How to quickly rinse the stomach at home for humans and animals

The human body is a complex system in which each organ is interconnected. A disruption in one part of this system will inevitably affect overall health. One of the central processes that affects all internal organs is digestion.

The proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) is the key to not only physical, but also mental well-being, excellent health and external attractiveness. Some digestive disorders can be resolved on your own without the help of a specialist. Knowing how to properly rinse your stomach at home, you can avoid many problems.

Types of poisoning

Depending on the routes through which the poison enters the human body, scientists distinguish:

Inhalation poisoning

With this method of poisoning, toxic substances enter the bronchi and lungs with inhaled air.

Inhalation drugs include:

  • poisoning by vapors of acids and alkalis;
  • carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • ammonia poisoning;
  • household gas poisoning;
  • chlorine poisoning;
  • mercury vapor poisoning.

Similar poisonings are possible at chemical industry enterprises, metallurgy and other industries. Providing first aid in case of gas poisoning or toxic fumes at work, when there are many victims, is carried out in special protective equipment.

In everyday life, people more often suffer from carbon monoxide or natural gas leaks. First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning is to take the victim to fresh air!

Contact poisoning

In this case, toxins enter the body through the skin or mucous membranes.

Contact poisonings include:

  • pesticide poisoning;
  • fluoride salt poisoning;
  • benzene poisoning;
  • petroleum product poisoning;
  • formaldehyde poisoning.

First aid for poisoning is as follows: the victim should be immediately removed from the area affected by the toxic substance, remove his clothes, remove the poison from the skin with a cloth or cotton wool, and wash the toxic substance from the skin with running water and soap.

Poisoning due to an insect, animal or snake bite

The poison enters through a skin defect (bite, wound). The first thing to do in case of poisoning at home is to place an ice pack on the bite site; if a limb has been damaged by the bite, then a venous tourniquet is applied above the bite site to reduce the spread of poison through the bloodstream.

Oral poisoning (by mouth)

Such poisonings include:

  • food poisoning;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • drug poisoning;
  • mushroom poisoning;
  • chemical poisoning.

First aid for poisoning should be started at the first signs of intoxication.

Gastric lavage and siphon enema are performed. If the patient is unconscious, in case of poisoning with caustic substances, lavage is carried out through a gastric tube.

The most common cases are household poisoning, food poisoning, alcohol poisoning and mushroom poisoning. The nervous, respiratory and digestive systems of the body are most affected by the effects of the toxic substance. Providing first aid for poisoning is aimed at stopping the effects of poison on the body.

The main condition for first aid in case of poisoning is emergency hospitalization in intensive care or toxicology departments, where antidote therapy and artificial detoxification are possible.


The recovery period after poisoning depends on the severity, age of the patient and complicating circumstances.

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To restore the integrity of damaged mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, you must follow a gentle diet for 7 or more days.

Patient menu:

  • Soups with vegetable and weak chicken broth;
  • Liquid porridge on water;
  • Boiled chicken, rabbit;
  • Kissels: oatmeal, milk, fruit without sugar;
  • Kefir and low-fat yoghurts without flavoring and aromatic additives.

In order not to damage the irritated mucous membrane, you need to avoid spicy and hot foods, spices, spices, and carbonated drinks.

First aid for food poisoning

In case of food poisoning, the “culprits” are most often foods contaminated with pathogenic microbes or containing microbial toxins. The source of infection can also be water contaminated with bacteria.

Symptoms of poisoning develop quite quickly - from half an hour to several hours after eating.

What to do in case of poisoning?

It is necessary to clear the stomach of the toxic substance as soon as possible. This can be done before the ambulance arrives, by washing the stomach with 1-2 liters of boiled water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and giving an anti-poisoning gel - Enterosgel.

In case of diarrhea, it is necessary to replenish fluid loss by giving the patient unsweetened tea and salted water.

First aid if a child is poisoned by poor quality food can be provided by parents.

