A diet high in protein can also cause abdominal pain.
Painful sensations after any physical activity can occur for the following reasons:

  • Drinking sugary drinks and soda before classes. The intestines naturally contain a small amount of fluid. Sweet store drinks significantly change its composition and reduce its quantity. This can lead to pain on the right side during any physical activity. Only pure non-carbonated water, which you can drink before classes, does not affect this liquid.
  • Impaired breathing technique. Abdominal pain occurs as a result of insufficient oxygen supply to the diaphragm. If you breathe incorrectly, blood and oxygen do not receive all the most important systems - from the heart and muscle tissue to the lungs and diaphragm. In this case, it can hurt both on the right side and in the lower or center of the abdomen.
  • Wrong meals. If you start running immediately after eating, you will definitely experience heaviness, cramping pain and other unpleasant sensations. You need to eat 2 hours after or 2 hours before training. The increased volume of the stomach will take over all your strength, preventing you from moving normally, especially running.

  • Alcohol abuse can cause pain in the right side
    . Alcohol abuse. Alcohol puts a tremendous burden on the liver, which leads to its enlargement and compression of nerve endings. If you drink a lot and constantly, this condition becomes chronic. The pain in the right side will be intense, bursting, and persist for a long time even after completing the workout.

Pain in the lower abdomen after abdominal exercises or after other types of exercise can also occur for other reasons. One of them is considered to be the anatomical feature of a particular body. The abdominal cavity is covered with a thin serous membrane, dividing this area into 2 parts. There is a diaphragm on top, which, when moving, begins to rub against the shell. As a result, painful sensations appear – precisely at the point where these zones are located. Most often, with this feature, it hurts in the navel area on the left or right, as well as just above this area.

Another cause of pain may be improper preparation of muscle tissue for stress. Before any exercise, it is necessary to warm up the muscles so that they do not overstrain and maintain sufficient elasticity. Preparation improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery, which prevents pinching and other defects.

Other causes of pain after exercise

Other reasons for severe pain in the lower abdomen after training are non-muscular pathological pain. The following factors can provoke the appearance of such pain.

  1. Heart diseases. The pain in this case appears on the left, it is dull and accompanied by shortness of breath.
  2. Intercostal neuralgia (inflammation or pinched nerve endings). With this disease, a person feels severe spasms and sharp, sharp pain that literally does not allow him to straighten up. And playing sports with this disease will only increase the pain.
  3. Diaphragm diseases. The most common disease is hernia. When doing fitness or other sports, you will feel a dull and aching pain in the hypochondrium. If the stomach or esophagus is pinched, it will be sharp and sharp.
  4. Diseases of the digestive system. These are pathologies such as ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, and intestinal diseases. With them, not only pain in the peritoneum appears, but also nausea and vomiting. During physical activity, a feeling of heaviness will be added.
  5. Diseases of the spleen. The spleen is located quite close to the surface of the skin, so almost any disruption of the functioning of this organ is manifested by pain. The most dangerous thing is a splenic rupture, which can be caused not only by an unsuccessful fall, but also by performing certain exercises incorrectly. When sick, the pain will be tingling.
  6. Diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Inflammation of the cyst or endometriosis causes nagging pain in the lower abdomen. It will hit the lower back.
  7. Oncological diseases. This cause of pain is much less common than the above. After exercise, not only pain will appear, but also other symptoms that are characteristic of the organ in which the tumor is present.
  8. Spinal diseases. They can sometimes provoke the appearance of pain in various parts of the body, including the peritoneum.
  9. Injury during exercise. Even experienced athletes can suffer muscle damage from overexertion or fatigue. In this case, you will feel a sharp pain immediately during exercise.

If pain occurs constantly, you should first rule out a muscular cause. And then, when you are convinced that there is any pathology, consult a doctor.

The reason for contacting a specialist as soon as possible may be very sharp, severe pain, fever, severe weakness, or loss of consciousness.

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