What does beaver stream help with and how to take it

Traditional medicine recipes include beaver stream or scientifically castoreum. This remedy is useful for ulcers, gastritis and other pathologies of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract in general. Regular use helps improve the functioning of the stomach and liver, eliminates constipation, constant feeling of heartburn, flatulence and bloating in the intestines.

Due to its regenerative, healing properties and antibacterial effect, beaver stream is effectively used for various forms of ulcers and inflammation of the gastric walls.

What is beaver stream?

Castoreum is the secretion of the paired sacs of beavers and is an aromatic substance of animal origin. These are not anal glands, but pear-shaped epithelial preputial sacs of a river inhabitant - the beaver, living in areas with reservoirs and an abundance of medicinal herbs, mainly in Altai, in ecologically clean areas. These sacs are filled with a yellowish-brown substance and have a strong musky odor.

It is medicinal plants that make up 90% of the animal’s diet. After their consumption, a half-life process occurs, and all useful components accumulate in a bag-like stream located in the beaver’s groin area. Thanks to the accumulated elements, the animal can heal even the most serious wounds, even fatal injuries.

For humans, castoreum is no less important and useful. It has a regenerative effect not only on the skin, muscles, internal organs, but also on cells. The beaver jet starts the process of complete cell renewal, which is comparable to a rejuvenating effect. With regular use of the product, people note that illnesses practically do not bother them, except in particularly severe cases. Castoreum allows you to remove most of the signs of age that are so unpleasant for women and even men.

How beaver stream was valued in ancient times

beaver stream extract
Even in ancient times, the extraordinary properties of castoreum were noticed. To obtain the coveted stream, entire raids and raids were organized in order to get at least one bag. Beaver fur was also valued, but its cost was 4 times less than the regenerative organ. In ancient times, beaver jets were used to treat wounds, burns and other wounds.

Chinese leader Mao Zedong, while dying due to diabetes, was able to fully recover with the help of a beaver stream. Even in the history of Russia there are several striking examples: Ivan the Terrible recovered after he was given a drug based on castoreum. Peter the first used beaver stream to suppress hangovers and treat colds.

The badger jet has been used in a variety of ways and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Due to its high demand in ancient times, the medicine was able to reach our times and successfully gain a foothold as a reliable means of traditional medicine.

Castoreum in modern conditions

Beaver stream is actively used in modern times. It is classified simultaneously as two types of treatment: folk and traditional. Doctors often suggest that patients undergo a course of castoreum therapy for preventive or therapeutic purposes.

dry musk

Beaver musk helps in almost all areas of medicine: gynecology, urology, neurology, cardiology, etc. The product is universal in use, reliable and has a lot of healing properties, which makes it irreplaceable and unique.

In addition to medicine, beaver stream is used in cosmetics for making perfume. Having a specific smell, castoreum is able to give perfume an unusual and lasting aroma that will stay on the body throughout the day.

An alcohol tincture is prepared based on musk. It is necessary to infuse the remedy correctly, wait the required number of days and, as a result, a powerful medicine of universal use will be obtained. It is not difficult to prepare the tincture; you need to mix vodka and the bags cut into pieces, place the ingredients in a bottle and wait at least a month. The recipe is very simple and you can make the medicine at home.

How is beaver stream useful and what does it treat?

The benefits of beaver stream are invaluable. Only its multicomponent composition deserves special attention. It contains a huge amount of vitamins (A, B, C, E), macroelements and microelements, various acids that have a high penetrating effect.

Here is a list of the invaluable properties of the gland of a river inhabitant:

  • restoration of immunity (can be combined with kombucha from Doctor Beaver);
  • delay in the development of a malignant tumor, suppression of cancer cells;
  • normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, improves erection;
  • stabilizes hormonal levels in women;
  • stimulates improvement of mental activity, has a positive effect on memory;
  • improves coordination of movements;
  • helps with psycho-emotional illnesses;
  • normalizes blood flow, cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • improves heart function;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

The list goes on. Castoreum is a universal remedy, applicable in almost any direction. What can they treat? Here are some examples:

  • oncology;
  • urological and gynecological pathologies;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with joints, muscles, cartilage;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate adenoma, etc.

