cucumbers for gastritis
Fresh cucumbers for gastritis: can you eat them and in what quantity?
June 28, 2018 Gastroenterology Yulia Obolenskaya Today, one of the most common diseases
Child drinks water
What is given to children for diarrhea and in what dosage: detailed answer
Diagnosis of diarrhea Diarrhea in a child most often occurs due to an intestinal infection. According to medical practice
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Diet for gastritis: can you eat dried fruits?
The nutritional value of dried fruits is unusually high. Subject to drying technology in apples, pears, plums, grapes
Ultrasound of the first trimester
Heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy
The onset of pregnancy is an important and joyful period in the life of every woman. The first trimester is
Is it possible to take De-Nol and Omez at the same time?
Gastritis and stomach ulcers are the most common diseases of the digestive system. There are several reasons
gallbladder hurts doctor
Gallbladder diverticulum: ultrasound diagnostic capabilities (clinical observation)
Anomalies of the biliary tract in children Anomalies of the development of the biliary tract, which, according to modern concepts,
Taking medications during pregnancy
Dolichosigma in children: intestinal malformations and constipation
The problem of constipation in children at an early age worries parents and pediatricians. Kids push aimlessly
Shrimp for gastritis: can you eat it or not?
Our expert answers your questions: Natalya Grigorieva, anti-age medicine specialist, nutritionist, general director of the clinic
Textbook for students PM 04; 05; 07 on the topic “Performing enemas and a gas outlet tube”
Medicinal enema, algorithm for setting Medicinal enemas are divided into local enemas (micro-enemas) and general
Rescue exercises for pancreatitis
Just 5 exercises: gymnastics for the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and intestines. Will help in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
It is not recommended for anyone to test iron for strength - when its interests are not taken into account,
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