Enterocolitis in children Diet therapy Treatment of enterocolitis begins with appropriate diet therapy. In acute cases it is prescribed
Types of headaches The International Headache Society proposes to distinguish the following types of headaches (HT):
How does normal bowel movement occur? The rectum represents the last structural part of the gastrointestinal tract. Its purpose
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The manufacturer reports that the effect of this drug is due to incoming
As your baby gets older, new causes of constipation may appear. The child begins to eat
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The composition of the drug includes the active substance - sucralfate - a disaccharide,
University → Home → University → University in the media → Psychological “roots” of peptic ulcer
Causes of the disease Irritable bowel syndrome is a set of symptoms of digestive disorders Irritable bowel syndrome
Exhol® (Exhol®) Children and adults weighing less than 47 kg are recommended to use ursodeoxycholic acid
Pain. Warns and protects. Who among us does not know what pain is? At least once