Efficacy Mechanism of action Contraindications Side effects Overdose Interaction with other drugs Distinctive features
01/27/2021 24891 0 Constipation - what is it? Causes Consequences Symptoms of anxiety - see a doctor immediately Help
Increased acidity of gastric juice is often associated with excessive consumption of tea drinks. Tea causes heartburn
Toxicosis during pregnancy During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body. AND
Indications for use Kolikid is used for: symptomatic treatment in cases of complaints related to education
Definition Hiccups are periodically occurring involuntary myoclonic contractions of the diaphragm with possible involvement of the intercostal muscles.
The second trimester is considered to be the most wonderful period of pregnancy. It starts from the 14th week and
Laxatives, medications that normalize intestinal microflora, diet, and physical activity can speed up bowel movements. However
In modern society, the problem of constipation is considered very indecent and is rarely discussed. Poor nutrition
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