What can be done:

  • Rinse the stomach;
  • Provide plenty of fluids;
  • Give Enterosgel sorbent (safe and recommended from the first days of life);
  • Call a doctor.

First aid for poisoning in adults also involves taking Enterosgel sorbent, which effectively absorbs toxins in the intestines. In the absence of diarrhea, the doctor prescribes an enema or the patient is given a saline laxative to remove the toxic substance from the intestines, and detoxification therapy is prescribed.

Washing in animals

To carry out the manipulation, you will need a rubber bulb or a special syringe for washing cavities (it has the largest volume: from 30 to 100 ml), a large towel, a washing solution and a container for vomit.

Wash solution:

  • Pure water;
  • Saline solution: half a teaspoon per 1 glass of water;
  • Manganese solution of low concentration (pale lilac color).

Before rinsing the stomach, you need to immobilize the animal, otherwise it will break out and choke on vomit. A cat or small dog can be wrapped in a large towel up to its head, with its paws pressed against its body. A second assistant will be needed to restrain a large animal. The solution is injected through the lateral gap between the fangs. It is worth pouring 20 ml of liquid at a time.

After the vomit comes out, you need to introduce an absorbent into the animal’s throat in the same way: activated carbon or the drug Polysorb. For 400 ml of warm water you will need 5 tablets of activated carbon, ground into powder.

Alcohol poisoning

The first first aid for alcohol poisoning is gastric lavage. Thanks to this simple procedure, you can remove drunk alcohol and reduce its absorption in the stomach, thereby reducing alcohol intoxication. After cleansing the stomach of the remnants of “strong” drinks, you need to give the victim Enterosgel sorbent and place him under a blanket.

If a person is unconscious, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and lay him on his side - this will reduce the likelihood of vomit getting into the upper respiratory tract.

First aid for alcohol poisoning in a hospital setting involves detoxification therapy, restoring the functioning of vital organs and systems. In a good way, everyone should know what the symptoms of alcohol poisoning look like and what to do if they are detected.

What to do after washing (sorbents)

The pathological process and leaching of fluid from the body greatly weakens a person. After the procedure is completed, he needs complete rest. To prevent repeated vomiting, you need to lie on your side for 30-50 minutes. A warm compress on the anterior abdominal wall will relieve spasms and help avoid fever and general deterioration of the condition.

To completely remove toxic substances and prevent them from entering the bloodstream, as well as restore the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, it is necessary to take a sorbent.

List of sorbents:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Polysorb;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Carbolong;
  • Smecta;
  • Polyphepan.

The listed drugs should not be mixed with each other, this will impair their effectiveness. Sorbents are taken only after initial lavage: in a stomach overfilled with contents, their effect will sharply decrease.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often become victims of toadstool poisoning. Mushroom poison causes damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys. Therefore, first aid for poisoning with poisonous mushrooms should be provided by doctors!

How can you help a person before the doctor arrives?

After you have called an ambulance, first aid for mushroom poisoning at home consists of gastric lavage. It should be rinsed until the rinsing waters become clear. After this, you can give the victim Enterosgel sorbent.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

Gas poisoning (CO) is a severe intoxication of the body, which can lead to severe damage to internal organs. According to statistics, carbon monoxide poisoning occupies a leading position among the causes of death from acute poisoning, so it should be taken extremely seriously.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • Headache;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Chest pain;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Hallucinations;
  • Dry cough;

Severe gas poisoning is accompanied by loss of consciousness.

It is important to recognize these symptoms in time and start treatment at home in a timely manner!

Providing first aid for carbon monoxide poisoning

First of all, you need to take the victim out of the contaminated room into fresh air and free him from restrictive clothing. To reduce intoxication, give him Enterosgel sorbent and urgently call an ambulance.

First aid for carbon monoxide poisoning is the antidote - acizole. It is recommended to administer the drug as early as possible in case of poisoning of any severity.

