What kind of porridge can you eat if you have pancreatitis?

cereal for porridge

The main dish for patients with pancreatitis is cereals. They are healthy, nutritious and very tasty. Used from 2 or 3 days after an exacerbation of chronic or acute pancreatitis. During treatment they help cope with the disease. Since they are well digested, absorbed, they do not burden the pancreas. But not all cereals have such properties and healing effects. Some of them are undesirable for use or are completely contraindicated. Therefore, it is important to understand what cereals you can eat if you have pancreatitis of the pancreas.


It is important to understand that even the healthiest cereals for pancreatitis should be consumed regularly, but in dosage. Don't get carried away with large portions. What cereals are considered permitted and healthy foods for pancreatitis:

cereals for pancreatitis

  1. Buckwheat. It is allowed to be administered by the end of the first week of exacerbation of the disease.
  2. Oatmeal. This type of cereal is very effective in exacerbating the disease.
  3. Rice. This natural absorbent is excellent for removing harmful substances from the patient’s body.
  4. Manna. It has a beneficial effect on pancreatitis, envelops and moves unhindered through the intestines.
  5. Pearl barley. The viscous consistency perfectly envelops the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but for good digestibility it requires careful grinding before use.
  6. Linen. Used for chronic pancreatitis.

benefits of cereals

Thanks to its beneficial properties, the patient’s body is quickly saturated with necessary substances, elements, vitamins and quickly recovers.


In addition to healthy cereals, there are prohibited cereals for pancreatitis. Some of them are poorly digestible, coarse, and difficult to assimilate. They are contraindicated especially during exacerbation of the disease. What porridges for pancreatitis that promote abundant production of pancreatic juice:

  1. Millet. Cereals are difficult to digest.
  2. Wheat. The carbohydrate content creates conditions for poor absorption.
  3. Corn. It is considered very tough.
  4. Barley. Poorly digestible.
  5. Beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils. Prohibited for any type of pathology.


It is recommended to completely avoid prohibited types of cereals, as they complicate the digestion process and complicate treatment.

General features of eating cereals

During the period of exacerbation of pathology, only acceptable cereals for pancreatitis are consumed. After 2-3 days of treatment, rice cereal is administered. Then buckwheat and other cereals are gradually introduced. The pearl barley is introduced carefully, having previously been crushed.

steamed porridge

During the period of acute exacerbation, all cereals are cooked exclusively by steaming. Their consistency should be liquid and viscous. Cook all cereals without salt, sugar, oils and on a water basis, sometimes diluted with milk. It is recommended to completely boil the cereals, then grind through a sieve or grind with a blender. If you have a coffee grinder or blender with a metal blade, grind the cereal in its raw state, then cook from the resulting mixture.

In the process of improving the condition, it is allowed not to grind the cereal before cooking, but the patient must chew the food thoroughly on his own. At the same time, it is allowed to add a little butter to the resulting food composition, and if the body reacts positively, cook it in milk without diluting it with water.

Recipe examples

Acute pancreatitis is accompanied by progressive inflammation of the pancreas. With this pathology, diet is a mandatory stage of therapy. Properly selected food products and following the rules for their preparation help to significantly reduce the load on the digestive tract and normalize the production of enzymes.

Puree fish soup:

  1. To prepare the soup you will need 500 g of fish (cod, pike perch), 50 ml of milk, 1.5 liters of vegetable broth, salt, a teaspoon of butter.
  2. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces, pour in the broth, and cook until tender.
  3. Grind the soup with a blender.
  4. Add 50 ml of milk and cook for a few minutes.
  5. Add a teaspoon of butter to the finished soup.

Chicken or turkey soufflé:

The finished dish will be surprisingly soft and airy, and the process of digesting it will not create a burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Pass chicken or turkey meat through a meat grinder several times.
  2. Add a teaspoon of butter and 50 ml of milk to the mixture.
  3. Mix the mixture well (you can add one egg white, previously whipped into a foam).
  4. Form the minced meat into balls and bake in the oven or steamer.

Slimy oat soup:

  1. Boil oatmeal for 40 minutes in water.
  2. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve.
  3. Add salt to the broth and bring to a boil.
  4. Add a teaspoon of butter to the prepared slimy soup.

Features of different cereals

Each cereal mixture is a product containing useful elements and vitamins. Cereals have properties that can affect the digestive system. Having studied in detail the composition, properties and features, draw a conclusion which porridge is suitable for pancreatitis, and which one to refuse.

features of porridge

Rice porrige

Rice cereal is an absorbent substance that removes all harmful substances and toxins from the patient’s body. Eating rice porridge promotes rapid digestibility during pancreatitis. Due to its properties, it is introduced into the patient’s diet from the first day of treatment.

rice porridge for pancreatitis

Rice should be cooked in water or water with milk. But such porridge for pancreatitis should not be a frequent dish in the diet, since it has fixing properties. If constipation appears against the background of an exacerbation of the disease, it can aggravate the situation. Polished rice does not contain the required amount of important vitamins and microelements. Brown rice is known for its pityriasis scales, which can cause gastrointestinal irritation.



