Sweets for gastritis: what is possible and in what quantities?

Gastritis is a disease that many people perceive as not serious: it is widespread and not fatal. Ignoring the first signs of the disease often triggers the disorder. As a result, stomach pain and the inability to enjoy your favorite foods become a constant symptom.

Effective treatment of gastritis includes drug therapy, folk remedies, and diet. Without changing the nutritional culture and a healthy diet (designed taking into account the type of gastritis), medications and traditional methods will help little. Eating once or twice a day, tasty but unhealthy foods (fried, smoked, pickled) are definitely prohibited. It is not surprising that when diet is mentioned, patients ask whether sweets are allowed with gastritis.

Why do you need a diet for gastritis?

The need for a diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, in particular, is due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract in diseases is inflamed and vulnerable to the effects of aggressive substances. If in a normal state the cover is able to withstand irritants coming from food, in a state of illness this ability disappears. When you have gastritis, not everything you eat.

Foods affect the stomach differently. The former force the organ to work more actively and provoke the production of hydrochloric acid. The latter, on the contrary, slow down the process, reducing acidity. Still others are neutral. Selected products are known, the effect of which depends on the method of use. You need to know the acidity level of your own disease and select products with the appropriate effect. The same applies to sweets.

Type of marshmallow and its composition

The delicacy originally included berries, fruits, and honey (if desired). The dried berry or fruit mass became viscous and was stored well. Over time, the classic recipe began to undergo changes. They began to beat the applesauce with the egg whites. The result was a cream-colored air mass. This is how marshmallows or soufflés began to be produced. Agar-agar or pectin is used as gelling agents.

Varieties of marshmallows:

  • adhesive - made on the basis of agar or pectin syrup, the lowest calorie;
  • glue-free - apple puree, protein and sugar are used to create an airy delicacy;
  • custard - based on marmalade fruit, berry or mixed sugar mass, has a viscous structure.

The beneficial properties of marshmallow for the body are due to its chemical composition:

  • vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on brain function, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and has a vasodilating effect;
  • vitamin B2 is involved in the production of hormones and red blood cells, improves metabolic processes;
  • iron is involved in the respiration process, is a catalyst for oxygen exchange, and prevents the development of anemia;
  • potassium prevents the development of atherosclerosis, removes harmful substances from the body, improves the functioning of the heart, adrenal glands and kidneys, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nail plates;
  • phosphorus participates in metabolic processes, prevents the development of a depressive state, since it has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system; its deficiency leads to disruption of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and the development of arthritis;
  • sodium makes up 0.9% of the human body, this is quite a lot, so its deficiency leads to serious consequences: disruption of water and salt metabolism, decreased production of gastric juice, poor functioning of the digestive system;
  • Magnesium is present in all tissues of the body and bones, so it plays an important role: with a deficiency, immunity decreases, fatigue and irritability increase, and the condition of hair and skin worsens;
  • Calcium is involved in the structure of bone tissue, prevents the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, multiple sclerosis.

Sweets for gastritis

Sugar for gastritis is not very good for the stomach; it is usually recommended to avoid or reduce consumption. However, a complete refusal of sugar can cause greater harm to the body, which has become dependent on glucose over many years, leading to deep depression (you can try switching to sugar substitutes, this is a very controversial decision and requires no less attention). Eating sugar and sweet foods is allowed. But desserts contain many different substances that are not always harmless to the stomach. First of all, the list includes fats and carbohydrates, often yeast. Fatty, high-calorie foods are difficult to process, and for a sick stomach this poses an extremely difficult task. Baking leads to fermentation, which negatively affects the mucous membrane.

The second point of the prohibition of many sweets is the flavorings included in the composition (thickeners, dyes, stabilizers, preservatives), various additives (nuts, raisins, dried apricots). The components are irritating to the inner surface of the stomach and are not recommended by doctors.

Who should not eat marshmallows?