Chlorine poisoning

The cause of poisoning with chlorine and its compounds can be violations of safety regulations in chemical laboratories or industrial accidents when containers with chlorine are damaged.

What symptoms of poisoning with chlorine-containing substances may bother the victim? First of all, this is swelling of the eyelids, oral mucosa, respiratory tract, shortness of breath, pain in the eyes, suffocation.

Timely first aid for chlorine poisoning can prevent a terrible complication - pulmonary edema!

What needs to be done? Remove the victim from the room saturated with chlorine vapors, remove clothing soaked in poison, wash exposed and damaged skin with soap and water, wash eyes and rinse mouth. After this, you should give the poisoned person the Enterosgel sorbent and call an ambulance.

First aid for drug poisoning

Drug poisoning can be accidental or intentional. Poisoning in young children occurs due to the fault of adults - tablets are sometimes in a place accessible to children. In case of poisoning at home, it is advisable to find out before the doctor arrives the medicine that the victim took and induce vomiting, then rinse the stomach with warm water and give Enterosgel sorbent.

Providing first aid will help avoid disorders of the cardiac, respiratory and nervous systems.

In a hospital setting, treatment with antidotes, control of intoxication and other resuscitation techniques are carried out to restore the function of internal organs.

Key Thoughts

Gastric lavage allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. This procedure is mandatory during poisoning. In some cases it can even save lives. Plain water, as well as ready-made pharmaceutical liquids, can be used as a rinsing solution. You can prepare a product yourself using salt, soda, and lemon juice.

Enterosorbents that absorb hazardous substances will be of great benefit. To lavage your child’s stomach, it is better to consult a pediatrician. It is important to correctly calculate the amount of washing solution, otherwise you can seriously harm the child’s body.

First aid for poisoning with acids and alkalis

It is important to remember that in case of poisoning with alkalis and acids that enter through the mouth, it is under no circumstances recommended to rinse the stomach ! The mucous membrane of the digestive tract is covered in numerous chemical burns, and washing can cause gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation of the organ wall.

Toxicologists know which specific antidote to use for poisoning with alkalis and acids, as well as how to provide first aid for poisoning with chemicals, so if a toxic substance gets inside, immediately call an ambulance!

First aid for poisoning by acid vapors and other volatile substances

Inhalation poisoning, which occurs as a result of inhaling vapors of toxic substances, is considered one of the most severe types of intoxication. From the lungs, the poison quickly penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. Therefore, it is important to provide first aid in case of poisoning with gas and toxic vapors of chemicals. The victim must immediately be taken out into fresh air, loosen tight clothing, rinse his mouth with water or a soda solution and call an ambulance.

If a person is unconscious, it is necessary to provide the victim with a flow of fresh air, lay him down with his head elevated and wait for the doctor to arrive.

Emergency measures

If a person is unconscious, he should be placed on his side, controlling the gag reflex. Provide oxygen access to the room and monitor breathing. If it stops, resuscitation measures must be carried out. It should be remembered that only a dose of up to 5 ml causes mild or moderate poisoning; a larger amount of methyl alcohol is a severe form that requires immediate medical attention.

If the person is conscious, it is necessary to provide gastric lavage at home. What nuances should you keep in mind? It is advisable to use a soda solution, giving the victim at least 1.5 liters to drink, and then induce vomiting. In the absence of soda, you can use ordinary water. Be sure to cleanse your intestines. To do this, you can use laxatives or an enema.

First aid for ammonia poisoning

Inhalation poisoning can occur during an industrial accident. In such an emergency, first aid for ammonia poisoning includes the following measures:

  • Immediately remove victims from the contaminated area;
  • Provide access to clean air;
  • Allow the victim to rinse the mouth, throat, and nose with water;
  • Rinse the skin on which the toxic substance has come into contact with running water;
  • Rinse the stomach;
  • Call an ambulance and the rescue service.
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