Eating oatmeal is recommended for pancreatitis during exacerbations. It is a rich source of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances. Use dishes made from this cereal to diversify your diet menu. Oatmeal perfectly stabilizes the functioning of the pancreas, relieves pain, quickly fills you up, relieves hunger, enriches you with strength, and strengthens the immune system.

The dish should be served in a semi-liquid state and a uniform consistency. Prepare with water or dilute the liquid with milk by half. Be sure to boil the cereal well and eat it chilled.


Introducing semolina porridge into the diet of patients with pancreatitis is a very right decision. It is easily absorbed, quickly digested and does not stagnate in the intestines. The advantage of such dishes is the rapid removal of fats from the body and enveloping the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.


With such a disease, it is important to eat a lot of protein foods. Semolina contains up to 10 g of protein per 100 g of cereal. Due to these properties, it is ideal as a dietary menu. A small amount of fiber in semolina prevents the risk of bloating, colic and flatulence. Doctors allow the introduction of cereals from day 5 of the diet. The consistency should be liquid. Prepare the dish with water or half and half with milk.


Buckwheat is a nutritious product containing many vitamins and beneficial microelements. It contains fiber and protein. Buckwheat porridge for pancreatitis is also included in the patient menu, but subject to important rules. The dish must be viscous; it is recommended to grind it additionally. Prepare in water or in equal proportions with milk and water.


Allowed to eat at the end of the first week of the diet. It is contraindicated to season buckwheat with salt, sugar, seasonings, spices, and herbs. Perfect as a side dish for steamed meatballs, cutlets, stewed fish and meat. Starting from week 3, vegetable soups with buckwheat are introduced.

To obtain a boiled substance, cook the dish for a long time. Before starting cooking, it is recommended to steep the washed and peeled cereal in water overnight. Some doctors recommend consuming buckwheat flakes. The amount of useful elements, important amino acids and vitamins in buckwheat is maximum. Another advantage is the high protein and fiber content.

Barley porridge

pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley is made from barley grains. They are enriched with vitamins and important beneficial elements. It contains vitamin complexes, microelements, fiber, amino acids, and protein compounds. Pearl barley porridge is considered a dietary dish, which is why it is so useful for pancreatitis. Since the structure of the cereal is coarse, you should follow the rules when preparing it. By including it in the diet menu, rapid regeneration of the affected organs of the digestive system occurs. Despite all the positive aspects of pearl barley, it should be consumed in limited quantities.

Wheat and barley porridge

wheat porridge

Since wheat porridge has a coarse grind, it is recommended to use it for pancreatitis after 4 days of the diet. Due to the high gluten content, it perfectly and quickly saturates the body, preventing hunger. Cook it very carefully, without adding salt, granulated sugar, or butter. Millet porridge is included in the diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis during the period of remission no more than 2 times a week. But barley porridge is introduced into the patient’s menu for pancreatitis no earlier than stable remission is achieved. It should be eaten boiled or pureed.

Corn porridge

corn porridge

Many cereals are perfectly absorbed and digested in the body. But corn porridge for pancreatitis is prohibited for consumption, both during an exacerbation of the disease and during its remission. The inflamed pancreas is very sensitive and vulnerable to external irritants, and this type of porridge is too rough. Unpleasant symptoms appear, accompanied by pain. Eating dishes from this cereal is allowed only after persistent improvement, rarely and in small portions. The mixture should be boiled and fresh.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

Dietary nutrition for acute pancreatitis implies a gentle regimen. Meals should be taken at least five times a day at average intervals of two hours. The maximum volume of one serving is 200 g. Such rules apply during the period of returning to the diet. On the first day (if the pathology worsens), the patient should not eat food. The diet for acute pancreatitis includes three stages.

Diet plan for acute pancreatitis:

  • It is imperative to adhere to a strict diet; balanced nutrition plays an initial role in stabilizing the digestive system. therapeutic fasting for two days (longer fasting is carried out only in a hospital setting, if there are certain indications and using alternative methods of replenishing the supply of useful components in the patient’s body);

  • the first part of the 5p Diet (meals should be low-calorie, not cause difficulty in the digestion process, the ingredients for their preparation are crushed to the maximum extent);
  • the second part of the 5p Diet is prescribed after ten days (the calorie content of dishes increases, additional methods of preparing them are used, and the list of permitted foods is expanded);
  • the duration of the period of compliance with the diet rules is determined by the doctor (if there are complications, correction of the patient’s diet is necessary throughout his life).

