Fasting according to Neumyvakin from 1 day to 3 weeks. But first - 1.5 months of cleansing the body!

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich (1928-2018) - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, laureate of the State Prize of Latvia, Honored Inventor of the RSFSR, folk healer. The author of many methods of healing the body, including therapeutic fasting, although the benefits of most of them are criticized by official medicine.

He does not have a separate work devoted to abstaining from food, but he partially describes his system in the books “Man and the Laws of His Life. Myths and reality”, “Ways to get rid of diseases”, “Real capabilities of the body. Breath. Consciousness”, “The health system of Professor I. P. Neumyvakin”, “Soda. Myths and reality" and some others.

The essence

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin
The main feature that distinguishes Neumyvakin fasting from all other known methods is the preliminary consistent cleansing of all organs from toxins and slagging. This is not an entrance (it is prescribed separately by the professor), but a thorough preparation of the body for the upcoming test.

The fast itself can be regular or soda fasting. The latter caused a lot of noise at the time. Active consumption of sodium bicarbonate solution (12 glasses a day!), according to official medicine, is an extreme and life-threatening way of cleansing and healing. However, there are people who share their experiences, noting positive results. They are not officially recorded, we can only take their word for the benefits of drinking such a large amount of baking soda on an empty stomach.

Cleansing and therapeutic fasting according to the Neumyvakin method is not dry. Moreover, water procedures are not only allowed, but also recommended (in particular, hot baths). Its goal is to remove waste and toxins from the body, improve well-being, and treat a number of serious diseases. There are different options for terms: you can start with a one-day course, and the full course is 2-3 weeks. It is planned to carry out both at home and in a health center named after the professor in the village of Borovitsa, Kirov region.

Benefits of soda enema

Today, many different press publications and blogs describe the beneficial properties of sodium bicarbonate. But for some reason they avoid the question of the benefits of enemas performed with a solution prepared on the basis of this substance. But in fact, such a procedure will not only get rid of parasites, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

The following positive aspects of its use should also be highlighted:

  • the procedure neutralizes mucus on the intestinal walls and completely eliminates harmful mucus,
  • accelerates the process of losing weight,
  • after a course of cleansing procedures, the metabolism in the body improves significantly,
  • gentle removal of toxins and parasites,
  • effective for constipation.

INTERESTING fact: Baking soda for potency: how it affects, treatment recipe

In addition to the above advantages of the procedure, it should also be noted that it promotes the healing of small wounds on the intestinal walls. It also acts as a preventative against parasites. Therefore, the enema is approved by almost all doctors.

How it works

The fasting technique created by Neumyvakin allows you to achieve results thanks to the process of autophagy and acidotic crisis. The body is freed not only from the garbage that has settled in it, but also from its own diseased, pathogenic cells. This explains the healing effect of the system. However, the professor also has his own “zest” that distinguishes his approach to abstaining from food from many others.

Firstly, the maximum period that Neumyvakin recommends to his patients is 3 weeks. He does not see the need for a 30- and 40-day fast, because, according to his method, the body must be cleansed of the main waste at the preparatory stage. And during abstinence from food, it will be aimed exclusively at destroying pathogenic cells.

Secondly, the bravest ones can try soda fasting. According to the professor, it is the most useful. Can remove parasites and get rid of fungal diseases. It does not allow the blood to thicken, as happens when a person does not eat for a long time. In a liquefied state, the blood is more active, and the tissues do not feel a lack of oxygen. An acidotic crisis is easier to tolerate. Thanks to such high efficiency, you can observe it for a maximum of 18 days - during this period, soda will have time to perform all the functions assigned to it. And after that the body will be in such a state as if a person had been starving for 40 days.

Indications for colon cleansing

Preventive cleansing is recommended for almost everyone. In certain situations, such an event is especially relevant. Indications for cleansing the intestines, kidneys and liver are:

  • poisoning,
  • bloating,
  • heartburn,
  • heaviness in the stomach,
  • frequent headaches,
  • poor appetite
  • stomach ache,
  • flatulence,
  • frequent constipation,
  • weak immune defense,
  • odor from the mouth,
  • skin problems,
  • attacks of nausea,
  • frequent fatigue, lethargy,
  • obesity.

Cleansing the intestines is especially important for people who drink food. Neumyvakin in one of his interviews talks about the mechanism of contamination of the body associated with the intake of liquid and food at the same time. According to the professor, the concentration of acid in the stomach, necessary for proper digestion, weakens. This causes fermentation and rotting in the gastrointestinal tract.


