Sab Simplex - composition of the product, dosage features and possible side effects

Composition and release form

The main active ingredient included in the composition is simethicone. Weight is 6.919 grams. Substances such as sodium cyclamate, polyglycostearyl and sorbic acids, as well as flavorings are presented as auxiliary components.

The drug is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of an emulsion with a vanilla-raspberry aroma and a slightly viscous, homogeneous white consistency. When stored for a long period of time, the color may become light yellow. The 30 ml bottle has a drip device that makes dosing the drug convenient. The packaging includes a cardboard box, a bottle made of dark glass that protects from direct sunlight, and instructions for use.

Pharmacological effect

The pharmacological effect is achieved due to simethicone, which is a surface-active stable polymethyloxane. When it enters the digestive system, it contributes to a change in surface tension and reaction with bubbles located on the surface of the mucosa. As a result, they collapse.

Gases that are absorbed from the intestinal wall are released from the body through peristaltic movements or absorption through the mucous membrane. This is especially important if the patient requires radiography or ultrasound scanning. The drug prevents the creation of interference and disruption of image quality.

The product exhibits inert properties without causing chemical reactions, but only removes foam using physical methods. The drug is not absorbed into the internal environment of the body; after the development of the therapeutic effect, it is excreted unchanged.

Pharmacological properties of the drug Sab simplex

The active component of the drug Sab Simplex is simethicone - a stable surfactant polymethylsiloxane. It reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed by intestinal peristalsis. Simethicone removes foam physically, does not enter into chemical reactions and is chemically inert. Simethicone is not absorbed when taken orally and is excreted unchanged.

Indications for use

Before starting treatment, the doctor must confirm the diagnosis and determine the indications for use. Among the conditions against which Sub simplex is used are:

  1. Presence of complaints of pain in the abdominal region, which is spasmodic in nature and occurs due to increased gas formation.
  2. Increased gas formation that occurs during the period after surgery.
  3. Preparation before performing diagnostic studies aimed at reducing gas formation. Most often, Sab simplex is used before fibrogastroduodenoscopy.
  4. Providing emergency medical care due to poisoning with detergents with the formation of foam in the cavity of the digestive tract.

Indications for the use of Sab Simplex can be determined by the treating physician on an individual basis.

When is the remedy prescribed?

The main indication for prescribing Sub Simplex in infancy is intestinal colic caused by functional disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The product is used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms (flatulence, bloating, colic, increased gas production), but does not replace the main treatment, if necessary.

A pediatrician can prescribe a prophylactic dose of Sub Simplex to an infant if medical indications require diagnostic measures of the gastrointestinal tract. These include:

  • radiography;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

The use of carminative medications during preparation for these studies helps eliminate gas bubbles and colic, which can spoil the image quality and affect the diagnostic result.

Important! "Sab Simplex" can be used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of acute poisoning with detergents.

Sab simplex for newborns against colic

Sub Simplex is allowed to be used by children from birth for disorders of the digestive tract, which are accompanied by increased gas formation and pain.

How to give the drug correctly when breastfeeding and bottle-feeding

It is recommended to give Sab Simplex to newborn babies before feeding. Parents may have difficulty administering the drug to the patient. The child is allowed to add Sub Simplex to expressed milk.

A single dose is 15 drops. The duration of taking the drug is not limited; it will depend on the dynamics of the pathological process, as well as complaints. To take Sub Simpclex, you need to thoroughly shake the bottle, then turn it over and drop a sufficient amount of the drug into a teaspoon.

Sub simplex in preparation for studies of the digestive tract

Preparation rules will depend on the type of study being performed, as well as the severity of the bloating of the digestive tract. The patient needs to consume 16 to 30 ml of Sub Simplex before the X-ray the day before.