Even such a seemingly absolutely harmless delicacy can cause harm in the following cases:

  • If you have diabetes. Due to the high glucose content in the product, it is dangerous for diabetics to include it in their diet. However, if you buy marshmallows, where fructose is used instead of glucose, then you are allowed to occasionally treat yourself to this sweetness.
  • A person whose carbohydrate metabolism is impaired is prohibited from consuming the product, because it contains simple carbohydrates.
  • If you have an individual intolerance to marshmallows or its individual components.
  • For obesity.

If you find the above signs in yourself, then you should review your menu and consult with a person competent in this matter about including marshmallows in your diet.

Desserts that are acceptable for gastritis

So that your mood doesn’t fall too low, let’s look at the goodies allowed when you’re sick. Sweet foods allowed for gastritis must be natural, without chemical additives, soft in consistency, so as not to mechanically harm the stomach. Sweets include:

  • Marshmallow. The dessert contains pectin, which improves digestion. When preparing it yourself, you won’t have to worry about dyes and stabilizers that are harmful to the stomach.
  • Puddings and soufflés. The dishes are easy to prepare at home, the choice of recipes is huge.
  • Marmalade. If the delicacy is prepared on the basis of natural juices, it retains its benefits and contains vitamins, calcium, and amino acids. In reasonable quantities, marmalade is useful for gastritis.
  • Honey. The product is useful (provided there are no allergies) due to the wound-healing, antibacterial properties contained in the amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
  • Dried fruits. They will help diversify the menu. It is better to make compotes (dried fruits are too rough for the stomach).

  • Condensed milk. A delicacy known since childhood, despite its high calorie and fat content, is very healthy. Condensed milk is rich in calcium and milk proteins, which is important for gastrointestinal diseases. The product is made from whole milk and is able to coat the walls of the stomach, protecting the inner surface from irritation. Condensed milk can be consumed in small quantities, unboiled and without flavoring additives. The main difficulty is to find real condensed milk, made exclusively from whole milk and sugar without additional ingredients.

Homemade marmalade

In order not to look at small letters on store labels in search of information about the product, to be completely calm about its quality and safety, learn how to make marmalade at home. Fortunately, there are a lot of recipes for this, and there are plenty of ingredients, for example, greenish apples, which contain much more pectin than sweet fruits.

The entire cooking process should use 2 kg of apples, approximately 500 grams of sugar and 100 ml of clean water.

Peel large apple slices. Boil the fruit core in a saucepan with water for about half an hour until it becomes mushy. Grind this brew using a sieve and mix with chopped slices. Place half of the prepared sugar together with the apples in a saucepan and keep on the fire until the fruit is soft.

Then we pass the whole mass through a meat grinder and let it cook again, adding sugar, over low heat, stirring occasionally. This procedure will last about forty minutes. Then cool the liquid mass and place it on a baking sheet. The marmalade should harden for two days at room temperature. Then you cut it, giving the candies a shape based on your own imagination.

Making marmalade at home

Bon appetit!

Stomach acidity

When allowing the consumption of a certain dessert, the doctor determines the acidity of the stomach. Products have different effects on secretion and can be irritating. When giving recommendations on proper nutrition for each type of gastritis, the doctor takes into account the benefits and possible negative effects of sweet foods.

If stomach acidity is higher than normal

You will need to exclude foods that enhance acid synthesis: sour and unripe berries and fruits, giving preference to sweet ones. Of these products - jam, confiture, jam for gastritis with high acidity.

Unfortunately, vitamin-rich citrus fruits are prohibited. If you take honey, mix it with a glass of warm water two hours before meals. It is good to mix honey with condensed milk, which softens the effect of the bee product. Low-fat cream and not too sweet desserts based on it are allowed.

If stomach acidity is below normal

Reduced acidity in gastritis requires ensuring a gentle effect of food on the walls of the stomach and increasing the secretion of hydrochloric acid. You need sour fruits and berries. Preferably ripe, without coarse grains and skin (so as not to mechanically irritate the stomach). It is better to eat fruit purees, make jelly, jellies, and mousses. It is allowed to carefully include oranges, lemons and tangerines in the diet. Honey is consumed before meals (can be diluted with cool water). It is important to ensure that foods are easily digested and do not cause fermentation - it is difficult for a sick stomach to perform a natural task due to a lack of hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

Add any permitted dessert to the menu with caution and monitor the reaction. If the symptoms intensify, you will have to give up the treat.