I. P. Neumyvakin created his own method of fasting to solve 3 main problems.

Task 1. Improvement

Prevention and treatment of diseases, which are the scourge of our time, worsen the quality of life and are not always amenable to traditional drug therapy. The professor included obesity, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis as such. Please note that cancer problems are not included in this list.

Task 2. Cleansing

In this matter, Ivan Pavlovich was a real guru. He has many methodological recommendations on how to properly restore cleanliness and order in almost any organ: liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, blood vessels. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, laxatives, enemas and tubes - he suggests using everything in this matter.

Task 3. Protection

Fasting, according to the professor, should not weaken the body, but make it stronger, teach it to repel attacks from the outside, and activate defenses. He assigned a special role in this to the complete refusal to take any medications throughout the entire period of abstinence from food.

Description of Professor Neumyvakin’s technique

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich – professor, doctor of medical sciences, academician, honored doctor, author of more than 200 medical publications. This person’s track record includes a large number of discoveries and inventions. For many years, the professor has been studying alternative treatment methods that help effectively fight diseases and prevent their occurrence.

Neumyvakin repeatedly talks about the need to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. The essence of his technique lies in the correct comprehensive approach to the cleansing procedure, which includes the healing of all the insides, kidneys and liver.

Deep cleansing that frees the body from accumulated toxins, waste, putrefactive deposits and parasites is carried out with or without the use of an enema. A person independently selects what type of procedure he needs.


We must pay tribute to the professor: he not only described in detail the contraindications for his technique, but also divided them into relative and absolute. If the former are present, he recommended practicing fasting only under the supervision of specialists. They cannot be ignored at home, otherwise the consequences can be dangerous to health and life.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • hypotension;
  • childhood and old age;
  • ischemia, tachycardia;
  • fever;
  • ulcer.


  • bronchiectasis;
  • hemangiomas, hemophilia, anemia, hemoglobinopathies, coagulopathy and other serious blood diseases;
  • BMI is below normal;
  • recent heart attack;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • paralysis;
  • renal failure;
  • rehabilitation after surgery;
  • heart failure;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.

Considering the presence of contraindications and the extreme nature of some methods of cleansing and healing the body, before this test you should first be examined and consult with specialists.


The time period for entering fasting is determined individually for each person. If you have completed the entire cleansing stage, 3 days will be enough. If you don’t have enough strength or time for several of its steps, you will have to prepare for 7-10 days. Here, Neumyvakin’s recommendations practically do not differ from the methods of other authors:

  • vegan diet;
  • all products are fresh, without heat treatment;
  • reducing daily caloric intake by 100-150 kcal every day;
  • adequate water intake;
  • morale.

The only feature from Ivan Pavlovich at the entry stage is the author’s recipe for structured water, which he recommends drinking not only during fasting, but also in life on an ongoing basis.

Recipe. Pour water from the tap into a jar, leave it uncovered on the table at room temperature for 7-8 hours. During this time, all harmful compounds, according to Neumyvakin, settle to the bottom. Carefully pour it into the pan so that the water at the bottom of the jar (about 2-3 cm) remains untouched. Boil what is drained. Drink in small portions on an empty stomach within 3 hours after boiling (after this period it will lose its beneficial properties).

Carrying out fasting


  1. The daily water requirement is 2 liters. It is desirable that it be structured.
  2. Daily water treatments are required. A hot bath is especially good. Neumyvakin recommended it because he believed that this was the best way to get rid of slagging.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle: follow a daily routine, get enough sleep, exercise, don’t get nervous, use breathing practices, take long walks, breathe fresh air.
  4. Neumyvakin paid special attention to his way of thinking. He categorically forbade thinking about bad things during fasting. A positive attitude is half the success of the entire event.
  5. Enemas are optional, since the main cleaning has already been done.
  6. Any medications are prohibited throughout the entire period, from cleaning to exit.
  7. Sport should be moderate. It is enough to perform squats according to his system.


During a soda fast, Neumyvakin suggests drinking large quantities of sodium bicarbonate solution and additionally doing enemas based on it. The goal is to normalize the acid-base balance in the body and shorten the test period (instead of 21 days - 16 or 18).

Solution recipe:

  • 1 tsp. pour 100 ml of hot water with a heap of baking soda;
  • Stir for 1-2 minutes until the soda is completely dissolved;
  • add another 100 ml of water, but barely warm;
  • drink in small sips.