The use of beaver stream is almost always approved by doctors, not only in a therapeutic, but also in a preventive form. The doctor prescribes the dosage, frequency of doses and duration of the course, after which treatment begins. And you can order a beaver stream on our website of Doctor Beaver in the section

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“I have been taking beaver musk tincture for preventive purposes for more than 7 years, during this time I have not even had a runny nose, my blood pressure and blood vessels are normal, although I am almost 60 years old. There were no negative consequences, I feel great, I exercise regularly, and I look much younger than my peers.”


“My husband treated prostatitis unsuccessfully for a long time - medications only helped for a short time. One elderly urologist advised me to make suppositories with beaver musk - the condition improved within a week. My husband completed a month-long course, and for six months he does not remember his problem.”

How to take beaver stream externally?

One of the advantages of castoreum is the ability to take it both externally and internally. External use involves the use of compresses, ointments (based on dry beaver stream), and lotions.

Compresses help relieve muscle tension and restore the functionality of damaged joints. Lotions are used to disinfect wounds, burns, scratches and cuts, and are also intended for treating the genitals for gynecological or urological pathologies.

Ointment is a more delicate product. It is made on the basis of dry beaver stream and is intended for a number of diseases. The ointment is used to treat fractures, torn muscles, sore joints, varicose veins and much more.

Opinion of doctors and patients

Real reviews.

There is an opinion that traditional medicine cannot be full-fledged medicines. But numerous reviews about the healing effects of beaver stream indicate the opposite. People widely use it both as a general tonic to maintain immunity and strengthen vitality, and in the treatment of serious diseases.

For example, in one of the episodes of the TV show “Good Health,” presenter Gennady Malakhov, together with Angelina Vovk, talk about all the beneficial properties of beaver stream.

More information about the beaver stream and reviews on our YouTube channel!

How is it used internally?

You can take castoreum internally in three forms: tincture, capsule or dry beaver stream. Each type has advantages over the others, but their effectiveness is at the same level.

Internally, beaver stream is used for prevention, boosting immunity, and treating a whole range of diseases, including infectious and viral diseases. Doctors also advise using castoreum internally to restore the functionality of the esophagus, normalize the outflow of bile and stable urination.

Often, internal and external use are combined. This is necessary to achieve a more powerful therapeutic effect, as well as complex therapy of the disease.

Indications and methods of using beaver stream

Indications for the use of the extract are considered to be almost any disease. As practice shows, the drug can be taken for physical damage, autoimmune pathologies, malignant tumors, decreased immunity, viral and infectious diseases. Not every product can boast such a range of application possibilities. The ways to use castoreum are also varied. It can be consumed dry, as a tincture, in capsules, or made into lotions and compresses based on the tincture. It all depends not only on the individual preferences of the patient, but also on the illness that overcomes him.

The healing properties of beaver stream for women

The benefits of beaver stream are invaluable for the fairer sex, namely:

  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helps to endure pregnancy without complications (the drug is taken until the moment of conception);
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • maintains uterine tone, which reduces the risk of miscarriage;
  • reduces the risk of cancer cell formation;
  • suppresses aggressive symptoms of menopause or menopause;
  • relieves pain during the menstrual cycle.

In addition, women are more likely than men to experience a deficiency of nutrients in the body. The beneficial properties of castoreum allow you to restore the missing elements, as well as keep their quantity within normal limits.

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Treatment in gynecology

Beaver stream has long been used in gynecology in Moscow and other cities. Its use and medicinal properties in this area were recorded back in the early 2000s, and to this day the product is successfully used to treat gynecological pathologies.

Castoreum is used to treat such an unpleasant disease as thrush. How should women take beaver stream? For treatment, you need to dilute 2 teaspoons of alcohol tincture in a glass of warm boiled water, then dip a tampon into it and insert it into the vagina before bed for 30 minutes. Within 5-7 days of therapy, the symptoms of candidiasis will be successfully suppressed.