Before the ultrasound examination, the patient takes 15 ml of the suspension 24 hours before, and the drug is re-administered in a dose equal to 15 ml in the evening. The purpose of endoscopic examination involves the use of 2 or 2.5 ml of suspension. Directly during the procedure, several milliliters of the drug can be injected through an endoscopic apparatus to improve visualization of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Contraindications for use

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to carefully assess the patient’s well-being and exclude contraindications that can cause serious complications. Therefore, the selection of treatment should be carried out by the attending physician. Contraindications limiting the use of the drug include:

  1. The presence of hypersensitivity to the components included in the composition, as well as a history of an allergic reaction, which was accompanied by skin rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes or itching.
  2. Signs of intestinal obstruction.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system accompanied by obstruction.

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Directions for use and recommended doses

The instructions provide for the use of Sub Simplex during or after meals, as well as in the evening, on the eve of the scheduled diagnostic study. The suspension is thoroughly shaken, after which it must be turned over so that the solution begins to flow out of the pipette. Sub Simplex can be mixed with water or juices.

To eliminate increased gas formation, patients aged 7 to 15 years use a suspension in a volume of no more than 30 drops. For children under six years of age, half the indicated dose is allowed. For adult patients, a single dosage is 45 drops.

The indicated dose is administered to patients every 6 hours; if necessary, the volume of the drug is increased. For the treatment of intoxication caused by poisoning with foam-forming agents, the dose and frequency of administration will be selected on an individual basis. The average volume is 5 ml. If there is no effect, it is not recommended to exceed the therapeutic dose.

Sab® simplex

Shake the bottle well before use. To dispense drops, hold the bottle upside down and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with your finger.

For complaints related to infant colic and excessive gas formation


The indicated dose should be taken every 4 to 6 hours. If necessary, the frequency of administration can be increased for adults and children aged 6 years and older.

Age Single dose Maximum daily dose
Newborns 10 drops (0.4 ml) 4×10 drops (1.6 ml)
Infants (>4 weeks to <12 months) 15 drops (0.6 ml) 6×15 drops (3.6 ml)
Children (> 12 months to < 6 years) 15 drops (0.6 ml) 23 x 15 drops (14 ml)
Children (>6 years to <18 years) from 20 to 30 drops (from 0.8 to

1.2 ml)

Not applicable
Adults from 30 to 45 drops (from 1.2 to

1.8 ml)

Not applicable

The drug Sab® Simplex contains sodium benzoate as a preservative.

Mode of application

Newborns and infants (> 4 weeks to < 12 months):

Sub® Simplex can be added to a feeding bottle. Sub® Simplex mixes easily with other liquids, such as milk.

Sub® Simplex can be given with a small spoon before feeding, including before breastfeeding.

The use of Sab® Simplex in premature infants is not recommended.

Children (>12 months to <18 years) and adults:

Sub® Simplex is best taken during or after meals and, if necessary, before bed.

The duration of use depends on the dynamics of complaints. If symptoms persist or worsen, you should consult your doctor.

In preparation for diagnostic studies (radiography, ultrasound, etc.)

To prepare for x-rays, the day before the examination in the evening, take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of Sub® Simplex.

When preparing for an ultrasound, it is recommended to take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of Sub® Simplex in the evening the day before the examination and 3 teaspoons (15 ml) approximately 3 hours before the examination.

In preparation for esophagogastroduodenoscopy

Before endoscopy, you should take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon (2.5 - 5 ml) of Sab® Simplex. During the examination, an additional few milliliters of Sub® Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope to remove foam bubbles that cause irritation.

In case of acute poisoning with detergents containing tensides

The dose depends on the severity of intoxication. The recommended minimum dose of Sab® Simplex is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).

The use of the drug for the indications listed above (x-ray examination, ultrasound examination, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, detergent poisoning) is facilitated if the drip device is removed from the bottle.

Sub Simplex analogs

There are a large number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market that may exhibit similar therapeutic effects, as well as composition and mechanism of action. The choice of drug depends on the auxiliary components included, as well as cost.