Neumyvakin suggests drinking 12 of these glasses per day! Many people complain of severe nausea at the end of the day and dizziness. In such cases, the professor allows you to relax a little and drink lemon water. In addition, you need to do soda enemas once every 3 days.

Enema recipe:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pour 800 ml of water with a heap of baking soda;
  • Stir for 1-2 minutes until the soda is completely dissolved;
  • put on the stove over low heat;
  • heat to 40°C;
  • inject the solution into the body;
  • pause for 10 to 30 minutes (as long as anyone can).

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the benefits of soda fasting exist only in theoretical form and have not been scientifically proven. Moreover, official medicine insists on its danger to health. It is strictly not recommended to conduct such experiments at home without the supervision of a specialist.


The most common fasting method is Neumyvakin. It does not require 50 days of cleansing the body, and the entrance is only 1-2 days. In fact, this is a regular fasting day, which the professor recommends doing weekly. Its main task is to remove waste and toxins and lose weight. What it involves:

  • complete refusal to eat;
  • 2 liters of structured water;
  • before bedtime - a hot bath;
  • morning and evening - cleansing enemas with a decoction of chamomile, a solution of baking soda or beet juice.

First, it is advisable to practice fasting days on a regular basis for 2-3 months. Then try a 50-day cleansing marathon. And only after this, if you have strength left, move on to the practice of fasting itself.

Step-by-step instructions for colon cleansing

Cleansing the intestines is an important and effective event for which you need to prepare carefully. Many people refuse mechanical cleanings in medical settings in favor of alternative methods. Home treatment is more gentle, deep and accessible. When carrying out such procedures, it is necessary to take into account their specifics and correct execution. The outcome of the entire event will depend on how responsibly a person approaches treatment.

In order for the cleaning procedure to give the desired result, you must follow the instructions for its implementation.

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With enema

An enema is a fairly radical way to cleanse the intestines. When using it, the result appears quickly, and the effect lasts quite a long time.

Neumyvakin suggests using beetroot solution as an enema liquid. To prepare it, 800 grams of grated beets are poured with 1.5 liters of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 20 minutes. After this, the broth should be allowed to brew until it cools.

The resulting solution is filled into Esmarch's mug (special enema). A probe tube is connected to the device for insertion into the rectum.

The person lies on his left side, with his knees pressed to his chest. The tip of the tube and the anus are lubricated with oil.

The tip is inserted into the hole, having previously positioned the enema at a height. You can use a tripod. The tap on the mug opens.

When all the liquid from the enema enters the intestines, the person should wait at least 10 minutes. After this, you can visit the bathroom.

You need to clean it for 1 week. On the first day, half a liter of solution is administered. In the second - 1 liter. The third is a break. The fourth is 1.5 liters. Fifth, sixth day – break. On the seventh day you need to administer 2 liters.

In addition to beet broth, Neumyvakin recommends using a saline solution, liquid with potassium permanganate, chamomile, mint or sage.

What information is missing from the article?

  • Diseases for which cleaning cannot be carried out
  • More traditional medicine techniques
  • Review of modern methods of painless cleaning
  • How to understand that the intestines need cleansing

No enema

If a person is not ready for radical cleansing and prefers to take substances orally, intestinal cleansing is carried out according to Professor Neumyvakin without the use of an enema.

A saline solution is being prepared. To do this, dilute 2 tablespoons of sea salt in 1.5 liters of boiled water. For greater effectiveness and improved taste, add the juice of 1 large lemon. The ingredients are mixed.

You need to drink the medicine in small sips for 3 hours.

The first urge to go to the toilet may occur after 1 glass of the mixture. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Nevertheless, they continue to drink the solution.

Visiting the toilet may occur several more times after drinking the entire volume of the drink. It is better to plan such cleaning on a weekend.

Read also: How to properly cleanse the intestines with a salt water solution


The duration of exit, as well as entry, is determined individually and depends on the period of fasting. Neumyvakin's recommendations:

  • for the first 2-3 days, the basis of the diet should be natural juices diluted with water, liquid porridge with water and vegetable salad without dressing (the ingredients should be finely chopped);
  • then for lunch you can gradually introduce various vegetable puree soups, and for dinner - low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, natural yogurt);
  • fish and meat (even low-fat varieties) are allowed only by the end of the second week;
  • You should wait as long as possible with salt, sugar and other unhealthy foods.

I. P. Neumyvakin is the author of unique techniques, including fasting. Despite the fact that most of his developments are subject to merciless criticism from official medicine, he has many followers.

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