Forbidden sweets

Many confectionery products are strictly prohibited for any gastritis, overloading the stomach and increasing inflammation of the mucous membrane:

  • Cakes. Any cake is a high-calorie dish filled with fats, carbohydrates, dyes and flavors. Cakes are definitely prohibited.
  • Cakes. The same applies to cakes. These are essentially small portioned cakes.
  • Chocolate. It is usually included in the list of foods prohibited for gastritis, representing a fatty and difficult-to-digest product. Often filled with a lot of additives (flavors, nuts, raisins, etc.). It is acceptable to allow yourself a piece of dark chocolate without fillers from time to time.
  • Cookie. It is possible to eat biscuits and oatmeal cookies (especially those prepared at home). Other types of cookies are prohibited due to their composition.
  • Candies. Due to the large amount of fats and harmful ingredients, candies, with the exception of marmalade ones, are not recommended for gastritis.

The favorite delicacy of adults and children, which has been banned, is ice cream. The reason, of course, is the high fat content and additives. An additional factor is that excessive coldness of the product is considered harmful to the stomach. Dessert from the freezer will become an irritating component, aggravating the course of the disease. Ice cream is not allowed if you have gastritis with high acidity. If the acidity is low, it is permissible to take a risk and try it. Provided that the product is natural and low-fat. It is recommended to consume after preheating (as much as possible). It should not be abused.

How to choose the right pastille

It is important to know that the freshness of the product affects the taste. Shelf life under normal conditions in sealed packaging is up to 2 months.

The highest quality marshmallow is considered to be homemade. If the product is purchased in a store, you need to examine the packaging. High-quality marshmallows should not contain flavorings or dyes. The more there are, the poorer the product! High-quality pastille has a soft, viscous consistency, without stains, mold, or signs of moisture.

Although the colored delicacy looks beautiful, its quality is reduced due to the presence of dyes. The packaging must be transparent so that the contents can be seen. If the product sticks to your hands when opened and is covered with a slippery film, it has not been properly preserved and is spoiled.

When used correctly and in a standardized manner, marshmallows will benefit both children and adults, thanks to the beneficial substances and vitamins it contains. The quality of the product remains an important point, so preference is given to home-made delicacies.

Basic Rules

  1. It is permissible to consume sweet foods for gastritis, but with caution. The main criterion is naturalness: the absence of preservatives, dyes, thickeners, stabilizers and substances that cause irritation to the mucous membrane.
  2. When choosing which delicacies to give preference to, you need to find out the composition and effect of the incoming substances on the gastric mucosa. Remember, the product may even be useful for gastritis with acidity below normal, but is contraindicated if acidity is increased, and vice versa.
  3. Allowed sweets can be eaten in small quantities, in the absence of exacerbations of the disease.
  4. If, after eating sweets, pain, heartburn and other manifestations of gastritis occur, you need to discard the product until complete recovery.

Gastritis is a dangerous disease whose treatment should not be neglected. Following a diet is a necessary condition for recovery. If you choose foods wisely during treatment, it is possible to maintain a list of small gastronomic pleasures, periodically indulging in sweet delicacies.

Only a quality product is useful

Marmalade made from natural products will certainly be useful. However, this applies to all the food we eat. Artificial colors, preservatives and substances that add flavor to the product are unlikely to benefit a patient with gastritis. Therefore, you should always carefully read the contents on the packaging, choosing a product that has fewer indications of artificial substitutes.

Pay attention to the shape and type of sweetness. It should not look wet or be thickly sprinkled with sugar. The color of natural marmalade always looks dull. Shine, especially in the sun, clearly indicates the presence of artificial ingredients. If high-quality marmalade is pressed with your finger, it will quickly return to its original shape when the pressure is released. If this does not happen, the question of usefulness in this case is very doubtful. Therefore, never buy a deformed product. Do not buy marmalade in the form of chewing gum, it contains many harmful impurities.

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