The second use is to maintain cervical tone. As you know, loss of tone often leads to problems during pregnancy, so before conception you need to undergo a preventive and restorative course of castoreum. How to treat with beaver stream? Every day you need to drink a teaspoon of the product, 30-40 minutes before meals. At the same time, hormonal levels are normalized, a problem with which is not uncommon during pregnancy.

Research by doctors, as well as the experience of patients, has shown that beaver stream can cope with female infertility. A positive result follows in 70-75% of cases; after a successful course, the woman’s reproductive function is fully functional.

How many days does the course last? You need to drink the medicine for 21 days, 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture twice a day (6-8 hour interval), then take a break for a week and repeat the course. There is a 70% chance that infertility will be cured.

The healing properties of beaver stream for men

The beaver stream has a more powerful effect on the male body. It is reliably known that for men castoreum is akin to Viagra. The product restores potency, improves erection and semen quality, and stimulates blood circulation in the penis. As a result, sexual intercourse lasts longer, and the likelihood of conception increases significantly. Castoreum can prevent or treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. With regular use, a representative of the stronger sex stops worrying about problems such as prostate adenoma, impotence and impotence, prostatitis. Beaver stream also has a positive effect on libido, which affects sex life.

How to take beaver stream to increase potency

You need to follow this schedule:

  • The first 14 days of therapy. Twice a day you need to drink 1 teaspoon of alcohol tincture, 20-30 minutes before meals.
  • Next 14 days of treatment. Take a teaspoon once a day, before bed, 2 hours after the last meal.
  • Afterwards, a break of 10-12 days is taken, and another course is carried out.

During the course of treatment, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and fatty foods, they can negatively affect the results of the therapeutic course.

How to take castoreum for oncology

Oncology is a common pathology from which no one is immune. The modern pharmaceutical industry can only support and slow down the development of tumors using extremely harmful chemotherapy.

The beaver stream can completely stop the development of oncology, especially at the initial stage. Castoreum suppresses even the developed form of a tumor, preventing it from progressing further.

For such a diagnosis, you can use two remedies: dry beaver stream and alcohol tincture. The first remedy should be added to food daily, strictly once a day, in a volume of 10-12 grams. It is advisable to take the medicine at lunchtime so that the musk is completely digested before bedtime.

Alcohol tincture for oncology should be drunk twice a day, 1 tablespoon, for 3 weeks. Next, a short break for diagnostics and a repeat of the course for 21 days.

The dosage is standard, but some people should not take that much beaver jet at a time. It is advisable to consult a doctor who, based on the patient’s individual indications, will independently prescribe the dosage.

How to take beaver stream for hypertension

Castoreum significantly strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, which helps maintain normal blood pressure. This is a very useful property for those who suffer from attacks of hypertension.

For chronic high blood pressure, you need to drink a teaspoon of beaver stream tincture a day, an hour before meals. But this is where difficulties arise. With high blood pressure, vomiting is often present. As you know, castoreum has a sharp, specific odor that can cause nausea. To prevent such a situation, it is advisable to replace the alcohol tincture with capsules that have no odor or taste. They are just as effective as vodka tinctures, but taking them for hypertension is much easier.

Composition and medicinal properties

Beaver stream, the medicinal properties of which are difficult to overestimate, is available in various dosage forms: as an alcohol tincture, in the form of rectal or vaginal suppositories, in capsules, etc.

The beneficial properties of castoreum are due, for the most part, to the substances contained in the secretion of the anal glands, which include:

BorneolHas anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It also finds its use as an antidepressant due to its calming effect on the human body.
GuaiacolThis substance is an excellent anesthetic and antiseptic.
O-cresolAlso has an antiseptic effect.
P-ethylphenol is a component of petroleumIt is believed that oil has healing properties and due to this it is used in the treatment of more than 70 diseases, incl. for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, ENT organs, etc. Despite the fact that oil is a toxic product and has contraindications for its use, p-ethylphenol itself does not have a negative effect on the body.
Salicylin and salicylic acidThey have anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Salicylic acid, in addition, has an antipyretic effect.
Benzoic, carbolic, hypuric acidsAccelerate the processes of regeneration and cellular metabolism, promote the healing of wound surfaces and reduce inflammation.