A drug Properties
Simethicone A product with the same composition, produced in the form of chewable tablets, is used to eliminate flatulence. The mechanism of action is based on a decrease in surface tension due to the disintegration of air bubbles. Gases released from the bubbles are absorbed by the intestines and eliminated through peristalsis. The drug is indicated for the treatment of flatulence, aerophagia, gastrocardial syndrome, and also as a preparation before conducting additional studies. Simethicone is approved for use in children and pregnant women.
Disflatil The medicine made from simethicone is available in the form of drops that are taken orally. Thanks to the main active component with a silicon-containing composition, high surface activity is observed, as well as a defoaming effect. The physiological and chemical inertness of the substance, as well as the absence of toxic effects, determines a pronounced therapeutic effect while reducing the risk of side effects. After consuming Disflatil, no pain or other pathological symptoms are observed.
Espumisan The product based on simethicone is available in the form of capsules and emulsion. The drug is a chemically inert substance that has high surface activity and a foam extinguishing effect. Its composition does not contain sugar, due to which the drug can be used for patients with diabetes. Exceeding the dosage of Espumisan does not cause overdose symptoms in patients, since the drug is not absorbed into the internal environment of the body. The advantage of the pharmacokinetics of the drug allows it to be prescribed to young children. It is also permissible to take Espumisan with other drugs, since no drug interactions have been identified. Unlike Sub Simplex, the dosage of the main component is lower, which indicates a less pronounced therapeutic effect.
Babykalm A drug belonging to the group of dietary supplements. The product consists of a complex of essential oils, including anise, dill and mint oils. It is allowed to be used by patients from early childhood. When used, spasms are relieved, increased gas formation is eliminated, and there are calming effects. Due to the pronounced specific smell, as well as taste, problems may arise with the use of drops for children. Therefore, to achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to give the child the drug in initial dosages equal to 2-3 drops.
Meteospasmil A product that has a combined composition and consists of simethicone and the myotropic antispasmodic alverine in capsule form. Despite the fact that the therapeutic dose is lower compared to Sub Simplex, the effect is pronounced due to the elimination of spasm. When used, it not only eliminates increased gas formation, but also reduces the tone of the muscles of the intestinal wall. The maximum duration of treatment should be no more than a month. Unlike Sab Simplex, the use of Meteospasmil is not recommended during pregnancy.

Description and composition of Sub Simplex

The main active ingredient in the production of Sub Simplex is an organic compound consisting of silicon and carbon molecules - simethicone. This is a substance that prevents the formation of gas bubbles and releases already accumulated gas, which is absorbed by the intestinal walls or removed from the intestinal sections using peristaltic contractions.

Simethicone does not react with chemical compounds and substances and removes the foam formed as a result of increased gas formation naturally, splitting it into gas and water molecules.

The use of the drug "Sab Simplex" in newborns allows achieving the following therapeutic effect:

  • reducing the number of gas bubbles in the intestines and preventing their fermentation;
  • elimination of intestinal spasm;
  • relaxation of the abdominal muscles by extinguishing foam.

The medicine is available in the form of a suspension with a faint taste of raspberry and vanilla (bottle volume - 100 ml).

Storage periods and conditions

Sub Simplex must be used within three years from the date of its manufacture. After this period has expired, the drug must be disposed of. The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees ambient. It is prohibited to leave it in places accessible to children.

Despite the ease of use and low incidence of side effects, the use of Sab Simplex is possible only after consultation with a specialist and the exclusion of contraindications for use. The absence of a therapeutic effect is an indication for additional diagnostics and etiotropic treatment in order to influence the main cause of the pathology.

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Contraindications and side effects

"Sab Simplex" cannot be taken if the baby is diagnosed with obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. An absolute contraindication is intestinal obstruction - a condition in which the movement of digested food through the digestive tract is disrupted.

Use of the product should be discontinued if the child shows signs of allergy or intolerance to the active substance or auxiliary components.

Side effects during treatment are extremely rare. In exceptional cases, rash, itching and other allergy symptoms may occur, in which case you should immediately consult the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

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