How much to observe?

The duration of the diet for acute pancreatitis depends on the stage of the inflammatory process and the presence of pathological complications. The first part of the dietary program is prescribed to the patient for two or three days (fasting), the second part - for five or seven days (gentle regimen), the third part - from the tenth day of therapy and for 6-12 months.

If the disease takes a chronic form, then you will have to adjust your diet throughout your life. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure maximum periods of stable remission.

Follow the rule: cold, hunger and peace

In the first days of exacerbation of pancreatitis, a rule is followed that helps speed up the process of pain relief and significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. The treatment regimen consists of three points - cold (a cold compress is applied to the source of pain), hunger (food intake should be excluded, therapeutic fasting for two or three days) and rest (the patient needs bed rest, exclusion of physical activity and stressful situations).

Other cereals

There are other types of cereals that have their own characteristics and properties:

  • You can alleviate the condition of the pancreas with flaxseed porridge for pancreatitis. Its cake contains a huge vitamin complex. When brewed, a healing liquid is formed that has enveloping, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Such features have a positive effect on the irritated pancreas and soothe it. The flax mixture does not require cooking. Just pour boiling water over it and let it sit.
  • By the end of the first week of treatment with a special diet, it is allowed to consume milk porridge for pancreatitis. But there are several important rules when cooking. Only skim milk is used, and its consistency should be diluted with water in equal proportions. For better absorption, it is important to puree the dish. You cannot add salt or sugar to the porridge.
  • Be careful with barley porridge, since barley porridge for pancreatitis is permissible only with stable remission and if it is well tolerated. In acute forms of the disease it is abandoned. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, gluten and carbohydrates. Promotes satiety and satisfies hunger. Carbohydrates are poorly digested, causing unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and heaviness in the stomach. You can't eat it often.
  • Oats and oatmeal are considered healing for pancreatitis. Medicinal decoctions are made from oats that perfectly envelop the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. The mixture also envelops, soothes, relieves pain and reduces inflammation in the affected areas.
  • Hercules porridge will allow you to diversify your usual menu for pancreatitis. It gives energy to fight the disease, relieves pain, normalizes pancreas function and strengthens the immune defense.

Menu for the week

In acute pancreatitis, nutrition is resumed gradually from about the third or fourth day. During this time, the patient is allowed to drink only drinks (alkaline mineral waters, weak and unsweetened tea). The introduction of food products into the menu is carried out with minimal portions.

After fasting, it is necessary to avoid excessive stress on the digestive tract.


Breakfast Semolina porridge (half a standard portion, milk should be diluted), tea
Lunch Alkaline mineral water without gas
Dinner Slimy soup made from pureed oatmeal, carrot puree (half a standard portion each)
Afternoon snack Still mineral water
Dinner Liquid rice porridge (half portion), tea
Before bedtime Fruit juice jelly


Breakfast Oatmeal (liquid, pureed), tea
Lunch Alkaline mineral water without gas
Dinner Slimy soup, tea
Afternoon snack Still mineral water, baked apple
Dinner Liquid rice porridge, tea
Before bedtime Compote


Breakfast Buckwheat porridge (liquid, from pureed cereal), tea
Lunch Vegetable puree, still mineral water
Dinner Vegetarian soup, carrot puree, tea
Afternoon snack Protein steam omelet, rosehip decoction
Dinner Oatmeal, tea
Before bedtime Kissel


Breakfast Buckwheat porridge, tea
Lunch Carrot puree, still mineral water
Dinner Vegetarian soup, steam cutlet, mashed potatoes
Afternoon snack Baked apple, still mineral water
Dinner Oatmeal, tea
Before bedtime A glass of kefir


Breakfast Oatmeal, tea
Lunch Chicken dumplings, rosehip broth
Dinner Vermicelli soup, vegetable puree, steam cutlet
Afternoon snack Baked apple, still mineral water
Dinner Buckwheat porridge, tea
Before bedtime Still mineral water


Breakfast Semolina porridge, tea
Lunch Low fat cottage cheese, baked apple
Dinner Potato soup with pureed rice, boiled fish, mashed potatoes, jelly
Afternoon snack Protein steam omelette, alkaline mineral water without gas
Dinner Buckwheat porridge, steam cutlet, compote
Before bedtime Still mineral water


Breakfast Semolina porridge, tea
Lunch A glass of fermented baked milk, baked apple
Dinner Vegetarian soup, turkey quenelles, carrot puree, tea
Afternoon snack Cottage cheese (low fat content), still mineral water
Dinner Buckwheat porridge, steamed fish cutlet, mashed potatoes, compote
Before bedtime A glass of kefir
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