Good reviews from the use of this medicine are due to the fact that beaver stream contains vitamins A, C, E and group B.

Vitamin AImproves the development of skin cells and bone tissue, and also plays an important role in visual processes.
Vitamin BThe main area of ​​work of this group of substances is maintaining the functioning of the nervous, hormonal, and hematopoietic systems.
Vitamin CIt is an indispensable component in the functioning of our body. It has antioxidant properties, promotes iron absorption, improves the functioning of the immune system, and relieves fatigue.
Vitamin EIt is classified as a cardioprotector, as it has antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating effects, and reduces the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

The beaver gland also contains useful macro- and microelements, which include:

PhosphorusNecessary for the functioning of the urinary system, liver, heart, brain, and is part of bone tissue and teeth.
MagnesiumRegulates nervous processes, ensures muscle function, protects the heart from overload.
SodiumThe main role of sodium in the human body is to regulate fluid balance. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.
ManganeseParticipates in the functioning of the nervous system, improves the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Manganese also regulates the processes of hematopoiesis, hormone formation and strengthens the immune system.
ZincIt is an important element that is necessary for protein synthesis, the functioning of hormones, the brain, and the reproductive system.

Each person has the right to decide for himself whether to buy a beaver stream in alcohol or in any other form for his home medicine cabinet, but the price of health in this case is obvious.

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What other diseases does beaver stream help with?

In addition to the above problems, beaver stream is useful for the following diseases:

  • for viral hepatitis (B and C);
  • for diseases of the blood composition;
  • acts as a post-operative rehabilitation agent;
  • treats gastritis;
  • castoreum is effective against tuberculosis, pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases;
  • successfully copes with acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • used for furunculosis and other skin pathologies;
  • Helps with musculoskeletal disorders.

In addition to its effect on the physical state, castoreum has a beneficial effect on the human psyche. Beaver stream suppresses stress, aggression, irritability and other symptoms of problems with the central nervous system.

Harm, side effects and contraindications

Is there any harm from beaver stream? The clear answer is no! The usefulness of beaver stream has been repeatedly proven by doctors and patients. It contains only medicinal herbs, so there is no question of harm.

But, if you violate the rules of administration, often exceed the dosage and ignore the doctor’s requirements, you can disrupt hormonal levels, provoke metabolic problems and cause an increase in acidity in the stomach. These problems can be avoided if you strictly follow the instructions for use.

Side effects are also a result of overdose. The result of the disorder can be insomnia, migraines and temporary irritability, depression or stress. The phenomena are not life-threatening, but cause discomfort, so it is important to adhere to the dosage and rules of use.

Video about using a beaver jet

Are there any contraindications for use?

The following contraindications exist for the use of beaver stream:

  • Personal intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Age up to 12 years.
  • Damage to the adrenal glands.
  • Organic lesions of the genitourinary organs.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the digestive system (ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal disorders).
  • Exacerbation of somatic ailments.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Severe forms of diseases.

The product has a strong immunomodulatory effect, so it can negatively affect the development of the child’s immune system.

The specific effects of the substance on the fetus have not been studied, therefore its use during pregnancy is not recommended.

Exacerbation and severe forms of any disease are associated with serious disorders in the body and require adequate drug treatment, and in most cases, a strict diet. Therefore, the use of the jet in such situations is contraindicated in order to prevent complications of illnesses and deterioration of the patient’s condition.

In case of personal intolerance to the drug, overdose, or too long use, side effects may occur such as:

  • allergies (skin rash, redness, itching, burning);
  • upset stomach, intestines (flatulence, bloating, pain, colic, nausea or vomiting, abnormal stool);
  • headache.

Therefore, before starting a therapeutic course, you need to try a small amount of the drug and see how the body reacts. If after 24 hours no side effects appear, the drug can be used in accordance with the dosage specified in the instructions for the drug.

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